(2011/04) Apr 2011

Rach.. Sometimes still abit painful for my wound but bearable la.. According to Burmese upon discharge, remove the dressing 5 days after discharge cos on the day discharge, she change my dressing. She say removed 5 days later den If nothing, dun hv to apply anything or put any dressing on.. Guess they wan it to expose to air instead of keeping it under dressing.. Now @ Hm, I still wear those disposable undies since I still hv left over.. So it does nt affect my wound [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smiggleprincess.. I stay @ woodlands & Yishun area.. Wat abt u? 


piggy.. ya, I wan to bring my boy for the swim.. I'm asking my colleague get me the vouchers for the swim as baby shower.. wan to use the vouchers to get membership for my boy to swim.. can see he enjoy bathing so thinking of let him expose to swimming early so next time know how to swim, dun be like his daddy and mummy.. hehe

as for diapers, think I will buy 1 pack of pet pet to try, den if he can use pet pet, like what u say, I can save $$$ le.. hehe.. cos my ss not able to meet his demand, den in long run, he need FM which is v costly too.. so save in diapers and use it on FM.. hehe btw, how much is pet pet? where u all normaly get it??

Mrs chua,

Ok I'll check w e gnc sales assistant n let u noe! Am gg gynae tmr so can ask. Oh u chg dressing e day u discharge ah..mine didn't wor..supposed to go bak gynae n chg I guess but mine started bleeding b4 e appt..n guess ur stitches r self dissolve kind since dun need removal..diff gynae diff practice ba..mine oso supposed to dissolve..but I barely even seen my wound yet haha. E disposable panties I bought cutting r more like norm panties cutting, not super big kind, so e rim of it will b ard e stitches there! Can't imagine if I go w/o dressing..keke.

Gerry: drink Milo while pump? It's going to be a challenge, I'm not using the handsfree option. Unless I do single pump.

Piggy: oh dear pls take care. Hope it'll get better

Mrs chua: ya the pump buy Liao must make full use. Anyway I think wake hb up during pump is ok. Afterall we are doing a Nobel job for their kid too. And let them know how tiring it is to wake up middle of nite to pump.

Gin: I bought my cloth nappies fm giant. U can try go find there.

Hi mommies, which brand/type of nipples/teats r u using to bottle feed your babies(if u're also bf-ing)?

I find my #2 sucking abit different now that she's been bottle-fed for more than 1wk.

Another thing is, shld I get latex or silicon type?

Rach.. ya, the nurse change for me on the day of discharge.. my stitches are those self dissolve kind. I only need to go back to gynae after bb 1st mth.. guess he will jus make sure wound is ok lo.. u beta be careful with ur wound ah.. since got bleeding meaning ur wound haven recover yet, so beta take gd care of it.. the disposable panties which I have left is from my friend, duno where she bought it from, very big, like those in hospital kind.. as for the one I buy, very small cant even fit my butt lo.. hehe

Aries.. my hubby today jus happen to turn over den hear noises so surprise to take a peep lo.. wondering what I doing.. haha.. ya, is a noble job lo.. but this morn I was telling him I abit nt v happy with his action lo.. cos I went to make FM for our boy, he was awoke by our boy cries for milk, he only wake up to saying (without carrying him) den once I return, he jus turn to the bed and fall back to slp.. I was telling him, u v xian shi leh.. he only smile at me.. I know he is tired every day with work and I offered to take care of boy @ night but jus need his help to help make FM.. but he gave me this kind of attitude.. I only can say abit unhappy lo.. but is ok la.. now I xin ku, he will take care of boy and entertain him to play when he is bigger den I can rest more hehe

Tweety: I'm good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PD says C is gaining weight well (300g in the last week) n no prob with jaundice.. Everything looks gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pigeon Nipple Care Cream and Breast Shields


Winnie the Pooh Pants (Unisex) 1 pair


Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


Rach: my gynae asked me to go back 1 week later to see him... He also never change my dressing... Think diff gynae diff practice... If u see bleeding.. Maybe can go back to him earlier?? Dun play play leh..

Mrs chua: my hubby is diff leh.. I woke up in the night to pump... And I do the washing up myself.. He nag at me leh.: asked me to wake him up to help me wash the stuffs... Talk to ur hubby and asked him to help out..


I also didn't use a handsfree kit.. What I did was when I start pumping, there will be suction. So I would use 1 arm and cross it over my chest to sort of hold/support the funnel and bottle.. This will leave my other hand free to either massage my breast, drink a cup of milo or read..


Your #2 still drink FM from bottle? Oh that's trouble.. Give him a nice thomas the train cup to drink his fresh milk??

Haha!! No lah I think 3 is a good number.. But I think for me I must have complete amnesia before I consider 3rd one!! Haha!!


Haha!! Wah so much milk!! Good wor.. Maybe the block duct really can store lots of milk..

tweety... cos I giving my boy FM at night to make me fuller so need his help. furthermore, my boy is those impatient kind and when it deals with hot water, I dun dare to carry my boy to make, in case scald him..

actually my hubby is ok to help me make milk de but jus that he's too tired at times.. In fact, I dun mind he dun help as long as my boy can give me time to make FM for him.. as for pump, I not pumping at night cos v lazy hehe.. washing part, I can do myself after I settle my boy down.. maybe sometimes see him seeing so soundly by my side when I feeding my boy, I feel a bit unhappy la.. cos after my boy born, I dun have a gd night slp liao.. guess this is the passing phrase, after that will be ok le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How is everyone here? I was quite happy because just now during lunch drank 2 cups of hot llongan tea and eat pork vinegar trotters. I can yield 50 ml hopefully not by luck. I think I will try to drink more water

For my Hubby he is on 2 weeks leave so can afford to help if needed at night but if he is back at work I doubt I will get him to help because heneeds rest for his job and can't afford to make mistakes so better let him rest well.

But if he is on off day I expect him to help a little

Mrs chua that day I bought pet pet from kiddy palace. This time buy s size. 9.80 I think I buy ex liao try ntuc should be cheaper.

Mum05: i use nuk. i find that this one mimics the breast best but it really does depend on the baby's liking. some use pigeon but still can breastfeed but as a start, try nuk. i bought the silicon ones cause the latex ones dont last long but the latex are supposed to be closer to the nips on the breast.

vivi: that;s great! my supply also up and down. sometimes 50ml, sometimes 75ml (on rare occasions). but agree more fluids are important. only thing i am cutting down is carbo since I have so much weigh still left to lose. not sure if its affecting my supply a lot or not.

mum05: i bought the classic ones. Used them for #1 with no issues. However, the wide neck bottles if I am not wrong is BPA free but slightly more expensive

ya i oso tot to just buy the classic ones, it can fit any standard size bottles rite? I tot they're all BPA free?

Mrs. Chua,

Actually no need to get the Hwa Xia voucher lar... U go 1st trial if sign package normally they waive the 1st time trial... Last time Terry was like that... If not u can go n ask for 1st trial free mah...

Now u still on ML, can pampered ur hubby abit... Once u back to work force, must share the workload liao... If not very u very xiong...


I also got the 1st trial voucher!!!!! But then dunno where I keep Liao... Got time must find it out... Am Aldo looking forward to bring my princess for swimming!!!!!! I still have 5 free session from Terry as he is their 1st super star!!! Dunno he wants to swim if he sees Mei Mei swim... Kekekeke...


Kiddy palac have arh... Where u stay? I saw the bb clothing promotion at Square 2 yesterday & i saw that nappy. If convenient for u~

Hello all!

day 2 of confinement and i break down and cry liao.

All im allowed to do besides latching is lie on bed stare ceiling if i dont want to nap. Dunno how im going to survive.

Anyone knows whats the guildline for whether bb is doing well or not.

Mrs. Chua,

U mean u carry ur boi the moment he cries??? Cannot like that... U must train him... Let him cry abit... To make fm is about 1mins thing? Cry 1 min wont cause him harm... If not u will suffer in long run leh...

Terry was impatient type also, same goes to Jovie... I let them cry abit before I carry them... Let them understand that wail can't help them much! I know u sure said heart pain... Haa haa haa... But this actually a training for u n him...

Gerry, I fine u n piggy geng leh.. U can hold across ur arm while she can put her thigh... I cannot leh... I tried ur method then end up like I kena tie like that... Cannot do thing... To put on thigh like piggy worst, makes me worry the bottle will topple n milk will spill~ haa haa...


Kiddy Palace have meh? I search 2 kiddy ler never see!! Its the tiny one that comes in 3 colors right? THe big ones are everywhere!


Try the link I posted. The diapers/FM n stuff are REALLY cheaper. But you gotta hit a certain amt for free delivery.


yah lor! My #1 was weaned off the bottle by 18mths. This one very headache. I bought all kinds of bottles and even make him throw his bottles away. Took us 30mins to finish half his usual milk. NEVER MIND. He started to go off milk. SO after 3 days I relented when he refuse to drink any milk!!


the IMM Giant? Hehehe cuz its the only Giant near to me. Din see it too.


I'm looking for the tiny nappy cover leh. Is that the one you have?

Once instead of asking my maid to wash my pumps at night, my hubby happens to be up and he helped. First and last time. I realise he was so sleepy he never wash, he just dumped the pumps into the steriliser!!


Is it the 1 to put in nappy to wrap bb buttock that 1? Got size 1 right, smallest is NB right? I saw it at KP wor... Dun have meh? But my friend said she got hard time to look for that nappy also.. Maybe nowadays ppl dun use cloth diaper bah...

Hi mummies,

I am from the June 2010 thread.

I am now doing my 3rd batch spree for Sophie & other brands, the products can be seen on www.sophie.sg. The discount is 20% off price listed on the site.

To order, please send me a PM directly (I will not be referring to the thread postings). I will close orders on 17 April at 3pm. On 18 April, I will contact all mummies to confirm the orders and ask for payment to be transferred before 19 April 11am. Stocks will be available for collection from 20 April onwards at Pinnacle@Duxton or Tanjong Pagar MRT.


See my speed reply post in forum? This is the time I was told to rest but I can't get my eyes shut!!!!!!! Then I just lie down on my bed with the air con on n surf net abit~~~ Lols~~~ u can watch tv if u have tv in ur room? Or read some mag? For old folks they believe not to use your eyes that much during confinement but for us very hard lar... we use to the busy self now suddenly ask us to rest like paralyze for 1 whole month... Very Cham de...

As for NB, make sure ur bb drink, pee & poo, a healthy bb can wet at least 6-8 diapers daily... Make sure ur bb drink milk sufficiently... As in maybe 3-4 hrs routine, depends on bb when come to milk... But mostly 3-4 hrly...


no la my nip pain Cos I press the shield against my boobs too much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm could be[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but mg fever really came up Liao I was shiverin even can pump in my room no aircon n fan jus took another 2 panadol dunno izzit my hb catches v bad flu over the wkend n pass back to me n my boi[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my hb also when he on leave keep helpin me n look after #1 now tt he gotta work I try nt to disturb him cos he is flyin this few days wait plane crush *touch wood*

mrs chua,

hippopolai is rite tt how I train my boi also the way to handle them is nt afraid of them cryin but u stayin with elderly abit hard cos they will interfere..

Gerry: I does the same too.. Use 1 hand to hold and the other hand to msn and post on forum.. Haha..

Piggy: oooo.. Relax and dun press too hard..

Lynn: hugz hugz.. Try to rest if u can.. If not come online and chat with us lor..

Mrs chua: hubby is working.. That's y I want him to rest.. But he nag at me.. Haha..

Mummies, I'm back from poly. I'm so depressed. Bb's jaundice still going up at day 18. Last Mon was 181... today up to 207 again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Doc say not normal... so gotta draw another tube of blood to test see if the liver got problem anot. I'm so upset now. Pray that they dun call me tmr.. if dun call means test results are ok. Fri gotta go test blood again. Pray tt the level will drop. Just now see them draw tt big tube of blood... draw so long... I stand there also wanna cry liao. So heartpain!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Doc asked me if i'm eating chinese herbs anot.. say may cause the jaundice to stay high. But i din really eat much herbs leh... dunno wat herb is considered not gd. And I purposely freeze my bm at nite after i drink those bu soups.. plus I got supplement with fm leh. Dunno y like tt also. CL say no wonder bb's still so sleepy n drinking so little. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] She suggest drinking water boiled with 7 red dates... say her clients tried b4... it worked. I'm quite despo already.. feel like trying if it's harmless. Anyone hear b4? I also asked CL to feed more fm le loh. Hai... my bm got poison izzit. #1 drink le get watery poo... bb drink le got jaundice. I so much milk also no one can drink.. then i pump n pump so much for what? Depressed...

Btw for those who supplement with fm... do you feed bb with plain water? Cos drink fm need to drink some plain water rite? If total bf then no need?

Sorry for my long post... too sad already... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Oh.. plus now i'm coughing too... shouldn't have any impact on the bm ba?


HUGS HUGS!!!!!! Dun feel depress... Cheer up!!!!

How long does Joel drink? Ho many times he pee n poo daily? I think nothing to do with ur bm... Dun get sad on these... Ya, if Joel absorb well, even a little of Chinese herbs can pass on to him... Try to avoid 茯苓... Later I ask my CL what to avoid then I post again ya!

Oh, u wanna try lady fingers water!? It works on my girl, I din sun her just feed her lady fingers water n her jaundice subside as per her review yesterday... I never heard of 7red dates water before so can't comment...

Hi Sookie....

Hahahahahaha... yah... really will only believe it when my baby pop this friday..


Hi tweety..


yah joining you mummies very very soon....

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehehe....

Thanks Gerry... this 2nd one can feel that its different lor...

when i have my gal.. i like to eat fish soup.. but this one i dun like fish & i like to eat spicy foods so hopefully they are right, its a boy..

but just like what you had said "I want to see the end too"

This time round my in laws are going to TMC on the day I deliver so kinda pressure as they are looking forward for first grandson.. :p

Yah ELmo...

Hugss.... dun be sad....

jia you jia you... can try getting this chinese herb for baby to bath.."Ng ki" you just tell them its for jaundice....

my gal also have that when she is born...

I got the CL to bath her everyday with that her bath water will be come yellowish... you can also pound the thing put in a red packet & put in your baby pillow.

hope ths help...

hippo, wat is 茯苓? han yu ping ying? :p Thks! I dunno how many times he pee.. but he will poo after almost every bm feed. I may try the red dates water 1st loh.. dun wanna try too many un-orthordox mtds at 1 time too. Joel also gain back wat he lost in hosp after less than 1 wk.. then now 18days gain 0.5kg from birth weight loh. Dunno too little anot?

elmo...dun worry...your bb will be fine...

my bb jaundice started on day 2. today day 13 still 179!

doc also suggest took one more blood test to see the liver working well....they just wanna to pay safe..and i m also taking PEM herbs everyday.

think effect not much...but need to cut down ginger and those yellow veg like carrot and tomatoes.

maybe he din drink enough?

i m feeding ard 60-70 every 3 hrs. they need to drink plenty to wash out the jaundice.

but he only gain 300g in last 2 wks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

kymi, i tried ng ki with #1 before.. no effect. CL also say she see many clients tried also no use... so we din try this time round loh.

cowgal, u also ah. Today the level still increasing? Or start to drop already? I din eat ginger at all.. but CL will put in food but also cut down already. Carrot din eat.. but I just ate 1 tomato yest! Joel's feeding amt not fixed one.. like today he drink 60-70 every 2hrs. Nite time 50ml every 2 hrs. But day before he only drink 50ml every 3 hrs at nite and 60-80 every 3-4hrs day time. So ard there ba?

CL suggested feeding plain water since he's taking fm too. Shd I?

any mummies is in kkh now and stay at sengkang/punggol?

i need to get something from pharmacy... pls pm me if u can help...thanks alot!


fm can tahan longer...bm digest faster.

but u mixed ebm and fm...dun think shld give plain water so fast.

cos if plain water feill his stomach..he wun drink milk. then plain water no nutrition.


THe salt water didn't hurt.. In fact, quite soothing and it is a natural disinfectant.. So will help to prevent infection and aid healing.. I remember I did not feel any pain or discomfort after my episiotomy..

How come you must lie down all the time? No good wor..Must move around..


Haha!! Too used to multi tasking.. that's why cannot just sit down and pump.. Ya I would surf the net too and I ended up joining more sprees!!! and spending $$.. Opps..=)


Hugzz.. Oh dear..Are you eating a lot of ginger?? I only know ginger can worsen jaundice.. He should be getting enough calories right?


Aiyoh!! It could be the flu.. I think that would be better than mastitis.. Nowadays I am also feeling fluish.. like hovering on being sick.. If you are not feeling any better, should go see a dr.. esp now when our bodies have been weaken by pregnancy.. and now that hb is working, you got to take care of #1, and pump..

cowgal... i also dunno leh. Cos i intend to give more fm le. So my cursed bm.... dunno pump out for wat liao. Store in fridge let it d.e.c.a.y..............................

mummies..really very gd..still have the energy to post...i almost give up cos of this confinement...and the CL. that's i post a few days...but no time to go thru all posts.

gerry, i din eat ginger.. though CL will add some when cooking. But she cut down also. But this time round.. the poly docs din mention dun eat ginger.. just say dun eat chi herbs. Chi herbs so big definition.. how i know wat to eat? I din eat much herbs also.. CL also say........ duh. I feel like feeding total FM suan le... but this fussy boy like dun like fm leh...


When drinking FM, it is always advisable to give some water as FM has been known to irritate the bowels of some babies.. Don't have to give alot.. I mean since you are pumping, then giving water wouldn't affect your supply.. the reason why we don't give water to breasfed babies is cause they would be full and wouldn't stimulate your milk production.. If you are worried about BM jaundice, maybe you can stop giving BM and just give FM till the jaundice has resolved?


oh dear my bb jaundice also still high tt y they draw blood today see got blockage inside anot hope they dun call me tml too.. the dr told me BM will prolong jauundice so dunno true anot.. i tried sun him bath with ng kee etc but still so slow.. hope our bb r both ok...



hugs. mayb try ng ki since is for bathin onli. i tried for my boy it works.


ya they still contact each other cos they r sort of relative.

my hb did say no n my face was damn black liao nearly cry out but she still say nvm the more ppl come the more ang bao we will get.


rest more n get well soon


Im endin my moo moo career liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] super sad burst out cryin last nite when i told hb n he still can say nvm la gif FM lo sooner or later i got to stop de since i workin. haix cant even BF till 1mth. feel so useless [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

