(2011/04) Apr 2011

Anyone's bb started to drink less? Mine used to drink 70ml. Now drop to 50ml.. Keep sleeping. Dunno is my CL lazy to feed or what. Sometimes he can zz for 4-5hrs without waking up for milk leh. I'm starting to worry if he's having enough! :-(


Gerry, Pink and Hippopolai

False alarm. Mt A LC came by and checked my latch, milk, etc - it's colostrum! Not yet onto transitional milk and milk hasn't come in just yet. LC says the boy's latch is good though and she said it's clear he's a motivated feeder. She was upset that the nurse had suggested FM and motilium - said it's really not necessary and that I should be able to TBF as long as I take it easy.

She's a really good LC. Spent ages with me - at least 30 mins. I do love Mt A.


I totally agree with u. tdy sat my #1 not go CC. I hard to get rest. wanna pump also hard she kp wanna touch it, can't imagine if I latch on. this morning I carry meimei she get angry jealous liao

mummies who stay SK area

anyone dun mind like to take my EBM? tdy I got excess ard 400ml I try to not freeze too much & wanna give my girl fresh one. this 400ml is yst one. let me noe if anyone keen.


Glad to hear that. My last stay at the hospital, the LC was away on leave and the nurse who attended to me ask me to feed FM cuz she insisted that baby doesnt want to feed because I have no milk!! I told the reception never to send that particular nurse to me again!!

I follow Gerry's thinking. I never sub with FM. Just latch and latch for the initial days as I also believe that babies have enough to sustain them for the few days.

All the best!!

Mrs Chua

Its ok to rant, that's what forum support group is for. Don't rant to hubby or family, will only sour ties and only moms in the same boat will understand your feelings! Jia you!!


If you think your CL is not up to standard, feel free to fire her. I fire my replacement CL for my first birth after 3 days. The next CL can only come in after two days, so for that two days, everyone just chip in!! It was so good for me emotionally when I ask her to leave!!

Congratulations Evelyn!! Take care and rest well!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u can also give your #1 your EBM??


You can also try QV or Physiogel bath. The few docs I see seem to favor Physiogel. Its for my kids who have sensitive skin lah, but I think it works the same way. I did not do anything for my Pupp since I was abouot 34weeks already. I just scratch nonstop. Hahaha!!


ya lo my boi does not disturb me when i pump cos i only 20min so i try to entertain him with my iphone if i latch imm at least 30-40min or worse 1hr how to tahan... now i alr v tired n havin headache becos of lack of rest lo..


I wish can give her too but tried 2x lia she dun wan ler


yah loh nw I m so sleepy but can't go sleep, must wait lata she take nap then I can rest le

Piggy, bbgoh.

Ya I can imagine it must be hard to pump/latch with #1 around.. Don't know how to do this man.. I guess I have to figure it out when #2 comes.. Maybe get my helper to play with my #1 while I latch #2 in the room.. Hehe!! Lucky my room got tv!! Haha!!

Yolk sac,

Thankfully LC helped you.. Sometimes I think nurses like to give fm cos it is more convenient i suppose.. No need to keep having to ask mummies how long and how much bb drink..


You are fierce man!! But you really felt #2 supply came in faster?

Haha!! You just scratch!! My puppp only got worse in week 36 and I already cannot tahan!! Yours in 34 weeks.. I use physiogel cream and lotion.. Is their wash like cetaphil that kind.. Not the soapy sort?


That's good!! Keep it up.. Don't let your mom demoralize you.. Like what hippo said, god made us such that we are capable of nourishing our young ones with bm.. Cows give their young their own milk, we can too.. We are the only mammals who have fm!! Haha!!

Yolk, luckily the LC visit u. Normally dr Lai will ask if we need a LC. U still can't go home?

Meanwhile rest as much as u can.

Mrs chua, by all means to rant here. We r here for u..

So pissed off with In law so idiot of them. Hb nv go work today wanna haf a gd rest ask him take care bb but stupid them ask him accompany them go view Hse. They wanna buy Hse not we all wat y mux drag him go. I already black face Liao hb decided not to go but die die wan him follow. Reali selfish of them.

Hi mummies,

went back to the PD for jaundice check up.. level doubled so have to rent the phototherapy machine. he looks like a piece of meat getting toasted. Nevertheless, this is better than having to be at the hospital, which i experienced with #1. likely to be breastmilk jaundice. Guess the black sugar cane did not work for me...hahaa

Tweety:saw the pictures of jerelle.. he really looks like your hubby. aiyoh when I saw his hand with the drip, i felt so heartpain. Glad that everything is ok now.

Piggy: the massage is ok except that i felt that they don't pay alot of attention to the tummy. The last one I had with my #1 focused more on the tummy and used a different binder (those cloth type). I guess i have to see after 5-7 days if my tummy does shrink or not to determine if its good or not. The only thing i don't like is that I am stuck with a lunch time session cause morning all taken up.. so difficult cause my #1 comes home after lunch time. What about you? how do you rate your experience?

sigh, i am still having sore & bleeding nipples.. so have to pump out now and will see a the lactation nurse at TMC on wed to correct his latching! he is like a baracuda.. always feeding.

Mrs chua

missed your message. I took the 7 days package and she is real good. Nice and bubbly too.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but she mentioned before you need 3 weeks so it is like soon?

the first few days were terrible with the binder and the massage was a little bit ouch to me because of the veins now can see tummy flatter and she is very encouraging when i tell her no milk supply... thumbs up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sookie: yeah.. so heartpain to see him having the needle there... they gonna observe him 1 more day... PD says he's very strong... tom can bring up to ward le... i miss him!!!


No luck for me this weekend. Gynae says it's probably still v early...

For bfeeding moms

Don't give up! Jiayou and don't stress... May your milk flow in soon :)


I think my kids won't want my bm too. Cuz they are so used to their own milk taste!!


Hahaha! I asked the nurse on duty whether it's true baby don't want to latch becuz I have no milk. They say no!! Then I told her what the nurse said! So the nurse Mia from my room then!

Yah I just scratch nonstop. Middle of the night I will wake up n turn on the shower to relieve the itch.

Mrs Chua

Pls don't let it get to you. I know it's easier said than done. But it will affect your supply and mood. Hugs.

Paisei the msg is for sandy not mrs Chua!!


Milk ss for #2 kick in by the time I discharged while #1 came in only about 5th day. Jia you for us!!

michelle jia you some day your little one will have to come out...


hugs i see little Jerelle with something on his hand I also feel heart pain for him but he is a fighter and he looks like daddy wor ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Nevermind! Just rest more!! We prob pop about the same time!!


Apparently those very soapy or foamy bathing gels strip our body of natural oils. Can try the qv oil too. Leaves a nice sheen on your skin n keep it moisturized!

So hot today. I just woke up from a nap. Too hot to do anything!!!


my therapist yati is quite nice i ask for morning slot so they put me the 1st slot cos i bth sleep with oily skin keke.. i quite like the binder they use leh v easy can tie myself also.. the last time the ML also use those long long cloth type wah so long till i untie till pek chek... hmm my tummy did shrink by 2" i tink but i not tt hardworkin only bind for 5hr+ so effect not tt great i tink.. now another 2-3" to my pre-preg waistline :p

Juz an update after my chkup, done CTG but no contractions. Chk bb movement, maybe bb is sleeping so didnt move much after i tok to him, then he starts to move a little. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Did a scan, Dr said bb's head is down and facing side as compare to previous; facing up. Bb weigh 3.2kg. And Dr did a VE, dilate 1cm only.

Congrats evelyn.


Since bb is fine, dun worry too much. Now is the time to rest well.


Don't be too upset.... Hugz! I tnk ur HB aso been sandwich in btw. Why dun ask ur HB to tell them that he needs to help u look after bb so tht u can hv a gd rest or tell them tht he wants to spend time with bb so as for bonding? Maybe it'll wks?


u can really dun wash ur hair ah?? i still remember u say u cant std cannot bath n dn wash hair end up u can tahan the best[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee no i din bind le no time but i try to bind once quite easy wor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sookie: my hubby described my friend's son as a barracuda !! Very lol... Ur son is very hungry huh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope his jaundice recovers soon.

Piggy: shiok lor ur stomach will be gone soon mine still 4 months pregnant n I can't do massage ...


dun worry at least ur tummy got shrink abit rite? the therapist told me as long as u massage within 3mth will still be effective[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw i hope u alr call them so they can slot u in ur preferred timing soon u can massage rite?


ha ha me got bath but very fast like 5 minutes better than wet wipe waste time... yeah no wash hair for 3 days liao me short hair ma so tahan lor... I hope my hair dont drop off lor...


Me had very bad aches at my thighbone/butt for like 1-2months during my 7th month preggy..

I wore higher heels with more foot padding to reduce to pain =) you can try


Oopps. okies =D

Oh, so how big is your baby? i am not due yet ( end apr) but is quite confused with the vaccination for my baby..

Any sugguestions? =)


Vivi.. Glad that u enjoying the massage. Ya, my massage can only b done 3 weeks after my c sec.. Today already day 17 for me so real soon, I can enjoy my massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will give her a call maybe mon to arrange. oh ya, ask her for baby massage since u taking the 7 days package. At least can let ur girl enjoy the massage & u can oso learn on how to massage so can do it for her next time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me, i'm taking the fenugreek. Not sure if it really helps but my supply do increase alittle but I follow Wat some mummies advice here. Drink Milo b4 pump & use hot towel or fill bottle with hot water to massage on milk ducts. Maybe u wan to try?? 


Usually about 3 months post partum, you might experience some hair loss.. Hormonal.. If you noticed, during pregnancy, very little hair fall right.. Like now my hair is like super thick..


Haha!! Ya scratching and scratching.. Ya I remember I used cetaphil to bathe my #1.. Not soapy and foamy..=)

I'm so happy today.. Managed to get almost 50ml in 1 pump session for my boy.. But last night and morning never pump la.. =X Love & hate the feeling of engorgement.. Hate it cos super pain, like blue black pain.. Love it cos means got milk! I didn't even have this feeling for my #1.. xD Really gotta love freestyle.. Oh, & I think using hot packs/compress to massage before & during pumping helps a lot!

Bringing my boy back home tml le.. At least got to visit my dad and my hubby got to see his mom.. At least a bit more relieved..

Surprisingly, my girl is transiting very well onto sleeping without yaolan, quit cold turkey.. She's able to sleep in her own cot liao but the problem is that she rolls all over in her sleep.. Afraid she may roll out of her bed cos it's now a toddler bed, with 1 side lowered.. So we just push the cot to the side of our bed loh.. hehe..

It's a tough time now for most of us who delivered.. But will pass de! We must all jia you k!!


me too have bad ache ard butt area since preg i notice if i lie flat i feel the ache esp if i wan to lift myself up... now after a few massage session i feel better but still ache...


yes like wat Gerry say abt after 3mth u will exp v v bad hair fall[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tt time drop until i scare..

Mrs chua I will ask mdm Emma for the baby massage. I tried with hot towel but still like this. What kind of bottle you use for massaging the breast?

Oh gosh lost hair hmm hope it won't be a lot


Ya that time I was also super scared.. Every time after i wash my hair, the drain was choked with my hair.. And my hair was all over the floor..


The pain only came recently right?? Not immediately after c-sect right??


Ya can be lor.. My friend's forehead was receding a bit so she decided to cut a fringe.. I remember I started using phyto revitalizing shampoo.. My hair stylist recommended it to me.. Hehe!! Must take care of our crowning glory!! =)


It could be cos my anesthetist friend said that usually if caused my epidural which is possible for your case since that guy kept inserting and taking out the needle.. The aches should be felt immediately.. Cos the needle might have 'tickle' some nerves.. Better to be on the safe side and just ask the gynae.. He might asked the anaesthtist to review you..

hi hi, pls update me!

I delivered my girl on 6 April, 2.97kg, natural w/o Epi, her name is Elika.

I discharged on 8Apr but till now hardly rest, only have this little time to log online check mail etc. My tummy still quite big & painful : (



ya lo everytime i vaccuum the floor i see also scare.. i tried Phyto too but not suitable for my scalp[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yes v bad 1 n last for mths...


cos for mine i had it durin preg so i suspect it due to carryin the tummy with the ache for so long.. n yes v painful i can hardly lift myself up if i lie on my back.. hmm now it alot better i also dunno if the massage help or it jus got better since i pop alr... but no harm tryin mah..

