(2011/04) Apr 2011

Pearly: i oso feel pain @ my button belly leh, i can feel a pulling force inside, tink it's e bb pulling inside bah..so uncomfortable sometimes..

Anyone hear b4 tt we cannot eat pizza coz of e cheese on top will cause allegry 2 bb? n oso mayo? But 4 mi i duno eat hw mani pce b4 tt liao..

Ye ye 1 more dae 2 chinese new yr eve>>>


Morning mummies.. Today tues den tmr cny eve.. Hope all gd & Heng Heng stuff will b with us during golden rabbit yr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] den bad stuff all leave us together with the stubborn tiger.. 

Day 2 of me not falling back to slp from 4am to 5.30am when I wake up to peep.. So tiring.. By the time I fall back to slp, hubby's alarm rings which mean I gotta wake up soon.. Argh!! Wonder how long this gonna stay on.. If until I pop, I will be lack of slp le.. Omg!!!

Piggy.. I know of some co dun provide benefits to staff de. U shld appreciate since it hv right but recently me & my colleagues starting to feel there is a lot of changes in the co coming & upcoming.. Jus like ytd, the new director questioning y we are claiming for student fee where she think onli those qualified students can do it.. Where we are still pursuing so we shld nt claim.. But this is all stated in our employment contract ah.. Now with the new director, alot of changes.. Haizz.. 

Sookiewookie.. Is Ur maid alright as u mention she fell? Hope nobody is injured  on this.. I know if how frustrating it is for Ur girl cos my niece oso like this.. Let's jus hope everything bad will b gone after tmr den good & Heng Heng stuff will stay with us this rabbit yr ok? Cheer up!!! 

Pink.. The mattress can b placed for baby cot? I think the size fits my sil's cot which is passing to us.. If can, maybe I can get it from u. Let me check with hubby the dimension 1st den get back to u.. By the way, u know wat is the material for the mattress? 


u can jus PM chin leng... he is the mod...

Mrs Chua,

usu when new director on board there will be more changes... but director will look into claim??? usu co with HR the HR dept will usu be the 1 handlign??

Little Twin Star,

huh no pizza?? no wor nv heard be4.. only know we nt suppose to eat blue cheese.. as for mayo i heard it becos there may be unpasteurised ingredient and uncooked egg in it.. but i still eat a bit la..

Ok will do that but how to PM him? just like how we pm each other?

Twin Star same here I think I ate cheese too as long as it is pasteurised. For mayo because some used egg yolks to do so not advisable.

G'morning ladies!!


Aiyoh.. Lucky no one is hurt..

I also don't like being pregnant having this belly.. Just a few more months and we can start worrying about getting rid of belly flab..

Little twin star,

Sure we can eat pizza.. The only cheese we can't eat are those with green streaks in them like blue cheese.. and we can't eat unpasteurised cheese too but I think singapore don't really sell those.. As for chedder or mozarella.. No problem..

Mayo is fine if they are the bottled ones.. If homemade, it will contain raw eggs which we obviously are advised not to eat.. That's why some people say we cannot eat tiramisu cos it contains raw eggs.. which might contain salmonella and give us bad infection..

Btw ladies..

for the gatherin on 7 Feb.. where u gals wan to meet huh?? maybe we can decide on the restaurant first? cos i tink nex few day many may not be in the forum?


either place i am ok... jus need to chose sumwhere lo.. if not abit hard to coordinate if on tt day every1 say anything headache hahaha...


ya MS for Bwax.. but if every1 also anything v hard to decide leh.. shall we vote?

1) Thai Express

2) Cafe Cartel

3) Jacks Place

4) Sakae Sushi

5) Waraku

6) Kenny Roger

7) Pizza hut

8) Swensen



1) Thai Express - Gerry, piggytoh

2) Cafe Cartel - Gerry, piggytoh

3) Jacks Place

4) Sakae Sushi - Gerry

5) Waraku - piggytoh

6) Kenny Roger

7) Pizza hut

8) Swensen - Gerry


ok noted[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) Thai Express - Gerry, piggytoh

2) Cafe Cartel - Gerry, piggytoh, Tweety

3) Jacks Place

4) Sakae Sushi - Gerry

5) Waraku - piggytoh, Tweety

6) Kenny Roger

7) Pizza hut

8) Swensen - Gerry

Little twin star,

Who can resist cheesy fries?! Haha!! Sigh.. I just had a egg mayo sandwich for breakfast!! Hehe!!

Can't wait for tomorrow.. Half day.. then off to a long break! Quick! =)


My co also have nothing for CNY..No hong pao, no lo hei!! Nothing!! Sigh.. Not much incentive lor.. So sad..


hahah same lo... my co no CNY mood 1 so boring...

also no Ang pao n lo hei... my boss suka wil have the kai gong lunch not happy nothing...

now i jus lookin towards on of the day tml on leave hippy...

Morning gals!

Tmr is my paktoh cum ROM anni... clash with chu xi. Sianz.

My coy also no benefits one.. ang pow also no guarentee. Lunch also see boss mood. This yr no news.. think maybe dun have ba. Variable bonus also no more since 1-2 yrs ago... pay raise also suka suka then give. This yr think dun have again. Zzzz. Sometimes feel like changing jobs.. but dunno wat to change to also. Plus this coy working hrs is gd.. I start at 9am leave at 530pm sharp. Good for fetching bb... scared change job wait v xiong then I where got time for my 2 bbs? Think le also sianz.

Think i got mood swing lah. Or this cough is making me feel bad... these 2 days really no mood.


ya can understd la... tt y i willing to stay in my last co for 3yrs... who knows end up in a worse co zzzZZzzz....

i jus hope my nex job will be better if can find a gd part time or freelance job even better... dreamin again..

piggy, i'm here for almost 5 yrs le! It's my longest staying job yet! Last time young no commitments... every 1+yrs can go look for greener pastures. Now got alot of other considerations le. Part time will have pay cut le... I'm not prepared to do tt. With 2 kids expense will be v xiong also.

Anyone knows what natural thing i can eat for my cough now har? Dun wanna eat med. Coughing to death le.. arggh! Blame it on my own greediness. :p

Good morning all!

finally on CNY break alr! was looking at the calendar and just started week 30. very fast siah!

also managed to finally buy some new clothes for CNY at vivo yesterday, buy 2 get 1 free, about $100.. from the maternity house shop..


try those chinese zi ke drink?

morning mummies,

talking about job.. i am staying in my company due to good office hours.. 99% of the time can knock off on time.. boss also very supportive of family commitments. but this job is not of my interest.. i also scare leave here le, next job dunno will allow such a flexible timing ant

tml i will be off whole day. so call plantshutdown.. deduct own leave!


pi pa gao got many other ingredient leh i tink not safe wor.. or u can go n ask the Chinese medicine hall they will usu recommend suitable medi... actually if u got time can cook chuan bei with nan xing n bei xing gd for cough...


ya my last job also like tt.. to an extend i find v boring... if they din gave me parkin craps i may still be workin there..

elmo: actually my boss got say.. if i want i can take leave and come back to work on 14th... but so bored to stay at home if nothing to do.. heehee.. =P


wah so shiok leh... n so gd of ur boss...


cos tt time i add abit of chuan bei pi pa gao mix with water gave my boi drink got rashes so i tink better avoid bah...

ok we stick to the following with higher vote... let pink n Jtho vote liao den settle:p

1) Thai Express - Gerry, piggytoh, Vivi

2) Cafe Cartel - Gerry, piggytoh, Tweety

5) Waraku - piggytoh, Tweety, vivi


oh i thot all the way till CNY keke..

hmm dunno Kailee still wan the PS anot wor... have to get back to Anne so can confirm...

Hi mummies!!!!!

My kitty now 1kg... Head down liao... No wonder everytime feel the kick n tickling ard my breast.... Haa haa..

Piggy, I off day with my Terry at home is more more more tired lor.... Somemore nowadays he is soooooo cranky.... Think the nanny give in to him everything he wants lor... Since we will stop send him to her end of this month... So his temper become very bad... He wailing the whole morning liao... I very frustrated now....


I dunnoe if pi pa gao can anot. But i usually get the drink from the TCM shop, you know the ones that they make/boil themselves one and then sell in cups at the shop?


ya usu maid n those care giver will give in to them so usu we let my boi whine n cry all he wan... if not v headache...

dun be frustrated it jus a phase...

wah kitty only 1kg... gd gd..

