(2011/04) Apr 2011


yes u can take but not more than 1 cup aday cos even coffee gynae say 1cup a day is fine... when i had #1 i still take bubble tea often but share with HB[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lol so tt u i was tinkin who keke ok will update u in the table tonite:p



wah ur hB co so jialiat ah.. 6mth in advance??? faintz...


i still squat cos of my #1.. as long as not v long it ok la..

i cannot drink tea leh...my tummy will bloat..and i'll feel v uncomfortable...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

omg..damn sleepy now...help!!!

suddenly envious of JJ who is on PM leave n resting at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


thanks that's very good advice. yah cannot push my luck... try to eat abit more sometimes but will end up even worse. it's hard to gauge how much is the "right" amount. stomach is very fussy. Argh. U know before this, i really hate eating? I used to be able to survive on 1 meal a day. Some days I can eat abit of lunch and super light dinner and i'll be ok with it.

Coz I'm the meaty kind, will grow very fat if i eat normal meals. I hate this eating around the clock cycle... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rene had replied you liao. I think I will not give my resignation letter so readily.

DZ I took ice cream wor those in a cup kind but only small cup and in vanilla flavour.

I on and off will drink some ice lemon tea though I know tea is not very good. But I seem to love ice lemon tea leh and too bad cant really drink because of the caffine.

Piggy and Sookie for me I use the sit down toilet. But next time when your stomach is heavier it will be quite tough right to squat?


lately i also stop my milk intake leh..cos of my gastrics...haizz...dunno how my BB doing inside..this morn take multi vit also everything throw out...arrghsss


er... iced lemon/peach tea ah, i still drink. but i can't drink bubble tea, coz it makes me lose sleep. Argh i'm dying to try the KOI at clementi central but i can't! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

and that day, PIGGY posted a big cup of KOI bubble tea on her FB and my saliva was all over my lappie! =(

Kai _lee .. I also haven seen babies for a while .. wish there is a machine or a mobile monitor I can carry ard and here them more often .. sometimes after a while , worry if they ok or not inside ...

I drink practically everything except plain water. Mouth super bland.. I just had ice-cream yesterday.. still sipping my peach tea. My gynae say no coffee & tea. I cut off coffee liao, but still tempt to drink coke, especially 1st sip with the gassy feeling..shiok. But I try to just few sips only.

Actually my #1(gal) easy to take care. give her dough she can play by herself liao. These few days, she will keep everything nicely after playing so I gave her big hugs & kisses for job well done. Or she will take book 'read' by herself. Now, she will tell me she can shower herself & ask me to watch her only cos she's big jie jie already. Every nite I'll ask her to sing a song for bb & say gd nite. So far so good, hope she can maintain all the way..

i cannot drink milk too... super bloated and gastric pain... hate soy bean too. Sigh. My auntie thinks that if i drink alot of beverages that are white our child will come out white. Conversely, if i drink dark colored drinks the child will come out dark. I was so amused. So if I drink ribena the child will out red? If I drink F&N grape the child will come out purple? ~~LOL

But I have so many packets of instant soy bean now in my cupboard (From my auntie), anyone wants to take it from me?

hey tweety!! how is ur trip so far!!! miss you too!!

since nobody volunteered to be admin on the fb group, i randomly assigned kailee and bbgoh yah? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pink.. the way u describe so funny leh.. hehe..

it's so hard to control those "bad" cravings!! i still drink half a cup of coffee every morning and drinks cold soft drinks everyday.. even bubble tea... gosh im so guilty... but i guess, bb oso wans me to be a happy mum right??? hehehehe :p


when ur tummy big wan squat also hard keke.. if i squat usu becos i need to attend to my son:p


tt clementi branch lousy leh n v v sweet.. they din even ask the sweetness level u wan..


ur gynae so strict.. most gynae i know say 1 cup ok wor...


dun worry usu vit will be absorb in our body liao wun puke out together with food bah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kai_lee - don't envy ... no at home no free air-con so hot .... slowly eating my porriage scare this morn situtation happen again

I drank KOI too !! but its the fresh milk tea one with no ice ... I also allowing myself 1/2 cup of tea once a week usually Mon.. if not I will go bonkers

but i still haven't satisfy my tea craving !! I wanna drink MOS ice milk tea !!! I want to drink that !!


ya jus drink as long as u happy but soft drink everyday not advisable la cos may get GD leh den u die die mus control diet which is worse...

Lex your gal is so sweet and how old is she?

Me too my mouth will be bland at funny times and I cant even drink plain water. When I eat sour plums, it doesnt even help too.

Piggy me nowadays also dare to squat because they said not good. So sometimes when I drop something my colleagues are nice enough to help me pick up.

Wow Koi milk tea I never had a chance to drink because the queue is always freaking long hee hee


haha..yar..esp days when u suddenly worry how BB is doing inside..


wow...ur #1 is so dong shi...not sure how my #1 will turn out yet.keke

hi tweety...enjoy taiwan!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur aunties full of imaginations leh...keke

i hafen tried at nite leh..maybe i shld hor..these days auto one..i pop the vit in..sure puke..sigh

u can assign me la...but hor...i am v noob when it comes to FB one hor...let u all know first :p

piggy+ the rest,

very sian i have to avoid all bubble tea stalls coz i get insomnia from drinking it. i'm not avoiding it because of the caffeine.

i have also read that 1 cup of coffee a day is acceptable. I even know of a mother who drank alot of coke (she told me at least 1 can a day, everyday throughout her pregnancy) and her child is fine. Primary 2 now. So.... i think it's up to the mother how strict/disciplined you want to be or how cautious u want to be or how much of these stuff you believe.

JJ yes I love the MOSS burger ice milk tea too!!! arghh but i don't know if i can sleep after drinking it so now i have to order ice lemon tea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yes best not to squat but if have to a while is ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am quite lucky my timin always v gd so far no need to q when i wan koi keke... but i no fan of milk tea la usu i only buy their other drink tt time my HB let me try their ice cream tea not bad wor haha....


yes i agree but sumtime i tink better play safe la cos u nv know if u r lucky or sway n also it depend on our gene n how much u wan to risk.. if ur bb is weak becos of our diet n fall sick often u can go crazy 1 cos v v cranky so it not abt whether ur child norm anot but also how strong or weak they r.... as long as moderate i dun see any prob[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm so the multi vit is making u puke? or you will puke regardless? you can try taking it in the afternoon or at night then...maybe after food?

My last gynae gave me this super DUA multi vit, when i look at it i feel like i will gag. I can't even think of putting it into my mouth. My current gynae prescribed another one (MUCH CHEAPER) and it's much much smaller too so it's ok for me. Maybe urs is very big? take already got reflex movement want to vomit it out? u poor thing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my body didnt even wait for the vit to dissolve loh..i cld see the vit pill in my puke...but i might try to take at nite instead bah...like wat pink suggest


hee...u still online ah..shld be resting mah...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies i am sua ku...wat on earth is KOI milk tea???


My gal is 3plus. When she's sweet, she can real sweet, the way she speaks & act, can really bring smile to you even when you are angry. But tantrums comes...it's a terror. Now taming her, teaching her to speak out her emotion rather than actions.

Wat's this KOI milk tea abt? I know it's been ard for quite some time & the queue is always super long no matter where..tat super nice?

Just threw out...sucks..sigh, when ms gonna end???

Eyes feels like closing, going to take a short nap with my gal b4 she wakes up at 2.45pm, be back later...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes..it is quite big one...i usually eat after brekky..cos tats wat the instructions say..1 in the morn...but..take liao puke...totally waste money..i shall try taking at nite bah...

Kai_Lee - Koi bubble tea is a new "IN" thing now .. from taiwan, suppose to be very nice. Some said their bubbles are smaller & chewier ... Plus can choose the sweetness level (70%, 50% etc) so seems more healthy

I personally like their Fresh Milk Tea

Lots of outlets (bugis, parkway, chinatown, toa payoh) but all have long long queues one .... If u really want can go toa payoh one their Q system is more organised.

I'm resting ah .. in front of TV surfing net & watching TV


yah that kind big one i think quite expensive... u try... hope it works.

KOI bubble tea came from Taiwan if I'm not wrong... the bubble tea is very rich and creamy, and you can request for less sugar. they have alot of flavors... I first tried it at the Marine Parade branch... but i'm the conventional kind, only go for the basic 珍珠奶茶


this KOi v v long liao but still v popular actually their 0% sugar is alr sweet.. my was friend was tellin me the milk tea is v diff from sg 1 v nice but i dun drink milk tea so no comment but their bubble is really v chewy la..

thanks JJ and pink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif],

but i cannot take tea leh...makes me bloated..

oh..haf u ladies also heard tat we shldnt take green tea as well?cos it breaks down nurtients like FA in our body also?

i love green tea one...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


your #1 sounds very independent and mature ;)

i hope that my kid is a girl... even though i've been told that if it's a girl i'll get pressurized into having #2... but i will stay firm!

I really look forward to having a daughter to dress up and teach and hang out with [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

St - Nooooooooooooooooooo............... how can u tempt me !!!!!!!

I so so so so want to drink that !!!


i take it once in awhile when we are having jap food. but i seemed to not like the taste anymore...

USED to love it too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


actually no leh my friend attended the anental classes in KK it's stated green tea has the least caffine among all teas

JJ you so good life can rest , me also want but have to work late again tonight.

Talking about multi vitamins, what kind of vitamins are you taking? I stopped folic acid and is eating obimin and Dhaxtra pills - I think like fish oil.


gd gd..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nm loh..since it's not really gd for BB...we just make do for the time being loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heee...alll the bubble tea talk make me wan to eat the pearls leh...i actually like them v much...


my gynae gave me calcium, iron n fish oil no multivit but i still continue to take FA... :p


ya lo me too love to chew the pearl 1 haha..


jia you...

i'm taking multi vits prescribed by gynae and vit b6 for morning sickness. that's all... was giving DHA and iron/calcium pills and big multi vits by previous gynae but i'm not taking... keep vomiting so no point taking. i feel like the gynae is a rip off... made me buy so many vits!!

