(2011/04) Apr 2011


try buying a small can of Nan or similac and see whether your boy will take it.. Keep the BM and keep pumping.. after the jaundice is gone and return to bm liao.. Sometimes the liver might take a while longer to mature..


gerry, i'm thinking the same thing also. Just tt like tt... i can use milk to bath liao. My freezer wont be able to store so much if I give total FM... plus boy fussy with FM... if FM he'll drink less.

Hi mummies,

When you start bathing during your confinement? me so worry I cnt tahan... I was on ML since monday.... staying at home since yesterday, the weather is so so so so hot till I cnt stand bath cold water now the fan is directly blowing at me..'i wonder how i am going to handle next week onwards...

Piggy, Elmo,

There's such a thing as breastmilk jaundice.. they say it tends to run in families so might have some genetic cause..

Sometimes there are factors in the bm that can block the breakdown of bilirubin in an otherwise healthy feeding child..

While waiting for the results, maybe just give FM and see whether baby's jaundice will improve?

But the dr took some of baby's blood to test right..

Mrs chua: lol... Ya la daddy usually only play with kids, can't expect them to do as well as the mum. My hb also like that, but be glad that at least when he comes back fm work, he will go sayang bb, shows that he also care mahz...

Tweety: ur hb so nice, he takes very gd care of u. ^^

Gerry: duno is my boobs too small or what, the suction is not very tight. So usually I will need both hands to press. I wonder mayb isle change a breast shield?

Lynn: wah can rest u still complain? Lol... Just enjoy this mth first la, afterwards bb will keep u busy u wished u cld lie down do nothing. Hehe...

Elmo: hugz!! U must remain positive. Since doc say level still ok then don't think so much. I also heard of the red dates method but nv tried b4. My bb also had quite high jaundice two days ago, what I do is I leave bb to nurse when taking blood. Cos I cannot bare to see her cry also. I hope ur bb will get well soon.

Gin: I got fm pioneer mall giant.

vivi.. pet pet no new born ah? Later I bringing my boy to see PD for review on his cough and flu so see if got time to go check it out.. if not ask hubby go see..

hippoplai.. I asking for vouchers not becos of the 1st time trial.. I would like to use the vouchers to sign the package. Actually I requested for cash as a sponsorship for getting the swimming package for him but my boss not agreeable to give $$$ so they ask if can give vouchers instead. So I went to check, they say can use vouchers to get their package so whatever diff, I will top up with cash.. ya, understand that hubby has a role to play too.. so will get him to play.. dun worry : ) sometimes I already let him wail on his cot for some time le b4 this lazy mummy wakie to make his milk haha.. I understand have to let them wail abit b4 we carry them that kind of theory.. hubby and me wont say it hurts la.. cos we would like to train him on that but is my parent who spoil him lo..

piggy, wat's ur boy's level today? So did u supplement with fm? Ur boy also draw tt big tube of blood today ah? This cursed jaundice.. when will it stop hunting us. Heng I'm closing shop after Joel liao. If not #3 sure come n hunt us again.

Gerry, ya will consider buying Nan or similac since u gals say similar to bm taste. Will have so many diff milks lying ard in the house now. Can open milk provision shop le! Talking abt liver maturing... Joel was born at 37wks... wonder if tt will cause the 'slower' maturing of his liver anot. Piggy's boy also born ard 37+ wks rite?

Sandy, it's ok lah. I will stop bf when i return to work too. SOmetimes.. just bobian.

thks aries.

gerry, ya they drew a big tube of blood to do further testing today. Hope all will be fine!

Mrs chua, think ur boy can wear pet pet s le. Mine also wear s though pretty loose.

Elmo: hugs hugs.. Understand how u feel.. Just like when my boy is in antibiotic drip.. It pains my heart to see the needle ion his hand..

Gerry: yeahzz we're used to multi tasking Liao.. Haahaa...

Sandy: hugz hugz.. Dun be sad... U're too stressed up Le.. Relax relax....

Aries: heehee.... =P

Mrs Chua,

heelast time i got sign package cosmy boi like enjoy bathin but who knows he jus float there no move/kick like king lol~ this time round will jus get those tub n let him swim at home keke...

actually it gd to train Hb also my HB from nothing now know how to bath, change diaper n make milk for bb keke..

ya stayin with elderly make it harder to train bb cos once bb cry they will try to interfere liao...


my boi level drop from 244 to 208 today still consider high last wk they alr took his urine for test result norm den today took Blood to test see got blkage anot but dun understd y they cannot do all together-_- ya i increase Fm from 1 feed to 2 feed now i freeze quite a no. packet of BM alr jus bott another 2 box of boots milk bag nia... dun worry i believes they will be fine..


i also dunno cos my #1 mostly on Fm also took quite a while to drop...


initially i hope can BF till 6mth but now i no confident also told me HB i am so tired n BF take up so much time n like today i feel unwell the heavy boobs make me feel worse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Elmo: dun give up bf. For so many years in ancient, bb have been surviving on bm when fm was not even invented. It's nature way for mummy to provide for bb. Jaundice or not just have to tie over this difficult period. If u think bm is causing the prob how abt freeze ur milk first? When bb liver more mature then slowly intro back bm. Or what I'm doing now is I alternate bb meals between bm and fm. I nv give two consecutive bm meals. So at least she can have the best of both worlds.

Sandy, it's ok lah. Bb healthy can le. U see i got so much extra bm also no use... now cant give bb cos got jaundice. Even more heart pain. Pump so much also dunno for wat. Think at this rate.. no motivation to pump.. supply will drop to 0 soon also. Must kan kai yi dian. Look on the bright side.. u'll have ur breast back! Can drink all the kopi, tea.. eat rubbish also wont affect bb! That's a happy tot!

piggy, at least urs is on the downward trend already. Mine still increasing! U finish up 1 box of milk bag already??!?!!?! Dun think my freezer can put in so much... cos already packed with those meat, etc. IF i can dong till end of confinement... then I can clear my freezer n put solely bm!


not yet cosi got only got half abox to start with n i pack in 100 & 200ml n like Gerry sumtime i will use the frozen Bm n replace with fresh 1.. actually i will still gave BM cos the Bm at this stage is the best jus tt i got supp with FM.... dunno can take our Bm for test anot lol~


Yups my gynae is Dr Woodworth. N I buay tahan oreid washed my hair once in hospital, after discharge next day I shower using herbs le..buay tahan. But I'm one of e bo chup ones la, cos reali can't stand not bathing..


ya bf very tiring envy those mummy who bf so easily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] n for almost 1mth my pump haf become my BFF le.

Elmo: hugs.. Joel's jaundice will be ok soon! Why dont u alternate btw fm n BM n observe first .. Maybe it's not ur BM?

Let's wait for the blood test result n see.

According to my PD,good weight gain shld be btw 200-300g per week


u can catch up v soon 1 I alr 3 wk den gt this much leh u only few day Nia[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I gt many friends after CL left s/s drop dunno will happen to me anot hope my supply stablise soon so I can pump less freq n more time..

Tweety, u can pump out 90ml v gd le.. I remember last time my supply v low..

Elmo/piggy: give fm can lower jaundice?? Will the Ginger we eat affect bb jaundice??


i bott my boi to jurong Polyclinic wor cos go PD also mus take BT n so ex so i rather go Poly...


ur milk so much who knows like bbgoh soon u can distribute..


北芪(Bei qi),当归(dang gui)... Those herbs in white can try avoid coz they mayb bleach using 硫磺 (liu huang) cause the jaundice...

Wow~ looks like u r going to pamper urself with 贵妃浴!!! Good also, stop for the being time until Joel jaundice is gone then feed again bm...

Dun stress urself, relax! Joel is strong boy, everything will be ok soon!!!!


Hugs!!!! Dun sad dun sad!!!

Piggy, where i can find boots milk bag? I was searching in BP but the cheapest I can find is Lasinoh leh... Abt 35cts each....still thinking whether shld get it... dun get now I dun have storage bag Liao... I only bought 1 box blue egg brand from KP that day....

Hope ur boy also will out from jaundice soon!!!!


U how many days can get 90ml, very good Liao... Dun envy lor... I'm stuck at 100-120ml per pump now... Haiyo... All these number things..... Haiz.... Luckily Jovie can suck better now... So going to fully latch her when she is ready... Hahahahaha....


U buy those swim tube to let Kleavan swim at home, u not worry arh?

Oh ya, will Kyler request to hug didi at home or when he sees him? I very headache... Terry every night must request to hugs Jovie whenever he sees her or hear she cries, but then he is so chor lor... When he tries to bend down to kiss her, is like he is so going to 压到她! Make us worry to max... We let him hugs her for like few minutes and take her away, not more than 1 minutes he wants to hugs her again... I never know I got such loving son before... Haiz...

Elmo, me tried the red dates method b4 but nt sure if it works and I can't judge my gal jaundice cos pd oni say go bk review when she goes for hep b jab at 1mth.

U use 7 red dates, put it into a bowl and cover it and put into rice cooker to steam. Put inside oni after rice is cooked and feed Joel few sips. Try Ng Kee too, no harm trying.

Sandy, I'm oso giving up bfing. It's a matter of time cos my office there's no where to pump and work is so hetic.

Anyway, we tried right?

Kymi: I didn't bathe so far during confinement. Btw I'm just 1.5wks into confinement only. I use the da Feng Cao herbal water to wipe my body and wash face everyday, and every 3 days wash hair by bending down. Cos I still wear binder for csec, so cannot wet body. In between the no hairwash days I use dry shampoo to keep the oil off my hair. I got on fan at low speed but blow away fm me, just want to keep the air well ventilated. intend to do this till the end of confinement. So far so gd, very confortable.

Piggy: wat is bottle liner? Does it work the same as milk bag? is it cheaper then milk bag, eh paisay I very sua-ku. >.<!

I'm also try to find cheapo milkbag, asked my hb to go buy, he couldn't find the playtex at kiddy palace leh. I guess after confinement I go source myself.


oh i left ard 10.40am wor.. goin nex tues again at 9am u?


worry for wat? the tube is quite safe mah.. i got many friends bott tt leh.. n i can borrow from my SIL so ok la the hwa xia v ex leh.. tt time i sign up for #1 also...

oh my #1 will auto sayang didi but like Terry v chor lo tt day wan share bus with didi end up hit his face but i din scold him la cos he din mean it mah jus tell him do it gently n he will do it... oh the boots 1 i pay $19.50 for 2 box each 40pcs includin postage from WTS thread...

wah ur s/s also gd alr catch up with me liao so sure enough for Jovie ...


bott liner got no ziplock function n thinner can jus tie a knot v cheap less than $0.10 per pcs....i saw BP have u can buy from BP?


ur milk so much of cos will have enough...")

Hi mummies

Sorry for gate crashing. But I have a really great deal to offer.

I have a Medela Swing (Singapore set) bgt last year. Currently still under warranty till Nov 2011. Used less than 5 times as I plan to use this whn I m outside. Bt in the end I didn't really use it cos my supply wasn't really fantastic. Letting go full set with original packaging at just $210. As gd as new, can't even tell it has bn used b4. To make the deal even more attractive and worthwhile for MTB, I will b throwing in a brand new pk of Huggies NB diapers at my own expense.

Grab it b4 its gone! PM mi for the unbeatable offer.

Piggy, ya.. U see one is Room 12 a lady one right?? Last week go polyclinic for 3 times le.. My boy jaundice level got drop from 210 to 190+ dun know y so fast need to go for urine n blood test..


I scare I cannot handle mah... Hahahaha... Later Terry sees mei mei in the tube he also want to squeeze himself in~ Imagine the pic I headache liao...

Mrs chua I think new born cannot fit your boy la you can buy small size already because my gal now find new born too small already

Tweety me worse la still at 40ml only ke ke

Vivi: that's gd Vianne is growing well.. My ah nia still wearing drypers newborn.. She everything mini... Mouth mini backside mini too.. Drypers cutting is the smallest


Maybe you should get a breast shield.. If you think it is loose, should get one that will fit nicely..


Oh icic.. Maybe really Asians baby tend to have more jaundice..


It could be cause bb come out too early.. I mean of course best to leave baby inside for as long as possible until edd.. Or until baby wants to come out..


izzit my boi 1 so high but only they alway ask him go back in a wk time leh... sianzz...


can let mei mei swim when gor gor go to sch mah... n bb will have neck float so v safe la...


my boi also small but i let him pet pet S size liao haha... now he 3.31kg so fast tink by full mth he will be ard 4kg liao..

Pink: lol actually I prefer girl to be petite. More yiu xiu mah.

For mummies whose bb having jaundice, just to check ur bb blood gp is it different that's why jaundice more serious?

Piggy: oic, tks for info. Sounds like milk bag is still more convenient.

Gerry: ya I think I need to get breast shield Liao. Haiyoz!! Prob with small boobies... >,<

Hippoplai.. I use 1 hand to hold the 2 pumps together while the other hand, I use to play with iphone.. I cannot use piggy's method to put in tights.. Seem not secure lo.. 

Gin.. I jus bought thise nappy cover from amk.. U know amk central near to the famous curry puff codfeeshop? Is along that stretch of shops, got a shop which sell all bb stiffs de.. I jus bought 3 for $9.90

Elmo.. I avoid ginger that time when my boy admitted to hospital for jaundice.. Den my mummy uses ng kee to bath him everyday & I tried to sun bath him if possible. Dun worry, joel will b alright.. My boy gain 400g after 3 weeks . According to pd, is gd.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as for plain water, my parent insist giving him saying how can one go without water ESP he on fm.. Initially I rejected to give cos o know plain water has no nutrient & will make them full but Bo Bian, staying with elder will interfere lo.. So in the end, I gave in to water cos fm really heaty for bb... 

Aries: last time i also thought I wanted a petite you xiu baby .. But now I see everyone's so big and chubby.. Sigh I wish she'd be bigger.... Oops

mrs chua, according to doctors/PDs, we're not to feed babies too much water, 1-2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day is max...


o ya Gerry, my #2's jaundice was alot higher than my #1 and she was admitted(we cld borrow the phototherapy lights back but tot she'd be better under nurses' care, so we admit her, plus I cld do wif abit of rest then) and after 1 day, she was discharged, but now she's yellow again and it's breastmilk jaundice now... which the PD said will last up to 2 mths or more...

