(2011/04) Apr 2011

Sharlin, Hippo,

Ya still carry her but also not for long lah.. Sometimes I carry her in front, on top of my tummy.. Hehe..


Wah your hb everyday smack her.. A bit too much hor..It really depends how naughty I guess.. My girl is most naughty during meal times so I will scold her lah.. but if your hb everyday beat her then she see her daddy also not happy right? My girl is definitely closer to me but cos I am the main caregiver when she was in the first year ma.. I did direct latch on (hb cannot help) but now if hb is at home, he would put her to bed lah..

Little twin star,

How come dr never tell you want.. My dr even wrote it down in the case sheet in red wor.. But thanks.. trying not to worry..


Your gynae seems quite pro natural.. Just monitor parsley's head.. but I really think natural is the best way if possible.. it isn't as scary as it looks..



my #1 using Avent then that time i went on of the shopping centre the nursing room got piegon de but can't fit the Avent bottles..so not sure if Nuk wide bottles same size as Avent a not..if it's smaller than maybe can fit

Piggy, I tried measured then think it's slightly bigger than my aerora area only, Kekekeke... So was wondering if get bigger size maybe the pumping/massage movement can cover bigger area so that will have more milk... Wahahahaha...

Rene, thanks! Maybe will check with mums&babe stuff... Actually dun like their stuff, not very friendly if we din buy anything from them... I'm referring to AMK branch... Kekekeke...

Sharlin, agree with Pearly... Gender not count... Like that if u have both girl then ur hubby super lucky, no need to do anything liao... I educate my hubby also, both are his kid, his role as father won't change, and must do what he can do!

Piggy, I tried measured then think it's slightly bigger than my aerora area only, Kekekeke... So was wondering if get bigger size maybe the pumping/massage movement can cover bigger area so that will have more milk... Wahahahaha...

Rene, thanks! Maybe will check with mums&babe stuff... Actually dun like their staff, not very friendly if we din buy anything from them... I'm referring to AMK branch... Kekekeke...

Sharlin, agree with Pearly... Gender not count... Like that if u have both girl then ur hubby super lucky, no need to do anything liao... I educate my hubby also, both are his kid, his role as father won't change, and must do what he can do!


cos the maid is contagious so they can't take her n put other maid at risk... Not going to LV cos alr call to withdraw be4 I even start the other CC[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


all the while my Mil take care I scare they can't cope tt y thinkin of CC..


as for the pump, need to go home and check which model from medela

as for the sterilizer, if you prefer the electric one, how come u bought the digital one? any other difference other than electric and digital?


oh is it, how much is pink? and how's the experience?


won't la. Tat time my boy onli 1.5kg ard the week doc say too small shld b reaching 2kg lei. Den now lucky he reach 2kg Liao hope tis fri check up he got gain if not my doc shake head again liao :p


Alamak! like tat reali headache liao. hmmm. but when ur maid able to fly back home?

So now u r under waiting list liao. Hope u able to get a place for kyler asap.


my girl also most notti during meal time

realy dunno how to train her sit nicely on high chair & finish her food

anyone used medela mini electric b4? is it need tubing? my fren gave me the machine part those yellow color only, i see the megababystore got selling the the tubing for mini electric. a bit confuse

Tweety: Oh my bb is 1.4kg @ week29.

Gerry: Mayb dr 1 2 see whether e placantea will go up when near due date lor. Nv tell mi i duno, @ least nt so wori, wahaha zhi ji an wei...

So slpy, hope e dae end faster...Nwadae i see mani preg outside oso...like a lot more as compare to previous years..

st, din dilute his milk as he's already drinking v little. Fish also cant eat meh? Chic n egg din give.

sharlin, fluimicil can buy off the shelve ah? Safe for tods? But now he already taking cough syrup and antibiotics... dun dare to give him too much med at the same time leh.

The bb present hor.. i intend to just put in car boot loh. When he comes to hosp to visit then ask hb go car take. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy, or maybe pd then will give? This GP always give me the same med everytime.

yoti, i do feel breathless when i sit down sometimes. It's normal. As usual.. all our discomforts.. ARE NORMAL. Hai... :p


yes during this period must to dilute leh to lesser his phlegm..Fish will make their throat itchy..so now no choice just give meat and veg


not sure if u wanna try chinese med. my mil use to double boil 'chuan bei with nan xin bei xin & ji bing' its to get rid of phlegm

if he under doc med, then maybe u can skip 1dose. usually i ll skip night feed

why not u chg GP if his med not work for yr boi?

st, he dun like veg. So only left pork for now. But anyway.. he dun eat much solid also. No appetite or eat halfway then cough wanna vomit liao. hai.. He's worse than preg women now. U know wat.. he smell his own shit also say wanna vomit! Like us like tt.. .hahaha

bbgoh, ya my col just told me abt the nan bei xing too. So cant take with western med ah? I only bring him to see GP once.. but tt cough syrup i know from last time doesnt really work tt well. only makes him drowsy and he zz whole day. So i only give just before his naps and at nite.


no wor cos the PD gave but my boi still sick so I go GP tt where I gt the antibiotics, cough syrup n ventolin cos ventolin is for openin airwave n phlegm..


I v sian initially the dr say after 2 wk if under control she can go but now we wan discharge her n isolate at home cannot cos her condition no improvement n can't discharge now argh...


I using single medela electric be4 the suction nt strong if u gt low milk ss better buy PIS or freestyle..


huh left or right oso cannot like tat very Kun nan lo. if carry on dragging the bill will be higher n higher if im u by end of the day i will die under the medical bill.

Is very very Stressful. *HUGS*

My boy is happily havin a party inside my tummy machiam a whale in a pond moving here n there.


where u stay? my mil work at medical hall, she always buy from his boss. he also got a powder for cough my girl like it a lot i thk its sothen throat

chinese med cant take at the sametime with western,must have gap ard 3hrs bah so maybe morning u give chuan bei then afternn & night give western med.

tats i dun like to brg my girl to GP, their med always cause drowsy & antibiotic look too heavy to them. but some GP got bb/child med, not bad


she gave me 2set, 1 is ameda dual one, another 1 is mini electric she said can brg to work as its small. she said the ameda is better than avent. as i m not latching so i rely on pump a lot, i tried it 1st if really not strong then i maybe buy the avent at KP bah

last time use avent one queit ok

Twin Star mine is 2kg liao.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fung Fung if you want to buy the Avent sterilizer it is now at $135 with milk bottles and other stuff. More worthwhile to buy the bundle set.

Piggy.. Oh gp also give ah? Think next time he got cough i change another doc liao. This gp flu med will still work.

bbgoh, i stay in woodlands. I also prefer chi med actually. Less harmful on e body. You know e name of e powder to sooth throat? My mum gives him jing feng san for cough. Got chuan bei inside also. But think now cough too bad.. No effect liao.


the powder is his boss' own prescribe de he made it. yah hou zhou shan & jing feng shan is for light cough. i thk boil one better. see if u wanna go down amk i can give u the address.

i always stock it in my fridge

Sandy.. I rem my gynae told me normal pandanol can eat during pregnancy, jus nt too much. But that doc jus dun wan to give.. Maybe I'm under company doctor so she thought I'm acting to cheat company for mc? Really piss.. Den today fever subside a little but giddiness still follow me.. Can't sit for long hrs & appetite onli abit.. Luckily my boy boy is still v active inside me, if nt I oso scare he is being affected by my illness. Ytd evening after work, he was partying inside my tummy while I sitting in mrt. So paiseh if pple standing in front of me having my tummy moving up & down... Lols

As for my gynae, normally I need to wait for him for at least 1-2 he's jus to see him Liao so if nw fever go see him, I Duno how long needs to take which I cannot afford to..

mrs chua

how abt go to see other GP? or give yr gynae a call ask his advice? maybe he ll ask u just go pharmacy buy paracetamol ll do?

so nw u not on mc? i hate coy doctor lah very niao to give mc one. later stage pregnant alrdy xin ku, still fall sick he still not give mc to rest

Tweety.. My check up in 26 feb.. Ytd go see company doc for fever..

Bbgoh.. Hubby ask me go see the previous compang doc, that one beta. Now company switch to this panel of docs, really cannot make it. Even hubby go see her ( company hv the same panel of doc), he LS.. Doc oso say nothing. No give him med at all de... Really sucks !!

Thanks vivi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm Mrs Chua next time dont go to see this doctor try others in your company panel....

This kind of people dont know why they are fit to be doctors at the first place ....

cut and paste from march forum

1. Takashimaya Baby Fair 2011

Dates: 9 to 28 March 2011

Time: unavailable (last year’s fair: 10a.m. to 9.30p.m.)

Venue: Takashimaya Singapore

Website: Takashimaya events page here

Takashimaya Baby Fair is probably the most popular baby fair in Singapore, situated right in town and stretches over more than 2 weeks! Even though it lasts so long, attend it during the first week to grab your favourite sizes, colours and designs. And be prepared for huge weekend crowds.

2. Baby Care Festival 2011

Dates: 18 to 20 March 2011

Time: 11a.m. to 8p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B

Organiser: Mother & Baby Singapore

Website: Facebook event page here

3. Baby Expo

Dates: 22 to 24 Apr 2011

Time: (Fri & Sat) 11a.m. to 9p.m., (Sun) 11a.m. to 8p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6A

Organiser: Vivacious Media Pte Ltd

Website: Singapore Expo events page here



Sigh hubby just spoken with me because my MIL called. His grandfather is diagnosed with dementia and can only recognize my MIL. But the thing is hearing the way my MIL speaks, she wants to come here and stay with us... Super sian meaning now my house have so many people

Cannot imagine so many people fighting for bunny gal haiz.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ST joy for them torture for me ..... Need to entertain my MIL and then need to learn from CL then my dad also want to carry his grand child... I also want to carry my bunny gal to bond with her and so does my hubby....

Ha ha I told my hubby plan B carry bunny gal to my room so no one disturb me and bunny gal


if u intend to BF then the bonding is there liao..and if hubby is working he carry at night and ur MIL and dad carry in the morning/afternoon

then u can also rest well


haha soon u ll feel 'great yr mil & dad is fighting over to carry yr bunny gal'

rather than u r alone face her whole day, trust me :p

Hi Girls,

Today is a very busy day.. my work phone.. ring NON STOP.

Fung fung: my gynae tried to explain to me based on simple terms. E.g. Mother is Gene A, Father is Gene B, so child 1 will make up of A1, B1. Child 2 will make up of A2 and B2. A1 cannot be used for B2 (cause all different genes) therefore, this means that ¼ of the cord blood cannot be used on siblings. He only explained for 2 siblings.. not sure how it affects for more than 2 siblings.

Mrs Chua: yah your company doc cannot make it. Please change doc. Remember if fever too high, do take panadol.. don’t be so gutsy not to take any medicine cause if your fever is very high, the “virus” can affect your baby. So don’t play play.

For mummies with toddlers.. Completely understand the headache that all of you girls are going through. I was just complaining yesterday mine has been misbehaving so much that I am losing my temper very easily. Mine is past the terrible twos (she’s 4 this nov) and I still get the terrible twos.. think it never goes away.. just comes in various forms. But I admit, that it is easier to reason out if the child is older. Just got to try and be patient when dealing with your toddlers.

Baby size: I think the gynae will look at the mummy’s size (and daddy) and comment if baby is too big or small. I think as long as the gynae is not alarmed, should be ok. Just got to trust your gynae.

Tweety: cannot believe it that you lost weight.. lucky you! Wished I could be in your shoes. You will shrink to your original weight in no time! I have already put on 9kg. as long as I don’t hit 12kg, I think.. I will be happy. Ha.

Vivi: I can imagine your unhappiness. Well, think of it as temporary.. as in they are all there for 1 mth? After that, baby is all YOURS. Sometimes, it might be better to give in for the 1st month cause you really need the rest.. with more people they can help out in carrying and feeding baby but I know its hard cause its your first and you want to do things your way. So you better have that talk with your hubby to manage your MIL. Better decide how you want things to be done and how he can support you in your decisions.


Ha ha BBgoh and ST look at it in the bright side that need to only tahan for 1 month and help is plenty...

Sookie I only told my hubby that since with the CL around, my MIL will not interfere. I think my hubby is also very stressed when I told him that the house will be packed with 6 people including bunny gal... so over whelming...

Somemore my MIL already told my hubby that she take it as a break to come here after taking care of my hubby's grand pa...

Wow the baby fair by then will be crowded, the April one unless we pop early then can restock items like diapers ba...

