(2011/04) Apr 2011


Congrats!! I usually also cannot rest in the hospital.. Not used to it..


Haha!! No lah.. I just feel quite strongly about breastfeeding and knowing as much about it is half the battle won.. I too had problems when I first fed my girl the last time.. I would go as far as to say it was excruciatingly painful and I thought I wouldn't last a month.. But I knew it was good for my girl.. And after tbf for 2 months, I thought I don't care, I am going to stop at 6 months.. But turns out I bf for 10 months!!

I think you are doing a Great job despite all that your mom has been telling you.. I was lucky that my mom and mil was super supportive.. Jia you!!! Just keep pumping and latching.. Can't go wrong!! =)



sure sure! :D first time seeing u lei!

Gerry and yolksac:

Yah lor hope tonight will be better and can sleep or wink abit.

pink: yeah... PD just came over... he said Jerrell is a very strong boy... and he suckle very well... heehee... They're bringing him up soon... heehee...

Tweety, hurrah! Have fun with Jerrell today, I'm sure he's mighty pleased to be able to hang out with u too. Are you using your own pump or the hospital one?

Gerry, haha, yes I am now at the excruciating pain stage, but only when he first latches on. I recall these days with No 1 well. Looking forward to the later bit when we are cruising!

I think my milk may be coming in, breasts feeling heavier and tighter.


Will still go to Dr. Koey on Monday... Feel more assured since bb is in his hand since birth.. Will ask him to rec a west PD to me tomorrow... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun think I'll go to poly... Hubby doesnt like the idea & I heartpain to see nurses poke her needle... Nurse are more chor lor... hubby give me excuses not to send her to poly... Haa haa haa...

Ur pain could b muscle pain? Coz not wound & it's at Xiao Fu... Sound like muscle pain...


Will still pump lor... Even Jovie latch also must pump to clear out balance mah... But then if she willing to latch I will latch!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs. Chua,

You got high spirit on BF! U will success de... Dun give up!

For visitors, I will still excuse myself to pump... They are here to visit bb, of coz bb is the priority!!!!! I dun find it's rude if we need to excuse that half an hrs to do something for bb sake!


U dun stress urself over the milk lar... U can do it the 1st, u definitely can do it this time... Stress can slow down the milk flow in, right? Relax~~~

Ms. Pink,

Why u r up so early again!!!!!??????? Tot u said u want to rest???

Yolk Sac: milk will come in soon, dont stress!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] boobs feeling heavier is a gd sign [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hippo: woke up to pump lor.. Feel bad for sleeping thru the night liao.. Will go back n try to sleep after pumping

yolk sac: i'm using my own pump... asked my SIL to bring over yesterday.. cause tried latching my boy.. but he get frustrated after a short while.. haahaa... how long do we have to pump arh??? i seriously duno leh...

hippopolai: Good moo moo career!!! heehee..

Morning ladies,

Just came out fm gyane clinic I already 2cm dilated n bb engage v low so anytime I c my little bunny ....

Ladies who r pumping jia you jia you !!!!!

Yolk Sac, actually I didn't feel anything until my last day in hospital.. The nurse told me to sleep the night before cos my body not getting enough sleep as i had been pumping 3hrly the night before with nothing after my first try.. She was quite concerned maybe she could see i was depressed or tired or something.. So I slept.. I was afraid that I will lose out on one night of pumping to increase supply.. But I took her advice loh.. Glad I did.. Next day, got milk liao!

But for u, different mah.. U're on TBF.. U understand the difficult first few days.. Must jia you k!! Sleep when baby sleeps.. I know hard la but it worked for u 1st time, it will work again de! xD

Morning mummies.. 

Congrats Lynn.. Rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] guess u too excited to see ur bb. V soon u will see bb Le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety.. Ur supply nt bad too, jus 2nd day got 20ml Le, great ;) jerelle will b with u shortly, gd news.. That show he is a brave fighter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerry.. Must still say I pei Fu u, u my ou Xiang in bf.. Will continue to warn from u. At least u know so much of bm, half the vate down beta than me, know nothing & yet lazy.. From now on must really Jia you! 

Hippoplai.. Thanks for ur encouragement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u oso doing v well ah.. How little Terry getting along with his new life with mei mei jovie? 

Mummies.. I think I latch my boy too much on my left boob until now flow from left boob seem more than right. But Bo Bian leh, right nipple inverted so he finds it v hard to suckle den always got prob.. Wan to check, inverted nipple if use the nipple shield got use Ma? Will it helps him to suckle beta? 


well done!!! beginning dun pump too long in case get sore nipple. maybe abt 10min each side? then after pump dun clean or wipe away the stain let it moisture yr nipple. tat 20ml u get tdy is milk or colustrum?

glad tat Jerrell is a strong boy.


could be. after took pain killer then not so pain & lochia seem more when pain come. l check with gynae on tue when go bk

yah I also won't goin poly for review & Kayleen still look yellowish I also scare they ll poke her.

seem like yr ss quiet good too. keep it on soon Terry can have it too

mrs Chua

really like yr determine for BF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you I believe yr ss ll increase. still got time to improve it


dun too stress over BF u got experience I believe u can do it again.


Congratz!!! rest well

Hi, sorry for the 'intrusion'. Hv been following this thread earlier 'cos my EDD was April 2011 too.

Just wanna check, if anyone keen to take over my Medela swing pump? Warranty til March 2012.

Interested parties can go to my thread : http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/5296357.html?1301777093

Also, when can we start taking bird's nest? I've got many ppl buying me bird nest and was told to start taking from 2nd week onwards(dur confinement) but am not sure...

bbgoh: i also duno if it's milk or colostrum leh... very thick yellow colour wor... last nite the 10ml i pump out.. the nurse said my milk very thick.... good good...

bbgoh, black beans and black fungus are to be taken during 1st wk to clear lochia. Did u take 'sheng yu' soup? - it's not to be taken for caesarean delivery as it wld 'create' lumpy scar(suddenly can't rem wat is it called).

Fish(threadfin's best for confinement period) is good for increasing breastmilk due to its protein content.

Pink.. I oso slept thr the whole night ytd. den my boy woke me up @8am for milk when he jus finish his 40ml of fm @7am (night time I give him fm so he can slp longer) after latching him for30mins, now I pump out the rest.. 1st time woke up early to pump.. Normal days I onli manage to pump ard 11am or 12 noon after I settle down his stuff..

Sy.. 2cm Le ah, gd ah.. Can see bb soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you!

Yolk sac.. Ur milk will kick in soon de.. Dun worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you!!! 


jiayou!! n ll hold yr lil bunny soon


tats a good beginning.. well done, u kp pump every 3hrly if u not latch soon yr ss ll like mine :p


I din take sheng yu, only took ngor he & bei qiu? not sure tat 1 use at hospital wat fish but 1st one also took hospital one not prob ler

Mrs Chua: u don't have CL.. Must be even harder for u. C drinks EBM at night n if the EBM runs out CL will top up with FM. Even though I don't have to feed her I keep waking up every 2 hrs.. Really haven't been sleeping well . Who takes care of Gervais at night?

Jia you with the BFing.. Tougher for u coz boys are hungrier babies n he's a big baby... Take gd care of ur boobs so that

they won't get sore or cracked if not it's super painful... My C

drinks like a little kitten.. Only these few days she's drinking

50ml per feed sometimes more... I see all ur babies drinking

50-60ml the moment they are out from hospital.. Sigh...

I shld change her name to Meow Meow Ooi

Yolk sac,

Oh don't remind me!! Not looking forward to it!! Haha!! Ya it's the initial latching that hurts.. Then once suckle for long, the pain disappears.. Or maybe we are numb to it already.. Hehe!!


Haha!! *blush* we mummies are all trying our best..

Yes the last time, I also felt my left breast produce more milk and it was bigger than my right.. A bit asymmetrical!!! Haha!! And Lisa used to like my left boobs more.. I think it is normal bah.. Just like how our feet maybe of a different size..


That's good!!! Usually when pumping to increase supply, stop pumping about 10 mins after your last drop has come out.. So if it takes 20 mins for all your milk to come out, add another 10 mins.. So will be 30 mins..

Wah jerrell sounds like a strong boy!! That's good!! Your moo moo career seems like it's doing well!! Jia you!! =)

My friend was also in the same situation as you.. But she stayed at raffles hospital and her bill came up to $7000 after medisave deduction.. I hope tmc would be better.

Hi Mummies,

Can recommend nice and cheap full month caterers and cakes for full month? I'm returning to Aust this Sat and want to do full month celebration this Fri but I am clueless on how to organise!!

Please help!!

bbgoh, wat's bei qiu? Me also, this time round, also took the fish at hospital, now oso abit worried if it's suitable...


beiqiu in hokkien, I dunno wats name in Chinese.

nw only must wait till tue go bk gynae check up then ll noe

Congrats to mums who have popped!

Sorry to disturb. I have gave up breastfeeding and have the following for sale:

1) Medela mini electric plus (preloved) - $100

2) Medela mini electric (preloved) - $60

3) Pigeon breastmilk storage bag (new) - $12

4) U shape nursing pillow (new) - $25

5) Maternity swimwear, L size (new) - $40

Self collection at jurong. PM me if you are interested.

Congrats Lynn!!

Mrs Chua,

for the breast shield if u need soon buy from BP if can wait can buy from spree... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah ur milk mus be gd so fast need pump to clear jia you jia you...


usu the first few day milk v thick 1 after tt i notice get thinner[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but u got gd s/s keep it up[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


where u stay? i know Bt timah got 1 traditional cake shop sell v cheap n nice full mth package wor..

for buffet u can consider


their servin v big so if u inviting 70pax can jus order 50pax n their kong bah bao is nicee n best is u can dun chose the drink n get 1 more dish [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies!

congrats to those who had popped!

i'm still here, waiting till neck long long... but seems like i cannot escape c-sect again this time cos the lil one inside shows no sign of coming out before Tuesday... i will have to go under the knife on Tuesday 7am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but looking on the bright side, i'll be able to see this naughty boy soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

seeing so many mummies doing so well in your moo moo career, i'm so envious... hope mine will be easier as compared to #1...

Morning mummies,

SY: wow! soon its your turn. good luck!

Lynn: congrats! glad that everything went well.

Tweety: It's normal.. my right breast also yields more but also because its a normal nipple. My left one is a bit short but with time babies will learn to latch better. Now a bit small so just keep pumping until baby is bigger and can latch. that is what happened with my #1. she was so frustrated that she could not suckle.. even the LC tried to trick her by putting some FM on my nips but she suckle suckle then got frustrated. the LC taught me to like push my nipple out.. putting two fingers at the side of the nip and push it out before putting into baby's mouth.

Yolk sac: my nips are also damn painful. worse its cracked and bleeding cause my barracuda loves to bite me. I'm latched 6 days already and i wonder if its going to be better. So now, i alternate between pumping and latching.

Mrs Chua: i understand what you mean about not enough EBM. me too.. but remember, its ok. a litle FM is ok at the beginning cause boys really eat a lot. my gal was so different.. just like Parsley.I've already given FM twice so that i can build up my EBM. i intend to BF all the way.. and I did it with #1. just do your best ok.

Hippolala: wow! your supply recently is fabulous.. so maybe there is some truth to size :p I have to pump 4 times just to get your 1 time amount. Envious.

had no sleep last night.. cause was being a nurse to my son for his phototherapy session. My hubby and I were saying we should have admitted him into hospital so that we could rest cause my #1 is really demanding and making this diff for us. tired tired..

Piggy: i should have tried yati for the massage since you had a good review for her. i really hope my tummy slims down.. but just like you, within 4 hours or so, i take out the binder already. i had so much diff bf with it.. so ended up pumping.

Can I ask.. for those doing confinement.. when you guys bathe, you don't wash hair? does this mean that if I want to wash hair, then use the herb water? other time if I just want to wash my body I can use hot water? the issue with the herbs is that I can only bathe once! so smelly and hot.


i like Yati la her service really gd i told her my butt ache she will spend more time massage tt area n v patient... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for bath cos i usin lemongrass n ginger water so i use the water to wash from hair to toes n use the shampoo n shower gel jus use the water to rinse off.. cos my CL will boil half the water at nite so i jus took some to wipe my body be4 i sleep but i wash my face etc with norm tap water cos smelly i cant sleep:p hmm yati say at least bind for 6hr den more effective leh..

Tiffany.. Jus saw ur post looking for Massafe lady. U can try Mdm Emma.. Her service nt bad.. Vivi tried her too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As u dun accept pm, her contacts as below.

9182 2373

Mdm Emma


yup, i started my ML since 1 april... been binging on good food and going out shopping, maybe that's why the lil one refuses to come out... hahaha

Morning mummies,

Congrats to those who have delivered..


Soon soon, u get to see little bunny.. Got name yet?

Start with k also?


Replied your pm..


Best is to pump 5 min for each side for 3 times. Total 30 mins

Bird nest

My cl say can from 2nd week onwards.. Must be clean.. Good for baby skin as they drink our milk.


Anyone has that? How to make it go away?

Hi mummies,

If I still no sign by 2moro morning when go gynea, most will c sect 2moro afternoon or Tuesday...so disappointed.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] unless I drag for overdue for few days, sometime feel Tat it safe to let bb come out earlier.

Hi mrs chua,

u doing yr confinement at yr mum's plAce? How often yr husband come? Weekend he stay overnite with u to take care of baby? Allow me to rant..dun know is due to my hormones-I feel that my husband is nt doing enough for me & daughter...maybe he needs to study part-time and work..but for me I feel that I need him the most now but he is not with me...for e.g weekend(sat) he will come after sch,stay for 3hrs will go back...sun,will come evening time few hrs will go back..I didn't voice out cos I dun know is it my problem...just feel quite disappointed!

Mrs chua yah I am trying hard to improve on my moo moo career.

Now should I say that there is some improvement? Can easily get 20-30ml for 10 minutes and I will only stop when I get 40 ml hoping to see the figure improve

Tweety you are better than me because you start early so I am sure you will be better than me in your moo moo careers.

Lynn Congrats and rest well


my Bb so sensitive to aircon ler. currently she sleep with my mum at another room while #1 slp with me.

whenever I turn on aircon at 26 or even 27 deg with the door open her eyes jiu big big dun wanna sleep day or night r same. why huh?

then #1 stil can't accept her mei mei. when she cry I go coax she ll stop me to close her, and ll cry. how to tell her if this mei mei belong to her to us? she tot this Bb belong to my mum from indonesia. faint. I really dunno how to teach her.


Bbgoh.. Thanks for ur encouragement.. Without all the encouragement u all given, I think I would hv give up Le.. 

Tweety.. My case is inverted so herder to suckle but still hope he can suckle to stimulate milk in.. The other day, the LC told me that for short or inverted nipple, shld adk hubby help to suckle it so help bb to b able to suckle it Lols.. U wanna try? I dare nt try hehe 

Pink.. Ur Ms C already got so many nicks, yet u wanna called her meow meow Ooi.. Aiyo.. Lols.. I'm taking care of him myself @ night, hubby onli help me make fm for him cos he needs to wrk the next day.. Now I oso think boy tends to drink more & he's big boy so will drink alot.. Some time every 1hr will ask for milk so will give abit cos worried later become over fed.. Lols.. 

Gerry.. Dun b paiseh la.. My hubby oso commented that my left boob seems bigger than right.. But I thinking if cos I latch too much left side so left nt producing enough milk as is nt stimulated.. 

Dreamy..  So fast u going bk to auat? Bb going bk too..

Mum05 & Bbgoh.. Beiqiu is white profomer that fish.. Duno the spelling.. Chinese I think we called it bai Chang? 

Sookie.. But I top up alot of fm Le.. My bm simply can't satisfy him lo.. Jus like this morn, he ask for milk again directly after my pump.. So my freshly pump 60ml of ebm goes into his tummy. No chance to store.. Lols.. 

Piggy.. Thanks... Will check it out on BP or spree [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

