(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hi pink-thank you for yr long detailed post..thanks for sharing so much information! U did a gd job! Like you, i am too paranoid over my girl's milk intake..I feel that she is drinking too little at 2 months now..but still cannot force her though..went for her jab last week-weight is gaining and in the normal range..guess I compared her with my friend's bb-they can drink more than 120ml same month as my girl..but my grl drinking 100ml (sometimes cranky unable to finish)..if she cannot finish, I will be damn stress till the next feed! These few days,some of the feeds when drinking milk,she will cry and stretch her whole body..I suspect she has colic..just give her gripewater and hope her condition improves...

Vivi-I can understand how you feel-my girl also active in the evening and refuse to sleep..has to coax her..sometimes my hb will just let her cry after trying out everything and she will doze off by herself..thank you for yr reply on the gripewater! Has gave her last nite hope she gets better...


Re: sleeping through the night

envy those mummies who bb can sleep through the night without any feed... my boi can't, he will make noise every 2.5 to 3 hours after his last feed and since he is sleeping outside with PIL, whenever he crys, MIL will think that he is hungry so will heat up milk for him... sigh!

if he cries inside my room, will check what happen, is he really wants milk or what...coz sometime he can just let out cries and then goes back to sleep.

Yoti hope the gripe water helps and remember to burp baby. I also tried applying ru yi oil before she sleeps at the last diaper change. So 1 day Vianne had 3 apply of ru yi oil.

I want to sleep but Vianne is awake already from 12 pm until now.

Re: Gathering at clementi mall

if there is a gathering at clementi mall, let me know since now staying at MIL's place most of the time, so quite near to clementi mall...

Trying to coax my HB of going back to my Parent's place a few days in a week.

1 month bash celebration!!

Date: 11 June (Sat)

Location: Pink's house (Bt Timah)

Time: 12.30pm onwards

1) Piggytoh + HB + #1&2

2) Gerry+ #1&2

3) Totoro_bb + #1&2

4) hippopolai + hb + #1&2 (reach after 2pm most probaly)

5) tweety + jerrell (hb not confirmed)

6) vonn + hubby + #1&2

7) bbgoh + hb + #1&2

8) 3G (Gerald, Germaine & Gervaise)

9) Pearly + Hubby + #1&2

10) baby26 + #1,2&3 + maid

11) elmo + hb + #1 & 2 (can only reach ard 330pm. U all wanna wait for me? :p)

12) Sookie + Baby Z

13) Vivi + Hubby + baby Vianne

14) Michelle + hubby + baby Jovann

15) unome (Samantha) + baby Heidi + maid

16) Yolk Sac + Baby (No 2) only

17) Kris (Shyannlong)+baby Sharmyn (#2) + baby shyann(#1)

18) fungfung + HB + Zaccheus

Vivi-thank you! Poor you! Jiayou-u can do it de! ard another 1 month plus to see our bb getting better everyday!

By the way, mummies using Huggies?they haf so many type..which one is better? Does it comes with s size? Seem cannot find huggies S size wow....

Hi mummies

Getting excited as more and more mummies joining for the bash!

I'm counting down to Friday but the past 2 days were super hectic and I'm super lack of sleep! Somehow my supply does not seems to meet the demand for bb and I was so stressed up. So yesterday opened the 1st tin of FM to let him try. My boobs are super painful as well so I'm thinking maybe I should just stick to a routine to pump instead of pumping on demand whenever he wants. If I latched on, he will only feed for less than 20mins and will fall asleep!!

Today, he seems to start a new routine. Is it ok to feed 60ml every two hrs or less? Also, at 4 weeks, how often does your bb nap? Mind still only sleep and cry for milk so far. Or should I disturb him more???

At night, he totally cannot take aircon and so I have to stay at the living room with him!! Me super lack of sleep as when I bring him back to the aircon room, within 10mins, he will wake up and cry and I have to take sometime to bring him back to sleep at the living room!! hiaz realized that his nose will be blocked due to the coldness although it's at 27 degree. Guess thats why he will wake up and cry!!


My girl ask for milk every 2.5-3hrly too. Don't forget our babies just turned one month, so need time to stretch their feeding.


There are ultra, dry n one more. Basically red, blue n purple. Ultra is softer, more expensive too.


I think vianne sleeps very little. Agree such babies are very smart. Hang in there!!


U very cute can forget how to drive!!! Hahaha!

I just ordered nepia diapers. Cheap n good!!

Totoro good wor only eat and sleep.I am super sleepy now.

Vianne is awake from 1.30pm until now no sign of sleepiness.

If you no on air con at bight only fan in the room can? At least you won't need to be at the living room

Yoti.. I'm using Huggies ultra (purple) for my boy.. Abit exp as compared to others Huggies brand.. U wan the s size? I still hv 1.5 pack s size green packaging.. If u wan, I can pass to u during gathering..


it ok la maybe we see how many pp den we add in all the cost den divide lo maybe we will appoint u as treasurer?


ya lo tt wat i tink cos if 1.30 i tink most wun have their lunch but if 12.30 maybe go there to have lunch so might as well get a decent buffet? hee...


but durin Vianne nap u can rest abit? cos at least when she slept from 1am to 8am u can have gd rest also??

i so envy those whose bb can sleep thru so long.. my bb still same 5hr at most [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wah so many interested in Clementi mall gatherin so shall we organise 1 nex wk???

Clementi Mall - I'm in! Just one MRT stop from my place. Let me know when and where - best times are morning (Tues-Thurs). Thanks!

Vonn: I haven't gone to see Dr L yet leh. Been so busy with Nick's medical stuff, going to some doctors' appt practically every day. My total bill is probably terrifying - water birth costs extra etc - I don't even want to see the final tally. Just thanking God that my husband's company pays most of it. Phew!

Yoti: Guess Pink has already answered the qns re Gina Ford. I am not sure if following the GF loosely has helped my boy's sleep. I suspect that eventually most babies will sleep thru the night even if GF is not followed. Hang in there!

Gals - gotta reply later! Got to feed Nick now!


if he can sleep, let him sleep, don't disturb if not you'll regret later... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya.. i'm trying to train him to stretch his feeding time... train him is one thing, but my MIL will ask is it that he wants milk whenever he cries so very hard to train him at night since he is sleeping in the living room with her. nevertheless, will not give up, will keep on trying to stretch his feeding time; just like now.. he should be drinking milk at 3pm since the last feed at 12pm (latch on). since he is sleeping, i don't want to wake him up and at the same time can stretch... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


clementi mall gathering, next week when?

Can i check with mummies who had brought their bb for 6-in-1 jab.. how much is it?

Feeding time:

can i check the 2.5hrs -3hrs interval guideline is based on the time we start feeding or based on the time bb finished his milk?


Sounds like my mil. Make sound only rush to poke bottle in her mouth. Baby spit out I say she don't want milk she say I trying to starve my baby. Oh well. I'm sick of telling them babies don't have to be obese leh n they don't have to drink everytime they open their eyes.

Seems Clementi mall is very popular!!

Hi pink-for Gina ford,we need to buy her books in order to know more..goggle her website dun seem to has more info on feeding and sleeping...


there is huggies S size. my boy's using it now. the packaging is green in color. :)


where do i get the Gina Ford weaning book? it seems like this book is highly raved abt by many mommies.

clementi mall gathering

next week which day?


U can find Gina ford books in major bookstores.

Yes it's very good, it's my bible!!


Pm me your no leh. By next week I should be able to get into routine. Might be going out for morning walks with baby. Maybe walk to your house!!


we are in the same boat.. sigh!

just like juz now, my boi cried non stop after feeding half way. She came out of the room and went to see the milk bottle in the cup. if the milk bottle is empty, she will surely said is it that he didn't drink enough.. luckily my boi didn't finish everything, still got a bit left


I used Nepia for #1 and it's good, when she is older, we switched to Huggies Ultra. But we need to order online for the S size, so end up we bought other brands to try. With the huggies ultra promo, most likely will stock up on that now.

Vivi and Fungfung

after I typed the post, he refused to sleep and keep crying!! Been feeding him as he keep moving his head to the side for feeding with mouth open but he drank a lot already till I don't dare to give liao and he still crying now :-(

If the babies is not sleeping and not crying, what do you do with them or just let them look around??


that is why don't say too early yet.. as ppl said bb pattern will change as he grows older. sometime bb cries is coz not comfortable so try to burp and see how or maybe stomach not feeling well

if bb is not sleeping nor crying, either u let them look around, play some music for them to listen or tok to them, it's the time for some bonding seesion

Totoro I put Vianne down and she played on her own then when bored she cry I carry and entertain her the cycle can go on and on.

Then sometimes she look at me I talked to her until sometimes run out of topic

Phew~ Finally baby jovie falls asleep...


We are in the same boat... Jovie has been awake since 1.50pm for feed, then wide awke till now... I going to knock my head to wall liao... Haa Haa... fainted hor?

Worst she cannot self entertain, attention seeker, bth!

Hippo mine still grunting away. Aiyo why like that nowadays babies don't behave like babies they want to be adult don't want to sleep. Now end up we want to be babies want to sleep a lot ke ke ke


maybe wed or thurs? which day u gals prefer?

u gals wann meet for lunchie or jus drink n chat?

Yolk sac,

hmm mornin abit hard for most of us i tink...


it like tt when my bb awake also same put him down when he bored make noise... tt y i bring him out cos when the stroller is movin he will sleep or busy lookin ard...

Yolk, me too! Practically feeding medicine everyday!

My bills r horrifying for my type of birth!

I hesitating to continue seeing him..prob wld change to a normal price range of gynae.

My frend paid $380 for her visit, consultion, ultra sound and papsmear, nt sure if it incld anything else.

Such a blessing tat yr hubby company cover cost.

All my children medical I will claim company, frm end march till I deliver cost me $700+ liao.


i walk in to the A&E clinic....


for 6 in 1 i went to health way i paid $270 for 3 jab be4 GST. if u go to PD most r chargin $110 per jab n u need to include consultation feed.


I need yr advice

should I bring Kay to PD clinic or KKH for her diaper rash? I have seen Sbcc PD at amk. what's diff in PD & KKH? which ll be more pro?


It's like that one, my inlaws go long hols ler, so I'm free for a while. That's why must latch. Give bottles my mil keep asking for milk to feed. Old folks just love obese kids. If naturally big ok lah, why must artificially force until so fat. Like goose leh.


Ohh I love the free delivery. Because can mix size or

exchange unopened packs too.


Can sling her ard the hse?


U cute leh, run out of topics!! Hahaha!


Personal pref. I myself dun like kkh docs. Better go see doc again. Looks really painful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hmm I can only do morning too.

Bbgoh, I find that some of d KKH doc are quite fresh n so r inexperienced....that time when I bring my boy to KKH, d guy doc was checking my boy up n down n then half way thru say he want to go toilet. N end up, he went to find a senior female doc to check on my boy....d senior female doc was quite good.

Anyway I think it's better u bring to c PD coz d charges at KKH is comparable.

Btw sometimes d diaper rash could b due to d diaper not suitable, maybe too tight, not airy enuf.

My boy can't wear drypers he got diaper rash when I let him wear those drypers samples from hampers.


if u see my fb photo u ll noe how worst it is. yah since then I have chg to pampers & mamypoko.

I m not comparing the price but is the doctor

bcos last PD told me if by review still not recover then ll refer me to hospital, still 1wk to go for review

Er bbgoh, I dun have fb a/c......

Hmm, i feel PD r better than KKH docs. Do u want to c ur PD again, 1wk seems abit long...

Alternatively u can try walk in to d KKH Children's emergency clinic, it's 24hours n charge $85 inclusive of standard medication, if got antibiotics would be chargeable.


there is a clinic in SK rivervale mall that is quite famous and good. It's kidslink or something like that. Long Q but if you stay nearby then it's ok. If it's too serious, they will refer to hospital. For SBCC, I'll go to Dr Chan from Mt A. She is quite good as well.


If next wed I wont be able to join cuz next wed need to go for my 6th week review with gynae...

My bb's been sleeping the whole day other than wakin up for feeds... I'll be so screwed at night when he's wide awake...


I'm fine with both dates and options coz no dates at the moment. See which date where most mummies can make it.


Ya lor. Maybe to them 肥是幅! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

6-in1 jab:

Does any mummies bring their child for the jab at polyclinic?

I noe tht polyclinic has only 5-in-1, then hv to take another hep jab. May i noe the cost? Tks

Hi mummies 

I hv a combi well carry (silver/red color). 5.5kg


Letting go at $160 as I hv another pram at home. 

Condition: 8.5/10 used lightly from Feb2011 till now. 

Pls pm me if keen. Tnx

Self collection at Bedok area

Hi bbgoh, base on my experience, desitin wld do the trick. If desitin can't help, then off to pd.

So better standby desitin.

Hope the abv helps.

Piggy, yr gp chrg cheap leh. Cheaper than poly I think.

What a tiring day!! Went out the whole afternoon with #1 and #2 with the help from my mom.. Super siong as I was carrying Eva in a bjorn and letting Lisa walk around..


Went to paragon to check out the britax.. It is really neat.. If I can sell my buzz, I will get it..=)


Ya thinking of sending her to a pre nursery program before starting nursery next year.. I have already enrolled her to a kindergarten nearby but want a daily playgroup for her to get used to it..


Drink & chit chat go where? But lunch also not any better, haa haa... The shop there practically small... Kekekeke...


Not to worry lar... Bb on bm won't be obese de... Right?

Thanks for ur compliment on my cuteness, but like that means I'm not pretty lor? Cause ppl always categorize those not pretty de as 'cute'... Haa haa haa... :p


The clinic totoro wanna refer is The Kids Clinic, Terry was under Dr. Tan's hand, love her! But yes, the waiting time super long, walk in sometimes they dun entertain de...


Serious? Polyclinic charge so expensive? More than GP. Juz nw HB still said go polyclinic coz thought polyclinic will definitely will be cheaper


Thur is fine with mi. I'm fine with lunch or drinks and chit chat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm if lunch i tink can consider ichiban or sticky rice i see like quite ok if drink only they got starbucks tink basement also got sum shop but mus go n see...


not all GP la PD more ex... not sure abt other vaccine la but 6 in 1 healthway is cheaper than poly..



$270 is cheaper then polyclinic! which healthway branch? and does it include the assessments? and did bb had to take hep B second dose separately?

