(2011/04) Apr 2011


mine discharge at level 20 ler even higher hope lata review won't ask to be admitted. she still wake up on time to drink after drink jiu sleep. not really sleepy baby.


work hard huh hehe. yah just keep it on I m yr milk ll goin up soon.

so nice they gave u bottle for storage huh. tat day I ask they got no stock le. then did u buy the cap? can get from the shop at level 1 $3/pkt I thk got 3pc bah.

u shd ask some FM too. since u gave enfalac then ask for few btl of it. so lata rch home dun have to rush to buy & who noe u got enuf EBM then dun need to buy Liao.


congratz!!! soon u can hold yr lil bunny. Jia you!!!


I m getting headache of my frozen EBM ler tat compartment for it almost full. thk got abt 3lt?? shall I post at WTS thread give it away or better kp it?? by when our Bb can drink 100ml? nw she drink 60ml, I freeze abt 1.2lt/day. my mum ask me dun drink fish soup anymore.

G'morning ladies,

I am officially coughing!!!!!! #%*#^}^# and i am so hoping too give birth this week... All cos of this stupid girl from lisa's playgroup who had stupid green mucus running down her nose!!!!!! Anyway natural rememdy to help with cough/on the way sore throat??


It's always the office that is so inconvenient.. Do you drive to work?? I have a friend who pumps in the car.. Of course with a shawl..

Don't stress about weight now.. 9 months up, 9 months down.. Plus sometimes they say subsequent pregnancies maybe harder to lose.. Maybe once confinement is over, you can incorporate some form of exercise to take away the weight??


Oh.. Wah!! I guess you keep pumping till you feel better.. Then latch again.. Maybe you can latch bb on the good nipple.. Use bm to rub the affected nipple and air dry it.. I feel it helps to heal the sore cracked nipple faster than any cream..


Nice seeing u yesterday! :D


Okay! The contracting pain got worst in the night yest. Think I probably need stronger painkillers..

Bbgoh: wow ur ss is gd!! U drink fish soup liao? I thought they say csec cannot eat fish wor.

Wanna check with mummies who had csec what confinement food u all eat? Can eat chicken and fish? Or need to wait until when then can start eating. Me first wk post op, have been surviving on pork only cos my mum say cannot eat chicken and fish.

Bbgoh: yup.. They got give me the cap too.. The nurse gave me samples too.. And ask me to hide it.. Hahaha.. If me I will keep the bm la.. Can feed as long as possible ma...

Gerry: oh dear.. U better take care k...

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] up to latch a little my boy den now pumping.. Hope can get a gd pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby26.. Jia you wor! We are here to support u. 

Gerry.. Will ask hubby check it out when he hv the time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jus now after latch my boy, I noticed fresh lochia so now I think the more I latch him, the faster it will clear.. 

Piggy.. Is ok, since hippoplai wan, u pass to her. As for our raspberry tea, we can continue to drink? So Dom & wine as long as cooked Le, I dun hv to wait for 3hrs b4 latch or pump? 

Vivi.. Ya lo.. I oso Duno when we can head out to buy.. I onli wan go back mil's place take something with hubby, mummy already nag until the house so noisy.. Hubby oso bth lo.. 

Ningyo.. Nvm, endure the 1mth den it will b over Le den u cam drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh ta, I heard if we drink milk tea or coffee b4 pump, the bm our bb drink , they can't slp.. Is that true? 

ningyo, yes, the mother's mates patches r really very effective, guess tt's why it's recommended by the LC.

Gerry, tt's wat the LC n nurses/sister told me to do, latch on the good one, but after some tots, I think it'd be even more troublesome, to latch n to pump, so I decided to go wif pumping... The incident really scared me off man! Some more I kana mastitis from that b, although it's common/normal, but I'm really too afraid of going through the crack/sore, again.

Aries, I was told to avoid seafood(except fish - only threadfin is advised to be taken dur confinement), chicken and eggs. I even refrain frm eating these foods for 100days when I had my 1st born.

Back at work already.. super xian... Just came in and already feel like taking leave..


Thanks!! I just hope it doesn't gets worse than this..


Oh dear.. Sounds like you are having it bad.. but with mastitis, the worse thing you can do is to stop pumping and latching.. the milk has to be drained.. And don't massage your breast too strongly as it might cause the milk to go into your blood vessel and make mastitis worse..

I guess just take one feed at a time and one day at a time..

Did the LC say your baby is latching on properly and if baby is draining you well? Was the experience with the first child better?


i only avoid seafood.

since during hospital stay i alrdy eat chicken, egg & fish so i din avoid but i thk this is up to individualo as some ppl skin more sensitive & healing not so fast. but for fish dun need to avoid lah


tats good as they told me nwadays they didnt give due to safety reason loh got ppl dunno how to heat up with glass btl so end up cracked. they gave u the cap is the one from ori packing? u dun use too long as tat cap easy to 生锈

i use plastic one. the centre can remove then put in teat de.

i also hope to keep but for frozen ebm also almost can kp for 3mth, then i thk by then i still BF bah and if everyday kp such amt i ll need a freezer special for it le -_-

and as wat i noe the 1st 2mth BM more nutri hmmm maybe i just kp unless here got mummy wan bah dun like to give unknown ppl too


can drink honey & lemon? i thk just drink a lot a lot of water & rest well. hope u recover soon.

bbgoh: eh... i think i won't use the glasses for long also ba.. cause i got buy milk bags... heehee.... the samples she gave me is not glass bottles leh... it's plastic bottle de...


oh tats good

but if to keep for next feed use milk bag very wasted ler. wat brand u bought? i m looking the BP for the playtex liner cant find ler

Gerry, drink more water ya....some honey and lemon will help.

Enjoy work while u can, taking care of a seeking attn toddler and new born is no fun!

I miss work........boohoo.........

Mrs Chua, soon soon liao...hi 5!!

Next week is the end of our 'jail'!! haha...

but mus pass these week then its very soon...self consoling...


thank you very much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah so fast next week end yr confinement liao, envy :p

hows yr boy's jaundice? still need to check up?


ya NEX WK!!!!!! cant wait hahah...

my boi still look yellow goin back tml for BT hope got drop alot[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sian my MIL suddenly say wan do the full mth this sun instead suddenly alot of thing to do ..


yst my cousin told me last time his boy also jaundice then go poly cdo BT few times till she heartpain & worry end up went bk to his PD. PD said nvr mind dun worry some take up to 2mth to drop. tats y she not recom to go poly le. so u dun have to worry too.

my girl still look yellow too & her white eyes also look yellow ler, lata go review hope PD wont ask to admit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

somemore yst & tdy no morning sun, cant do sun bath.

oh this sun ah, then still got time to order buffet & cake bah.

yst mil also discussing abt buffet catering. due to last time experience she always ask me dun order too much -_- how can for 70pax only order for 35pax, enuf meh? if we est 70pax i thk at leas must order 50pax bah

i m considering NEO garden. another one u recom to dreamy is 'good kitchen'? u mentionede their portion bigger than Neo?

Aries: I take fish too .. Salmon codfish n threadfin. I rotate btw these for all 3 meals. Gd for milk supply too. Pork is ok too. I am avoiding chicken for 12 days.. Can take after that .

Gerry: poor thing! Can take mc n rest?

Piggy: im happy for u all also coz after u are done with confinement I'll be done too.. !! Aiyah but how to go anywhere... Every 2-3 hrs need to pump or feed

Now with my boy @ poly, his jaundice level is clear.. 60 for today. Dun need to b back for review.. Yeah!!! Dun hv to b back for poke poke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Today @ day 19, he is weighing 4.405kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can 1 jus plan ur time usu i will pump be4 i go out den rtn ard 3-4hr to pump but this time i no car so more challenging... heng i usin freestyle v light can bring out n use batt mode to pump... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua,

wow tt gd[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya gd luck kitchen ... actually Neo garden portion is really v small [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm for jaundice if high better monitor i go polyclinic cos i wan to make sure it drop cos even i go PD they also ask me to do BT..

Quick one cos I have to wake up the little one for a feed.

Gerry - take care! I'm coughing too. I have found that this natural cough elixir made by Waleda helps loads. It's all natural so safe, and is sold at the organic shop next to Coronation Plaza along Bt Timah Road (orange bottle).

bbgoh, ya, do as u feel comfortable, just that I was told to avoid for 100days, so I follow thru, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerry, the LC has watched me latched my bb many times n most of the times she didn't say it's wrong latching. I guess it's probably becos my right nipple abit short? My 1st born I didn't really latch her, I pumped most of the time, so it was alot alot better and easier. I had very good rest, not this time round...

Had mastitis more than a wk ago, now just hoping won't kana again before I completely stop, lolz.

mrs chua

tats good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


how abt gd luck kitchen portion? if portion small then gotta order more hence spend more hehe but i noe Neo food is nice


can go out. like piggy said just plan timing and of course cant go out whole day loh but C noe to latch on, isnt it? then u can save to brg pump & just latch her when she is hungry loh. nw many shoppung centre got nursery room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs chua: wah! that's good and must be a relieve. Mine will be on Wed. Hope he is given the all clear cause we are so tired of playing nurse for phototherapy.

Tweety: actually i was thinking.. how did Dr Tham know that the cord was around the shoulder? did he do a quick ultrasound scan?

wah so envious of those ending confinement. I can;t wait for my turn even though its like 3 weeks away!

voon: yap. i know how it feels. taking care of new born and #1 is so difficult! yesterday i broke down and cried cause i felt so stress.. having sore nips to pumping to dealing with #1's attitude and phototherapy.

bbgoh: my friend gave me 1pktg medela and 1pktg the first few years milk bag.. i bought 2 pktgs of lansionh milk bag... hopefully it's enough ba.. heehee...

i'm going home today!!! heehee.. they're dressing up my boy now... this morning another LC came.. she's very patient leh... teach me how to latch bb on... and she said i have a lot of milk leh...

Hi mummies,

kindly check how do you clean yr baby's nostril?

For bottle feeding,usually do you all feed till the last drop of milk? Cos usually at the bAck will be all bubbles- will the child absorb too much air?

sookie: nope..he didn't... cause Jerrell's hb is dropping.. so he suspected something to do with the cord... either the cord is too short.. or the cord is entangle ard the neck/shoulder.. so when he pushed me to OT... when he took bb out... he said.. no wonder.. the cord was pulling his shoulder...


My cl say ok after the first week, but no seafood..


I used to used ice cube tray to store my milk. Easier and save money. Once frozen just put the cubes into a ziplock, then use the no of cubes needed.


Still have no idea which one to use.. Tot of offer diff food instead of the usual.. Any ideas?


congratz tat u can go home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh good good.. after latch do pump clear yr boobs to maintain good supply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya gd luck kitchen potion is big..

Yolk sac,

I use cotton bud to clean.. Ya I feed all as long as u burp them shd be ok..


tt is gd lucky u...

yoti: to clean baby's nose, use a cotton ball, twist it to a pointed "stick" that can fit into baby"s nostril and then fit it in and twist it slowly and softly while pulling out of baby"s nose.

Piggy.. Ok, kept having the thought as long as wine like Dom etc den must wait till 3 hrs later den can pump & latch.. So now I know thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 

Huh.. How come she wan to do baby shower this sun? Very rushing leh.. By right I thought u doing on 22/4 & 24/4? 

Bbgoh.. Where to get those caps with hole in the centre for teats? U mean those glass bottles can use such caps? So far, I using those caps which comes with the bottle itself.. 

For buffet, I'm ordering 50 pax too for estimated of 70 pax. If onli order 35, scare food portion too little den how? Those guests who come after that will hv no food to eat, v paiseh leh.. Was discussing with my mummy jus now, wanted to order from mum's kitchen the menu which got chicken rice & satay menu, but we hv a concern.. We hv guests/relatives who Duno how to control themselves de..if food is nice, they will eat & eat den my daddy is the kind will ask these pple to ta bao back food & they come super early de.. If they eat & ta bao alot den food will nt b enough lo for guests who come later. So we thinking of changing the buffet caterer to another one.. 

Voon.. Nvm la, jus Jia you! These week will pass v fast den next week again pass v fast den end Le.. Yeah!!! 

Sookie.. Dun worry since u got nurse bb under phototherapy shld nt b a prob Le.. Shld b clear by wed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua,

cos 24 Apr is over 30 day so after 2nd thot she say this sun better so now change to 17 apr n 22 apr lo.. but i no need todo anything la jus tt abit far apart .. hahah u v funnie scare food too nice.. but can ask them dun tabao rite? but dun worry sure got some lastmin cannot make it 1.. n u will have red egg n ang ku kueh also rite? so shd be more than enough no worries.. tt time i ordered 55pax cos got waiver of delivery end up last min some cant make it or din eat when they come end up left alot of food wor... n i invited 70-80pax...


U'r blessed lar... Today is Monday so the new batch of sample arrive today... Can ask for more... Kekeke...

I try to ask they also told me the same thing as bbgoh leh... Sian... So in the end I rush to kiddy palac to buy milk...

I ask for Mamil sample & mine was glass bottle... Nurse got mentioned nowadays sample mostly in plastic bottle which is non recycle de...

You're going home!!!! All the best to u!!!!


Start to turn evil again lar u... *tsk tsk tsk* tempted me that u'r finish ur confinement soon... Lols~

maybe will get my hubby to collect from u after work or weekend.... See which is convenient for both of us? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] worst u come visit me, if u dun mind the smelly me!!!! I calculate liao, will take bath on 17th (12 days after deliver) so u come, pls come after 17th, hee hee...

Btw, u gave me another reason to go out during confinement!!!! I'm so going to go out to take a look at the full month package... Kekekeke...


Y cannot take fish? Some mummies said just avoid sheng yu, I take fish daily leh.... Avoid chicken n egg for first 2 weeks, as old folks believe chix n egg will cause 脓 to our wound...


Y dun take mc & rest at home? The faster u recover the faster u can expect ur bunny!!!! Else u will have to worry mah... Pls take care!!!! HUGS!!!!!!


C latch so more convenient for u to go out mah... Choose those place with nursing room de... Dun worry abt the balance in your boobs... I bet u won't stay out for long for the first few week as u get tired easily esp u didn't rest well during confinement... Do rest more!!! Dun keep thinking of going out!!!!! :D


hahah my confinement only officially over on 21 Apr so be4 17 apr not possible la lol~ so no worries.. eh i not tryin to tempt u k... at least i din mentioned food!!! lol~

yolk, no worries abt bb sleeping. The more they sleep they will grow. After 1wk, they will Demand for milk!

Sookie, diff hor? I gonna give up bfing le. My #1 is someone who need alot x to adapt to something new. For school he took 2mths. Nvm, cry Liao and brave up ya?

Yoti, I used pigeon cotton bud which is smaller than usual wan.

For feeding, I stop when the milk reach bubble jus incase it cause colic.

Mrs chua, see today half day gone but I really dread nite x to do self feeding myself and it disturb my #1 cos he gotta wake up early for school.

Wow you are all talking about first month catering ler! Here I am still looking at my hospital bag, thinking of repacking it! Hahaha!

Today I went to buy some food to satisfy my craving. Must must must eat everything I want before I pop!!


Thanks yeah .... Yeah bb bunny also start with K

Mrs Chua,

Another soup that can help increase in BM is green papaya w fish bone soup ( can use threadfin bone)

I envy u ladies leh when I start confinement some of u r done or finishing soon .....


E CL call me ytd n say if I dun deliver early she can't finish for me will still leave n ask her friend to take over .... Before she hang up she say hope tonite u will start labour .... Argh I so angry n piss off w her

Hippo, Yolk sac, Voon, Pink and Tweety...

Thanks.. Will try to rest.. But I had to come in to work today to sort out some stuff before I pop..


Right now all I am thinking is my PUPPP which is itching me to death!! Haha!! So all I keep thinking is for the baby to be out.. 1 problem at a time... =)


I also use the pigeon cotton bud.. They actually sell those nasal suctions.. but I don't find them very useful..


If you are latching, you can go out without worries as long as C is with you.. Ya.. Nowadays many shopping centres have a nursery room.. Paragon has a nice one.. Taka has one on the children level.. Very private too..

But for me if too troublesome, I will just whip out my shawl and feed..


Oh icic.. I guess pump as long as possible.. Not easy to pump, look after #1 and #2.. I can imagine it will get uber crazy..


I still hoping this weekend I can go shopping leh. Hahahahah!!


We are the behind ones!

First month Celebration

I don't think I will be holding any celebration for this baby since its the 3rd one! So I can forsee my confinement is sleep/eat/sleep/eat since my mil offered to look after the baby and told me I must rest more since I am errr very old ler. Hahahah!! Now everyday must wonder if I will have milk or have the energy to wake up and pump!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My sil already bought many dvds for me to watch when I pump at night. Hiaz, thinking about sleepless nights make me wanna cry.


For #1, I BF only in nursery room. So sian having to hide in the room and feed whenever need arises.

#2 become more gungho. I think I fed under nearly every tree in Botanical Gardens. Mastered the art of latching in front of anyone without showing anything with the help of nursing bras and big tops.

Maybe #3 I will start flashing at people. Hoho!

Thank you mummies for the reply....

For burping, how long do u take to burp the baby? Cos sometimes I burp my daughter, she dun wanna burp..do all babies burp after feed?

In addition, kindly check for night time,do you all fixed to feed yr child 2-3hourly feed if they are sleeping soundly? Or u give feed when they wail for milk?

Gin, SY,

I am still waiting too.. Haha!!


Ya.. I also find it quite stifling to have to bf in the nursery rooms.. So for me is a shawl, and I can settle anywhere to feed.. The time will pass by faster too.. =)

Piggy.. cannot dun ask them ta bao de.. cos is my daddy and ah ma who will ask them ta bao. Furthermore the grp of pple is my uncle and family.. they will everytime come early & eat.. den if food nice, they can jus take and take to eat.. den after eating, my daddy and ah ma will ask them ta bao back. So they come in a family of 5, eat plus ta bao ard 10 pple share lo..

Wow Tweety so good few days can get 30 ml me still hovering at the 40ml and 30 ml mark... getting the Mother's milk tea....

Mrs Chua since Piggy posted the BP no need to go out and buy can shop online liao... hee hee

Need to ask you all initially my left breast yield more milk but then I dont know why now my right breast yield more milk than the left one... is it because I overstimulate the right one and ignore the left one so now left one yield lesser milk liao?

Erm what should I do...

Talking about full month I am doing mine on the 24th which is a week earlier because my MIL says we cannot do on the exact date must be slightly earlier so no choice next Sunday...


We delivered on e same day rite? 30/3? Likewise gonna hold my bb shower on 24/4..hee. U tried taking fenugreek to boost ur bm ss? I find it helps for me..from 60ml to double e qty next day..as for e difference in e yield fm both sides, guess haf to ask our bf expert Gerry!

Rach yes same day ha ha I thought do on 24/4 like very strange hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Havent eat fenugreek yet cannot go out and buy that is why trying the mothers tea. wow fenugreek works wonder for you :p


yoti, the LC told us tha we'd hv to burp bb half way(if direct latching, after 1st B, before changing to next B), and if after 10mins, bb still doesn't burp, don't bother, esp if bf...

