(2011/04) Apr 2011

Sookie: I was quite shock too... Heehee.. I hoped to shrink back soon...

St: your side still consider near to expo lor.. I west side leh..

Vivi: try to eat a little...


but did u HB highlight to her abt the no. of pp in the house? u cant stop her fro wanting to come at least let her know will be crowded?

the bb fair dun tink will have much brand on diaper bah n usu by then we would have gotten most items so even go also nothing much to buy wor..

I sarcastically told him that wow great we will have 6 people including bunny gal ... double the population that we are currently having in this house. Haiz dont want to think and dont dare to think.... See la when we have a CL then she said she want to come, pure irritating ....

Tweety ate some rice already but dont feel hungry at all.....


Mrs chua

change doc next time. Last time I went to tis GP she is a scary cat de lo she dare not touch us base on wat we say she den prescribe us med.

Woh ur gynae so hot de ar mine onli at nite den hot so normali I go in the afternoon.

Baby fair

I heard frm my boss tis time Mar fair is a big 1 it take up 3/4 of the hall.

Keep hopin by then I haven pop yet can go shop shop haha. Jux tell my hb even I pop Liao he mux try to sneak me out bring me go fair :p


I understand ur feelin cos I will b the same s u n the worse part is those tryin to snatch my boy r smoker imagin aft smokin their shirt n hand dirty carry him omg I think I will faint. N I already plan I will hide in my room.


I still got quite a bit of stuff to buy.. Hehe!! I planning to wait till then to get all my stuff that I need since I'm only due late April. Should be able to go. Just go early so don't have to fight with the crowd.. =)


If mil come to sg, she does not have anywhere else to stay?? Ur hb her only kid in sg? Cos having too many people in the house can make everyone a little agitated.. Some more bb and u would definitely need more peace..

Wow Gerry what else do you still need to buy?

MIL no where to stay because he is the only son.... sigh no choice can feel the pek chek feeling when they are too many people.

Well too many cooks spoil the soup that kind of feeling.... but then cannot ask her not to come or else I will be the bad person...


Actually smokers are the worse.. Cos even when they are not smoking, the clothes would have cigarette residues which is also no good for bb. Best to make sure they don't carry at all.. If it were me..


Washing hand no use.. Cos the bad stuff are already on the skin and clothes.. Plus infants exposed to cigarette smoke and residue are at higher risk of SID..


Ya that's true.. Let your mil see her grandchild. I'm sure she is excited. Is this the first for her?

Hehe!! I want to buy sterilizer cos my old one the cover crack so I gave my maid to bring back to her hometown... More bath towels cos Lisa also needs it.. I also need a Moses basket cos I intend to put my #2 in my room until 4+ months.. And my room got no space for cot.. More milk bottles.. Haven't bought those..

Man I am really gambling with time..


ya cannot stop but at least mus highlight to her mah see she will zhi dong anot lo.. if not tell ur HB to tell her dun be so xin ku since u guys goin back for full mth...


wow i dare not wait so long manz now alr here pain there pain walk also cant walk fast v hard toshop[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yup Gerry this is her first grand child. Hubby has got a elder sis and a younger sis. Elder sis divorced liao so no hope of having children. Younger sis no chance of getting married because she is a bit mentally slow so also no chance of married and children. So the stress of producing grand children is on us. Moreover he is the only son.

Hmm my elder SIL is another irritating person so I never talked to her at all. Ha ha I got this evil feeling when bunny gal go back for her full month dont feel like letting her carry my bunny gal.... :p

Hey not too bad la not exactly a lot of things to buy....

Ha ha Piggy already sound very nice to say since she taking care of Ah gong and we managed to get a CL liao so she can dont need to travel here and there. Who knows she says by coming here she can take a break from taking care of ah gong... >_<

The other thing I headache is the travelling to Malaysia when Bunny gal is having her full month ... thinking of the 8 hours to and fro already makes me feel sian


tink she din catch the hint la...

jusmake sure she is aware the house wil be loaded with pp n she need to squeeze with sum1 v impt... hhahah...

the sterilisin tablet is use to sterilise w/o steriliser...

Piggy she is like that she selectively chose not to catch the hint. So imagine baby's room with bunny gal, confinement lady and my MIL oh gosh....

Oh so when you dont use the sterilizer can use the tablet for the milk bottles or the breast pump?

Need to buy that?

Mummies..had went to see the other doc. Though is a long wait, almost 1 hr to1.5 hr but ok la, gotten some med lie panandol & gidyness med. Taken Le den now abit sleepy.. Guess gonna slp soon.. Tmr still need to work, hope by then will feel muchbeta [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no la if u alr got steriliser no need the tablet la the tablet usu pp buy when need to travel with bb easier...

Mrs Chua,

glad to hear tt.. take care have a gd rest..


This is my first digital one.. Bought it cos cheap in a bundle pack.. Not that it's not good la but i prefer electric cos it will auto off while digital one will keep ur bottles sterile for 12/24hrs.. I dun need that actually cos i assemble n air my bottles every night anyway.. xD If u like to leave your bottles inside then it's very good..


I used mini electric single before.. Super noisy & cannot make it.. Single one no tube le.. I duno for double de..

Good morning mummies!

Vivi, like that ur CL n MIL will sleep together to look after bunny? Will have conflict bor? Anyway, ur MIL concern abt her grand daughter, so just bear with it... Better than she look also dun wan to take a look, u feel more hurt... Mayb at 1st u will relieve if she dun wanna look at bunny, but soon u will realize it's good to have old folks helping u look after once in awhile... Esp if u r the main care taker... U need rest too, dont u!? Cheer up!!!


Woke up at 7am & could not sleep again

Arms & legs are super itchy..... Followed by belly itch, so difficult not too scratch!!


Morning mummies

Gerry/ vivi

yes I can't imagin all the residue on their clothes bb gng to breathe in.

But donno how to open mouth to tell them not to carry, wash their hands lei they sure not happy de lo there is 1 headache.

Jux hopin tat I can hide in my rm since I don think they will wan step in since is 'dirty' to them.


u r not the 1 playin wif time me too. In last than a mth I'm gng to pop but alot alot alot of things I have not done n buy I onli manage to wash a few pcs of clothing tats it.

Vivi: ya i agree with Hippo, @ least u ni help ther's ppl ard, so tt u can rest well.. Juz hope ur CL n MIL will work 2gether, instead of mak u more fan.. cheers..

Usuali in bb fair, got mani stuff 2 buy?? Coz i nv go b4 leh.. Somemore @ Expo, so out of pl, go ther mean stuck ther 4 whole dae liao..

Morning ladies

JJ I also didnt sleep well, woke up at 4am and then toss and turn for an hour and slept... after that the next thing I know alarm ring .... sigh

Hmm Hippo I already told my hubby to tell my MIL since we have a CL she is not to interfere in anything anyway since she says she got no experience then ask her to keep quiet. That is the thing that he has to relay the information to my MIL if she wants to stay here.

Yeah now to console myself They can help me take care .... I hope it wont be the too many chef spoiling the soup.

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] still dun really feel well but have to go work, if nt work is piling up Liao.. Cannot imagine how it will b [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My back ache is back ytd night.. Can't sit @ the sofa to watch tv but Lying on bed, I felt ok.. Can't wait for my massage this sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 

Morning ladies,

Mrs Chua,

Aiyoh.. Sick should rest.. No one can cover you? Never mind, today thurs liao.. then very soon, you'll get the massage you so deserve!! =)

Little twin star,

I have never been to the fair at expo.. I would go to the one at taka.. Taka one is actually pretty good.. Depends what are you looking for?


Ya i think best is to stay in the room and it's a good thing that they believe your room is "dirty"... Sigh.. Smokers are real disgusting.. Never mind.. I am sure we can finish what we are supposed to do in time.. Hehe!! =)

Morning! Crawling to work today... end up when i reach office.. no one reached yet! I shd have zz at home longer. Jr din zz whole nite... cry every hr.. mild fever is back again. Yest also vomitted out his med. HAI... sorry for my whines.. I'm just so tired!

Today boss afternoon then come.. i can eat snake a while...

haix today nv go work again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my gal fell frm the chair yday due to the maid nv look aft her properly n yet she still can argue wif me tis morning abt the incident so fed up aft i say her she ask me go work but im worry donno wat she up to tis time round so angry wif her.

Some how do hope tat she wont b able to pass her medical checkup at least im able to change her.

Mrs Chua

u shld try to rest more when u sick esp now we preggy very siong de. work can nv b finish.

Remember drink lots n lots of water n take more fruits.


To me wat i think is expo do haf lots of thigs to get. but it depend if is convienence to u n worth for u to go down.

i will travel down to expo since my pl here de bus stop got bus for me to reach there n during weekend we tend to bring my gal out so shui bian go there lo.

When i had my gal tat time i went n get alot of things so therefore within a day i finish almost a list of bb items i needed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies

Mrs Chua ; hope u gets well soon, rest mor

JJ ; u also suffer the rashes? its itch till cant sleep. i have it abt 1mth le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

elmo ; have reply yr PM, hope Jr have speedy recovery. *hugs*


Sandy, wow, she ask u to go work!! If is me, I will ask her u r madam or I'm madam.. she work for u how long le? Nowadays maid very headache..

Re: Baby fair

For Expo Baby Fair, usually if u walk pass they will give u those sachet or 1-2pc of sample. For pass 2 yrs, from what I observe, if u r buying a lot then is worth to go down cos the price is about 10% off, provided u got car, cos is so heavy.. Good deals are diapers and Heniz for last yr.. This yr I wont be going so cant help to c got any good deal..

Mrs Chua, get well soon.. Can PM me ur hp number.. This weekend I will start doing bb clothings.. hehe.. didnt do during CNY cos very tired.. U confirm using cloth nappy isit?

Good morning mummies...

Piggy & pearly,

i had checked, the medela pump that i had is "Mini Electric Plus". When i go to their website, they don't have this model anymore. Don't know whether all those parts still can buy or not.. need to check with their Singapore distributor.

pearly - oic, which brand are u using for the sterilizer again?

Mrs Chua,

Sick should rest at home for speedy recover. Hope that you get well soon.

btw, how much did you pay for your Medela freestyle breast pump from rach? no warranty too right?


the avent sterilizer that you mentioned can sterilize how many bottles at one go? coz i understand avent got different model for sterilizer. And how many free bottles they gave?


thanks for sharing... but sound chim to me.. keke.


Actually i can understand how you feel with so many people in your house.. I'm also having the same situation as you, the only difference is that i'll be staying with my MIL during my confinement but i think it will be longer than expected coz my new flat is not ready.. Sigh! Then the house will have 8 ppl + 2 baby + 1 kid

Andrea have your settled your nanny problem? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me to go Expo even with a car also quite ma fan because carpark limited too...

Fung Fung I dont know the Avent one can sterilize how many bottles but roughly the bundle pack includes at least 5 milk bottles and 1 brush for the bottle too...

Fungfung, Mini Electric Plus is still selling at local. Kiddy Palace got. I only know Jurong Point now got sell some of the spare parts. If not u can go down to Toh Guan their customer service to buy. Which brand of sterilizer u referring? If pigeon I know is at least 4 standard neck at one go. Medela freestyle breast pump is around $460.


i know but no choice leh coz new flat not ready... so not i juz pray that i can get the keys to my new flat, so that can renovate and move in soon. I can't wait to..


oh is it, Mini Electric Plus still selling? hmm.. should call their customer service to see whether did they sell their spare parts.. Are you using this model?

As for the sterilizer, i'm referring to Avent coz vivi told me got offer now for avent. Btw, i believe you are using pigeon sterilizer, how is it?

morning ladies...

fung fung,

electric plus n electric v similar jus tt electric plus is dual pump n electric is single... both suction so so .. if ur SS is ok it gd enough but if u supply v poor like me u may wan to consider better pump liao...


wah ur maid really cmi.. if i were u will jus scold her...

i am sooo tired... yawn~

Heard the taka fair this yr will have plenty of good buys, esp on disposable items like wipes, diapers etc. Also the big names like Pigeon, Avent etc will be present with the usual bundle deals!

Hope we can make it there b4 popping!


sigh still in hosp they dun wan to discharge her cos still life threatening[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


oh is it? yesterday i went to the website and have a look, all are in words and not much picture to illustrate so i scare will buy the wrong parts. You mentioned that one of your pump is this model.. how do you find it? good to use? And moreover my HB said if buy parts will cost a few hundred, then might as well get a new one, save the hazard of getting the wrong parts.

Oh great.. i'm looking forward to the baby fair at taka to do my shopping... now doing my research on the pricing.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh, so is it only medela electric pump, their suction soso? or all electric pump is like that?.. so which are the better pump which can cater to both SS low and normal?

bbgoh - ya .. last week (start of 3rd tri) started to itch at belly. now top of hands & feet itchy until got mosquito like bites cos I scratch the skin.

I don't knw if I got the energy to go to the expo show, if can I will pop by.


Personally, I dun really like Mini electric pump.. I would be prepared to get a better pump.. But that's my own opinion la, some people say it's ok for them.. I didn't like the noise.. It's so loud that it disturbs my girl's sleep last time..

I'm using Avent de.. Avent got only 2 kinds right? Both I used can sterilise 6 bottles, regardless of wideneck or standard necks.. Not bad la.. I bought the digital one in the bundle also loh.. Quite a good deal..



sigh.. really xin ku, just pray hard she can recover soon


mine is from arm to now whole body have. GP recom me to apply cetaphil cream, queit good but shiong haha abt 5days finish 1tube. hard to not scratch lah, i took itchy med also cant cure

bear with it, mine seem slowly disappear (i hope so)

remember dun use the normal shower gel, must use gentle one those non-soap de

