(2011/04) Apr 2011

Rach, which brand of fenugreek are u taking? Seems very effective for u....!

Yolk sac, sorry think I missed ur post.. I think the feeding schedule really depends on the baby.. For C she was sleepy all the time so my schedule was kinda crazy trying to latch her or feed her EBM every 2-3hrs...

Yoti: I was advised by PD that for smaller babies we have to feed 2-3hrs. Shorter intervals in the day time slightly longer at night


ya Gerry, trying to but am losing energy, wat kept me gg is the tot of hving to waste such a good pump, haha. So, the min an offer comes in, I'd jump into my gynae's office to stop bf liao, hee.


Wow~ every tree in Botanic Garden!!!!!! I also want to learn.... Kakakakaka... Think my hubby will still prefer me to nurse in nursing room no matter what... Old old uncle thinking again.... Haa haa...


Ya... Sometimes we can't control for work... Haiz...

U rest as much as u can ya~~~~~

I WANT TO COMPLAIN~!!!!!! the nurse at Dr. Keoy's clinic sucks!!!! Those who deliver in TMC pls dun opt for his clinic else u will get angry when u visit their clinic!!!!!!!

Pink, I'm taking gnc's fenugreek..2 capsules 3x a day..but cos u'r latching too, so it's diff to tell ur ss by how much u pump out. My impatient ger refuses to latch..so I'm solely pumping oni..

Damn sian, jus made another trip to gynae to chg my blood soaked dressing..weird tt w all e blood there's not much pain..Haa! Gynae says it's e stale blood leftover post-op..n guess I'm jus one of e unlucky ones who gets it flowing out..


My CL teach me to schedule bb instead of follow bb schedule... We try to wake her up every 2.5-3hr day time n night time 4hrs the longest!!!! So far so good... U wanna try?


okok I shall grant ur wish n mention food soon!!! Lol~

my hb v funnie here I am tryin to stuff confinement into my mouth there he is askin if I can pizza etc since nt liang n wan organise BBQ summore faint yesterday bott ne satay summore ...

Mrs chua,

icic usu if my mum ask my aunt tabao I will tell her straight I still gt many friends nt here scare nt enough n they understd usu almost the end still gt left over then I ask them tabao 1..


I tink quite norm 1 side yield more than the other side wor.. Mine also..


huh so bad ah.. U know hor the aunty doin for me say the twin job our CL pass to sum1 else alr leh so I think she lying.. Jus now accidentally go to sept thread see her daughter tryin to advertise for her bth lo..

Rach, she's latching a few times a day n when I pump I get on average 60ml only... She seems to be drinking more so I got to up my production liao or at least try...

Wah hope ur wound is ok.. I removed the stitches liao then put on another layer of dressing.. Waiting for it to drop off but it hasnt yet


Wow the fenugreek really works for you!! =) It is always nice to see increase in output.. Like a positive feedback to want to continue bfing!!


I think it is quite naturally to have 1 breast producing more than the other.. maybe for your case was that you were concentrating on increasing the yield of your left breast?? you do single pumping is it?? For me the last time, my left breast was always producing more milk when pumping.. And it appears bigger.. But I think my left breast in general seems a bit bigger than my right.. Even now..


Haha!! My friend bought the medela PIS and that was what kept her pumping for 1 year!! Ya I think most important is to keep mummy's sanity in check.. If really cannot, mustn't feel bad.. I mean a lot of us in that generation all grew up with FM.. And we all turn out alright.. =)

Wah does the medication really stop bm immediately?? When I wean off the last time, I did it gradually through increase pumping interval..


Who is ur gynae?


The nurses are hao lian & rude!!!!!!

I reached the clinic as I remember the appt time wrongly, I tot it's 2pm instead 2.30pm... Then they are having lunch... But they din lock the door... So I just walk in lar... I went in the light was off so I was like excuse me? The nurse straight away told me, we are having lunch!!! So I ASKED her politely, in this case can a take a seat in the clinic to wait? U know what she replied!?!?!?????????

"can, u already here what...."


Is my fault to enter ur clinic meh? U did not lock the door in the 1st place leh... DAMN~!!!!!

Btw, complained to Dr. Koey abt his nurse attitude, he doesn't seems to be bothered... So I think the nurses are spoilt by him lor...

Will change PD on my own to west side... Just can't tolerant such a service attitude... Their salary comes from our pocket!

Hippo: yah that's what we do too. Feed her every 2-3hrs no matter what. But she takes super long to feed. Sometimes 1hr to finish 50-60ml. In btw she will poop twice n pee once. So can u imagine 11am I feed her by the time she's done it's almost 1215-1230pm then about 1.30pm I got to feed her again?

I do 3hourly feeds at night... Can't drag to 4hrs. PD says smaller babies cannot drag past 3hours...

Thanks Rach! Will try out.

Gerry: yah i guess so but i can roughly gauge.. Coz every 3hr I pump I get about 60-70ml without latching on.. I don't let her latch on then continue pumping.. My left boob always underperform .. Hah.. Maybe will end up with 一大粒 一小粒 next time too


Nope not yet.. getting very impatient already.. I am scratching until my arms are covered in scabs lor.. Yes week 39 this coming fri.. So I am waiting till then before I get tempted to ask gynae to do something about it.. Hehe!!

You so lucky, confinement is coming to an end for you liao!! Haha!! Man I really don't know what to look forward to.. Once i deliver, the itch will go and then another set of problems will come!! Bf, sore boobs and sleepless nights... Sigh..

hi mummies,

as you know, i am very pro breastfeeding but sigh.. i feel like giving up. first my baby is like a baracuda, giving me sore and cracked nips. then i decided to pump till i see the LC on Wed and even pumping, my nips bleed (i know must be too hard) but its like when i try to heal so that i can learn to latch my baracuda properly, even pumping can go wrong, making it heal much slower. pumping also not a lot.. 60 -75ml every 3 hours.. argh... feel like crying.

Hippolalai: so jovie's jaundice ok?


Huh? Woody got so bad skill arh? Both my c-sec wound are fine... These 2 days lochia getting more, think ending soon... No more pain but now itchy like hell~~~

My #1 wound best... He stitches it till a very fine line which I couldn't find it the day before I went for my #2 c-sec... Thumbs up!!!!


man man lai... Bb needs to learn also... Maybe C is just too xiao jie when comes to eating... Relax... She can feel ur stress de...


the thread is movin so fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm still bleeding on n off lei today is 26day le still got blood unlike my #1 onli bleed for 1 wk plus.

Baby shower

will b doin tis sat. Don wanna do buffet de jux wan gif out cakes cos I hate to entertain ppl but in law insist doing me n hb reject n they come up wif a bery gd idea say will pay for us. Yday last min called up relatives n frens n order buffet the lagi best is stupid sil went n ask my hb's ex gf to come wth I hate these woman n still wanna ask my hb personally call her invite her lo. Hb don wan den sil ask me nvm la more ppl come more Ang bao Ma I mv ans her but my face damn black liao she still don get it go ahead call infront of me. I donno how to face tat woman lo cos she machiam still like my hb.


Hugzz... Oh dear.. Seems like you are having it bad this time round.. Have you tried rubbing your bm to your nipple and airdry it?? Try not to stress.. Breathe.. do you know how to do proper latching?? Your baby open mouth big big??

Hippo, she's really ah nia ... Do u know her mouth is so small I have to buy XS Medela teats for her... All the pigeon teats n bfree teats are too big for her she looked like she was going to choke.....

hippolai & pink,

When u guys say 2-3hrly, it means from end of feed right? My boy also drink slowly.. or is it 3hrly from start of feed?

Pink, u so humourous when u describe bb C!

Mrs chua, those plastic caps, I bought at mt A b4, abt 70cents each.

Piggy, so rushing to do buffet this sun? Meaning yr confinement end this sun??


Jovie's jaundice ok... PD said very mild, just make sure drink sufficiently to get rid of it!!!!

Oh ya, say about jaundice!!!! I got secret recipe to share since it works on my Jovie!!!!

My CL use 3 lady fingers & add 2 teaspoon of water & steam for 5-10mins... Feed Jovie with the water everyday once! I didn't sun Jovie but her jaundice is mild today as PD!!!!! I think this old wives tales works on her... But my CL got said lar, not all bb absorb de so depends... Maybe some brave mummy wanna try? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HUGS HUGS!!!!! Sound painful... Yup, use bm to wipe ur nipples & air dry it... The bm works wonder for me... Although not fully recover but I feel less pain in my next latch/pump unless stupid Jovie bite me! Or maybe u need those nipple cream?

What pump u use? My crack nipple is cause by pump not Jovie, I geniusly think I use stronger pumping motion so can get more milk, in the end it cracked... Could this happen to u? I dun mean anything, I just make a wild guess... No offend okie....


I count from the start wor...


Good mah.. Like that digestion system good & she able to absorb more nutrient although parent a bit tough at the early stage... Bear with it... It will get better!!!!!

Have C go for another PD appt Liao? How is her weigh gain?

Sookie dearie, here's sending u hugs !! U are doing great! I delivered earlier than u n I'm pumping 50-60ml on average only... Maybe u try to rest ur nips a bit these few days? Dont use such a strong suction?

Dont give up!! U can do it! Jia you ok! Put lotsa nipple oil on ur boobs to help them recover. Im using the nipple oil from littledreamers it's quite gd. I don't like the purelan one it's too sticky n oily.

Try to rest n relax a bit ok? I know it's hard with a hungry baby in the house. Give urself n ur body sometime to adjust n recover also... We can do this!!

Hippo: My Teo chew ah nia Xiao jie will let the PD see her again tmr. Hope her weight gain is ok and we can reach 3kg soon! Last week her rompers look too big. These few days it looks like shes growing into them!!

Vonn: Bo pian got to self entertain if not very stressed n tired from all these...


Duno whether it concerns Woody's skill or it's just me tt is bleeding..not much pain n he says e wound is healing..then y e bleeding I oso duno Haiz..n yes it's itching so much feel like scratching!




hugss i totally under... i also feel like givin up cos simply too tired of the pumpin n pumpin n after CL left i will need to do the chores + an active toddler i dunno how long i can hang on manz u r not alone we jia you together...


nope my Cl will still be ard mah if havin full mth earlier mean shorter confinement i will be more than happy man keke...


just back from PD review luckily nvr poke to do BT

PD said just kp sun bath for next 2 weeks and feed more let her poo & pee it out. she weigh at 3.2kg slightly increase. I told my mum dun always wait till the time sharp 3hrly sometime she cry earlier my mum use pacifier to shut her off & said not the time yet -_-

tml then is my turn to check the wound.

Gerry yup I did single pumping I think I concentrated on trying to yield more milk on right breast since it produce lesser end up now left breast become lazy and right breast now produce more milk.

Piggy which brand of milk tea did you take? There are a few wor

Mrs chua order diapers from where

Sandy hugs your sil is really irritating leh ask ex girlfriend to come for what siao never respect you at all

Sookie big hugs me too almost very sian want to give up since almost 45 minutes then can pump 40ml me worse than you. Sometimes my nipple also a bit sore wor . Those milk tea and supplements are my last resort if no use then I think I give up liao sob sob now we jia you ok

Bbgoh: yah paiseh I mean change the dressing...

Mrs Chua: where are u ordering from? What brand?

My ah nia using drypers coz her buttock mini size...

Vivi: jia you! Every bit of BM is gd for Vianne.. My ss isn't great too.. I try not to stress


the 1 we buy is same as the 1 yolk sac buy TM mother milk tea..


now I thinkin when to bring BB for his first swim at hwa xia Liao lol~ n Vivo is mother gave shoppin place lotsa nursing room n spacious for stroller!!!

Pink yeah jia you and persist hee hee

Vianne is using drypers S size already because the new born size is too small. Can see 2 lines on her thighs. However Huggies newborn cutting is bigger so still can use.

How is your CL ok?

Gerry, no worries, though I tried to bf my #2 also, I'm not that hard-fast abt it, 'cos I don't think being too stressed up would do both the mother and child any good, even the other family members might be affected. It was the initial idea of wanting to full latch-on that got me sooo tensed up, esp. when I had cracks on my nipple. Tt's why I'm taking it easier now. I just pump as long as the pump's still not sold, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], just not that vigorous anymore.

For my #1, I took med to stop and it still took me more than 2 mths for my milk production to really stop, aiyoh, abit scared now also.

I'm also thinking of holding a small celebration(3-5tables maybe) at Xin Cuisine - 'cos this is the rest. tt prepares our wedding banquet at the hotel then, :p but am considering if to hold it on the full mth day or the 40th day...

Hi, I just delivered my bunny girl 2.51pm at tmc, 2.865kg natural w/o epidural. So happy Tat I really do it wat I wish vbac n w/o epidural.

Anyone at tmc this few days?

Will update my birth story later, really v tired...

My bb very alert after she born n she keep quietly sleep at the warmer at delivery ward, at first j Dunn she I'd here already I thought she at bb room, till my hb told me then I know,After Tat I straight bf her, she can latch v well n enjoy.... Haha... But I think still nothing for her to latch, thds having come.


Congrats!! So happy for you!! =)

Don't worry.. Latching well is already a very good beginning!! Slowly the milk will come in.. Now there's colostrum!! Which is choc a block full th antibodies and white blood cells to boast your child's immunity..


That's good. Wah still will take 2 months.. I gradually reduce pump time and increase interval also took about a month plus..

For mummies who are feeling tired from frequent feeding:

Lactation research has shown that as the time between feeding increases, the fat level in the milk goes down..

Frequent feedings give your baby the high-fat, high calorie milk he/she needs to grow!!

Babies are the remarkably good at regulating how much milk their mothers make..

Mellow babies may take a longer time to finish a meal, whereas baracudas can finish off a breast in 10 mins..

Don't fret.. Some babies may even take 2 mins to activate their mummies let down.. Be patient with them.. Eventually you And baby will be in harmony with one another..


Watch your baby not the clock..

Back home and starting confinement Le.. Luckily the weather is cooling.. Hehee..

Baby26: congrats!!!

Hippopolai: no wor.. I didnt ask from them leh.. The nurse very cute.. Take to me and ask me to hide.. Haahaa... The bag which they give me for discharge.. They gave me 4 bottles..

Bbgoh: if immediately feed I will use the avent cup... HReuse

Vivi: I'm pumping 60ml now.. Hubby say I'm a human milk producer.. Aiyo...

