(2011/04) Apr 2011


yup, maybe urs a boi so more sticky 2 daddy lor.


i told my hubby tat he gonna help wit #2. he must learn 2 change diapers etc. i said #1 a gal, maybe not so nice 2 ask him 2 change diapers 4 her / bath her etc. Thus, #2 a boi, he got no excuse not 2 do it. i really felt very heartpain when he caned my gal. tink my gal is very close 2 me ba. but sometimes my gal really very stubborn n mischevious lah. but i felt he shld try toking wit her first n try refrain frm using e cane lor. i knew tat whenever he discipline my gal, i cant say anythink. if not we will quarrel. But i really cant tolerate anymore. thus, yesterday said my hubby dnt keep on using cane then we quarrelled. haiya.


ya, i agreed they r now at their terrible 2. but just dnt wan her 2 feel tat i neglecting her caused got didi lor.


u still carry her? i tink i carry less than 1 min i cant stand it liao. will put her down or tell her i will bring her go out n ask her sit on her pram etc. hmmm, then can i give her e present when i bring didi go hm frm hospital? actually my hubby hit her very light, no marks etc. just 2 threaten her. but she will cry very loud when her daddy beat her lightly. i do agreed discipline is a must but not 2 e extend tat almost everyday my hubby is using e cane!

Fung fung,

oh they no long work as team ah in tt case I tink u try ndm Emma first.. For the iherbs I alr ordered n they have shipped anyway iherbs no stk for raspberry tea I bott it locally..

For the pump best to buy new bottle n parts n test if the motor working..

I Donate to public bankin cos after it was reported the statistic claim by pte bankin is not true n tt day we gt discuss here also usu cord blood is more for sibling cos if 1 caught the disease own blood cell may not be gd also.. N donate to public bank if ther is a need u still can withdraw by payin a sum of $$..

Mrs chua,

wah tt dr also cmi leh..


oh ok.. will try to contact Mdm Emma to find out what is included in her post natal massage. Oh u mean the order u got from iherb is not raspberry tea? heehee...wrong frequency.

as for the pump, thanks for the advise, will try to explore on the new bottles and parts.

Btw Avent and medela, which one is better to use and in quality?

As for stem cord, thanks for your thoughts, i know saving it at pte bank is usually for future siblings for juz in case.. *touch wood*. just like what ppl said, buying an insurance.

Gerry.. Will go ard to take a look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy... Ya, the doc oso no measure temp for me after I told her Wat her nurse did. She push everything to pregnancy.. She oso no use her telescope check or Nything, everything I say, she jus comment den no med.. Argh!

mrs chua: take good care arh... drink more water... and have more rest.... should be too stress up at work liao..

piggy: 7kg okie la... me now also ard 7+kg... round off to 8kg.... my gynae say bb is quite big.. he dun want me to have hard delivery.. haahaa...

st: haahaa.. he absorb all the pineapple tarts...

Gerry: i also shocked lor... dr said i'm the 1st patient of his to lose weight..

Tweety Jerell is 1.9kg considered big then my bunny gal also big liao.... Gynae says she must be enjoying the CNY goodies. Wow selective before CNY she make me gain all the weight now she herself gained some. Wa ha ha

Ha ha both our babies so funny open and close mouth....


soon yr girl ll pass the terrible 2. my girl is 2.5yr nw her character also stubborn my hb used to shout & cane her and in the end both get angry & my girl dun wan him. samethg hb beat lightly only she ll cry loudly but if i beat her she dun dare to cry. i told him & let him noe the result, nw he ll try to control. as sometime guys lost control they unpurposely beat very strong. our child still so young to be caned

tdy i have pancakes for lunch -_-

my stupid coll ask her buy 'shui kueh' she tot pancake is 'shui kueh' so i got 6pc of pancake for lunch :S

Piggy... Then how long you have to wait to enrol Kyler? Did My first School give u any promise? Enough time for him to adapt before #2 come out? Aiyo... Headache for you... Just now hubby follow me to CC then only he raise up the issue he might not able to send/fetch our boy on time during my confinement period... Morning not so worry, I'm more worry about the fetching part...

If late have to pay S$20/hr... Haiz... As long as he is still with this stupid coy, think we have to standby the $$ liao... Unless to change him to the CC that nearer to our house... So fustrated lor... Before confirm ask him said ok ok, no problem... Now enrol already told me all this stupid thing...

Sharlin/Pearly/Gerry, I also carry Terry once in awhile if he request, think my tummy not so big so to carry him is not a big problem but also cannot carry too long, if not also feel the stress on my body... I also find Terry is abit more clingy compare to last few month esp after yest he went to CC, no choice, have to bear with it for the moment... If not he will thinks that we don't love him becoz of mei-mei... Lols...

Mrs.Chua, do take care ya!

Fung: I bought my medela parts from megababystore.wordpress.com - cheapest prices I found so far.

Wanna ask if anybody owns or uses the Pigeon bottle & food warmer? Do NUK bottles fit in?


i thk i ll have it till supper time le.. so stupid, rite? no common sense at all, cant differenciate pancake & shui kueh grrrrr

vivi: my boy's head quite big wor... haahaa.... but nvm la.. so long he's healthy.. i'm okie!! =P

bbgoh: wah.... 6pcs of pancake?? ur colleagues siao siao arh???


but I gain v fast leh..

But I Thor lose weight in last trim is quite common cos for some the MS may rtn..

Fung fung,

if u referrin to manual pump avent is better but electric 1 medela is better.. Even medela gt diff model most of us gettin freestyle..

For b wax cos jtho know the boss so we get cheaper price n I tink strip n pink is comparable..


i m not so hungry, so tot ask her buy 6pc of chwee kuey. haizz... i wont eat all 6pc of pancakes at once lah haha just had 2pc, lata hungry then eat again loh


how much u bought the medela parts from megababystore? i also looking for it, i got a mini electric froma fren but dun have the parts

piggy: but the problem is i dun have MS wor... i also eat as per normal.. just wondering why still loose weight leh... dr was joking that the machine purposely make me happy.. haahaa...


no they din gave any promise anyway if no CC maybe I jus put him to playgrp lo see how will jus get my il to look after #1 durin my confinement lo..


ya I v happy with 7kg cos #1 at this time alr 8.5kg..

Ha my gynae never say anything about bunny gal's head.... so I hope ok lor...

Rene I also bought the Pigeon Sterilizer but I dont know if can fit NUK but so far fits Pigeon and Avent wide neck milk bottles.

Bbgoh you can have it for lunch, tea time and supper hee hee ....


i using pigeon sterilizer too, heard its the most wide & big among all the sterilizer so shd be can fit NUK


u r FTWM, rite? so nw who look after yr boi?


yes, my whole day meal ll be pancakes pancakes & pancakes -_-

Thanks rene for sharing the information


oh, medela got different model, well let me check the one that my uncle gave one is it freestyle. I only know from the motor, got 2 tubes attached to the bottles....

As for b wax, oh jtho know the boss of pink so the rate is cheaper than strip?

I also notice you gals toking about sterilizer. actually i'm looking at avent one... any suggestion coz a lot of you gals are using pigeon one

mrs chua- fever is very xing ku, i kenna last month with flu and cold and my fever went up to 39 degress. U can take panadol it's safe!! just don't take more than 8 a day. please take care!!

tweety: 1.9kgs is abit big? hehe, but u're tall so don't worry. Parsley 1.6kg at 31 weeks but I suspect these few days she is gaining more again coz my stomach became bigger again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and I'm still vomiting!!

vivi: u're tall also so bigger bunny girl also ok!:D hehe yah caught by you talking bad about Parsley again wahahaha oops

Tweety & Vivi: ur bb weigh 1.9kg @ week?? Mine like seem so small as compare 2 u all leh...

Gerry: u noe my gynae nv even tell mi my placantea is low oso, till 1 dae i so free go see my card then i saw it, i was so worried then lor.. u dun tink so much, everything will b alrite de..

Piggy~!!! I just open up the breastpump and test, realise that the breastshield got diff size de wor... Should I get bigger size becoz of my boob size? Or the 1 come with the package (M size)is good enough?? Me last time use manual so no need change that shield so I'm lost now, wahahahaha....


Baby gender shouldn't play a part in parenthood leh.. Now, my hubby does everything for our girl.. Bathe, change diapers, play with her, rock her to sleep etc.. I encourage him also cos they bond better the more time they spend together, best if away from me.. So when #2 comes out, we will split even duties on his off days & when #1 is not at cc.. On days like that, 1 parent take 1 child loh.. No choice.. I let hubby choose, he prefer #1 so he has to make her like him first mah.. xD


I donated #1's cord blood.. Going to donate #2's also..

If your pump is Mini Electric, be prepared for the noise.. Hope it's not la..

I'm using avent steriliser.. Big & easy! I recently bought digital de but i still prefer the electric one..


I tink u try first cos manual 1 also gt size 1.. Tt time I also worried cos scare abit small but I see still can pump so I jus use back...


even w/o jtho I tink pink charges r still cheaper.. For sterilizer pigeon 1 is gd enough..


I tink becos all the while u ate v little n ur BB absorb from u tt y u lost weight so in a way gd mah..


so ur bb face down liao? i also hope my next check up will be 2 weeks too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbgoh: wow u MIA for so long! Gd to see u back. No I haven't fixed date for c sect, my gynae's asking me to wait n consider first. I wanna see how big the baby's head is n ask him to estimate if my pelvic bone is big enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oops think u guys might have been mistaken, i'm not referring to steriliser, i'm actually referring to milk & food WARMER - for heating up the milk.

So wanted to ask if anyone has the PIGEON electric milk bottle WARMER and if it can fit NUK bottles. *pai say*

bbgoh: u can check out the prices directly at megababystore.wordpress.com

Diff items, diff price, dunno how to tell u how much I bought.

Hi MTBs,

I have the following extra supplements for sale:

1. Fish Oil (GNC Omega-3 Soft Chews) @ $40 per pkt (OP $57)

2. Nature Care Calcium Gummies (Strawberry Flavour) @ $8 per bottle (OP $10)

Pls sms 9824 1643 if interested.

Thanks and wishing everyone a smooth pregnancy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hippo: i suggest u go check out medela's website for the size and if u go to the mums & babes store, think they might be able to guide u on wat size u shld use also. Don't have to buy from them, just to see & test the sample then buy the breastshield online cheaper.


hehe after cny more free loh

i dun thk gynae can check how big yr pelvic bone bah


yah thanks for sharing


Hilo mummies!!!


ur maid is under nation hor??

Tat time I went hkg n abt to change maid nation was tellin us we can put the maid wif them if I'm not wrong is $20 per day. Mayb u can ask them. Is better than bringing her back or leg her stay at hospital.

U not gng back to LV?

Mrs chua

omg tat clinic totali cmi lo. Tis type of nurse plus tis type of doc tsk tsk tsk. Even last time I got fever went to GP they prescribe med lo. Y not u go c ur gynae? For me my package include seein him when I'm sick jux tat I onli need to pay for the med.


woh ur boy got nice weight.

My #1 suddenly not so sticky to me make me c le very angry n jealous. If she is sticky to my hb I still ok but is to other outsider n in law lo. To her whoever gif her tibits is her parents Liao no matter how I call her she ignore me carry her away sh start screaming. A very spoilt gal I haf.

