(2011/04) Apr 2011

so now i need to warn my MIL and my mum don't talk abt my MAID during CNY..cos my MIL will sure spread to her sisters know..

Elmo I am sure my tummy will be bigger tahn yours lor... you so slim...

Yeah I cant wait for lunch time and I am going to eat a good lunch or else my mood will be as gloomy as the weather now.

Piggy same same super sian like suddenly no mood to do anything

piggy, since no boss.. go hide in toilet or pantry n zz! :p

st, let them talk loh. U stay away can liao.. CNY i always hide in the room with my sis.. anti social! hahaha!

vivi, my tummy is v pointed mah.. so from front v zor deng. But from behind cant see i'm preg.

I no craving for any food now. Eat le also no shiok!


no room to hide leh..and the relative later come and talk to me abt it i can't ask them leave pai say leh...


ya u can laze around,...i still have to cover my colleague she on leave

Hmm mine is all round....well today is the last day of January so that means we have about 2 months more before we popped....

Yeah ST need GOOD food to make me happy

ST: aiyoh what a drama weekend for you. Now, best to quickly get a replacement and train the maid before your give birth. Having maids is tough. Its like a job cause you are the boss. To me maids, are really based on luck. Sometimes get good ones.. sometimes really terrible ones. Hope you get better luck the next time round.

Pink: Its hard.. just remember that both you and your hubby need to get use to the maid and learn to manage the maid. In a way, maybe its good she came in early so that you guys can sort out all the issues cause having those issues when you give birth will be even more xiong!

Piggy: hope your boy will feel better. My girl went through a lot when she was growing up.. bronchitis (couple of times), UTI, Kawasaki. Is your boy attending school already? Maybe you might want to start very soon cause they will fall sick, and will affect #2. Weekend, my gal also fell sick.. vomited at the restaurant and at home with a fever at 38.8. Luckily she’s better now. But I know.. so headache when children are sick.

I’m also already in ROD mode.. so no motivation to work. Piggy: at least your boss not in.. mine is in.. usually when she’s at her desk.. I can’t reply so much to the thread.

So happy.. yesterday I did not eat any bak kwa! Hahaaha

afternoon mummies.... back in office... super super much things to do... the ppl here.. do things got head no tail... sianz.....

piggy: i just remember 6th March i having prenatal classes from 12.30 - 2.30... maybe i can take the morning slot for the photo shoot??? or last slot??


my boss not in but dunno y today many urgent thing to so[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] n my office pantry cannot hide 1 .. toilet also cos 1 nia..


my boi will start in Mar cos he haven recover i cant even bring him for his MMR jab hope wun delay his enrolment if not i headache... now mus solve my maid issue first v scare her lung infection become TB n pass to my boi sigh~


can but still waiting for Kai lee leh if she cannot only 4 of us wor.. mus check with Anne if tt day is ok anot also... headache...

Noon noon!!!!

Pink, hugs hugs~~~~ no quarrel okay? Agree with piggy, could b the hormone acting up...

Piggy, dun headache... Solve 1 by 1... Settle maid n Kyler 1st... They are more impt... PS can settle later after CNY mah...


no la PS jus coordinating... all can be done on going jus tt maid issue harder to solve... n my son 1 also cannot control.. esp if he dun recover n now CNY period u know la chinese tends to close longer wait drag n drag den my MMR jab also need to drag my HB goin away for 2 wk in Feb... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi mummies to be, congrats with ur coming new bundle of joy! I'm from dec'10 mtb thread.

I've the following to sell:




PM me if u r interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Happy CNY!

If anyone wants to sign with stemcord, we can both get discount for the annual fee too. PM for exchange of details ya. Cheers!

Me back from lunch!! Had ramen and a nice cup of gong cha honey milk tea!! Yeah!! =)


Just PM you the address of the TCM place...


For me, once I find the right hairstylist.. Don't change... This kind of thing cannot itchy backside one!!=)


Sure you can drink honey lemon.. Why not? Although some people say honey will cause allergy.. But if only a little, no harm.. in fact, might make your throat feel better..

Gerry same thinking about the hair stylist but then hubby always laugh at me because when I seem to find a goiod stylist the hair salon go bankrupt... same goes for mani and facial. Until hubby ask me not to jinx them hee hee


anyone looking for a playpen, got it as a gift but i bought mine already.

Brand new, still in original wrapping, unopened.

Far east flora selling at $139, letting it go at $120

interested? please PM me



Haha!! Now you must try and see whether you can jinx the bigger companies!! For me I have been going to this hairstylist from supercuts since 2006..It's like once she knows what I like/dislike, it makes it easier for her to cut my hair.. So I always will try to resist all the different promo from other salon.. =)

Gerry err sometimes I dont like the big company because they hardsell like mad a... hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


cheerup hopefully the police catch her soon all ur mood will rtn[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya lo today v quiet leh.. i tink most on leave or busy:p

hello mummies,

so long since i last logged in.. past 2 months hasnt been good for me.. my beloved granny passed away on xmas eve.. i fell sick for 2 weeks plus in jan.. and even fainted on the train..

but now everything is all right.. feeling much better..

just feeling very sleepy at work.. pass most of the things to my fellow colleague (very willing to learn) den i got nutin much to do.. duno how to kill time also. haha..


oh dear hope u r better now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so fast hang over ur thing liao ah.. still got 2mth to go leh..

nvm come in chat chat with us[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i dun want to hand over so soon also.. but my colleague vv worried leh.. he scare i not ard he dunno how to do.. everything want to learn and do now.. den i wanted to help him, he also reject..

oh ya! i got alot of stretchmarks now!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] its spreading...


haha. yar he is quite nice la.. just a little stubborn cause he seems overloaded..

sometimes it get itchy.. i try not to scratch.. but hor.. when sleeping i dunno leh.. hehe

have u all been eating cny cookies? i try to control.. but some are just so tempting.. i put on 3kg within a mth.. gynae asked me to reduce carbo ..

Irene ya can come in here n chit chat with us. At least u got a nice col. Stretch marks sometimes due to genes.. bo bian also.

piggy, yeah.. 1 more hr to go!

irene, i eat cny goodies till falling sick liao. Dun dare to eat anymore. Havent even eat the bak kua yet! I've been putting on 2kg every mth now. Think sure exceed the weight i put on for #1!

elmo, yar.. i am blessed with a good colleague.. hehe.. my mum stretchmark cant see le.. dun think she also bother last time.. i think now no cure le la.. just have to wait till it fade... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how much weight u gained since preggy? i have gained 10kg already!

vivi, go gynae checkup need to weigh mah. I put on ard 7+ kg le. But hor.. everytime i weigh at gynae's is after my full dinner.. so heavier than when i weigh at home. :p

I know lor so I always worried when I need to weigh and report my weight to the nurse.... because gynae is keeping a close tab on my weight gain...

vivi, i am okie now.. but the time when i was sick was so xin ku.. the flu and blocked nose.. have so much difficulty breathing.. den when popping the pills, vv worried about my baby..

but now everything is fine.. keep asking myself must drink more water...eat apples.. hope it help..

mummies, rem to drink more water okie! keep yourself hydrated. =)

i'm back!!!! so busy today...

irene: oh dear.. u gotta take care of yourself... CNY is coming.. dun fall sick.... =)

elmo: u're slim to begin with.... me so far put on 8.5kg leh.. more than u.. heehee.....


vivi, u gained alot also? how come ur gynae monitoring so closely?

i trying to reduce but hard... aiyo.. very stressed on the next visit.. seem like i put on 1kg+ since last visit which was on the 20th jan..

tweety, thanks.. 8.5kg still not so bad leh..

and elmo only 7kg+

how many meals u all take each day? i thinking lunch dun eat full meal... den take more smaller meals.. but dunno i can do it ant..

