(2011/04) Apr 2011

Yolk sac



Ya maybe I'm dilating but not yet really going into labor. Jus called up my gynae to ask. He said labor is starting soon and asked me to monitor. If no pain, labor is still far, probably in a day or so... And ya, if I'm in pain, then go to hosp. I'll just wait then since I'm not in pain and tmr going for gynae appointment then ask doc to check again.


Thanks to all mummies for ur encouragement.. I will jia you de… [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yolk sac.. I think by latching him, my supply do increase alittle.. but I only manage to do 1 pump today so far.. 70ml, hope it maintain..

Sookie.. I jus find that my mum is the type that cannot take any criticism.. so is very hard for her to change her mindset..

Andrea.. den u got sun bath him or use ng kee to bath him? I’m using both to reduce his jaundice but duno whether it really helps or wat.. but his level of jaundice really drop.. so maybe u can give it a try.. btw, do take care of urself.. dun tire urself up..

Gerry.. I must say I pei fu u lo.. can have such determination to TBF ur girl.. mi really dun have such determination lo.. As for now, I try to pump out whatever milk I have and give.. latch whenever I can cos my boy is those who v impatient kind, wan milk means wan milk lo.. den if need to warm up EBM, oso need to take time.. latch den must go inside room den hubby say I almost whole day crop inside the room.. haizz.. now my boy sick, everyone asking is it becos I that time sick den pass it to him cos I give him my BM.. is that really the reason? I kept telling my boy that mummy is sorry for casuing him to be sick, hoping he can get well quickly..

So warming EBM @ 40 degree ah? I jus ask my hubby to buy the pigeon bottle warmer back.. hope later we can use that to warm it up.. how long does it take to warm up the EBM? When I take it out from the fridge, do I need to wait awhile b4 I warm it?

Pink.. u too take a gd rest ah.. dun feel sad that u cannot directly latch C.. bonding will still be there de.. dun forget the bonding u 2 build up during the 9mths plus… so nobody can ever replace it.. let’s jia you together!!!

Gin.. I agree we tend to be very emotional during confinement but I the type even normal times, I can be super emotional kind. So now confinement, even worse.. haha.. now I will massage b4 I pump.. will oso drink hot milo b4 pump.. den use a hot water bottle to go round my breast to remove the milk ducts.. supply now is 70ml.. but that is after a long hrs of rest..

Piggy.. I bought the pigeon bottle warmer to warm up the milk.. at least we know what the temp of milk we giving to our boy.. not too high or too low.. jus now I tried using the freestyle, I press super hard onto my breast den no leak, guess is becos I did not put properly at times.. so precious milk drip out.. so sad.. oh ya, need to check with u, did u try the hand free method? I still trying to explore on how to use the hand free method.. if can use hand free, guess I will be able to do more things at a time.. if not time wasted pumping, I cant do much.. so sianz..

Yoti.. yeah! Counting down to the end of our confinement… : )

Yoti/Voon/Piggy.. my boy having 2 baby’s shower.. 22/4 and 23/4… I’m gonna order from mum’s kitchen for buffet and sweetest moments for cakes.. this is for my parent side.. as for my MIL side, my SIl will help us to do the coordination.. most prob she will order from neo garden and getting bangawan vouchers for family and relatives which we think is more convenient for us.. dun need to worry abt food being spoil etc…

Fung.. ya one ear in, one ear out… really need to learn that… : )

vivi.. would like to check with u how the massage with Mdm Emma? U took how many session of the massage? I thinking of getting her 7days package.. she did say if I would to take the 7 days massage, she can give me 1 free baby massage.. (she dun provide any de) Think I will try to have it next week.. today my boy already 16 days old.. so by 21 days, I can start my massage.. cant wait.. manage to lose weight? Until now, I duno how much of weight am I… after gave birth, did not go weigh myself.. so duno how much I need to lose.. hope not too much..

Sy.. Ya, I agree that looking at my boy, everything seems to be gone.. : )

Thanks Michelle.. how’s ur little bunny doing? Do take lots of rest ok?

Elmo.. thanks for ur encouragement.. jus need to endure and endure..

Voon.. yeah.. I cant wait to countdown to end of our confinement.. let’s jia you!!!

Congrats Austin and Tweety.. : )

Baby kow.. be brave for ur little baby.. I can understand how u feel, super xin tong when we see them going thr under the lights.. that time when my boy was admitted to KKH, his jaundice level too high (283) den need to undergo 2 layer of lights (1 on top while the other at the bottom) but I have to tell myself is for his own gd, so I have to let him stay in there 2 days den after bring him home, take gd care of him.. so jia you ok?

Congratz to mummies who popped!

Thanks to mummies who are still offering comforting words to me.. I'm feeling much better le.. Guess crying it out helps..

Yolk Sac, nice meeting u too! We're not that young la.. Hehe.. U and your hubby look great too! xD

RE: Jaundice

My boy didn't discharge with us today.. I left him in hospital for phototheraphy.. My girl's jaundice was 9.6 when discharged last time.. 4 days later turned 19.8.. This time, my boy's lvl is 9.8.. So decided to keep him there for a day or 2 more to play it safe.. Not feeling bad over this as hubby and I know we'll be unsettled if we brought him home.. Today and maybe tml, we can rest a bit and be fully prepared to welcome him home.. xD

RE: Cord around neck

Surprisingly, my boy also had 1 round on his neck.. Gynae unhooked it when I pushed him out loh.. Seems like it's normal la.. Nothing to worry about..

Tweety, don't worry too much over this.. Since now baby is in nursery, he's in really good hands.. Somemore u're recovering now, should rest more.. Baby won't know mummy not beside de, don't worry le.. Maybe I'm odd or something but I really treasured my own time and rest while knowing baby is in nursery, in super good hands.. Once bring home liao, will be very stressful.. So enjoy your hospital stay leh.. Once baby discharge, there's no turning back le! =X


I love Freestyle la! 2days since birth and I can get some small amount but still enough to bring to hospital to give Kae (with FM la but it's ok.. Better than none.. xD)! So happy! Nipples a bit sore but still ok.. Using Medela Purelan.. It seems to help a lot..

Hippopolai, maybe u can try it too?

RE: Family matters

Mom has been updating me on my dad.. Still not known yet.. Hopefully it's seizure instead of stroke.. Cos can give medication whereas stroke not repairable.. I think my mom also quite sad and depressed although she never show it out.. She asked to come stay with us tonight and maybe a few nights.. Also good la.. Got Kait to pei her.. I'm glad she came, at least we can give her company and support.. Better than going back to empty home with a maid she doesn't like..

Hopefully, PD can approve Kae to stay for 1 more day so we can go visit my dad tml.. It would be best for both sides also.. We get to "settle" my dad's stuff (touch wood but at least I get the "last visit" la) & Kae gets great care for another day..

MIL seems better.. Got discharged with medication.. Hope medication works so operation on the brain is not needed at the moment loh.. At least my hubby got to visit her today at home.. He seems a bit relieved.. Same thing la.. Touch wood but at least got his "last visit" attempt.. We all try not to be denial.. Things are not looking very good so we just try to be practical and brace ourselves for the worse loh..

Of course, still hopeful as well.. Make the best of our time left with them so no regrets later on.. xD

I wanna thank all the mummies here! U've all given me so much support & comfort too! Really am touched!

Hehe.. If I MIA after this post, means Kae is home liao.. LOL! Will try to pop in once in a while.. Now late le, gotta go zzz.. Tml will still be a busy day.. xD NightZ all!

Yolk Sac, *HUGS*! Jia you! U did it once, u can do it again!! Jia you k!

Michelle, yay~ Your turn soon liao! Jia you also! xD

Pink ah, don't worry about the bonding! AIYO! I never liked bonding with Kait since Day 1.. And she's still sticky to me la.. Don't be too pressured by this.. Even if not latching, they will still stick to mummy, especially since u're a SAHM! No worries la!

Mrs Chua, I think u're doing great leh! Always comforting and giving support to other mummies here.. Got BM or not isn't the MOST important.. Most important is that baby is drinking and growing well.. U see baby grow, u will also grow happier de.. Heck care what ppl say.. Today, I was so proud of my MS that I showed my mom.. She was like "huh, so little?".. I glared at her and tell her "U think wad? I popped 2 days ago only leh".. But I know she doesn't know la.. She's not giving this comment with bad intentions la.. Cos she never even tried BF-ing me or my bro before! Haha.. Sometimes, it's surprising to them also.. Don't take it to heart.. Jia you also!!

Yoti: same here, my mummy helping me for confinement. Really regret not getting a CL. Haiz... Then mil keeps coming over comment about this comment about that. Very sian.

Seems like most ladies doing confinement are really frustrated. ESP mummies who have toddlers to take care of. Must Jia you kk.

For me today is only day 5 post partam, i choose to pump than latch cos my girl no patience to suckle. I pump 4-5hrs interval each time only 30ml max both sides nia. Just realize I bought the "wrong" nursing bra, so couldn't use the handsfree function of my freestyle. Wanted to shorten my pumping interval and pump more times, but really very sian cos without handsfree option and have to sit upright with my csec wound is very uncomfortable. Plus still having throat irritations from GA, keep coughing, then during cough fit have to stop pumping so that I can use my hands to press my tummy when coughing. =s

Can I check with u ladies how long do u pump each time and wat Strength did u all pump?

Pearly: it's really hard on u having to face such family matters. Watever it is, must stay strong! Hope everything goes well for u and ur family.

Piggy: yeah... Look like hubby also cute.. Hubby was saying jerrell look noti noti just like him sia.. Haahaa

So touched when I carried him at the OT lor.. He was crying... But the moment the nurse passed him to me.. He looked at me and stopped crying lo.. So cute.. Wish to carry him soon...

Pearly: hugz hugz.. Everything will be fine for u!!

Hi mrs Chua,

Are you using medela freestyle? If so, may I know isn't all parts of the pumps can be washed and sterilised, except the tubes?

Hi mummies,

My gynae has scheduled 15/4, 1pm for the csection operation. He said I got to start fasting from 7am onwards. Does any mummies who has gone through csection around time knows when I can start eating??

One more thing, does the hospital provide towels for 1bedded room patients? Thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

Hubby was making fm for my boy jus now & he realize that the ants situation in my house is getting bad, almost everywhere can see the ants.. So he was telling me den I suddenly felt so ashamed of it. My mummy is a full time housewife, whole house so messy & store so many items.. Really makes me wonder what she doing as full time housewife..

Another ashamed thing is my sil even offer our maid to help my mummy clean up the house b4 baby shower. Hubby told me den ask me ask my mummy abt it, I got to put in gd words to say they see her busy helping my mummy look after me & baby so no time clean up the house, maid got nothing so can ask her over to help.. Really ashamed to tell my parent that pple offered to lend u maid is becos they find our house messy.. Which is true la.. I agree house super messy after coming back here for 2weeks.. From here, my sil understand how my mummy brought me up so no wonder @ my MIL's place, I dun do much cleaning etc..


Glad to hear that things are looking up at homefront. Hope more good news will surface! Be strong and positive ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua

I'm also the type to cry easily. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] In that case, I think u need to have more rest. Having a rested mind also contributes to more milk. So try to have a relaxed mind ok? Makes your BM sweeter too, our emotions do pass on to our BM!!


Take care! I think it will be your turn very soon! Hopefully this weekend huh! Keep us updated!


*big hugs* Boys tend to be hungrier, but for 2nd birth milk comes in much faster than #1, so I think by tomorrow your milk will kick in. Just hang in there! The cramps are terrible huh! I rem mine was soooooooooooo painful!

Tomorrow I must eat loads of ice cream and eat all the cold stuff. Think my good days will be ending soon. 37Ws today!!

Mrs chua ,

I din explore the handsfree usu i jus sit on my bed let the bott rest on my thighs n go handsfree :p

nah we dun pass virus to BB thru BM 1 no worry n ignore their comment[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw the massage only help to flatten our tummy wun help us lose weight 1 wor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


glad tt u r so positive n ur moo moo career is doing great as well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I sure ur dad will recover soon to meet his newly arrived grandson[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm lazy mum, like Gerry said... Esp midnight feed, pull shirt n stuff the boobs to bb can liao... I remember Kyler sleep throughout the night since 1 or 2 mths old right!? The night feed part was a nightmare to us!!!! Terry quit night feed when he was 7-8 mths old... So I really love latching!!!! Haa haa... But like u said also, this is personal preference...

I believe in latching helps to stimulate supply too! Jovie prefer to latch more on my left boob as right nipple is short & inverted... So whenever I pump now... I get more milk from left boob... Even if I latched her on left boob, then I pump both, left side output still more than right side... Haiz... Just try whatever I can n try to gang on as long as I can... No choice...


Chili padi wail till whole body turn red red sometimes turn a bit purplish, so out of no choice I have to bottle feed her... But I will till try to latch until really cannot then only I give in.. Worry about she get colicky if she cries too much also.... Today only the 2nd day, she aldy starts to lost her voice Liao... She is too persistence liao...


Dun worry abt the bonding... I only BF-Ed Terry for abt 2 mths, he still mummy's boy!!!! So this is really the last to worry abt!!!!! Take good care of urself n get strong so u can give ur 200% to Charissa again!!!! Hugs!

Sorry mummies.. I seem to rant alot of my unhappiness (ugly side of my parent & house) here these 2 days.. But I really tired, super tired... Hubby jus stay here for 2 weeks but he realize the reason y I badly wanted to get out of thus house b4 wedding..

Sorry that u all got to hear my nonsense & nagging.. If I fun rant it out, I'm gonna explore & get post natal depression ba.. Sianz..


did the nurse say BB mus under observation for how long? Tt time my BB only 4-6 hr wor .. Soon u can carry him v often[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] meanwhile rest more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


usu I pump 3 hrly n I use lvl 4/5..


all can be sterilise except tube n softfit breast shield..

Jojo.. Ya, all parts for the pump can b washed & sterilize except tube which u need to rinse with running water.. 

Piggy.. U leave it to rest on ur thighs... Can meh??? Won't the funnel drop as in nt suck to our breast? 

Gin.. I trying to relax but hard lo.. Jus cant wait for the day I can go dating with hubby to relax.. 

Hippopolai ,

ya I agree latchin help to stimulate milk la actually for me I find more tiring at least bott feed I can set a routine faster n help my boi sleep thru earlier also I saw many mummies who latch end up BB sleep thru v late n till now still doin nite latchin cos their BB alr too use to sucklin nipple for comfort .. Like my #2 if latch think like mrs chua I mus hide whole day in my room Liao lol~ watever mthod we use as long as BB benefit from it y not[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats and he will be fine!

I can't seem to stop worrying about tmr's checkup and whether if need to be induce or not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi piggytoh,

Thks for the info. Softfit breast shield isn't yellow in colour? The instruction manual never started down as in which part cannot be washed & sterilised. Did you use the handfree?

Mrs chua,

dun worry better to rant it out my mum house also I find dirty n she can come my house n critise messy bth n day4 after I pop she come n say y ur tummy still so big like preg again-_-

hmm no wor the breast shield is stuck to my breast wor maybe I short so ok keke..


breastshield is the 1 tt need to place against ur Breast the funnel thingy.. Cos it turn yellow easily I change it to the norm breast shield Liao can sterilise n last longer..


relax dun worry abt induce if really need to also Bo bian n so many of us have induce sucessfully dun worry so much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks piggy for ur support [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] luckily got to know all of u mummies here..

Btw, u mention on the normal breast shield.. Wat u mean?

Hello mummies,

My last post here was back in sept.. Not sure if anyone still rem me..

Due to my work, haven got chance to post and for the whole month of march I was on bed rest..

So glad that baby is out.

But confinement sucks...

Congrats to mummies who have popped and jiayou to those gg to pop

Me made a wrong choice for CL this time sigh she snorea very loudly I can't sleep and tonight she pas Bb to me for bf then continue her snoring i have to put Bb back to sleep and this is only day two.. Morning worse when Bb cry she never come in and see cos I am In the room pls lor I need to rest meh. How can ask me go up and down so Many times today I told her my back very ache leh

Mrs chua,

Don't bother with the older folks.. They are from the era where fm is good and bm is bad..

No any infections cannot be passed through bm.. In fact, you would have the antibodies against the bacteria/virus present in your bm to help bb boast immunity.. Being in close proximity could spread infections..

Las time, my hb and I kena this super power mycoplasma infection ( he spread it to me) but i still breastfeed Lisa.. But i would wear a mask and not hug and kiss her which was very hard to do.. I think that time she was about 3 months.. She didn't fall sick at all..


Jia you!! Ya try your best to latch jovie.. If not like what gin said, can call a LC..


I do agree that with babies who latch on, it will be super tiring at night.. And ya they tend to need to wake up more.. Hehe!! But i was also very lazy to make a change.. When bb start crying at night, and the only way to stop is to latch, will just give in to temptation and latch so both can sleep in peace.. =) guilty!!

Oh I at home don't care, will latch everywhere.. Not only in the room..maybe that's why i don't feel so cooped up.. I will latch in front of tv or a magazine and time will pass quite fast one.. Haha!!

For those mummies who are going through tough time now, pour all your frustration/unhappiness/worries here in this forum, we will be more than happy to lend our ears. Don't keep them inside as is not good for the health... but no matter what, Jia You for the sake of your bb and yourself.

For those mummies who had delivered today but had missed out, congrats and rest well.

officially 38 weeks already, going for my gynae follow up tomorrow and Dr will do a CTG tomorrow and will update any news after my visit to the Dr.

In the meantime, goodnite

Dear mummies , I think it's best to rant out all your frustrations and unhappiness instead of keeping it all to yourself . All mummies here will definitely give you the support and hugs needed !

@ ST : why don't u tell the CL off ? I mean she is supposed to be taking care of you and baby , how can she just leave the baby to you and shrug off the responsibility !

@ mrs Chua : seems like you are having a lot of problem with your parents . But never mind , just tolerate another few weeks and everything will be over ! Jia you ok !

@ pearly : Jia you and stay strong ! It's not easy I can understand but hope everything will go well for you !

Last but not least , congrats to all mummies who have given birth !

Tweety.. Dun worry So much. Ur boy will b Lrught de.. U Jia you! After confinement, let's all meet up & let all bunnies male friend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies


how r u feeling?


forgot to share with u abt yr puppp.

I did apply cethapyl cream & bath with sebamed it's help on itchiness. u may try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. ESP the cream as when really itch we scratch I felt it's smpith bcos got the cream protected. if u use to apply lotion type then u won't feel it's sticky lah

ask u huh. is it true if we freeze the EBM it ll lost the anti oxidant? accordingly thru the article u given last time. said if kp in fridge can last to 8days but most ppl said is 48hrs, whig is true? as if freeze it ll lost anti oxcidant I may rather give some away 1st

Thank you!

Just wanna say a big thank you to Gerry, Gin, PiggyToh, Pearly, Mrs Chua and Michelle for all your support. Your messages of encouragement meant so much to me last night, especially during the 3am feed! I typed a long reply on my phone but it got lost somewhere. Sigh....

Anyway, I now have some transitional milk oozing out of both sides, but I don't think milk has officially come in yet because I don't have the feeling of engorgement or fullness which hit me the last time. Will just keep up drinking plenty of water and taking my fenugreek, blessed thistle and moringa supplements (pills and tea) and hope for the best!

Need to feed bb soon. I felt bad because I just could not get him to settle despite feeding him both sides at 3am and shortly thereafter at 4:30am. Sent him back to the nursery, even though I don't think it's great for him there (very very harsh bright lights and lots of noise) so that I could get a bit of sleep. Need rest to produce milk mah? Sigh....just hoping today my hormones don't crash too much.

Thanks again girls. I'll try to reply to posts later. For now, I need to feed bb and wait for PD and gynae to arrive.

Tweety - quick note for you, gal - CONGRATS! Hang in there, I am sure you will be reunited with your bb soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fungfung - oooh exciting! CTG! Do update us later.

Mrs Chua - I agree with the girls, please feel free to rant as much as you need to, that's what this support forum is for. I know confinement is tough and stressful (I am not looking fward to it at all)

Gerry - Filipino nursery ward nurse is suggesting I supplement with FM because my boy is very big. She says it won't hurt to "top up" after each breastfeed with FM. And she also suggested asking my gynae for motilium to boost SS. Seriously? All the books I read and my experience with No 1 tells me that while the first 3-4 days are awful, if I can ride this out, I should have enough milk for him. What do you reckon?

Mrs chua: Onz.. Heehee...

Bbgoh: I'm feeling the same leh.. No pain.. Dr say I should be able to discharge Tom..

Yolk sac: I'm fine.. U too rest well...

Dr just came to see me.. He said he spoke to the PD.. Bb is okie now.. But cause they started the antibiotic.. Got to Le him finish it.. So dunno if they allow him to come out ma..

Tweety: why does Jerrell need antibiotics?

Yolk sac: from what ive read they can survive on reserves for 3-4 days.. Is he hungry n crying for milk already? But yes bigger babies will demand more milk...

Yolk sac: jia you just keep latching on, maybe more frequently today to stimulate the supply. It's true u need to rest so that u can produce milk so don't feel bad. The Mt A nurses are great. They asked u to supplement? That's strange coz they encouraged me to do TBF n they told me they try not to overfeed at night so that baby will be hungry in the morning to suckle. Btw C's photos are on the wall outside ST Raphael's nursery! :p if u happen to walk past ... Hehe

ST: think u better tell ur CL straight.. My previous one was like that too. Very lazy n wanted to sleep thru the night. Told her to feed C every 3 hrs n when I wake up to check, she waited until 4hrs before feeding her. Multiple times. Plus she had a cough. Changed CL n this one seems better.

Morning ladies,


Thanks for your advise on puppp.. Think I will go guardian to buy some sebamed.. It's frustrating with the itch and heavy belly.. I have been using a steroid cream and bathe in cetaphil..

As for ebm, it depends where you place the milk in the fridge.. If you place it near the door or on the door side, maybe wouldn't last too long.. But if you place deep inside, can last for at least 8 day.. Of course, the longer you keep, whatever goodness is found in bm will slowly be reduced.. Fresh is the best.. That's why when I returned to work, Lisa had ebm in the daytime and fresh bm when I come back home..

As for the frozen milk, even though they say 3 months, I would use it up within a month, and put fresher ones in.. 1 month old ebm will definitely have more goodness than a 3 month old ebm..

Yolk sac,

Hmmzz the nurses asked you to supplement?? Like what pink said, bb can tide a few days without little milk.. But your boy is pretty big so might get hungry?? The problem with supplement with fm even after latching is that they might stay full longer and not want to latch earlier to you.. When you actually might need them to latch on my frequently for you to produce the desired amount of bm..

What I might do would be to just tbf first ( hold off fm) and monitor bb's output and physical appearance and ask pd for advise?

If you do decide to supplement with fm, then maybe after latching, better pump to increase bm.. My friend took motilium and she said it did help to increase her supply..


How are you faring?? Feeling better?? Hopefully C didn't give you too much trouble yesterday and last night.. =) she's really very dainty and cute!! =)

Pink: cause yesterday I was ready to deliver him naturally.. But no matter how I push also he cannot come out.. Then his hb starts to be unstable.. Dr then push me in for emergency Csect.. Dr said he might inhaled some amino fluid.. That's y they give him antibiotic...

Good morning , dear mummies !

Just to update , I have just given birth to my baby boy this morning via c-sect , full GA ! Baby weighs 3.130kg ! So tired now ! Shall update later !

Good Morning, Ladies!

Congratulations to all who have delivered their babies.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can I just check with those of you who bought the Hong Zhao wine.... would the wine be used for dishes immediately or only after x number of days? Coz' the person I'll be getting from can only provide me with the wine around a week after my EDD. Thanks!!


BB will be fine... He will in your arm soon!!!!!


Pink is right... Shld b able to survive thru the 1st few day... Though bb is big n stomach shld be big also? The reserve shld b able to survive right??? This is how God create human mah... That's my theory... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Gerry & Piggy,

Thanks for the comfort & assurance! Jovie finally latch again although only 1side & for abt 15mins, I'm super content with her improvement aldy...

Mrs. Chua,

Pls feel free to rant ur problem here... We are all here to share the joy, support each other for whatever the prob we face... This is the purpose we all are here!!!!!!

Evelyn... congrats.. update us later when u feeling beta.. do take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety.. ya, like what hippoplai said, bb is fine.. as for now, take lots of rest ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hippopolai.. thanks for ur concern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya, let's jia you together.. really glad to know a bunch of gd friends (mummies) here.. gonna let my boy get to know a bunch of gd bunnies together.. so next time they will be gd play mate.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs chua,

oh if u notice the softfit breast shield gt 1 part is make of rubber like material? Tt y cannot sterilise tbd personnal fit breast shield is fully plastic tt y can sterilise more durable I wld say[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


icic wah u so fast can discharge ah gd gd[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hee ya last time I also pump while watchjn tv etc but now with a CL ard I gotta hide in my room .. Actually now with #1 ard I find it harder to BF imagine u latchin BB n #1 keep askin for ur attention nt easy wor..



Mrs chua,

sure we can organise playmate session after our confinement..


my prev CL say vinegar pork no issue but egg n chix if wound still pain gotta avoid..


Jus managedOTo pump 60ml for my boy after pumpimg for 10 mins.. Cos he too anxious asking for milk, got to give him Wat I hv b4 I continue with my pump if nt see him cry & my parent gonna give him fm if they see him cry again.. Hv to stop them b4 their action..

