(2011/04) Apr 2011


at time when i just want to chew the pearl but dun drink milk tea i will buy soya milk then add pearls but of cos their pearls not nice leh


Vivi - Currently taking hormone pill + folic acid. But my hormone pill eat finish don't need to continue liao ..

Dr Loh issued obimin to me & will be collecting it at my visit to kkh nxt thurs. so will be obimin + folic acid.

Meanwhile I just continue to drink my fresh milk every morning (trying to drink everyday)

Thanks Pink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

In fact I feel really warm that you gals are very supportive to me, willing to hear my rants.

Maybe Pink when you stop your puking you can start to take the vits again.

Yeah the DHA pilss that I have gotten from my gynae is at $55 but I think Watson sells obimin should be cheaper so thinking of getting outside after the obimin is finshed. But I scare the gynae will mind leh....

I also just signed package from my gynae, another $800 gone !!!

Actually I also force myself to drink 1 cup of the anmum every morning. This is the pregnancy milk that I have bought. So far finished 3 boxes liao. No choice since I am not eating much so thought of drinking milk to make sure the little one has enough nutrients. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for obimi u check out NTUC unity first:p for fish oil i got mine from iherbs the NOrdic brand v gd n only $54 for 180caps it like 6mth supply each mth $9... save alot..

sorry babes, what is obimin?

no prob vivi, yah the girls here are really supportive and helpful. I hope Rene can give you some advice and everything will work out fine.

I can't sign package until 20 weeks... haiz.


OBIMIN is the brand of 1 multivit...


i also sign my package when i am 12wk spend $750 more to come[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I've set date with my colleague to go buy MOS milk tea tomor !! yeah !!

Now going to nap liao .. sleepy *Yawn*

Pink I know some gynae will only offer package from 20 weeks onwards. Usually female gynaes will offer package from 20 week onwards and male gynaes will start to offer packages from 12 weeks onwards.

This is what my previous gynae shared with me.

yeah piggy more to come. I wonder how much is my FA scan going to cost like. I am doing my FA scan in NUH. The other time the Oscar test costs $214 liao.


i'm also taking DHAxtra too

my gynae used to have 2 packages one is from 12wks and the other 20wks but now change liao only left with 20wks

some gynae don't even have packages


haha..gd idea..

i am only taking multi vit tat my doc prescribe me leh..it even haf FA so i stop my own FA intake...hmm...do i need more?

Pink maybe different gynae operate differently ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Since you have gotten a good and assuring gynae that is the most important thing.

ST the DHA pills a bit smelly because I nose itchy can smell it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy I was given 2 choices either NUH or TMC because of cost factor so I took the oscar test from NUH. Yeah I mean roughly how much is the 20 week detailed scan? I will be doing mine at NUG again and it will be on 29 November 2010. They auto booked for me after I finished my oscar test the other time.


is urs the softgel type? so far the smell still ok for me. It's only when there was once the gel was too soft and i pressed too hard the gel broke wow the smell is powerful leh even my hand after wash still smelly and oily

Yeah ST mine is the softgel kind. Wow you power la still go and press. I only smell it because I curious ma..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivi not really do it in purpose leh..cos i need to take out the gel to eat meh so have to press lor..but dunno why the gel already very soft then when i press the whole oil just spill out hahah

Phew the charges will be cheaper than the oscar test? I thought it will be more ex.

I am so waiting for my next scan but have to wait till 8 November another 3 more weeks before I see the little one. Hopefully can scan the gender liao.

The other time gynae tried to see but little one is sitted down and crossed legs so cannot see a single thing at all.

Back from power nap...

The package u all mentioned is annetal package? so ex meh & nd to wait till 20 wk? I haven sign yet but next appt will sign then will offset from my previous bill. Package $550, if any illness in between go back to gynae at no charge.

I paid Nt scan plus a detailed scan $230plus..

I don't take any pills cos cun swallow, will throw out. Seldom take medicine in pills form..

Anyone of your child here sleeping in own room? Wanted to start my gal liao, if not #2 come, rm will be cramp with crib & stuff...

y my gynae nvr tell me abt all these scans one???

i'm only scheduled for a blood test and a supposed detailed scan next mth leh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


oscar test is more ex becos of the blood test. DS only scan so cheaper[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my last check up bb also in sittin position n crossed leg but my gynae v exp he will push the bb ard make him move a bit here n there n can see the birdie v clearly... so far i see my gynae scan like v easy 1 the position of the bb like no prob for him at all..

Saw u all post the mos burger milk tea, me went get n enjoying nw so happy after drinking[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kAI Lee,

we only need to take Oscar(NT scan + BT) n DS thru out the preg since u alr schedule for it liao so u shd know mah?


my gynae nvr explain anything to me leh...i haf no idea if tat is considered oscar?

my blood test and detailed scan is done seprately tho...


icic maybe u can ask??? oscar test is usu the NT scan + Blood test n they compute the statistic.. maybe ur blood test is for other thing?? detailed scan is by it own 1 to check if bb organ is norm :p


i am such a noob mummy...

KKH simply scheduled the detailed scan for me without asking my preference leh...

i will ask my gynae next round..but she holiday now ah..seeing another gynae...haizz..

Hey mummies I was out of action for last two weeks cos of very bad ms. Could not keep all food and drink until gynae prescribed primperan, which is antivomiting medicine via anal insertion.

Saw you all discussing drinks just now. I went to see tcm two Saturday ago and the sinseh said my headache is caused by "wind" in my body. So she told me to keep away from cold drink. She prescribed Chinese medicine but too bitter for me so I gave up and rather endure the headache. But I heed her advice to abstain from cold drinks.

Past few days I also observe when I drink room temperature ribena, water or fruits I ll vomit. So now I only drink warm water or Milo. If you are unlucky like me still having bad vomitting you may want to keep away from cold drinks.


not all gynaes do the scans at the same time, some of them have a different timing for you to do certain things. there's a window period for you to do it so maybe you can ask? Maybe he hasn't updated you yet


My girl is sleeping in her own room since July.. She is turing 2 end of this year.. At first, super jialat.. wake up 4-5 times a night.. but I would always keep her company.. Then after 1+months, she managed to sleep on her own liao.. just that I have to put her to bed... sit next to her bed.. But recently, she has been regressing.. Don't know why. She keeps waking up and want me to hug her to sleep.. That's why I am sooo tired..

mummy ho,

that sounds horrible. my vomiting was very terrible too but i think yours was worse. i was prescribed oral medication but i refused to take. I was very stubborn and stupid. Is this your #1 or #2? Think we have hyperemis gravidarum...

Hope you're feeling better. How many weeks are u in now? I also went to see TCM for my vomiting and insomnia. I had insomnia for almost 1.5 months and i was completely miserable. But the medicine is really gross so i only took like 3 packs out of the 40 over packs she gave me.

And yes during those days I only drank hot milo.alot of hot milo and glucose water. Can't drink water it will make me puke.

Now that I think of it, I must have spent like 2K$ or something on bills already, coz I went to see 3 gynaes plus TCM. Gosh.


who is yr gynae? same package as my gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i did NT scan + Blood test at gynae clinic paid $200


no la u r 1st time mummy mah so it norm tt u not sure wat to ask... usu NT scan is done ard 10-13wk n DS ard 19-21wk... n most gynae will only inform u when it abt time..


hope u r better now... take care ya..


Ya hubby's co super jialat.. that's why we always have to plan holidays way in advance one.. very xian... cannot have spontaneous trips.. On top of having to book leave in advance, it is first come first get leave kind of system.. So you must be fast one..


my girl just turn 2 i still dun dare to train her ler. still thking maybe till #2 abt 1yo then train both sleep in their room, at least they got accompany each other.

i thk if not train since born must be very hard bah

Hilo mummies I'm back again hahaha wanted to come up bug suddenly boss appear frm nowhere

koi milk tea mos burger milk tea!!!! Hilo ladies I'm flooding my table wif my saliva soon.

I'm hungry!!!! Cook macaroni last nite for lunch today aft eating stomach pain n got lots of air aft doing business I'm hungry!!!

Ltr gng for crystal jade steamboat hahahaha looking forward now.


I can help too if u all don mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe

Pink - today I m 12 weeks 0 days. U sound like u have gotten past e misery u had previously. I really hope I ll be like u too. I m also suffering from insomnia. Poor hb had to endure my turning and tossing every night. At least I get to catch up on my sleep in the day cos I was on hl again the last two weeks.

My appetite is real bad now too and I cannot do without the primperan cos will vomit almost immediately after eating or drinking. I lost all e weight I gained since getting pregnant and my skin looked dehydrated...


so kelianz...at least u know some remedies to help with ur discomfort...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]takecarezz..


think my gynae not bery the gd loh..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]think i will really ask the gynae abt all the tests required...to haf a beta understanding...


have u consider changin gynae.. since u also prefer pte gynae?? now change jus nice mah can sign package :p


i hate this kind of system like preventing pp from takin leave.. usu only 7days in advance mah... ur HB workin in local firm or???


gd luck to u inadvance...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: baby moving..

this few day i can feel my bb moving gettin stronger suddenly it reminds me of the pain of the kick again..

mummy ho,

i was like you really. except maybe yours is worst. I had depression and I cried every night because I knew it was going to be another sleepless night. Then in the morning I would cry again coz i had to face my vomiting (and my beloved toilet bowl) myself again. I vomited 20 over times a day. Sometimes food, sometimes bile, sometimes acid, sometimes water, milo, everything, biscuits.

The worst thing was when I felt so helpless and nobody could understand my pain. I was so miserable I contemplated having an abortion. I asked myself everyday why everyone else loves their baby but I felt nothing. I felt that the baby was evil and it was out to torture me. That was how bad it was. My discomfort was the kind that even lying down I felt horrible. Is yours like that? I couldn't sleep in the daytime even. My friends said I looked like I aged 10 years. I had to stop all my work, all my leisure activities, my whole life came to a halt.

I think the worst thing that happened was that I felt that I was living in a dark hole. I told some of the mothers here and they were so supportive. That really helped. Some of us here have/had really bad MS too. I was even more stubborn than u, so desperate and miserable yet REFUSED to take the damn medicine. My hubby was at his wit's end too and one night he really asked me if we shld stop this because i was so upset and I wanted him to stop my pain. Even typing this now I will still cry...


I wanted my daughter to be independent before #2 comes along.. I worried if I train her after #2 comes, then she might think it is all #2's fault.. But your way seems good too.. put the 2 together.. at least got company.. but my room will have no space if both #1 and #2 sleep with us..


My hb work in hospital.. that's why so hard to get leave.. When you take leave, your work has to be covered.. So only a certain no. of people can take leave during the same period..


mummy ho,

i lost 3 kgs since the start of this pregnancy...

Since you're already on medication, things will really get better soon. Try to stay in an air con room and keep the temperature low... make urself comfortable as much as possible.

Around the later part of 13 weeks I got better. I still vomit a few times a day now but the nauseousness is not so bad anymore. Previously, the nauseousness was constant throughout the day no matter what. I finally could sleep and that was a big improvement. Fatigue plays a role too, so if u can rest and sleep more, it will help.

