(2011/04) Apr 2011

Mrs Chua/Hippo,

yes alr bott her to see dr a few time le... n had x-traytaken tt how we know abt kung infection cos her coughin v long haven recover nowi wonder if my son is sick for so long becos of her-_-

she been with us over a yr leh... so now we headache if change new maid now not the best time esp CNY n #2 comin wher got time.. sigh... will ask HB check with the agency on Mon lo... sway... n so far she got no issue with medical checkup wor... tink the checkup v basic nia.. n her menses 2 r nv come liao leh.. faint...

yes hush puppy gt office wear shoes...


my gynae joker 1 la... cos he thot i might be interested to know so every checkup he will help me compare with #1 wor.. n durin detailed scan my #2 leg was consider v long wor...95percentile... but now.....


Mrs chua

u r welcome. Yes yes I oso got the urge to open n eat it. So tempting.

Yes the 1 at cwp. Will b there till 2nd feb.


funny gynae. But like wat u say bb healthy can le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If change maid hor u got to teach plus ur tis maid ok rite donno the new 1 will haf pro anot is sometin to worry.

piggy.. ya.. if change now, u got to teach her and #2 coming.. everything too rushing den will be tough for u.. so b4 changing her, do give in some thought ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hush puppies have office shoes ah.. ok, will drop by to have a look..

sandy.. ok, maybe will drop by tmr night to have a look..was there on fri evening and ytd but no time to take a look.... jus told hubby, he say nearby so no prob to go take a look hehe

Sandy, mrs CHUA,

I already opened the pineapple golf balls to eat!! Opps.. Sigh.. I also ate quite a bit of bak kwa.. So not looking forward to weighing myself during my next check up..

Piggy, hippo,

Will massage work?? I don't know whether will have time or not.. Sigh.. Now trying to lift my legs while siting down more often..


Aiyoh your maid so terrible..

Hello everyone

How is your weekend? for me very sian because the weather is no good very hard to walk around shopping.

Mrs Chua for me I bought some disposable undies at AMK, Tomato the shop that sells cheap toiletries. About 7 pieces for $4.50 woven kind so the quality is better

Mrs Chua,

ya lo but if her health got prob we also headache....


i tink it will work leh cos my groin area did improve after massage but mus do it on regular basic.... no harm tryin mah if it work at least u found a solution..

Hi Mummies,

Kindly check what is the difference between nursing bras and normal bras (of cos without wires)? Is is a must to buy nursing bras? Cos I went to see nursing bras - the material is like so thin? Or we need to put breast pads?

Experienced mummies pls advise. Thank you.


the diff is nursing bra there is a window on the bra for me even wearin nursing bra i will still lift up my bra for latchin/pumping i find it easier...cos the window i find more troublesome esp for pumpin.. n since i am alr liftin up my top no diff to lift u my bra too easier for cleanin for me too.. nursing bra got padded 1 if u buy those non padded 1 mus put breast pad of cos... actually it individual preference la..


Ok will try to schedule a massage.. I think I really need it too.. My little girl has been very clinging.. Keep wanting me to carry.. Sigh..


Nursing bras allow you to open the cups to gain access to your nipple... For me I find nursing bras good cos I would let baby latch on whenever I am not at work. It's particularly convenient if you breastfeed outside. Cos then I would just put on the nursing shawl, put baby under and give baby my boobs without having to lift up my blouse. Of course I usually wear either those v neck tops that will allow me to push the top to one side exposing my boobs or I wear tank top.. Of course like what piggy said, if you are only pumping then, maybe nursing bra not necessary.. I would only wear nursing bras when I am out. At home, I would just wear normal bra

They do sell padded nursing bras which I personally prefer..

Thank you Piggytoh and Gerry for your reply...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Really appreciate....


u r welcome... my boobs is ard cup D so i find the window abit small la.. so if ur boobs not small i would suggest u to try the bra open unhook the window n see how much ur boobs r expose[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but 1 thing gd abt nursing bra is the allowance is there so even if my boobs expand abit more after pop still can fit... but i find v hard to find padded nursing bra...

Piggy, is it the cough coz the infection? Oh~ thanks for help me keep the pump for so long ya!!!! Hope both Kyler n ur hubby recover very very soon!!!!

Gerry, I also think massage help, try try!!

Sandy, when I met u yesterday, I haven cut my hair wor... I got it done only this afternoon... Now shorter n thinner...

Hi Mummies,

long time didn't log in, having been busy with work and preparation for CNY. sigh! still haven't finish cleaning my own room and things haven't finish buying.

How's everyone? Hope everyone is fine cooping with their 3rd trim. As for me, other than tummy is getting bigger, leg has swollen, getting more tired, I also experienced uncomfortable feeling in my chest after every meal (it feels like something is stuck there, making me want to vomit and uncomfortable. Is it nausea feeling that some ppl will get in their 3rd trim?)

Disposable breast pad is only for non padded nursing bra?

That day, my hubby is asking me what to pack inside the hospital bag. Can anyone advise me on the list? thanks


Maybe i may have missed out on the previous thread, is there still slot for the photo shoot? And I understand that the photo shoot has been scheduled on 6th Mar? Can advise me on the rate again and what does it include inside the package and other information that you may know with regards to the shoot.

Hi mummies

My pregnancy is turning week 30 tmr but bb has still not turned, doc said that if bb dun turn likely I have to go for caesarean, juz to find out how many more weeks will bb still have chance to turn before the doc confirm tat bb will not turn upside down?

Good morning~~~~~

Raining day... But I'm thinking of my laundry... Hahahaha... Haven't change my curtain and bedsheet... Think no chance to do it liao... Read newspaper that we might ave a rainy CNY wor... -_-"

Fung Fung.... Can it be heartburn? Try small n frequent meal...

The disposable breast pad can use on padded bra also....

List from TMC website:

What to Bring For Your Stay

For maternity patients, please bring along your:

• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)

• maternity brassieres

• cardigan or dressing gown

• bedroom slippers

• sanitary belt (optional)

• sanitary towels (optional)

• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)

Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.

morning mummies..


yes i suspect so.. i was so piss off.. told my HB y nv tell me earlier the maid is sick if i know earlier i would have take leave even not at least common sense they shd not let the maid take care of the them... my son till now everynite still cough v badly i have not slept well for 2 wk liao... sigh...


yes u can still join the PS.. we r looking at 6 Mar.. it $130, 45min with 30-40pic.. 2-3 outfit...


v hard to say cos some only turn 1 wk be4 EDD...

G'morning ladies,

CNY week.. And it has been raining the entire weekend!!


No problem.. =)


Yes will go for massage!! Haha!! Must pamper myself also.. Hehe!!

I thought you just recently went to cut your hair. Need to cut again so soon??

Hello morning everyone

It is a blue wet Monday morning....

Talking about laundry, I havent even wash my last week's clothes.... sigh...

morning gals

tks gals for the encourgment for the maid issues..so headache lor..CNY come and give me this kind of stunts she only come at my house 1 week and can know how to get her things out of my house.

there are actually loopholes we spotted but then we didn't think so much.


hope in the comin rabbit yr we will be luckier.. huat ah.... most imptly no 1 is hurt la...

now i also headache son sick den maid issues... my head v big now..


Ya laundry is going to be more difficult.. Luckily I bought a dryer for moments like these!! How to wash bed sheets in this weather..

Oh dear, Kyler is still sick.. This wet weather is definitely not going to help him get better.. But sometimes cough can last like forever even when he has recovered.


Ya luckily your maid didn't hurt anybody.. Just suay that you have to have this kind of maid.. Hopefully the rabbiit year will be a good year!! And that your little one will give you good luck!! =)


ur maid after check up can be better? ur son will get well soon

ya true no one hurt. my hubby was so angry say if he was not so busy he manage to stop her then I told him luckly he didn't cos we didn't know she has a knife with her..the maid actually uses the knife to cut open his hp cover...

really hope they can find her then at least my $$ not gone but then we will have to go court cos she stole the $$..

Ya HUAT for all of us


but my son dun seem to improve leh everynite he cough without fail n sound v bad with phlegm 1 for v long... n alr finish 2 bott of cough syrup liao...


dunno we ask her to rest but she seem to have lotsa health prob all of the sudden... we bott her to see dr twice den took x-ray den know lung infection n i was only told last wkend so fedup...

how much did she stole? from which country 1?? Philippines?

austin_luv_mummy, my bb is also breeched now. I asked my gynae.. he say he's not concerned abt bb's position now. Only 36wks onwards then he'll monitor. I also scared bb wont turn down.. But I rem my #1 also turn down quite late... ard 33-35wks. Cant rem.

st, piggy, hope ur maid issues will be settled in the new yr! May rabbit yr be a lucky yr for all of us!

piggy, ur boy havent recover yet ah? Now my turn to be sick.. eat too much CNY goodies.. now coughing. And everytime i cough.. pee wanna come out. Really irritating.

Today at mrt also v pek chek... mrt so crowded. I 2nd train then can get in. Get in le.. still got ppl purposely elbow me!! I know she purposely cos she was making the 'zek' sound and she use elbow to push me!!! KNS! Shd take a pic of her n post on stomp.. luckily got ppl give up seats. If not my poor tummy will be crushed.

And today many cols late.. including myself. Lao ban buay song also.. ask me to do some mission impossible when i told him wks ago that it cant be done. He said ok then... then now till be to do within so short time and say it NEEDS to be done. Grrrrrr...

Pek chek day!! Shd have taking mc and zz at home!

piggy, maybe u can try chinese med on ur son's cough? I find cough syrup v taxing on the child n not neccesarily helps. My mum gave my boy some jing feng san for cough.. and it seem to help.


ya lo my boy stil havin cough... quite bad[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

everynite coough for at least 30min on n off..

huh pp elbow u ah.. so terrible she nv see ur tummy?? wah terrible leh...


initially i gave my boi the hou zhao san 1... but no effect tt y bring him see dr den last wkend i spend $60 on chinese medi from EYS eat liao also no improvement.. so now i worried he kena from my maid also lung infection [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Piggy... Sometimes we never thinks the thing get worst, at least old ppl always think so... Since already develope to this stage, just solve... Dun get so work up... Not good for you n ur bb....

Gerry, you are right, I just cut my hair like 1 month ago, but my fringe cover my eyes liao... So I trim abit... But I was sad to trim at this shop... Will never visit them again... My cute image gone... My hair end also all gone... I think the scissors they use not good or rather the hairstylist skill not good... Next time die die must go back to my hairstylist at JP...

piggy, ya loh! Heng i tall... so her elbow only managed to hit my back. I was shielding my tummy on the super crowded train! aiyo.. if lung injection need to do xray ah. But kid so small can xray? Hope it's just normal cough.


When people try to push, shove or elbow me on the MRT, I will just use my arms to shove them or push them away from me.. Must protect my belly what!! The worse is when you are trying to get out of the train and many people trying to get in.. That's when I used my arms and force my way out!! Hehe!!


Ya, the western cough medicine wouldn't cure the cough, will only try to suppress it.. Somemore you say your son got phelgm, maybe he really needs to get it out.. Should try some TCM.. I was telling hippo about this TCM place at thomson.. My friend's 3 year went there for cough and they gave her some tea and caused the phelgm to come out and she stopped couging.. If you want, I can give you the address..


hmm it's indo lor..seems like she has plans to escape cos on wed she called home then Thurs she was at my MIL told her she wants to call home. So it's planned lor.

and Singapore police one kind also leh..ask them to call M1 to check if they can trace who was the last call made they say they cannot must WE call and pay the $$ for the statement then can..WTF and i might as well be the police.


ya i am tryin to solve now.. was fed up also becos the PD la.. usu if sick for quite some time they will at least gave antibiotics but he gave me back the same cough syrup even after i told him no use now my HB bring him to see his usu family GP...


ya lo tt y i headache but norm cough abit too long liao.. the other time i feed him the EYS medi v fast can see effect leh... now like no effect[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


r u tokin abt Yuguo?? many mummies was tellin me abt this TCM but long q n too far.. lately no time to go down at all... maybe u PM me tml if my HB free i ask him bring him down.. but i scare my boi dun take the medi nia..

ST hugs yeah the police I find is a bit inefficient... hope they can find your maid fast

Piggy hope your little boy will get well soon.... but I dont think it is from your maid's lung infection ba...


It's called Ji Sheng Tang. This place also long queue but can make appointment.. Pay a few more dollars only.. Will PM address later..


Ya now this already police case mah, shouldn't they settle it for you!! Che!

ya lor..funny right the police..cos my maid not big shots enough for them to take action and heard from my agecny there are cases where maid really can't be found and also cases where the policeman will ask the employer to drop the case faint.


Thanks... sigh my HB jus bott him to his GP the dr say his is bateria infection.. n he say my maid lung infection is contagious 1.. n may becom TB.... but he listen my son lung sound ok..

morning mommies!!

wah ST so jia lut your maid ran away! Haiz headache right. I also had huge fight over maid issues with hubby. Quarreled until I went to hide in Mt A's hospital toilet to cry, before my prenatal class. Super drama!! Never happened before... Then I turned off my handphone somemore! wahaha! Shiok to make the stupid man worried!!! (><)

Morning mummies.. Wat a super raining day.. Ytd morning woke up @11am still thinking is early cos sky still dark den this morning dun even feel like going work except lazing on my comfy bed.. Furthermore, could nt slp from 4am to 5.30am.. Think I onli manage to doze off when hubby's alarm abt to ring so no slp again.. Really tired so took 2hrs time off from wrk but hoping can take full day to laze on bed hehe

Gerry.. I oso going to pamper myself with massage.. Had scheduled on 19/2 with Mdm Ida's cousin.. So long no massage le, body really ache like hell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Piggy.. Can I check with u when u arrange for massage with Mdm Ida, u call or SMS her? Her cousin tell me to SMS her the date & time plus my add but no confirmation from her so wondering is the massage confirm.. 

Piggy & st.. Hope everything will get beta for u all this rabbit yr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. 


aiyo wat happen??? dun quarrel over maid la no worth it... maybe it the hormone acting up...

Mrs Chua,

the first time i cal cos wanna find out the rates etc... den she ask me sms her the date n time den she will reply me to confirm if she available anot... u can sms her to confirm??


yaya not worth becos of maid..even tou it's hard cos before that i also quarrel with hubby over this maid..

some more feel it's not worth to get upset of the maid but sigh not easy leh..it really sucks up all our energy

piggy.. me too. I also feel like taking mc. But hor.. dunno big boss will give ang pow tmr or cny eve anot. haha. last time got $50 ang pow. :p

