(2011/04) Apr 2011

Mrs Chua

You can also check this site. I usually order milk powder from them, really cheap! Bought diapers too and it was on promotion.


Congratulations baby26!! Take care n rest well!


did u pump in the hospital? do we need to pump in the hospital? hmmmm


yah lor shawl is really useful. I rem i bought my baby for the 1st month check and i was hiding underneath the shawl to latch him while everyone was wondering what i am doing! Hahah!


wah lau the nurses very rude leh. but then the gynae also cannot be bothered with feedback!!

my hubby also cannot tahan me feeding in front of ppl until i showed him that he cannot see a single thing even when i was preparing to latch. all u need is a nursing bra and a big size top. i was wearing those big tops so alot of excess cloth to hide my fats! haha!


dun cry. i know its very painful. just let your breasts heal and then u can pump more frequent again. meanwhile lower the power and put more cream.

ok getting scared. better go repack my hospital bag. have not packed in my toiletries!!

Tweety good la me still at 40ml . I think you have a good start that is why

Just now Vianne is very hungry, when my Hubby carry her she suck on his nipple

Mrs Chua,

I got e huggies contact direct dealer buy got to buy 5 carton free delivery it quite cheap compare u buy fm ntuc ......If u wan e contact SMS me @ ninesixeightsixeightzerotwozero


Ya the shawl is great!! Allows me to feed anywhere!! =)


I remember last time while bfing.. Everytime I drank a cup of soya milk.. My milk supply goes up.. Apparently, soy proteins helps to increase milk supply..=)

First day back home and Kenna yak yak yak.

For those mommies who delivered naturally, how do u wash ur stitches with those boiled before water? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I used the spray jet in the toilet... Kena scolded...

Congrats to baby26 and mummies who had delivered!

Yolk sac

Hoping to settle my work so that I can stay at home from next week onwards.


Home sweet home with bb tonight! :)

Wow, so many of you preparing for full mth already :) have a good celebration starting from this weekend!!!


I think cold storage is having a promo and it's a lot cheaper.. No time and energy to down last weekend, not sure if it's still on.

Vivi.. Ya, I will order the milk tea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rach.. U taking the fenugreek from GNC ah? U took 2 pills 3 times a day? My hubby that time go buy, they say 1st week 2 pills (1 day & 1 night) den if nt enough, increase to 4 (2 day & 2 night) by 2nd week.. My supply stay @40 -  60ml.. 

Piggy.. If I say, my daddy will give me one kind of face de for the whole day. He v filial to his mother de den his mother super pamper this son (uncle of mine) so Wat they wan, always give.. CNY time will open a can of abonlae jus for him to eat.. 

Rach & pink.. U all still got put dressing for ur wound ah? Mine was removed 5 days after discharge den left it expose to air it.. No need to remove thread leh.. How come? 

Voon.. Those plastic caps can put for all glass bottles? Onli mt a got sell ah? Know if KKH do sell? Thinking of asking hubby go buy.. 

Jus had a pump! Supply reach close to 100ml.. This was after a 20 mins pump follow by my boy's latch for abt 10mins den another 15mins pump.. So happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope can maintain like this den can meet my boy's demand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you all mummies in ur moo moo career.. We can do it de! 

Mrs Chua,

but if only 1 uncle like tt den ok mah....

wah tt show u got milk keep it up[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats baby26


irritating woman some more she wan him call personally m hb Siam plus me black face still don get the MSG.

Tat ex gf still dare to ask y is not my hb ownself call de den sil say my hb in toilet so ask her call but actuali is hb by her side lo. I think tat woman got say don wan come cos scare we don like but sil say nvm insist her mux come

By when milk supply den stable huh? My supply drop till very jialart. Tat time drop manage to save. Start to pump 80-120ml de but today drop till 30/40ml. Startin work in 2wks time m worry my moo moo career endin soon Liao.

Pink at least your Hubby want to buy mine not vey keen because he says don't know safe or not hmmm

Sandy ignore your irritating and insensitive sil as if her baby full month. Pui

Maybe you stress so milk supply drop?

I dont know is it because of the confinement food that I am eating I keep on farting?

mrs Chua

KKH got sell the caps Tmc also have.


noted. lata I ll text u for the contact [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks

bcoz my #1 also using Huggies pull up pants


u got pump regularly? if wanna stabilize the supply must pump on time

This thread is movin so fast, had a hard time trying to find my last post.

Mum05, bbgoh,pink,hippopolai: thanks for the info. I shall ask for fish in my meals. Cannot tahan just eating pork =s

Pumping: hmm I've been pumping at regular intervals 30min each time, my milk increase fm 30ml to 40 then 50ml, I very happy at first. Then now seems like stuck at 60ml per pump for the last few days and not increasing any more leh. Haiz... So little =<. I'm alredy taking fenugreek, tried hot drinks and massage b4 pump, but still can't boost it higher. Any mummies have experience that ss stagnant very long and then can still increase further?


I reply via SMS ....


Ur #1 still using diapers/pull up pants ? If yes order together with ur #2 wan v fast finish ....


Tell your hb a lot of mummy are taking it.. It's safe to eat.. If you are worried.. Then buy the fenugreek seeds.. And just put it in hot water.. Drink like a tea like that rather than a pill..


My dr last time told me to sit in a bowl of salt to clean and disinfect the stitching area.. So everytime after a gentle shower down there, I would prepare a small tub of salt water and immerse my private area for a out 10 mins.. And then rinse again with water..


Try massaging during the pump.. Take a serving of soy proteins (if confinement allows it) everyday.. Last time, when I drink soya milk during lunch, my supply always goes up... Or buy Mother Milk tea.. It contains fenugreek together with other milk supply boasting herbs.. I think some mummies mentioned it..

Piggy.. ya, with one uncle only but he will bring his whole family of 5 here.. all very bu zhi dong lols.. anyway, buffet already settle le.. so now jus need to settle cakes.. as for my bm, I think I got the supply but is jus that I nv drink enough water and did not pump finish everything.. as in nv clear all the milk.. but would like to check, normally how long do u pump? I pump for abt 20-30mins each time..

Pink.. I dun really know if it works or dun works for me.. but all I know is u must drink lots of water when u take the supplement.. bottle state 1 pill daily but According to hubby, the sales girl told him.. 1st week, 2 pills daily (1 day and 1 night), 2nd week, 4 pills daily (2 day and 2 night), 3rd week, 6 pills daily (3 day and 3 night).. but note, only to increase dosage if there is a need.. so if 2 pills daily already works for u, den dun need to increase it..

Btw, u using the medela teats for Ms C? I noticed my boy suck beta using the medela teats too.. if he would to use the pigeon bottle/teats, he seems to suck v hard.. wondering if we shld change to medela bottle and teats for him.. if not every time see him suck so hard, so tough for him lo..

Sandy.. dun care abt what others say.. jus relax and do what u think is right.. : )

Bbgoh.. ok, maybe I will ask hubby to go buy if he have the time.. if not I will go get it when I go back for my review..

Smiggleprincess.. I will go check ard to see which webby got den order.. lf u got any gd lobang, do let me know ok?? Thanks for ur encouragement.. let’s continue our moo moo career.. : )

I've mia for awhile. Only come in to read e posts. Been bz writing resume and glancing job websites. Hehe.

Tmr going poly again. Sianz. Hope bb's jaundice will clear this time!

Wanna ask.. For those who feed their elder kids with ebm before.. Did their poo turn yellow and watery as well? Mine did.. But i only give v little amounts mixed into #1's fm leh. Now i abit dun dare to give liao. But will run out of freezer space soon. Still got 1 tin of opened fm for didi to finish!

Mrs chua, if you ordering diapers from luvbabies website, can i tag along? I wanna order petpet. Thks!

Piggy.. I wan to bring baby to hwa xia for the swim.. According to the lady, she say after 1st mth, we can bring le.. U gonna bring ur boy go? 

Elmo.. Sure.. I will go check Tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now wondering if order too many, no space to store leh.. Btw, pet pet gd? 

Gerry: ok thanks, will try to see if it works. Hopefully can increase further otherwise I think I cannot supply enuf for my girl Liao.

Mrs chua: I pump 30min each time.

Actually I'm not sure if that's enough to get the hind milk out.Cos usually by abt 20min my last drop is out, but I just continue fir another 10min. After pumping I press my aerola still can see milk ooze out leh. Does that mean I didn't "clear" my boobs yet?

Baby26: congrats!! Rest well! ^^


I only start mixed EBM with fm for elder girl. so far haven see her stool so can't share. same as u, my freezer run out space Liao. hope Kayleen can incrs her appt asap

Hello mummies.. Just finished pumping.. Jerrell is sleeping on our bed with us.. Officially starting my moo moo career... So far jerrell hasn't drank fm since he's back.... =) so happy.. He managed to latch on just now b4 he sleep... =)

Totoro: I'm enjoying it... =)

Gin: Initially I didn't bring my pump along.. But because bb was in special nursery.. I asked my sil to bring for me.. Was pumping in hospital..

Hi mummies,

Just finish pumping... I spilled my milk!!!!!! Haiz.... Sad...

But nvm... Can always pump again....

Elmo & BBgoh,

U all so good... Still can supply to #1... envy~~

Mrs. Chua & Aries,

Normally I pump for 15mins... At most 20mins... After last drop came out I stop Liao... is like the milk stop dripping or no output when I check on my breast for few second, I stop...

We can never clear our boobs totally de... If u pump le then use hand to squeeze u still manage to press abit out right? This is normal... LC from TMC did told me dun over pump wor... I think u pump out so u can see the figure, more or less make urself stress coz from the way u girl ask, aldy feel u girl stress on the supply, stress is always a no-no when we BF~ I was like u girls when I BF my #1... always worry over the # instead of to put on the focus on how BF can benefit our kid!

of course we will try to give the best to our kid, but if we can't BF, there is no hard rules that u'r not a good mom if u'r not BF, right? I learn this from my #1 incident... That's y I always prefer to latch than pumping! Just a thought of mine... Hope u girls dun get offended~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats!!!!! Jia You!!!!!!!!

Hi girls,

Guess all the moo moo mummies are up around this time. Thanks all for being so encouraging! I must ren on since so many of you are so supportive. I really hope that I can solve this latching issue soon and all our difficulties with bf goes away.

Aries: hippo is right. Don't over pump. Pump more frequent vs overpumping. For me, 15-20 mins is enough.

Planning the full mth party can be such a headache but it alsomeans end of confinement eventhough I like pink have broken so many rules already!

Sookie:^5.. I'm taking 15 mins for each pump too... Jia you Jia you... My bOy asO finally latch on after trying lOng.. We can do it!!

Wah.. All Planning for full month Le.. Soon u all will finish confinement.. I'm only 4 days past.. Hehee

Hippopo: yes i guess ure right, im still quite worry abt those numbers, lol the "best" thing that happened to me was I struggled to wake up with a painful wound at 3am to pump, only to spill the whole bottle of my "white gold" later. So sad that I actually cried *~*. But now I also try to keep telling myself not enuf milk then jus go for fm, but i guess as a newbie mummy it's still quite raw and stressful when it comes to bf. ^_^. Thanks for the advise, will learn how to relax! hehe...

Sookie: yupz yupz! Thanks! ^^

me also broken lots of confinement rules lo. But sometimes really bth, so many restrictions making life very difficult, so I'd rather flex abit sometimes.

First mth planning: I guess I should start planning too. My confinement supposedly ends on 4 may, but Im thinking of ending it a few days earlier and hold the full mth on a weekend instead. Hopefully can get "approval" fm my mum. >.<

Mummies up pumping for the night, Jia you!! *yawns*

Aries: hugz hugz... I aso always spill my milk.. Careless me.. Remember dun be stressed up!! I've already bought fm just in case supply nog enough too.. Cool coOl!! I'm planning to do my bb full month on 8th may.. It's mothers day!! =)

Hippopolai.. Ya, getting stress over number is really nt effective.. Wanted to always give our bb the best is Wat we mummies wan but is not easy I guess.. We can onli try our best to give.. I do latch him during day time den night time to make him full & slp longer, I gave him fm.. 

Mummies.. these 2 days,  I notice my boy asking for milk every 1-1.5hr. Each feeding, I gave him 90ml of milk, he will finish abt 60-80ml of milk den fall asleep.. After 1-1.5hr later, he will ask for milk again.. So now instead Of the 2-3hr feeding, become 1-1.5hr feeding.. Sometimes i will latch him if nt give him water or pacifier to prolong his feeding time to 2hr. Really Duno y he is so hungry lo, is it becos he's a big boy now so asking for more? 

Tweety & Aries.. I oso spill milk during the 1st few times when I use the pump. Guess we hv to b extremely careful in handling our precious milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety.. Wow.. This yr mother's day will b a meaningful one cos all of us will hv our little bb to celebrate with us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, u got slp or nt? U seem like our pink during pregnancy, no slp keep online here.. Lols.. 

Sookie.. Jia you! We as mummies nv give up ok? So let's Jia you together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Really cannot tahan y back pain liao, had ask Mdm Emma for the massage this wed. Really need a massage badly le... 

morning mummies

tweety, mrs Chua, aries, Sookie, hippolai

after pump, dun over awake, gi bk to sleep to catch rest for next pump. :p

everynight I must set alarm for night pump and ll standby the pump in the room so wake up dun have to walk to kitchen get it again.

mummies who r latch on cum pump to bottle feed

as latching we dunno how many they drink, then will it hard to catch their feeding time? after discharge from hospital I nvr try to latch on again wondering if I shd try on again


wow. this coming mother's day is your 1st celeb & so sweet u can hold Jerrell shower party on the same day.

I ll hold it on 1st May still looking the menu from neo & good luck kitchen

mrs Chua

I thk most of the pump r noisy and soon yr hb ll just get use to it。last time I use avent nw use Ameda also noisy


Aries & Mrs. Chua, yup... Hard to let go I must said... My #1 when I gave him fm I felt so guilty/useless of myself like I really did something bad on him... Haa haa haa...

Mrs. Chua,

I find a bit noisy but my hubby can still sleep like pig... Yesterday my 1st time work up pump at night, wakes my son up... So today I din turn on the light, I pump in dark n I covered the motor with a thick pillow, so my son din wake up during u pump... That explain y I can spilled my white gold...


U very hardworking leh... I only start night pump yesterday as my breast engorge... If no engorgement I will sleep throughout leh... Can't really rest day time so my CL told me to rest more at night... Sufficient sleep is impt for milk supply also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I still bottle feed Jovie after I latch her for 20mins on my left breast... Depends on my xiao jie's mood... She gave up latch on my right breast so normally after 20mins, so I bottle feed another 40 or 50ml... Still feed her 2.5-3hrly... Maybe u can monitor her feeding time if u want to latch???

G'morning ladies,


^5!! my feelings are like yours.. Yes I so agree if you keep looking at vol, you will only make yourself stress.. Bf is suppose to be a special time between you and baby.. It is actually quite an intimate thing.. I always tell people, I look at my baby when I feed, not the vol or the clock.. Like how I don't count the number of hugs I give her.. =)


So happy for you too!! Somemore your jerrell was in the special nursery for a while!! I do find sleeping on the same bed as my little one easier to bf.. Like latching on.. And some even say it helps to increase bm cos you are always in contact with baby and always can smell him.. This is called attachment parenting.. =)


I can't slp thru he night de 2hrs lata ll start to leak I must use breastpad Liao so 3hrs the boobs ll hard dao can't get up.

Terry sleep with while Jo with CL? lata after full mth Jo ll sleep with u?

nw seline sleep with me kayleen with my mum lata my mum go bk I dunno how to plan. if leave her slp alone feel so bad ler.

my pumping won't disturb seline & hb too they still can sleep nicely

why not u pump at living room or guest room? then won't disturb Terry and u can pump easily

Hi all,

Has everyone from our thread has given birth? It feels just like yday we chat abt when are we giving birth. Now my baby already in her 2nd week.

Anyway, my baby has outgrown her Huggies NB diapers. Am selling 3 packs for $20. Anyone keen can check my sale at the thread sale ;)

Hippo, I always feel stress doin nite feed cos it wld wake #1 up if bb cried too loud!

For me I dnt have xtra rooms, 4 of us sleep in 1 room.

Gerry, u feeling better?


Good morning mummies...

me seeing my gynae this evening...

op for c-sect with epdi this coming friday...

still cnt believe that I am having a boy...

one of my friend friend give birth to a boy recently but during her details scan was told its a gal...

bought alot of gal clothings... (sad man...)

joining your moo moo club soon...

previous BF was nt very successful hopefully this time will be better... : )

