(2011/04) Apr 2011

kymi: good luck with your C Sect. hahaha your thoughts were similar to mine since nothing is 100% confirmed until the baby is out. when i pushed my baby out, first thing i asked was "it is a boy?" My gynae and hubby just looked at me..

sookie, u try pulling/'pressing'(mimicking the sucking motion?) the shorter nipple, it'd help...

I've stopped latching my #2 for abt 1-2wks now, and she still search for my nipple, how ar. And seems like sometimes after feed from bottle, she wants to suckle still! cos how can she feed on 110ml and still be hungry? She's only in her 3rd wk!

This am, I woke up almost to 3am, to pump. Then heard her crying after my maid's fed her, and since I cldn't get some blocked ducts out, I latched her on, less than 10mins, she fell aslp, aiyoh...

My 1st born also like tt(worser I think cos I didn't latch my 1st born as often as this bb), even 2 mths after I've stopped expressing for her, she still suckle my shirt! Even when out shopping, if I carry her, she did that, ppl must be thinking I'm a bad mom, dun feed bb...

Can anyone rec me a nice buffet caterer? I'm thinking of whether to hold the full mth(or 40th day) celebration at a hotel room instead of gg to Xin Cuisine rest.


oh is freestyle noisy? the swing is rather quiet, I even tried pumping when bb latched on the other side, ok leh... I've always tot the higher range wld be alot quieter...

Mrs Chua, u let me know if u are ordering k? Cos need $200 for free delivery.. i can go ur place collect. Pet pet ok lah.. but CL say Pet Pet S abit lose for my bamboo legs boy.. drypers n huggies more fitting for him. But since Pet Pet is the cheapest.. can wear then wear loh. :p

bbgoh, u let me know if ur elder gal got watery stools also k? I wonder if my bm is tt powerful anot.. a little bit can affect #1's stools for 2 days?!?

Re pumping: I usually pump until dry leh. Means even if I pump... only droplets flow out.. then I stop loh. Like tt sure can get the hind milk. But I notice sometimes.. like this morn... I can achieve the proper let down... so got less supply. BUt now 1 hr after pumping... it's dripping again. So in this case.. I think my Bs was not emptied just now loh. Cos just now urgent to go toilet while pumping.. think got distracted. Haha!

I got a problem here.. need so help! My fussy boy dun like to drink friso leh. At nite when CL feed him friso... he only drink 50ml.. took 1 hr! then keep pushing out liao. But 2 hrs later will cry for milk again. Then CL changed to feed my ebm... he can finish 80ml very quickly! So I think next time when I run out of milk... I need to change fm brand? CL say there's a brand that taste similar to bm... but she dunno what's tt brand called. Anyone can recommend other brands of fm? This fussy boy har... worse than his gor gor!!!

bbgoh, u soo 'lucky', yr flow is sooo good. tis time round my flow not as good, ppl said it's becos I've taken med to stop bf when i 1st had #1. Duno how true...

Now the most I can produce is 110ml frm each pump on both sides, not enuf to feed my #2, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs chua/bbgoh: yeah.. It's special for us.. Our first mother's day!!! yes yes.. I do sleep.. Just came in to post when I m pumping.. Heehee..

Sookie: initially 1 LC came to see me on sat.. She immediately asked me to buy nip shield to latch.. Not very helpful.. Then yesterday morning another LC came.. She see and say I dun even need nip shield.. Then keep teaching me the way to latch.. She was saying that my boy suckles very well.. So asked me to work harder.. And jerrell managed to latch on last nite.. Happy happy!!

Kymi: good luck.. U will join us soon.. Heehee...

Morning ladies..

Argh my body is breakn apart my #1 woke up at 4am refuse to sleep cos fever den the side of my boobs so painful like pinchin pain now v scare of expressin milk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] feel like whole body ache v tired dunno how to continue BF at this state...

Now at polyclinic waitin for BT hope can clear...

Tweety: ya I also standby fm just in case. ^o^. Full mth on mothers day! Wow, that's so significant day! Come to think abt it, it's the first time I can celebrate mothers day as a mummy! omg... so emotional alrdy! ¥v¥

Mrs chua: actually I do find my freestyle quite "loud" too. But I've never used other pumps b4, and I suppose freestyle is already reviewed as one of the quietest pump le, so I didn't bother too much. My hb is a light sleeper so I pump in another rm at nite. Luckily for me, there's spare rm.

Bbgoh: i usually take very long to fall asleep after waking up, after pump at nite very sian, toss here toss there wasting my precious slp time. =s. But I try to make my pump timing such that I pump b4 slp then wake up only once at nite to pump, then first thing morning pump again. I only follow 3hr interval during the day. Otherwise I think I'll tire out very soon...

Hippopolai: ooo ya gd idea to cover the pump, hmm next tine try, aiyo u spill ur night pump milk, very heartache leh.

Elmo: haha... That day me too , pump halfway stomachache. So now I make sure I go toilet, drink water, do watever I need then start pump.

Mum05: according to my sil who that three kids, she had bad engorgement during her first child, so she took the meds to stop, then her second and third children she totally no milk le. I duno if there's any correlation, but I guess u have to just keep trying and believe in ur boobs. For me I will try "natural" means to stop bf when the time comes. Cos I also worry the meds will affect future production.


this morning my #1 pass motion the still is normal ler. I mixed 100ml EBM with 50ml of fm start from yst 2x morning & night. day time she is at cc so can't mix.

u got good supply too why give him fm? my #1 when I chg from EBM to fm I gave her mamil gold she is ok. I start to supplement her fm from 8mth

I also pump till dry take abt 20min for dual pump. just nw after pump took shower leak again then I pump again as feel heavy altot only 1hr still can get 100ml


u can produce 110ml queit good le woh but yr Bb drink so much nw? how many days old alrdy? so fast incrs till 110ml


I still have a bit of cough..thankfully I don't feel as fluish as yesterday.. Thanks.. But last night also didn't sleep well as I was super itchy.. I tell you this PUPPP is a nightmare...

Oh dear.. It must be quite tough to have so many people sleeping in the same room.. Is there any way your #1 can sleep with the grandparents or something at least for a while? cos now your #1 wouldn't be able to rest well with all the night activities..


I think the one that people says taste the closest to BM is similac..

When pumping, it can be quite distracting if you really need to go toilet.. Hehe!!


It's natural for the baby to seek comfort in the breast esp at this age.. And their rooting instinct is very strong too.. So as soon as they smell you and the milk, they would automatically turn..


Jerrell and you are doing well!! So happy!!


When baby latch, does the whole mouth cover your areola.. cos that's where baby will signal for let down.. If only cover nipple, then will stimulate milk production only and not let-down.. and will cause sore nipples.. The baby's lips when properly latched should be everted.. Like gold fish or sucker fish.. esp the lower lips.. You need to be able to see the lower lips.. if it is hiding in the mouth, then that is not a proper latch on.. and if that happens, break the suction with your fingers and try again.. if not that will only give you sore nipples..


Good luck!! So exciting!! =) I want to see the end too!!

My mom keeps telling me that I might be carrying a boy (I have the PUPPP, the drastic hormonal differences).. Aiyah.. but i keep telling her deatil scan show girl what...




oh no!! can ask yr mil look after #1 then u can rest but I noe u sure worry for him too. u got block duct? is it like needle poke pain on nipple?


Wah!! Your supply is superb!! So lucky... Now I can only pray when my baby come out, I will have it too.. =)

Haha!! I don't know whether I will give my #1 if I have extra.. What if she doesn't like??


Oh dear.. Sounds like you got a block duct.. Your CL is still with you right?? She'll take care of #2 while you must take care of yourself wor.. I think you must try to clear the duct.. If too painful, can try to take panadol and massage..


Have you tried drinking a hot milo WHILE pumping?? I noticed there will be more sprays of milk when I do that cos the heat from the milo would warm my chest and it will help will releasing more milk..

Mrs chua,

Oops ya hor, now I c e bottle then realize it says 1-2 capsules daily..I jus took e salesgirl's words cos she said 2 capsules x 3 times. Shucks am I overdosing it, tink I beta cut down. N yes my stupid wound stil haf e dressing on..wa aft 5 days u removed dressing liao ah not pain meh? Cos e top of our panty will end there isn't it..

Bbgoh /Gerry,

I always clear my blk ducts 1 but this time round v painful n I feel feverish body ache now sigh~


now it the side of my boobs n nipple tt is painful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my #1 alr pickup by my IL now I really scare BF lo.. The pain is argh~

Congrats mummies who have delivered..

No time to read all the post..

Finally gg to have my massage later after some "scolding" to the origins pple..

Someone was asking abt the freestyle pump yes I felt it very noisy compare to Ameda pump

Hope everyone is doing ok

Just Finished pumping.. 80ml.. Yeah!!! Haahaa... Like a cow sia...

Gerry: yeah!! I'm lying on the bed now. Jerrell is sleepin beside me...

Mrs chua/aries: I find freestyle okie leh... I pump in the room with mh hubby and boy sleeping.. No response from them too... Yeah!! Looking forward to our first mother's day!!

Hi mummies,

When is your CL starts work? On the day you discharge or the next day? If starts work the next day, who takes care of you and baby when you reached home from hospital?


Oh no!! I really hope you are not getting mastitis.. Maybe you should see a dr or LC?? They say with mastitis, mustn't massage too hard either cos it is the milk that is being forced into the blood vessels in your breast and your immune system sees it as a foreign object.. so you feel like you are having an infection..

morning mummies,

I really need my sleep..

Been tryin to stretch to 4hr pumpin but my breast start leakin after just 2hrs..

Plus my maid just told me her bf passed away. So sad and i tot of giving her a day off.


Mrs chua

Which area u stay? In case we really order together..


Normally what time we discharge from hospital? Around noon time? Thinking to ask CL to start work on the day I discharge also but must arrange someone to stay at home to wait for her if she comes in the morning or before I reach home...

Mrs chua/Pink,

I jus did a google on "gnc fenugreek" n there's a smh forum thread bout it. Read thru n seems like it's ok to take 2 capsules x 3 times daily. Some even recommend more. Maybe I shd clarify w e sales assistant at gnc when I get e chance..


You are feeling feverish body ache is it?? Just take some panadol and try to pump as usual.. Maybe on a gentler setting? And see whether the pain gets better.. You must not stop pumping though if not it will get worse..

piggy, wah sounds bad. Hope ur #1 will get well soon! Boobs if painful MUST pump out leh.. wait got blocked ducts n fever then cham! I'm also going poly later... hope results are gd!

Aries, wahahha. I think it's tt pumping tt make me feel like pooing. :p

bbgoh, cos i already opened 1 tin of friso earlier.. dun wanna waste mah. Plus most likely i can only bf till 4 mths... after go work gotta stop le.. so must train him to get used to fm also loh. Mamil gold gd? Price ok?

Gerry, similac is the most ex fm ard! Was hoping can avoid tt! Tt fussy boy huh.....

HR experts!! I need HR advice again. Can I start work in a new company if I'm still officially on ML? I hand itchy go start applying jobs le.. wait go INT i cham! Mid jul then ML over leh.


Your sil still contacts your hubby exgf? Should just tell her off once and for all that its ok if she contacts her, but pls leave you and your husband out of it. So @_@, moreover she even ask why don't ask her personally?! My take is, if you don't feel comfy, must speak out, dun hide in your heart! Wait she steps all over you!


I use the spray that the doc gives me. I use after every pee/poo! I usewater to wash after poo and bathe with herbal water. But like Gerry, I also sat in salt water everyday. Think it helps the wound heal faster!


care to share your origins story? I also book them!!


Ya, now Terry sleep with us n Jovie sleep with CL, after CL left will fix Terry's room floor.. The tiles all popped out b4 CNY... Then will starts to train him sleep on his own le... Actually plan to do it after CNY who knows... Haiz...

I dun have extra room now... The extra room has occupied by my BIL, super idiot lor... Come during ppl confinement... Bth...


Same lor... I also feel stress... Coz my son is those light sleeper... Plus he is very 'concern' abt his mei mei... Whenever Jovie cries he will the 1st dash to her... I super scare also...


How u doing Liao huh???

U dun scare me... I also got pain at my boobs but only left side then last night half way I sleep I feel feverish but I'm shivering... I just tot I catch a cold nia...


Wah!!!!! ur increase is so significant leh.. Soon u will like bbgoh & Elmo liao...


My CL reach next day... Before she reach I take bb myself lor...

Hippo : last week I also broke out in sweat then had cold chills.... Must take care yah

Piggy: u too... Must see doc if u don't feel well

I'm at pd's clinic.. So crowded n so many sick kids

Gerry, no choie, he oni wans to sleep with us.

Hope it get better reallyyyyyyyyy soon!

Piggy, take care ya...not sure if GP can help?

Hippo, mine oso light sleeper but not so concern over his bb sister lar...


Ya.. Similac damn ex.. I now give my girl Gain IQ.. And I buy in bulk when it is "cheaper"!! But I will also give her fresh milk..

What you can do is go online and get all the samples from different brands of FM and test first.. Start from the cheapest to the most ex..


Please take care.. The weather isn't very good nowadays..


Ya the kids are like falling sick like crazy!! Lisa is still coughing.. And in the end I also got her cough.. How to keep away from her??


Hopefully will get better soon!! Jia you!!

Thanks ladies I jus rtn from polyclinic pumping now I sm sooooo tired[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I also leh was shiverin n the pain was uncomfortable even after I pump out.. Now seems better wor..Aiyo our boy same hear BB cry v kpo will dash in lol~


usu CL came in the noon 1...


sian my boi jaundice drop from 244 to 208 but still consider high need to go back nex wk again yawn~ I no HR expert but during ML u can't work in other co 1..


Good idea, from the cheapest to the most ex. My kids have allergies, so take NanHa. My #1 is willing to take cow's milk which makes travelling a breeze. #2 refuse and still wants his milk bottle! I hate washing bottles when I travel. Now I wonder why I never thought of bringing my steriliser with me when I travel. Hahaha!!


Not sure if you can take any panadol or only the plain ones. but best see doc. Now weather very bad. Took me two weeks to recover from cough n running nose.

Gerry: yes. i know what you mean. i've read up, ive even watched the videos but still each time he latches on..painful sigh. i don't know if his mouth is too small or what. so i hope tomorrow going to the LC will help. now i am trying to heal my nips as much as possible. putting lots of the cream, BM, airing as much as possible. Now I only latch him 1-2 times a day and still painful! argh. the funny thing is i did not have such issues with #1, and I breastfed her till 10mths.. so a bit demoralised this time round.

Piggy: oh dear.. no must jia you! can get through this. my ML told me to put hot water in a glass bottle, and try to massage the hard lump after that. hope it helps and yes, take panadol if feeling feverish.

Gerry: its very hard to keep away from #1 unless your hubby is very hands on. even though my hubby tries to take care of my #1, she still wants me to do certain things..can even say things like "now no baby in stomach, can carry me". like Vonn's #1, mine also wants to sleep with us only. That's why still struggling with 2 kids now..

Piggy/hippo: when i saw gynae with my symptoms he checked my boobs.. Must check if u have mastitis .. Usually sweats n chills means there's an infection somewhere... or u rest n see if it gets better...

Gerry: yah lotsa kids sick with flu n cough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies.. from 5am to 7.30am, was awake for feeding plus pumping and coaxing my boy to slp.. his eyes wide awake lo.. no choice but to pass him to my mummy and I went back to zzzz.. jus woke up.. still sleepy lo.. haizz..

Bbogh..normally I dun wake up to pump de but ytd night, I only wake up to pump since my boy woke up for milk and he dun wan to slp.. I jus find the pump noisy lo.. last time I heard b4 that the pump is quiet kind.. so I thought is becos I did not install the parts properly..

Hippoplai.. my hubby oso can slp like pig but I somehow I find it noisy, to me is like affecting his slp.. I place the pump underneath my blanket but pump with my rm lights on, so if dun on I cannot see anything… u got any table light? Maybe got table light, u will be able to see? I dun have any table light so got to on the rm light..

Elmo.. ok, will let u know if I’m ordering.. pet pet cheap ah.. I duno if I wan to change for my boy, he ok with drypers and huggies.. hubby was telling me, if change diapers now, need to buy and let him try again?? So he was wondering if we shld remain as huggies and drypers..

Previously I will try my best to pump until dry but I find that if pump until dry, seems need to take a longer time leh.. I now already pump between 20-30min, if pump till dry, think will be 40min or more? In that case, hubby will say I will stick my butt to my bed and stay in the room whole day ba.. hehe

My boy currently taking Dumex Mamil Gold.. he quite like it.. already finish 1 tin of it, jus open a 2nd tin ytd night… maybe u can call dumex hotline to ask for sample to let ur boy try??

Tweety.. a gd ss huh…. Guess u v fast will reach 100 mark.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy.. take gd care of urself ah.. last final lap le.. jia you!

Aries.. I oso thought is the most quietest pump but who know it seems noisy lo.. but since already bought it, gd investment must be done to it.. pump all we can, make full use of it.. let those pple ard us get used to the noise of it ba.. hehe as I dun have another room, I can only pump in my room, use pillow or whatsoever to cover the pump to reduce the noise pollution lo..

Rach.. maybe u check with the salesgirl den let me know.. but based on hubby, like what I said, 2 pills daily for 1st week, if not enough, 2nd week, 4 pills and so on…

Ok, will reply the rest of the post later.. need to go pump now while mummy feed him with ebm..


Haha!! If can save, should save.. =) You mean like travel oversea is it? The first time I traveled overseas with my girl was when she was 10 months.. So what I did was after washing the bottles, I would 'sterilise' with hot water... I mean by then she was already taking solids mah..

Ya now with #1, I can just buy a packet of fresh milk or milo, and she would be very happy.. Sigh.. Round #2 for me coming right up!! You very daring leh.. have 3 kids.. what is the gap??


You are scaring me now.. I am also scared that this time I will encounter lots of problem.. Pregnancy is already more difficult this time round.. Have been reading up extensively.. but I know it will be different when the real thing happens.. When my #2 comes, I will be asking you for advise man!!

Ya I agree.. Very hard.. But she is sick.. So all the more I want to sayang her lor.. My hb tries to be more hands on nowadays as I am really getting a little too big..So when he is not at work, he will bathe and put her to sleep..And the way my hb does it way more pro than me lor.. I guess Lisa sees me as the more affectionate one!! Haha!! My hb can put her in her room and we say our goodnights and hugs.. And we just leave the room unattended and she will fall asleep by herself!!! But if I do it by myself, I need to sit outside her room till she falls asleep!! pianz.. x_x

But i am very lucky.. I decided by 18 months, my girl will have to sleep on her own if I wanted a #2.. So I trained and drilled her to sleep in her own room and now I have no problems..she never insisted on coming back to our room..


ya alr taken panadol early in the morning cos was havin headache too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my BB also mouth small I latch n unlatch many time he still bitin on my nipple hurt so much n the last rd my nipple tear/bleed/sore till I dare nt latch on lo..


huh really ah hmm I feel nt so pain le maybe jus a case of bad blk ducts? Nv shall monitor..


Remember to keep C away from all those infectious little children!! =O


Try to get some rest now since you are feeling better..Let CL handle everything for a while..

Mrs chua,

hmm but if ur boi ok with petpet can save alot leh tt y if can always try with cheaper brand first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh jus read u also wanna bring ur boi to swim ya after 1 mth can go plus I got voucher 1st trial foc[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya going to take a nap after lunch actually dun even feel like eatin feel like dozin off soon jus finish pumpin Nia HENG no more pain n manage to pump 135ml lo weird cos whole morning at poly I din drink any water at all..


I find it torturous to boil water and sterilise the bottles. Moreover must prepare bottles to bring out, so heavy lah!! I tried ways and means to switch #2 to cow's milk and he doesn't like it. I got so fed up with washing his bottles that I changed to Avent for him. PReviously was using Bfree, so many complicated parts to wash!

My #1 is 5, #2 will be 4 end of the year. I'm not brave lah. Was going to close shop, in fact I packed all my stuff up and was going to give it away when I realise I am pregnant. Haha!!

I just went to buy fenugeek seeds. I think it will work like fenugeek pills. Also got nursing tea to standby. Super kiasu!

May I ask who is using cloth nappy? I am trying to buy those tiny infant cloth nappy cover, can't find them anywhere! This is the final thing on my shopping list!!

at gynae clinic to check my wound and chg dressing wait for half an hr Liao still not my turn yet stand till backache leg ache. tdy so crowded. Haizzz


when go out u nvr brg yr longan ?

my baby doesn't latch properly, now try to feed her directly or express out. I can only got about 50ml from both sides, don't know how to increase the flow

Hipopolai: I hoped so.. Am pumping now again... Haha...

Piggy: hugz hugz... Pump out so ur nip will not be so painful??

Elmo: I'm using enfalac for fm leh... Standby..

Pink: hihi.. How r u???

