(2011/04) Apr 2011

Vonn - yar he is really ex! Why do u go to him? He's quite pro natural, is that why u picked him? Nick doesn't like the baby rock much, I think he is too big for it. There isn't a manual I think, just look on the baby rock Aussie website for ideas? Can show you when we meet up.



6 in 1 alr included hep b only 5 in 1 need to take separate jab... all healthway package same only diff is the dr... u can request for assessments they do provide but the $270 is be4 GST[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Michelle-thank you 4 providing the info..

Gin-thus for Gina ford, we cannot check much info online right? Defintely has to buy her books cos check online-mostly recommend to buy her books! Not much info online..

Mrs chua-I have nt cfm going cos my hb may not be in spore..if he is nt in spore, I do not dare to bring my girl out alone...my hb will cfm with me later this week and I get back to you then..thanks....


If GF post too much info no 1 wun buy her book[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u can check if library got her book den no need buy or see if mummies who gt the book can share the routine recommended anot?

Hilo so long nv come in le.

So busy wif work, hm, kids n alot alot alot pro makin me so stress up finali cannot tahan n broke down.

I'm on for the gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I oso lookin for Flashcards those black, white n red kind. If u manage to find it outside do let me know.


U so cute talk till no topic. When my boy cry I sing to him he cry lOuder lo I think he find my singing not nice


Heard tat purple destini is to heal diaper rash while blue de is for prevention mayb u can try.

1 month bash celebration!!

Date: 11 June (Sat)

Location: Pink's house (Bt Timah)

Time: 12.30pm onwards

1) Piggytoh + HB + #1&2

2) Gerry+ #1&2

3) Totoro_bb + #1&2

4) hippopolai + hb + #1&2 (reach after 2pm most probaly)

5) tweety + jerrell (hb not confirmed)

6) vonn + hubby + #1&2

7) bbgoh + hb + #1&2

8) 3G (Gerald, Germaine & Gervaise)

9) Pearly + Hubby + #1&2

10) baby26 + #1,2&3 + maid

11) elmo + hb + #1 & 2 (can only reach ard 330pm. U all wanna wait for me? :p)

12) Sookie + Baby Z

13) Vivi + Hubby + baby Vianne

14) Michelle + hubby + baby Jovann

15) unome (Samantha) + baby Heidi + maid

16) Yolk Sac + Baby (No 2) only

17) Kris (Shyannlong)+baby Sharmyn (#2) + baby shyann(#1)

18) fungfung + HB + Zaccheus

19) sandydee + hb + #1 + #2


B-ready looks good hor? Quite surprised u actually popped by to have a look.. Guess u like sturdy kind of stroller ba? I prefer these to flimsy ones.. =x


I have the Gina Ford's new contented baby book.. U keen on it? I can give u since i'm not following it.. U going for the bash right? I can pass it to u then..

I saw a mummy asking if u all bringing stroller to the bash? Bringing? Or not bringing?


I recommend drapolene.. Smear a super thick layer on affected area.. Very effective for my girl.. The other creams, even PD-prescribed one made it worse for her cos too thick, think her skin "couldn't breathe".. Hope it'll get better quick! Very 痛苦, i understand!

Yolk, I've seen him before he shift to Camden so followed him for the 2 pregs. But now factory closed, jus yearly chk up, any gynae can do it.

BB Rock very chunky, but I think it's better than MIM?

Sapphire, if nt wrong poly chrg $150 for 5in1, if ong ek chrg $150, I might as well go to him since he's my gal pd.

But his clinic is horrid, very crowded and squeezy.

Call the clinic, nurse r so busy tat they neglect phone calls.

Me bringing stroller [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i gng alone 1st so stroller is a must if not I can't carry both will die ar by the time I reach pink Hse


Donno lei. I shld b either train Down to clementi den cab to pink Hse or frm woodlands take bus. My here got 1 bus go but is outside pink Hse den walk in lo.

I used to it le always bring 2 of them frm my Hse walk to cwp

Made of cloth material, equipped with a teether at the end of the book and a rattle at the opposite end.

Book squeaks when pressed and is washable.

Comes in a set of 4:

- I Can Do Anything

- Play With Me

- One Sunny Day

- Quack says the Duck

6 pages in each book and measures 22cmx16cm.

Stocks to arrive mid to end June 2011.

Each set of 4 books at $38 inclusive of normal postage.

Interested parties kindly email me at: [email protected].

Thanks for viewing!



a friend ever taught me to use the nipple cream that we use for our sore nipple to apply on baby's butt if baby is having very bad nappy rash... said that it heals very fast... no harm trying.

Oh yes! Kae's feeding time is slowly stretching liao! The night before was 10pm to 4.30am.. Last night is 10.30pm till 5am!! Yay! But i think he got a bit of phlegm cos his breathing very noisy suddenly.. Die le, hope he didn't get it from his jiejie.. & i suddenly got sore throat.. Haiz..


Wah! Pei fu leh! Bus!!! I dare not even bring #1 take bus with stroller alone till now.. How u take bus with both kids, a stroller & diaper bag??? Got enough hands to hold everything meh?

Sorry to disturb but did any mummy change their BB's name on the birth certificate after it was issued? If yes, can you kindly share the process and documents needed. How much will it cost? Where can this be done? Is there a timeline before we are not allowed to make change? What abt CDA account? Pls pm me as i might lose the thread. Thanks.


Normali the bus I take got this standin area de. Will park my pram there use my body to 顶the pram n I don sit de n I sling my boy so handsfree hold my gal get her to hold the bar too while another hand I hold the bar. If I go out alone got to take bus will use back pack.

So far I met kind ppl who will help me bring the pram up the bus. Onli tried twice most of the time I take train

thanks mummies

lata I ll brg her to see dr keoy from tmc her PD when born, if can't help i thk I ll brg to KKH see got any specialist.

as last PD also said if by then not recover ll ask me go hospital. sigh....

i dun mind to trying any good recom from all mummies but if try mean to wait & observe again. it alrdy last abt 3wks le everytime clean her butt I so heartpain how I wish the one got it is me.

ming, u'd need to go down to ICA to make the changes if I rem correctly and u'd only be given a copy version as it's no longer considered 'original' by the authority, due to the change(this was what the pax at the birth regn counter told me when we did our #2's registration).

hi mommies, long time no come in here, how's everyone coping?

I've finally tried latching bb lying down on the bed the 2nd time few days ago, cos I was sooo tired from viewing a kindergarten at early hour and I tot to steal a short nap after she's fallen aslp. However, my bb din wanna let go of my nip this time round and I ended up being her slping pacifier!(dur which I did drift off to brief nap myself, dangerous rite!) My hub came in, saw this, laughed and commented "u'd be in trouble when she gets too used to it" and that kinda 'woke me up'. I removed my nip from her mouth and she pouted and cried, omg!

Then on Sunday, brought her out(to the mall, not just to my mom's, heee), and she fussed in the car when we were waiting for my #1 to finish her exam, so I had to bf her in the car just to comfort her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Then at the mall, I kept asking hub if I shld feed her 1st b4 we head to dinner, he din hear me, but the rest we wanted to go was under reno, so we ended up gg home, hahaha, so still no actual experience in bf her 'outside' again. Told hub, next time must plan our outing properly esp if we wanna hv dinner outside with bb. Cfm place/rest. to go to, let me bf bb first then go to rest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, any mommy here using/used Avent's digital bottle warmer? I wanna get one 'cos my maid keeps using hot water to warm up the EBM(esp. when we're not around!), I guess they'are like that lah, why wld they care rite...

bbgoh, for diaper rash, I've tried various brands for my #1 and found Mustela's vitamin barrier cream the best. So, for my #2, I st bought the same in preparation and we're using it at almost every diaper change. If the rash is not very bad, why don't u give this cream a try 'cos the cream PDs give usually contain steroid, I personally wld try to avoid unless really necessary even though the % might not be very high but for long term use, not to my preference lor.


Hope this pd will be able to know what to do..

For both my girls I never had to put any barrier cream.. And I think it is cos I use pampers.. A little expensive but worth it I think..

Your girl's diaper rash looks really bad with an open wound.. I don't know if barrier cream will be good at this point.. Might cause it to get worse..

Food allergies,

In today's Mind Your Body, there is an article about food allergies and when to introduce foods like eggs, peanuts and other allergenic food.. Thought it might be of interest to us mummies..

Pearly, well done tat the timing is stretching.

Mine drank at 12am and follow by 4am...hope its really stretching.

Mum05, i use Mustela products. Love their stuffs from stretch mark cream, barrier cream to body lotion to no rinse cleansing fluid to head and body wash...hehe...i'm a big fan of mustela!

Btw, anyone keen in this sleep sheep? Brand new...


Pm me if anyone keen ya..


Bbgoh hugs to your baby and yourself. I feel heartpain too when I saw the pic.

Sandy ya la talk until no topic then she look at me waiting for me to talk somemore I very thirsty leh doing all the talking

This little monster of mine woke up at 8 am

Plus slept half an hour now wide awake.

Then yesterday she dozed off at 11pm

And me and Hubby chuckled thinking yesterday night was a bonus night chey she woke up at 11.30pm then slept at 12am

But woke up at 12.30am for milk so yesterday I only finished work at 1am -_-


How is K after Dr. Koey review?


Wow~ ur Vianne! I 200% salute u!!! If my J like that, I'm so gonna smack her everyday... Naughty girl... U'r very motherly leh... She 'test' u like that u also can dong dong dong... If I were u... I sure go woodbridge liao... Erh... I'm not as motherly.... Haa haa...


Y u wanna sell the sheep? She is so cute~~~

Hippo now you know why I always complain I tired. No choice we chose to have her so have to grit my teeth hopefully things will be better but I don't know when.

Sometimes I also depress leh somemore Hubby working my dad helped a bit.

I also don't know why Vianne is like this sometimes very gek sim so I cried at home too


i jus saw the pic. looks really painful. my bb's pd is dr keoy too... hopefully dr keoy can help with the rash n all. meanwhile do keep e wound cool...


ya lor why u wanna sell? so cuteee.


im using avent warmer... its quite good. temp can be adjusted... easy to use also. :)


Cute but I think I have no use for it.

I tot play music de..

Hippo, u use ''she' so funny, like selling baby haha

Hello mummies!

I'm so dead. R prefers to latch on instead of bottle. Drink from bottle can see he very bu shuang and not satisfied. He even wants to latch to sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

How to break away from his this habit? If not when I go back to work, quite jialat.

just back from review

changed the antibiotic cream and continuous apply desitin and let it air as much as possible. sad that have to take oral antibiotic, take 1-2 wks to fully recover. 1wk lata ll go bk review after finsih the antibiotic.

vonn, me too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

michelle, may I know which one are you using? the norm electric or the new digital one? I find the features of the digital one very good and it's indicated that it warms up faster too...


Ya don't be sad.. Hopefully the antibiotics will work..


You will survive!! Being a parent is not easy and is super draining.. With babies like yours, best is not to have any expectations.. Cos if your child doesn't live up to it.. You will be super depressed.. My #1 sounds like vianne.. Super difficult.. Eyes always big big.. And me nearly went crazy.. She was awake most nights and days!! To the point where I knew what time my different neighbors got up and went to sleep!! Hehe!!


It may not be that bad to be full latch on now that you are not working.. When I went back to work, I think it took my #1 about a week or so to adjust to the bottle.. Initially, she would not take and wait for me to come back and suck me dry but after a while I think she felt it wasn't enough and she started taking the bottle.. Children are designed to be sticky.. Don't stress about kids being sticky to u.. Cos next time when u want them to hang out with you, they wouldn't want..

Vi, even w yaolan yr gal still dnt sleep well?

Mine have been zz frm 10+ till now, when she make noise we need to Yao her. If she's nt in deep sleep, oso need to Yao quite sometime.

I hope this cont for the nite rather than day time.

vivi, Gerry

yah hope it works.

just feel tat so young must take antibiotic which is not really good. sob sob. all is my fault cause it


u mean during taking antibiotic must look out the her mouth if got any thrush? hmmm I ll clean her mouth daily make sure it clean. thanks

Lynn.. Mine prefers to latch on too.. U know how envious I am of other mothers whose babies prefer the bottle? Haha I rather express the milk then have the baby tied to my waist ..

Er to wean him off breasts u got to slowly switch lor.. N got to let him cry until he gives up n take the bottle.. Will be a battle to see who is more stubborn.. N I have lost the battle too many times.. She always succeeds to getting to the breasts somehow ...

Bbgoh, yup must check her mouth. Antibiotics causes the good bacteria to be killed off in her system causing the yeast infection... Must make sure her mouth is clean n all her teats/pacifiers are sterilized ... If u can, take some plain yogurt becoz they contain probiotics which is the gd bacteria that the antibiotics will kill off. U are pumping right? It will help her...

It's not ur fault ! Kay will recover soon!! U are doing ur best for her!!


Didn't know Lisa is also like Vianne. Yeah no expectations from her because last time I expect her to sleep and she didn't it made me so mad. Now I just play by ear and see what she wants


Yao lan only help a little bit and cuts the time where I put her to sleep


hugs yesterday I was very tired so in order for me to rest a bit I carry her while she sleeps or else she wakes up

Here and then. So when she stirs a bit I quickly

Pat her . If today you desperate to rest maybe try this method? I can develop strong muscles Liao Ke ke


same sentiments! I see my hubby's cousin son 9 months old, He is sticked to his mummy. no one else can carry him and only wants to drink from boob. ended up she quit her job to look after bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

