(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I have just stopped breast feeding my baby and hv left with 01 box of Malunggay tea (unopened) which helps to increase milk supply. This tea works wonder for me and milk supply is good! Mumsfair is selling it at $18/box of 20 bags. Infor on tea www.malunggayherbtea.com

I am letting go at $13 (inclusive of normal postage)

Pls PM me if keen.



Pearly not yet just now Hubby tried to bring her down but unsuccessful she cried hard maybe just now the weather too hot. Later bring her out for a walk since she just bath and is drinking her milk.

Pearly hugs must be hard on you with the cranky time each night

Shice me too envy those mummies who can easily bring baby out.

Yoti me did not increase the volume she can't finish but evening timings she is drinking at about 2 hours interval or so. I am starting to increase her milk intake to 120ml with 3 and the half scoops of powder. Still observing if she can finish.

Ask you all hor those with baby gals is it normal to gave something whitish at the folds of the vagina area?

Vivi: wanna meet Tpy on Friday for dinner?? Try bringing vianne out la.. Remember dun panic..

Yoti: u should try bringin bb out alone.. Actually very easy de.. I brought bb out a few times by myself Le.. Dun be afraid..


The 6 week check sort of impt.. The pap smear is secondary.. What the dr will check is to make sure the uterus has shrank back to almost original size and the to make sure you don't have any clots left behind.. Pap smear is not for post partum care but it is just to check for cervical cancer and it is advisable to go once a year..


The whitish stuff is normal.. It is actually the stuff from delivery one.. Just a bit hard to clean earlier on.. When V is older, you can take a very wet cotton wool to slowly remove it.. Don't have to clean all at once, if not bb might get sore and uncomfortable..


Hard loh but no other ways except to let it pass.. Just hang in there! xD This time slightly easier for me to tolerate cos my #1 gave me harsher training before le.. Have to keep reminding myself he will outgrow infant phrase de, no matter how jialat.. My #1 is proof of that.. Hehe..

Eh, find one of these days i meet u go out shop shop? Very enjoyable de cos baby will make us so busy that the next thing we know, the day is over liao.. Lol.. But after my #1 go back CC, k? U dun bring stroller, use my gigantic one.. Haha.. Easier for u ba.. I help u boost your guts k? Cos i had friends who did it for me during my #1 too..


btw u wanna check ur condo function rm timin first? cos i know usu condo they have 2 bookin time for function room wor.. scare 1 slot from 10 to 3pm or wat den our timin abit out..

Hi mummies

Decided to take a break and went to walk walk at Kiddy Palace just now. They are having 15% discount for non members and 20% for members. Quite good deal. I bought quite alot of pigeon stuff (wipes, nappy liners, washing powder). =)

Really envy those mummies whose babies can sleep through the night. I am one of those mummies who has to do both day and night duty. My girl wakes up every 2-3 hours. These past few days she has also started looking for things to suck and has been drinking less (60-80ml each feed). Hope it is just a passing phase. Thank goodness my mother usually comes down to help me during the day.

My hubby already thinks I am this grouch with perpetual PMS =P Sometimes, the guys just don't get it.

Vivi: My gal also has whitish stuff in the folds too. I think its normal. Gerry is right. Have to slowly remove bit by bit. I was itchy finger and tried to swipe it with a cotton pad. That area ended up looking really sore. Had to use Desitin for a few days.


Ahh missed ur question.. xD The b-ready easy to travel, esp if driving.. On train was ok for me.. Bus is a HUGE no no.. Lol! I wouldn't dare take 2 kids out on bus anyway.. On cab also fairly easy, cos my #2 always in carseat so i carry #1 loh.. If using 2 toddler seats, can fold without removing second seat.. So that's y i bought it! xD love the basket too.. Hehe..

Hi gals.. i have created the 1mth bash event in f/b those in our group shd be able to see those goin jus indicate attending n who is goin ? so we wun miss the post?


not sure if there is any measurin cup tt come with the gripe water packaging but u can jus buy syringe to measure only few cent guidian gt sell..

Back from movie break with hubby.. Once back, quickly latch my boy..

Vivi.. I jus lucky today la that he willing to slp on his own.. Guess he is too tired Le la.. Last night, he does nt wan take afternoon nap.. Only wan to b carried & slp but the moment put him down, he wakie.. Only ytd noon, I feed him Le den swaddle him & put him in air con rm to slp, he managed to slp for 2hrs & I can oso nap with him shiok.. Was hoping GE can nap longer but scare nap too much during the day, night dun wan zzz, I will die... Night time, his feeding interval abt 4hrs from last feeding.. After which, back to 3hrs.. Guess hv to slowly train him slp thr during night..

Vivi: ya e whitish stuff in between e folds is normal.. My bb girl oso hav, clean bit by bit lor when u bath her... Same like Pongzai, i try dig out, but ther end up red n sore, so better dun...tink is those bai tai bah...

Gerry: so if i still spotting when due for review, still able to check my uterus rite? Mayb give e pap smear test a miss if still hav tt dae lor...

Hello mommies! I'm coming for the gathering! But will need Pink's address n contact!

Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - 11:14 am:       

Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - 9:42 am:       

Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - 1:30 am:

1 month bash celebration!!

Date: 11 June (Sat)

Location: Pink's house (Bt Timah)

Time: 1.30pm onwards

1) Piggytoh + HB + #1&2

2) Gerry+ #1&2

3) Totoro_bb + #1&2

4) hippopolai + hb + #1&2 (reach after 2pm most probaly)

5) tweety + jerrell (hb not confirmed)

6) vonn + hubby + #1&2

7) bbgoh + hb + #1&2

8) 3G (Gerald, Germaine & Gervaise)

9) Pearly + Hubby + #1&2

10) baby26 + #1,2&3 + maid

11) elmo + hb + #1 & 2 (can only reach ard 330pm. U all wanna wait for me? :p)

12) Sookie + Baby Z

13) Vivi + Hubby + baby Vianne

14) Michelle + hubby + baby Jovann

Looking fwd to meet you all for the first time!

Hi mummies! Seems like a fun event with so many mummies n babies attending. Pls count me in!

1 month bash celebration!!

Date: 11 June (Sat)

Location: Pink's house (Bt Timah)

Time: 1.30pm onwards

1) Piggytoh + HB + #1&2

2) Gerry+ #1&2

3) Totoro_bb + #1&2

4) hippopolai + hb + #1&2 (reach after 2pm most probaly)

5) tweety + jerrell (hb not confirmed)

6) vonn + hubby + #1&2

7) bbgoh + hb + #1&2

8) 3G (Gerald, Germaine & Gervaise)

9) Pearly + Hubby + #1&2

10) baby26 + #1,2&3 + maid

11) elmo + hb + #1 & 2 (can only reach ard 330pm. U all wanna wait for me? :p)

12) Sookie + Baby Z

13) Vivi + Hubby + baby Vianne

14) Michelle + hubby + baby Jovann

15) unome (Samantha) + baby Heidi + maid

Looking fwd for it!

Oooh fun! Count me in!

1 month bash celebration!!

Date: 11 June (Sat)

Location: Pink's house (Bt Timah)

Time: 1.30pm onwards

1) Piggytoh + HB + #1&2

2) Gerry+ #1&2

3) Totoro_bb + #1&2

4) hippopolai + hb + #1&2 (reach after 2pm most probaly)

5) tweety + jerrell (hb not confirmed)

6) vonn + hubby + #1&2

7) bbgoh + hb + #1&2

8) 3G (Gerald, Germaine & Gervaise)

9) Pearly + Hubby + #1&2

10) baby26 + #1,2&3 + maid

11) elmo + hb + #1 & 2 (can only reach ard 330pm. U all wanna wait for me? :p)

12) Sookie + Baby Z

13) Vivi + Hubby + baby Vianne

14) Michelle + hubby + baby Jovann

15) unome (Samantha) + baby Heidi + maid

16) Yolk Sac + Baby (No 2) only

Slings - my baby (No 2) loves the Ergo! He can sleep for hours in it, which is great if I want to go shopping or run errands with No 1. We don't use the infant insert though. My SA at MothersWork doesn't recommend it and it has poor reviews online. My boy is big enough to sit comfortably in the sling without it though I do worry that we are using the Ergo without it as he is still young. Pearly: any inputs or tips on this?

Sleeping thru the night - my boy has been sleeping thru since about 3-4 weeks. By that I mean that he generally goes to bed around 7pm-8:30pm, has one feed sometime around 10pm-midnight, and then goes straight back to sleep. He will sleep thru until 7am or 8am the next day, but sometime between midnight and the next morning, he will have a feed sometime in the middle of the night - meaning, he gets up, drinks from one breast and then goes straight back to bed.

How we did it - we have been loosely following Gina Ford principles but with variations. I basically feed on demand during the day (7am to 7pm) but the longest I will allow him to go without a feed during the day is 3 hrs. Between 7pm to 7am (night), I feed on demand. Hope that helps! It helps that my boy is generally an easy baby. But my girl was very challenging in many ways, but even she managed to sleep through (i.e. a 5-6 hr stretch) from about 6 weeks, I think. Gina Ford works, I think! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I booked my function room liao.. Booking is from 10-4pm, so I guess meeting at 12.30 or so would make more sense?

Mich S: don't worry I'll provide u with my address n Hp number!

Sorry I can't remember which mommy is keen to get maternity milk from me? Can remind me again? Paiseh !!

Mrs Chua I wanna give u my bottle of fenugreek.. U are coming for gathering hor? U are still pumping for Gervaise right?

So happy out that so many mommies are coming for the gathering! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we can start to discuss what food to order liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im on the GF routine too.. It's working out pretty well for me as well except that I never had problems with her sleeping thru.. I have to wake her up to drink after 5 hrs as advised by my PD. Mine also goes to bed at 7pm, wake up for feed at 10pm (goes right back to sleep right after), then feed at 3am (goes back to sleep right after), then morning 7am feed again. Sorts out her nap times n feeding times well, n she's less cranky now. Waiting for her thrush to clear completely!

Yolk Sac,

U back in action! How's nic? Completely ok?

Now mine is down with cough and block nose, it's suffering to c so young bb fall sick!

Adults stress too.

Btw, did u went to dr Lai for post partum chk?

Wats the total bill?

Pink, read in march forum there's good review for e-creative mini buffet. Can consider?

I'm hoping my bb sleep through so tat #1 won't get disturb but no avail. Now she's sick even worst [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hope every bad things go away quickly..there seems to be a crisis at home, everyone takes turn to fall sick... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So many mummies join the 1st month bash!!!!! Can't wait to the gathering~~~~~~


Ur function room near pool? I wanna bring Terry swimsuit so he won't feel bore... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mini buffet enough? We have at least 25-30adults now wor... E-creative not bad, my coy ordered before, yumz...


The Kriston u suggested in fb nice, I vote for that... But no tummy fill food? Sorry ya, I worry about food cause u know... I really can eat that type... Without food, I'll be cranky, Lols~

Pink/yolk Salk: seems tat yr bb sleep ard 7pm in the evening, is it becos u are following gf principles?

Pink: glad to hear tat c is less cranky...mine is still veri cranky..hai..trying out all method and observing her to meet her needs and wants! Is she drinking well?

Hippo, I'm cranky w.o food too! I'm easy on the caterer.

Yoti, GF is a book tat guide on bb routine. U may google on tat.

Yoti, C's appetite is not great the past few days due to her thrush.. She has been latching on coz she has been rejecting the bottle so I don't know how much shes drinking. Shes bottle fed only once at the 3am feed. When she latches on it's about 20 mins average. I stopped obsessing over her intake already. As long as she seems happy n healthy n she's gaining weight n drinking 7 feeds in a day. Got input got

output that's it im happy. Do u feel like ur girl is drinking too

little or too much? Mine drinks little but she doesn't vomit

much, PD says weight gain is good. So I shld stop stressing

myself out.

How is ur girl cranky? After feedings or what ? Same timing everyday or what? Babies all got common probs u go by

method of elimination?

Colic, diarrhea, constipation, thrush, reflux, ear infection, milk allergy/lactose intolerant? ( yes I researched on all these possible conditions....)

U observe the symptoms?

If there's nothing that's physical.. Is she bottle fed? Maybe she doesn't like the teat or bottle or FM? Try to switch ard n

see if the situation improves? Is she sleeping well? Over

stimulated babies are very cranky too so i think it's gd to

establish a good sleep routine. A well rested baby is a well

fed baby is a contented baby. If u are BFing are u latching on properly? They also get frustrated if they are not getting milk efficiently.

We were referring to Gina Ford's routine she has a book on the topic u can google for it

After u exhausted all the options it may very well be that ur girl is fine .. Some babies will be easier than others n hopefully after 3 months she will be ok! Just check to make sure that she's not cranky becoz of any medical condition yah. I have a log sheet of all her feeding hours n poop/pee patterns so that I have a gd idea of how she's doing.

If her situation continues to drive u crazy maybe u can bring her to see ur PD for peace of mind. I felt horrible not knowing why she was cranky!

U remember to take care n try to rest!

Yoti, remember that if u experiment n try to change bottles etc u must keep all other factors constant n only one variable changed ah.. That way then can tell if it's working .. U know like last time when we do science experiments ? Heh.

Sorry for the long post. U must be very tired n frustrated. I know how that feels!!

Sigh.. Lisa keeps waking at night and wants me to watch her fall back to sleep.. Arghzz.. My #1 wakes up more times than my my #2!!

Hehe!! I also will start putting Eva to bed at about 7.30pm.. And she sleeps through to about 3am.. Just fed her when Lisa woke up again!! Sigh.. My #1 has always had sleep problems since day 1..

Wah so many people joining for th gathering.. Can't wait.. I'm fine with any caterer you ladies approve.. =)

Littletwin star,

Ya just go for the check up.. Important to check that you have recovered from your pregnancy and delivery.. The dr will decide whether he can do pap smear for you..


Nic can sit in ergo? How u do it? Legs open? Won't he be too soft for it? The infant insert i use is older version.. Much thinner de.. Maybe u can bring to the gathering & share how u use it? We exchange tips by then.. Hehe..

How's nic btw?


I feel u! My #1 also sick for the longest time! So terrible to take care of sick kids.. They'll get better de! Jia you! Hope they all get well soon!

RE: Sleeping thru

Kae's routine getting much better le.. He drinks at 10+pm, sleeps till 3-4am then drinks again at abt 7+am.. Hope he will start to drag longer.. Hehe..


U taking terry for a swim? Then bring many barang barang? U go into water with him or hubby? I also feel like letting kait play water leh but dun think hubby will be willing maybe unless got another adult male in trunks! Lol..

Gerry, my #1 during naps will say look at me close eyes and sleep...feel like knocking him out. Sounds like Eva is much more easier than Lisa.


Ya, I really hope bb recover soon. She drank 70ml at 12.30am follow by 40ml at 5.30am. It's almost a good sign if she's healthy and with her normal appetite. Now I'm starting to feel stress abt her appetite though it's not an issue on me for the past 2mths.

Count me in!

1 month bash celebration!!

Date: 11 June (Sat)

Location: Pink's house (Bt Timah)

Time: 12.30pm onwards

1) Piggytoh + HB + #1&2

2) Gerry+ #1&2

3) Totoro_bb + #1&2

4) hippopolai + hb + #1&2 (reach after 2pm most probaly)

5) tweety + jerrell (hb not confirmed)

6) vonn + hubby + #1&2

7) bbgoh + hb + #1&2

8) 3G (Gerald, Germaine & Gervaise)

9) Pearly + Hubby + #1&2

10) baby26 + #1,2&3 + maid

11) elmo + hb + #1 & 2 (can only reach ard 330pm. U all wanna wait for me? :p)

12) Sookie + Baby Z

13) Vivi + Hubby + baby Vianne

14) Michelle + hubby + baby Jovann

15) unome (Samantha) + baby Heidi + maid

16) Yolk Sac + Baby (No 2) only

17) Kris (Shyannlong)+baby Sharmyn (#2) + baby shyann(#1)


I did consider tat kind of stroller but it seem to be use for abt 2 years. So in the end did not buy. Considering a twin stroller when bb is big.


You want to arrange swimming for toddler? Cos I have a friend who is a swimming instructor

morning ladies


i tot u using new version one, yah I saw someone selling preloved one at $20 too hehe. dunno buy or not, I m using sling nw. maybe lata see how u use it when gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so great to know tat C is less cranky now. u r doin well can google so much info to find out wat cause, really well done mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any med from PD for her thrush? hope she gets well soon

Kay also can drink well now but poor her got bad diaper rashes which cause a 2 deep wound ob her butt still take time to recover, saw PD for abt 1wk liao doesn't see improve. she ll cry when her diaper got poo thk cause it painful bah. other than tat she still okie not much cranky.

I totally agree tat over stimulated ll cause cranky. sleep well then they can drink well. if she not manage to sleep in between a feeding time then next feed she ll wail while drinking I must pat pat her to sleep 1st then feed.


such a good idea to let #1 play water. thk I ll brg additional clothes & tile for seline. let her play water with her daddy, she is timid girl only ll play at side.

re sleeping thru

Kay ll fall slp her own after 9pm feed, actually she shd slp ard 7pm but when #1 come back she jiu can't sleep, she is light sleeper. so I ll let them play a while till 9 then coax both sleep at same time. she ll ask for milk at 3 then 6am.

but dunno why the last feed at 9pm after the milk sure got hiccup so she must drag till ard 10 then ll fall slp her own.

looking forward to the gathering. I m fine with any caterer, as long as got food & drink an fill up my tummy. lol~~


Thanks for th info.. Maybe will drop by paragon to check it out and see whether can persuade hb to get it.. Hehe!!


Yes Lisa is way more difficult.. A high need baby and a high need toddler.. Eva seems to be able to soothe herself to sleep very early on.. Poor thing, sometimes because of her character, I feel like I don't pay enough attention to her..

Mrs chua that rotation sometimes works for Vianne the nurse at tmc taught me that and I was laughing at it.


glad to hear that c is less cranky and can sleep

In the evening mine refused to at all! Every evening she is cranky. Really envy those mummies that babies can sleep in the evening.

Yoti me did not use measuring cup just a little bit in the teaspoon for the gripe water.

Gerry, I was feeling tat way too initially. But u need to spend time w Lisa to bond at the same x explain to her abt her new sister.

I can say it's getter better now, #1 adore his sister compared to initially. And when I take care of #2, he's fine too. I was flashing cards to #1, he joined in and took over to flash the cards..feel so happy.

Bbgoh, oh dear hope Kayleen recovers from her nappy rash soon.. Yah it must be painful.. Very poor thing. Yeah C has medication for thrush.. It's this cream we syringe into her mouth...

Vonn, where did u get ur flash cards from?

Vivi jia you are holding up just fine!!

Vianne's still colicky??

Vonn, ur girl's appetite decreased? She looks chubby on fb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How much is she taking?


Yup... I will let Terry play water... Depends he wants me or hubby to go with him... Skarly he scares never want to go into pool? But I doubt so lar... Haa haa... Erh, I never think of the issue to wear trunk or swimsuit for adult.... Lols~


Can just wear shirt in ur swimming pool since is a condo pool, not so strict right?


Nah... Just water play will do... Haa haa... Since all the adults n infants are having fun, not forget about the toddlers!


she is not colicky lor but ultra cranky now in evening. Drink milk cry. Then refused to sleep not even nap. Play with her for awhile she ok then after that cry again. Put her down she play by her own then after that cry again. Then time for milk cry while feeding then the whole cycle gies on and on. Every evening is like this now.

Sigh me very Ming ku have to struggle like this.

Any one got any comments on how to

Improve this ? I have been cracking my mind over this

Pink, it's frm some goody bag frm #1. wonder where can we find similar wan.

She's drinking 100 on norm but now 70 always with balance left. For instance; 5.30am she drank 40 and 7am drank 50. But I'm happy Liao at least there's intake. Now I yearning for soiled diaper...

Share w u, got a frend bb look very 小姐 like yr bb C, fair fair pretty pretty de... she oso got small appetite...mayb they 爱美 start diet frm young hehe

Great tat u r nt paranoid over C's intake.

Btw, wats C Chinese name? Ke Han..can't make it out leh

pink: i'm happy that Baby C is adjusting well to the routine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Voon: i used to have those flash cards too but lost them already.. maybe can find that on the internet. getting a bit lost on what to do to entertain the baby other than singing songs, playing the floor gym.. any other indoor suggestions, mummies?

vivi: same lah.. mine also.. play computer games/ipad. so must TELL THEM what you need them to do but the trick is to do it such that it does not sound like we are nagging at them.. sigh. but i think you should take one step at a time with vianne.. the fact that she's sleeping through the night its good. so many mummies would love that...

voon, Gerry: i know how it feels.. #1 is simply seeking attention. its so hard sometimes to juggle but we just have to. i remembered mine was so terrible.. but not also much better so give it time.


Vonn, her Chinese name is 可涵 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'll search the bp thread see if I can find the flash cards.. I've been wanting to buy but no time to shop.. Haiz

Haha yah lor sigh she doesnt and cannot become a sumo.. 我不应该强人所难 hor...

Hippo, yup think u can wear maybe a sports bra then t shirt over it... Usually the security is ok but if residents complain then they have to step in.. I think baby pool they are not so particular

