(2011/04) Apr 2011

piggy.. Ohh.. I bought the shield can b sterilize? Cannot ah? Oos.. I sterile a few times Le, shld b ok right? So other than the shield & tube cannot sterilize, anything else?? 

Hugs Sandy.. Ignore them.. They are selfish pple.. 

Sookie.. Ur baby will b alright after the lights.. Dun worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivi.. I oso bath v quickly. Felt more refreshed with water running down my body rather than jus wipes cos felt sticky easily.. For me hair, I tie it up everyday so still ok too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Congrats!!!! dun worry u so skinny tummy sure go away v fast...

Mrs Chua,

which shield u buy? the norm 1 or soft fit? if soft fit cannot sterilise. ya only tube n soft fit breast shield cannot be sterilise.

Pink.. Nope pain wor but I feel ache pain on the back where they insert the epidural. Not sure y but maybe I change my boy in his play pen in living rm den is too low for me so bending too long causes the ache ba.. 

Anyone know if these ache is causes by the side effects of epidural?? 

Vivi.. I uses avent milk bottle (my boy dun like the bottle teats so I change all my milk bottles to pigeon) the milk bottle, I filled with hot water to massage on my breast abit b4 pump den while pumping, I continue rolling it on.. 

Mrs chua,

i dunno if Epidural causes this ache but after carryin bb for 10mths our body is v weak not to mention our back tt is y durin confinement they say mus lie down more cannot sit n std so much...

Gerry.. If dun feel the pain immediately after c-sect, does that mean is not caused by epidural? My case & pink case same, they oso insert the needle in & out a few times in order to get the right spot. I started feeling the ache recently ESP when I hv to change my boy @ the play pen in the living rm.. Previously got changing mat on top but got to removed cause my boy movements quite big & he seems to slowly turning Liao so changing mat seems dangerous for him to slp on.. 

Congrats Anne [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] rest well.. 

Piggy.. I din buy any, I uses Wat comes with the Freestyle package.. That one got rubber de.. So this one can b sterilize? 

Piggy.. How to keep lie down on bed..other than night time sleeping, I dun think I gt really lie down lo..den night time I take care of my boy myself, I hardly lie down much too.. Haizz..

Now fridge left zero ebm Le.. Though supply comes in Le but my boy v fast finish it.. I pump one round he finishes it within minutes.. Sometimes nt even enough for him lo has to top up with fm.. Haizz..

Bbgoh.. Saw ur post on who wan ebm.. I wan but I stay Yishun leh & hubby dun drive so can't take it from u lo... Sad.. Ur supply really alot leh, gd lo.. Able to freeze it, unlike mi, now pump den finish it next moment.. Even keep inside fridge onli 1day cos supply not even enough to give him a bottle lo..

Mrs Chua,

tt the prob with inadequate rest it bad for our body esp we jus given birth tt y pp always say confinement is impt lo... nvm la at least now u got experience liao jus make sure ur nex confinement u get a CL n do a proper confinement?

hi all... tried to latch my boy but he get frustrated very easily.... managed to feed him some colostrum...

tried to pump just now.. only have a miserable 10ml... hahaha.. but nurse say very good.. cause the milk is thick....

Piggy.. Ohh.. The one comes with the packsge is soft shield ah? I sterilize few times Le, shld b ok right? Now I beta stop sterilize it.. thanks for ur advice.. Totally no idea on such thing..


Yup some day but still not so soon... Edd is next Sunday but doc says I won't deliver in the next 3 to 5 days. He'll either arrive on edd exactly or be overdue. Dunno what's wrong with him. Too much yummy food, too comfy inside. ):

Congrats Anne!

Anyone using medela swing here and can advise if it's good? I currently have a lousy cheap tollyjoy manual pump but feel like investing in a good one since I think i want to bfeed for long.


can I ask you about the rice wine? Is it used for cooking dishes immediately when we come home or only after x number of days?

Thanks in advance!!


My pain is not muscular aches but is more like if I'm lying at a certain angle, there'll b a throbbing pain down e back where epi was administered..then gotta adjust my position then it b beta..

Csec mummies pls take care of ur wound..dun end up like me..had bleeding fm e wound started last nite, got a shock this morn seeing e whole dressing almost fully soaked w blood! Went gynae to chg dressing n put on a dose of antibiotics..aft chging dressing, a certain spot gets stained w blood again..gynae says it's stale blood not fresh blood so it's ok..Haiz. I'm taking so much med..bp med then now plus 3 diff kinda antibiotics..hope doesn't affect quality of bm..

Piggy.. Ya, next confinement I sure get CL as long as can afford & rest more since it will b my last confinement Le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety.. Gd that ur milk is thick unlike mine, too watery Le so very easily digest by my boy so no matter how much I give oso nt enough.. 

Mummies.. Anyone know how we can make our bm thick Ma? Cos I notice my bm is really too watery lo, the Colour is v light so my boy easily digest the milk ESP after a poo, he will b hungry Le.. 

Actually now I regret nt to start pumping during hospital stay.. Shld hv start early so supply can kick in earlier.. 

Rach.. U still haf ur dressing on? I already remove it.. Nurse ask me remove 5 days after discharge den let wound heal by itself, it will heal faster when it breathe in fresh air rather than kept it under dressing.. U beta take care ah.. Wat u do until got blood? Rest well when u can ah.. Dun exert too much pressure on ur wound.. My hubby's uncle was quite surprise that I dun look like someone undergo c-sect when he see me this afternoon.. He say, as compared to his wife, I seem nothing lo.. Haha


Hi ^5!!!! I haven't bath + wash my hair since the day i gave birth~~~ salute to myself also I can tong for so long this time round... -_-"

Now hair start shinning shinning liao today stay in living room whole afternoon coz my cousin & IL were here....


Hugs hugs....!!!!!!!!! Tolerant for awhile more... Or speed up ur searching on new flat????




Today only 2nd day u deliver Jerrel, 10ml very good liao... Ur supply shld b good.... Jia You!!!!!


U make me envy u lor... Me total pump for whole day only abt 300ml++... Then now my CL gave Jovie 50ml every 2.5-3hrly... I super scare the supply will run low soon...

Arghhhhhh... That's y I dun like to pump... The figure is driving me crazy....

Mrs. Chua,

Good rest help to build up supply too! Think u have not enuff rest that's y ur supply din come in... Me also today not enuff rest end up my supply drop abit even I finish 2L of longan water + 3-4 cups of Milo + papaya fish soup for dinner... So good rest also very impt!!!!!!!


Alamak... Must b very pain.... pls take good care of urself ya! Hugs!!!!!!

My wound turn abit itchy today, dunno is it coz it's into healing process... Cannot scratch makes me pek chek... A bit pain at the end of the left corner also... Keep look at the dressing see if any blood... Panic.... Hahahaha...

mrs Chua

dun drink plain water the more soup, Milo, cereal so the milk ll thicker. did u try black bean with spare ribs soup? heard black bean can incrs milk, yst ask my mum cook & I thk it's work.

too bad u stay at yishun not convenience to cum

SK after check with mikio she seem got enuf supply for her boy too so I freeze all the excess & give my girl fresh one. if anyone dun mind frozen one can just let me noe

dunno wats wrong. tdy I feel pain on left tummy not the wound. it's sharp pain then when I see the dressing it's nothing ler just got a line float up wondering if its a flesh grow up on it? so scare ler


yst I took shower liao but not wash hair yet. u also feel pain on left side? but mine not at wound there up a bit ard 'xiao fu'

since ystbi din take pain killer just nw faster took 1. ne lie on bed still pain, dunno it's due to over movement as tdy #1 jot go cc & very cranky she still adapt for new member bah

abt supply, u got latch on, rite ? still can get 300 not bad mah.. kp it on still ll incrs de dun give up. drink the soup Milo everything hot hot

Monday u ll brg Jo to Keoy or polyclinic?

Mrs Chua

Your sil's rashes is due to pregnancy too? I dunno the full name for pupp wor.

For BM to be thick, you must eat well. Try eating more fish like cod fish as well and you must pump until u reach the hind milk where the fats are.


take care! that sounds painful!


yah scratch nonstop. It seems to be the best remedy! My gynae did not prescribe any creams, say not good/useless. So in the end I induce since I was like full term.


sounds like the wound is closing up? must be really itchy!! take care!!


Since baby is not coming out soon, you just enjoy your rest bah!

Have u considered buying the PISA or Freestyle instead? Swing doesnt seem to have many good reviews as compared to these two pumps. I used Ameda for my last two pregnancy. This time round I'm using PISA since my friends insisted that I will yield more milk.

Thanks gals for the input!

Gin, yeah you best, gal! Good for you! I am very pro TBF so was a bit shocked that the FM was suggested to me even though I think my boy is doing ok. He has plenty of poo and pee diapers and isn't fussing that much. Will just keep going...really hope my milk comes in tomorrow. There is stuff oozing from my boobs when I press but I do not have that full feeling that sets in when milk comes in. Patience, not my best virtue!

Vonn, I can go home but usually I like to stay a bit longer until my milk comes in etc and for bfding support. But this time around, I think I find the help less helpful - maybe cos I'm a second timer and the nurses do not come by too often. So I will go home tomorrow.

Pink, oh no, sorry to hear about your pain. Hopefully it is something that can be worked out over time and maybe your gynae can suggest something.

Tweety, is Jerelle back with you? Glad to know the little one has such a good fighting spirit! Mummy too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies with > 1 kid-

A bit concerned cos my girl has a fever and cough, cold, etc - how to keep her away from her little bro tomorrow when we get home?


PISA and freestyle seems good but looks complicated to me.. And it's quite expensive. If I buy from smh sprees, are they cheaper?


for rice wine no need waot 1 can jus cook n eat after delivery...

mrs Chua,

even thou i din sterilise the soft shield it turn yellow easily so i alr change to the norm shield...


if u wan to invest in gd 1 tink get medela PIS n Freestyle? gd pump v impt but if u ok with latchin can latch n see how first? if letdown is gd jus buy ameda?


no nned pump la since u prefer latchin.. so wun headache over the number[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya 10mlv gd liao who knows u like bbgoh keke..


i drink so much black bean soup also like tt[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] or i drink lotsa milo n soup but my boi also poo after every feed den v fast hungry headache..

Mrs Chua, it's never too late.i salute you for your BF efforts. I do not think you need to worry about the consistency of your milk, normal for BM to be watery, it's 80% water anyway...


yes get from spree only 400+ n freestyle v easy to use no worries... n v light.. else u can get from WTS thread?


sometimes we don't even know our milk is in. At least for my first pregnancy, I did not know until my friend came and massage my breasts and my milk flow out!! My #1 was seriously underweight but PDs just told me she is OK. Turns out she just eats sooooooo little.

Hmm I would keep the kids in separate rooms since baby will zzzz n zzzz. just let your girl pat pat him on the head and tell her to stay away since she is sick? Think she is big enuf to understand.


can join those overseas sprees. If I am not wrong, PISA cost slightly less than $400 and Freestyle is about $470. But think gotta wait for about 2-4weeks. If you plan to BF for long, its worth to get a better pump. Ameda I think cost about $300plus?


yah maybe same as me kekeke. I also get abt tat for colustrum on 2nd day 1st pump. kp on pumping every 3hr


I thk ts normal for BF baby to poo after each feed? my girl also ler & sometimes a lot. tdy poo 4x Liao which is good lah coz she still got jaundice hope by mon review it's gone.

Mrs chua don't be sad I worse than you take 1 hour then reach 40 ml. You better than me. I also

Noticed that at first my milk was a bit yellow and thick now it seems more watery and whitish

Hippolai welcome to the smelly club ke ke.

Michelle maybe you try the tollyjoy pump first then see how. Who knows you can latch on successfully

Mummies, wanna seek advice on breastfeeding.. I have pumped out enough for my cl to feed baby tonight.. So is it ok for me to sleep throughout the night? Like 12am to 7am then feed baby again.. Or i have to wake up in the middle of the night to pump? Wanna keep my supply coming in.. So far only 40-50ml from both sides only.. Already day 5 le..


MTB > I got a Similac Stage 1 (below 6 months) 400g tin to sell. $10 - Retail Price $20+. brought it becos my baby doesn't seem to like the current brand but after brought it she drinks normally with her initial brand so totally didn't open this tin. Brand new. Please sms me if interested 97907481. Funds would be donated to ASD (Action for Singapore Dogs).

shice > from experience, it is best u wake up at least once to pump as you are still in early stage and your SS is still not stable yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if u wan ur s/s to kick in fast better pump or latch once at nite for me too tired le so din wake up :p


sigh my boi poo n pee so often jaundice still high-_-

Hi I have been a silent reader all this while. Just delivered my girl 3 days ago.

Now my breast are very full and engorged but when my girl feeds or when I pumped, nothing comes out at all. I have tried hot compress, massage, etc but still no milk comes out at all. Anyone has the same experience as me or can someone help me?

Shice, yes you do have to pump during the night to keep up your supply. It is too early to drop the night feed/pump at this stage. Maybe one pump at 3 or 4am then sleep until 7 or 7:30pm? Gd luck!

Gin, good to know, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my bb is still losing weight though so I think milk is notofficially in yet...I know this is what to expect and bb hasn't lost more than 10% but yeah lah, I just wish the darn milk would come in already! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

Little tree, the LC at Mt A told me that if no milk is coming out, you need to apply a cold compress or cabbage leaves (up to 30 min twice a day) before the feed. Warm compress is only when you can get some drops out. Hope you resolve this soon.

Yolk sac, cold compress? I will try that. Thanks! This is my third child and for my last 2, I have the same problem so gave up breastfeeding quite early. The LC that I saw at Mt A also told me warm compress and massage really hard but they don't work at all for me.

Breastfeeding mummies, let's jia you together!

Bbgoh.. This afternoon I got drink Milo b4 pump, den it seems my boy was fuller after the feed & can slp longer... Haf nt try the black beans with pork ribs.. Gd ah.. Ok, will ask

My mummy brew Tmr for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] simply too

Envy u got ebm to freeze.. Nvm, will Jia you!!!

Vivi.. I believe as long as we dun give up, sure can reach our bb's demand de.. So now I trying to find out how to increase my supply.. So let's Jia you together, nv say give up ok? 

Piggy.. Where u buy the normal shield? 

Hippoplai.. Will try to hv more rest.. But I thunk my pumping nt constant so that is y supply nt constant too.. Jus now last pump @ 10pm, supply onli 40ml.. This is no drink Milo b4 pump.. 

Gin.. Ya, shr started her rash after knowing she pregnant.. Btw, What is hind milk? How to know if I reach it? 

Yolk sac.. Will continue with my moo moo life de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies.. Would Like to check, do u all still pump when there are pple in

The house for visit? I find that when pple visit, I won't b able to leave & stay in rm ho pump though o know is abt 20-30mins mia... Pls advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


This thread is moving so fast for me to catch up..

Some comments hope can help..


It can help to increase bm for certain mummies.. E gnc one don't work on me, so I bought e seeds which was better.. But I don't like e smell..

I end up with domperidone which works well for me...


I'm using e medela swing.. Works well but motor might not be as powerful as freestyle.


My massage lady is very good.. I lost 2 kg after 3 visits..

Her name is Mdm Suria, famous in this forum too.. Pm me for her contact if interested.. She also help me to massage my breast and unblock my ducts. Painful but effective..

I currently pumping abt 100 ml.


E yellow milk in the beginning is the colostrum, then the thin milk and then full milk at the end.. Hence must pump until your breast empty to get all these milk.

If u are doing 3 hourly, it's not possible to sleep throughout the night, e brain will registered wrong signal. And your breast will feel pain and blocked.

Ok ladies, goodnight.. My breasts leaking, signal to pump Liao.


According to my friend, usually if the pain is caused by epidural, it should set in almost immediately.. For your case, it's probably bending and doing so much.. You should rest more as you had a c-sect.. Don't forget. Your joints are still very loose.. So must be careful with all the bending over..

And breastmilk is usually watery.. Mixed in with fats.. The thick stuff is colostrum..

Yes it is normal for baby to poo during/after each feed.. And small stomach need frequent meals.. Plus baby is expected to gain a lot of weight during the first few months so more feeding is required.. You are already doing a good job in the bf dept.. Don't make yourself feel bad.. And yes you need to rest and not be too stressed up as it would affect bm..

Yolk sac,

You can do it.. The milk will come.. =) we have done it once, can fo it again!!


Ya my girl is also naturally on the smaller side.. But my PD said that she is ok. She's so active, how can not be ok.. =) ya scratching is very shiok!! But I think I am getting lots of scabs on my arms as a result of scratching.. I am waiting till next thurs to see assess my situation.. Next week I would be 39 weeks.. My hb not very keen to induce unless it's late..


Mustn't be paiseh.. When you need to pump, you need to pump.. Just excuse yourself back in the room.. I find it easier if I were to be reading a mag or watching tv when pumping.. The time will go by very fast and u wouldn't be too focus on the vol.. And before you know it, Wah so much milk!! Haha!!

For bm,

There are sort of 2 phases:

When the baby just latched on, the milk that is being produce is called the foremilk.. It contains more water as this is the milk that would prevent dehydration..

Then as the baby suckles some more and more vigorously, it would signal for the boobs to start releasing hind milk.. This milk contains more fats.. This is the milk that will nourish and make your baby full.. Plus this is the milk that contains all the cholesterol and dha that will help in the brain development of the child..

That's why I feel latching ( if possible) is important because the baby is the one that will be signalling to your boobs and brain hat kind of milk it requires.. When baby needs nourishing, he/she will suckle strongly to get the fats!! And if it only wants a snack or some thirst quenching goodness, they would 't suckle as hard..

And as the baby gets older, the nourishment in milk also changes to suit the age of the child.. It's called personalized feeding!!

Gerry.. Wow, din know bm haf so many things to learn. Ok, will try latch him as much as I can if nt pump.. U r a v knowledgeable mummy.. Glad to know u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] learn do much from u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks! Think I better catch some sleep now and wake up later to pump.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Night night mummies!

Finally my turn to pop! Natural with epi. 3.185kg

Bb boy all healthy, gynae said we made a good decision to induce... If waited maybe not good news Liao....

Anyway, I cant seem to fall asleep now. Dunnoe how I'm gng to rest. Anyone at TMC?

Congratulations Lynn! It's always like that right after you give birth - we get high on adrenaline and endorphins, it's hard to sleep.

Mrs Chua, I don't like to receive visitors at home during the first month so I think pumping is a great excuse to excuse yourself and go pump. You gotta do what you gotta do. Don't let visits upset your routine. For me, I think the same will apply. Bb takes absolute priority in the early months.

Little Tree, good luck, hope the trick works for you. Yeah I am a second timer but still finding the BF challenging.

Gals, I just finished bb's 315am feed, next feed around 730am. Was hoping to wake up with fullness but no joy. I still have the milk oozing out though....praying that tomorrow my milk will miraculously come in!

Pearly, I'm jealous leh, you are only one day ahead of me and already you can produce 50ml. Very good! How is your baby doing? We will check jaundice numbers tomorrow, hope my boy is ok.

Goodnight gals!

Morning mummies... =)

Bbgoh/hippopolai/Mrs chua/piggy: I hoped I have good supply.. Haahaa... My boy is a big eater.. He drank 60ml last nite when I fed him..

Yolk sac: he's okie Le.. Today he'll come up to ward Le.. So happy can hug him tight tight Le...

Lynn: what ward r u in?? I'm at tmc too...

Lynn, tonIght will be better, try to get a nap today ok? Must rest then can recover and get good milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety, yay! Great news! You must be so happy! Enjoy!


yolk sac: yeah... very happy... actually yesterday he already can come out... but they wanna monitor him 1 more day and give him antibiotic.... today he can come up le... heeheee...

pumping milk now... moo moo career...=P

