(2011/04) Apr 2011

I can't join the birthday bash at pinky. Got something on already. You mommies have a great time ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If you carry n cuddle her, does she still cry? Might be high needs baby, it will get better. Sling?



Actually popular do have a good range or you can write yourself. I also like the I can read series of flashcards.


Your house is via the road next to the church is it?


Next week #1 on holidays huh!!!

Gin, yup yup u have to turn into hindhede road first then 2nd left turn onto Bukit drive

Sookie how is baby Zech doing? Hope he's better too

Vivi: have u tried cutting down her naptime in the day n shift her bedtime earlier? If she sleeps less in the day then she'll be tired in the evening

Gin don't know leh will try that tonight. But I carry her she cry too last night end up I have to walk around the whole house she calm down a bit but when I sit down the noise came back. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am having backache from carrying her now. Bought a sling will try to use it tonight.

Gin, thanks! Will check out popular [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm too lazy to make myself hahaha oops

Pink she only sleep till 2pm plus then she will wake up and active . Then on and off slept a while all this lasted till the night when she ko. Good times maybe she slept till 4pm latest then start her monster pattern.

She is an energizer bunny! But I am not a energizer mummy

Vivi I'm confused the other post u mentioned she could sleep thru the night? N daytime shes ok she will take naps right? So she's cranky in the late evening like 7pm-12am is it?

Pink, is it the condo by the road but main entrance thru hindehide?

Different popular stock diff flashcards so can check diff outlets. I seldom use my flashcards. Heehee. So lazy!!


If u carry n walk n she quietens down means she just want baobao lah. Only at night? Maybe zzz too much in the day? Like that can consider sarong also. My elder girl used to need us to carry, pat n rock n walk for two hrs every night at bedtime. Once put down she wails!!!


U looking for words or pics? You can come rummage through mine n borrow if you want. Some new n untouched!! Opps. I just like to buy n buy only. Hahaha!!

pink: baby zech is better. thanks! going shopping later with him and his godma.. kekeke

gin: yah man.. headache you know.. imagine facing 2 kiddos for one whole month.. i've prepared some art and craft stuff for her to do but still.. 1 month is very longgggggggggggggggg and there's so much art and craft stuff to do..and why does it has to be when I am on maternity leave? heehee

alamak you can't join the birthday bash? so when are we going to meet up with Pink and everyone else who wants to join?

Gin my condo cannot be seen from the main road ! It's a newer one n u got to turn onto Bukit drive.. My condo at the end of the road ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe I can buy over some of yrs then since they are new n untouched?? Help u clear space then u can go shop do somemore lor.. Hehe. I don't know if i want pics or words I guess pics is more practical for now.. but I can buy in advance for future use too if u have more sophisticated ones .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the flash cards must be those black and white and red ones symbols right? those normal ones like car etc.. not for their age at the moment right?


Wow, your house is very far in then!! Do you drive? If not very hard to flag taxi right?

Sometimes I wish I stay next to a shopping mall. Convenience!!!

No need to buy off me, you can just borrow. I'm lazy to use them, even my #2 I did not flash! I have words, English, Chinese, maths dots and pictures. Wanted to buy some more, dunno buy so many for what!!


I sign my kids up for holiday program to keep myself sane. But only for two weeks. Kinder land has program from 9-4pm. Kinda regret not signing up, current program only till 1pm, but thought they might be happier going to school n seeing familar faces.

Your girl takes the school bus or you send?

Yes gotta be black/red I think.....

Maybe we should plan our walks soon. It's raining!!!!

Gin yah lor very far in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my hubby likes ulu ulu places coz he used to stay in ulu ulu landed house .. Also must walk 20 mins then can reach main road [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I grew up in hdb area.. Like to be near Kopitiam .. Neighbours scream GOAL the whole estate can hear... Sigh.. But staying near amenities means it's more congested n traffic will be bad lor.. My hubby takes the car to work so I'm carless.. Only got 2 kars left to walk.. Last time I'd walk to main road to flag a cab.. If I bring baby out now I'll try to wait downstairs for cabs to come in.. If I can't get one then have to call for one as the last resort... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gin, if I try to bring C out n try to walk to the main road I think by the time I reach the main road I'll u turn n come straight back home coz I'd be too tired liao hahahaha!!!! I super cmi one... ESP if the weather is hot.. I'll totally melt

Voon, sookie,

Ya #1 is super sticky..but thankfully she is very loving towards her little sister.. Always kissing and hugging her.. Actually more like smothering her..hehe!! She doesn't exhibit any signs of jealousy.. But it is tough trying to be patient with #1..

Lisa was watching me breastfeed Eva and she actually took her doll and try to breastfeed her doll!! Tell me doll is drinking milk!!! Haha!!


I agree with gin.. Maybe your Vianne is a high need baby.. They are very smart and persistent in trying to get their needs satisfy.. My #1 was like that.. And the only thing that kept me sane was a baby carrier.. Lots of patience and trying to tell myself that things would be better.. At that time, I didn't really know What to do so i just suck it up and bear with it.. Sometimes i don't know how I survived that 'dark period'..

Jia you!! You can do it.. Just must tell yourself you can do it!!

Vivi sometimes babies are very smart she knows u'll carry her if she cries right? If u are sure that she's not feeling unwell then let her cry for a while ? I don't know if u can be hard hearted enough to do that coz personally I can't ... I think u must also start to consider that if u put her at infantcare or nanny they won't be able to devote that much time to carrying her so u have to try n train her a bit also? Or if u are taking

care urself then u are screwed like me will continue to get

bullied... I cannot win against her coz I'm too soft hearted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

only when hubby is home he will shut me in my room so that

I dont rush to the cot everytime C goes eh eh eh... Hahaha

But to be fair C is quite managable ... Crankiness level has gone down ever since I started her on the GF routine .. Then after that she had thrush so i think feeding was uncomfortable for her.. Maybe u can take a look n try the GF method


This stroller seats can be used for newborns onwards leh.. Cos both seats can full recline or can use carseat like wat i'm doing.. xD.. Ya i know other brands mostly suitable for toddlers de.. That's y i grabbed this.. Hehe..


This stroller with 2nd seat bundle price abt the same as your buzz leh.. Lol.. Buzz also not cheap wor.. My hubby loves this stroller cos it looks good & got great functions.. Ahh men & their gadgets.. Haha..


Huh.. So the accompanying adult not bringing swim suit ah? Daring sia! Haha.. I'm definitely not going into water cos my hair very difficult to manage after a swim.. So it will either be my hubby or borrow a bathtub or none.. Lol!

RE: Food Catering

I'm with most mummies here! Any food is great as long as i can eat a lot! Lol!!! I stopped pumping last week or so liao but still so hungry.. Haiz.. I become black hole liao..

Pink, since u sahm, can buy blank cards and do yrself?

Gin, wat prog u sign them up? i tot of the coming holidays, i dread too! so scared to c a monster at home.

Gerry, Lisa is so cute...haha...so funny


Same la.. I also had no idea how i survived the "dark period" of kait's time.. Gerry, somemore i hate to carry de.. I only remember i was desperately going out with other mummy friends with babies of abt same age.. When we hear each other babies cry, we comfort ourselves & each other.. Then time pass super fast with all that packing, travelling, feeding/changing etc.. Everyday was like that for me.. Everytime i stayed home with kait, time crawled & i'll go crazy & depressed & call my hubby & start my nonsense again.. So ya, the thing that kept me sane was going out loh, no matter how scared i was.. Gotta remember i was 1st time mom that time.. Lol..

hello mummies!


Im fine as long as there's food to eat can le. :)

flash cards

i have a set from my PD for free. it's red n black n white.. supposed to simulate their vision i think... do they work? i tried on my boy n he doesnt even look at it.


you still want drypers S size or not? it's still here collecting dust... if u want i'll bring on the day of gathering since my hb is coming n he can help carry it...

Vonn... I'm too lazy.. Art n craft f9 that kind.. If I do myself it will be too ugly my girl will ask me next time "mummy why do the real cars look like this but ur drawing look like that??" wahaha... Buy buy buy!!


My kids are not in kinderland. My friend told me they have holiday program from 9-4pm!! So good right the hours!!! You looking for school for your girl?

Pink, I also can't walk out, will probably pant to death. Hahahaha!! So hot leh the weather!! Yesterday was a full day for me, wah come home my head aches so badly!! My hubby said I snored in my zzzz n even miss my midnight pump!! Maybe not used to working [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Err so what do u do everyday? Where do u usually hang out? July onwards I should be around clementi mall which is near my mom's place cuz we doing renovations. Gotta find a place to hide from the noise n dirt!!!

Michelle s, yes yes of course! Can bring on 11/6 then.. Thanks babe.. Ur jovann really cannot fit liao ?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] appreciate it! What bottles does he drink from or does he take pacifiers? I have brand new ones we can barter trade ?

Gin u are back to work so soon? Currently I'm still busy with the baby leh.. Where else to hang out? Ive lotsa mummy friends coz I used to teach their kids tuition .. So they will bring their kids over to swim or have BBQ etc or bring kids out

What else do I do? I'll try to set aside time to do pedi mani once every fortnight or so does that count? Meet gfs for lunch or tea? Hubby has instructions for me to check out Julia Gabriel's for classes but er I'm still sitting on it... Other entertainment include playing mahjong n shopping? Wahahaha ...... If I meet friends we usually go to town area..

Btw, what's at Clementi mall ah??


Their current school got holiday program, same school hours so I just sign up lor.


Your post crack me up. When i had one, it's easy to devote all attention to her, so I can afford to pat her to sleep for one hr each niight, maid dun cook, so plenty of time to rotate with me. Now with three, highly impossible!!!

So every night I bf one, the other two will lie in bed nex to me n zzz so my maid can eat n rest. Plus put hubby to sleep, that's putting three big ones to sleep!! I feel like superwoman hahaha ah!!!

Bleh my baby has no routine. Third one very anyhow. Bt her drinking got routine lah, esp if I give bottle. I kept giving bottle cuz so much faster than latching, but latching can clear ducts n empty breasts very well. Once bf is over,it will be my freedooooooom!!!!!!

This Sunday will bring entire family out shopping. Wah stil wondering if not bringing maid will make me regret. Hahahaha!!


ok i'll pass to you... actually it's not that he cant fit. i dont like the material of drypers. it's like... so filmsy and so thin compared to huggies which is more solid and thick. i refuse to let him wear drypers... and he's transiting to M size soon, and i still have pampers S size still unopened as well... he has 3 pacifiers already and he uses evenflo breastmilk bottles, glass bottles from the hospital's sample fm and medela bottles... i dont need anything actually so no need to trade la hahaha... and and where's your place? how come must walk very far?


My work is sending my kids here there n everywhere lor. I'm basically a driver!!!

Your life is very shiok. Now with three kids I don't have that kinda energy!!! Before that can have breakfast n lunch when kids are at school or I will let them run old at home on Friday while I go shopping or meet friends.

C abit young for jg leh. Your hubby very on, very good!! My hubby makes a lot of noise whenever he has to take over driver duties. He ask me why I sign my kids up for so many things. Duh.

Clement mall newly open. Just some shopping, west side is so boring!!!


clementi mall's for the heartlander. lots of heartland shopping like giordano bossini lee hwa jewels with fast food etc but i quite like it. there's easy access from clementi mrt also. maybe we could go tea in town also. i miss having lunch n tea in town... ahhh miss those preggy days where i was still carefree n go anywhere i want to. i feel so aunty-ish right now.

shyann.. I oso like the video, so far tried 2 times & my boy did burp lo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivi.. I duno got such method until ytd saw from mar'11 thread.. Tried it & it works [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


kriston have laksa etc but since now the meetup time change to 12.30 maybe can have a decent mini buffet? Teck Neo i heard is gd also.. else can consider Neo garden/Ecreative mini buffet..


oh if u gals meetin at clementi mall let me know i like wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


btw u need to pay for the function rm?


I feel very auntie cuz so fat!!!

The burping method is more effective than the normal method. Been around for a while. I was using it for my #1

Yawn, wanna zzz cannot zzzz later the big monsters come home I cannot zzz ler. Pia Mia.

Gin.. In a few yrs' I'll be like u too.. Full time slave to my kids.. My hubby also wants to appoint me as driver.. I try to pretend I dont know how to drive anymore wahaha but I don't think it's going to work...


yes yes she can sleep till 2 pm or latest 4 pm then she transformed into monster all the way till late night then she will sleep whole stretch till next morning so evening is the hardest time


She is currently sleeping in the sarong but still like this.

Sometimes Vianne cranky and my Hubby will put her in the sarong stuff her a pacifier and leave her there. Sometimes this will quieten her a bit then 15 mind later she wail again. Then have to entertain her.

Hmm my neighbors says this kind of baby who exhibits such pattern is smart and is her character. Because they can only use crying to express her needs

Pink me too soft hearted to let baby cry and sometimes she cry I look at her she is as if there is something she wants to tell me yet I can't decipher what she wants

Pearly you so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you must be a happy go lucky person just like gin.

I never know flash cards works for babies this young. Maybe can get flash cards and entertain this little energizer bunny.

Mrs chua Erm for me if Vianne is awake she burps more easily compared to when she felt asleep after milk. But sometimes once she burped she wide awake again so sometimes we reluctant to let her burp which of course is not very good.

Mich s, yah lar I also feel auntyish lor now whole day check out which pampers is on sale hor.. Cmi!!

Hmm Ill go n see what else I can give to jovann ...

My place is near the nature reserve...

I need to check out clementi mall! So we got one outing at Clementi mall then another one at rail mall ?? Hehe. I want C to recover from her thrush soon!

Oh by the way a friend shared that huggies at cold storage is offering promotions for huggies ultra. 2 packets for $21.86

Only at cold storage

Piggy yah I need to pay but can't remember how much need to check again! If it's a token sum I'll absorb it lar... Will let everyone know ...

Piggy u decide on the catering I'm easy on the food .. I'm on diet still got weight to lose from pregnancy ... Sigh

Vivi maybe u can Adjust her sleep Hr so it's easier for u? Try to wake her up earlier in the day before 2pm .. If she sleeps until 2-4 pm then of course her awake hours are dragged until so late.. Charissa's days start at 7am everyday now

GF recommends that babies only nap abt 4.5hrs during the day so they will sleep more at nite


If go clementi mall I'm on... I like that place too...


Huggies ultra is M size onwards is it?

Btw for the gathering you all bringing strollers or not?

I also want go Clementi mall! Count me in!


If 30 adults mini can just go ahead with normal buffet? Change to 12.30pm means I have to drag myself out from house with 2 monster on my own... Scary... *shiver*

Pink, not draw. U buy blank cards and print pictures out frm web and stick.

There are alot program for bb but I think not for so young. JG I like, #1 attended a term.

GUG I dnt quite like it..dnt knw y..

Who wan anuku nappy liner but it was kept in store since #1 time.

Michelle yes it starts at m size a bit ex wor because 1 pack only 40 pieces

Currently now I am using cheap house brand diapers for day and dryers at night. For me drypets wee wee dry is ok .

Hi mummies

Dun think can join for the bash at pink's place cos my brother's wedding next day, so might need to help out a bit.

Gathering at Clementi Mall, I'm interested too!


Morning mummies,

long time didn't come in coz need to adjust my life without CL, even though got MIL to help out but i try to do things on my own and not rely on her too much (partly is coz there is conflict of interest in our way of doing and seeing things)

so now, day time i try to take care of my boi myself and then at night my HB wants his parent to take care (coz his parents also offer to do so) so that he can sleep without been disturbed by my boi if he wakes up in the middle of the night. I know some will think that.. wow so good got ppl to help out at night so that we can rest for the night.. but i juz dun feel good leaving Z sleep outside with his grandparents.

Hope that we can move soon, then at least i can sleep with Z in one room and my HB another during weekday so tht wont disturb his sleep.

Re: cranky

my boi sometime also like that... really dunno what he wants so have to try all kinds of method to make him calm down..

my boy crankiness can be due to hungry, colic, nappy wet, doesn't sleep enough, been disturbed, not comfortable... he is still cranky but i find that he gets better as compare to the first few weeks.. hope that it will improve as he grow older

