(2011/04) Apr 2011


My little girl deleted all my sms and I did not save Jtho no..Hehe!! Can PM me later.. =)


I only felt a little tingling sensation on my leg when I was on epi.. Like pins and needles kind of feeling.. but when gynae was sewing me up I could feel the tugging of the thread.. Not so much pain.. more like a discomfort..


Actually when the gynae cut you for episiotomy.. Your skin around that area super stretched, so the nerves would not be able to feel the cut.. You very brave.. No epi!!


Wow~ happily chat about labour liao!!!!!

Piggy, I'm fine with either date... Think hubby also can make it on both date... See JJ's and Kailee's schedule...

Juz to share my encounter yesterday,went for my 29th week scan last evening and doc was asking me "did the sonagrapher say boy or girl...?" we were kinda of surprise...I said,"but last time, tot u say boy (17th week , he said 60% wen he saw the ultrascan then 21th week he said he double check after he saw the report from the sonagrapher scan(she said 80% boy) and he saw bb scotum on the ultrascan and said 'ya,shd be" but he din give how many % bb is a boy)

Then during the 29th week scan , gynae said bb position is not good...can only see the scrotum, the long thing seem to be hidden by the umbilica cord so canot see...I was like worried and said how come at this stage still so uncertain(somemore I already done my 3D scan), then the gynae told me" dun worry, next mth i send u do growth check at 32th week I ask the sonagrapher confirm again..."

In the end he said "I think is 80% boy la we can confirm again in the next few appointments" I was kinda of piss off as I have to go thru th torment of the bb gender guessing game...


I think I can only know the gender when bb is born if the same thing happens again and again for the next few subsequent appointments...coz I know what kinda of lame answer I am gg to get

Gerry, piggy.. Not i brave. I already signed e epi form but cos it's middle of e nite.. E doc take forever to come. By then i already dilate 8cm le.. Too late. Gd also la.. Save money. Haha! Ya i can feel e entire stitching.. Like stitch v long.. Almost as painful as contraction. This time if all smooth.. Will try without epi too. Think le also abit scared. But if i can do it 1st time.. This time also can ba? :p


cos for my friend she was pushin the wrong way so her gynae actually ask the nurse to switch off the epi so she can feel den after she pop on again to stitch wor... ya at least u tried...

yes i was tellin PInk i can not lie there n knowing the gynae is cuttin me now i tinki will freak out haha...


have PM-ed u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lol~~ i also middle of the nite leh tink abt 2am+ but the anesthetist came within 45min wor... yeah jiayou.... u can do it...

but my friend who did i w/o Epi was tellin me they will still inject anesthetic ard ur V area wor.. but seem like not helpin?

wah, u all talking about labour n delivery liao... sounds so scary...

i most likely c-sect again so will never have the kind of experience u gals talking about... quite sad about it actually... but what to do, i have big babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Received Liao.. See u guys on the 7!! =)


Jia you!! Ya since 1st time u did it, I'm sure 2nd no problem!! =) ya plus u can save money.. Hehe!!

But i really remember that tugging feeling when my gynae was sewing me up. Like I cancel the thread going thru my skin.. It took like forever.. But i guess it's better that she did it carefully.. Better looknice wor!! Haha!!

Hi gers

Piggy - tentative I'm fine with the 5th mar photoshoot, I'm just afraid I will be too big cos that would be my 32wks.

Can I have more details like location by PM me cos this thread really moves too fast for me to keep up.

Regarding the deposit, it's $200 per person? Or divide by 5 couple then $40 deposit to make up $200? Total package is 130 is it?

Hi mummies.. Hv anyone tried Mdm Ida's cousin, Mdm zaliah's massage b4? Mdm Ida's schedule is fully packed from now till late apr so she recommend me to her cousin..


u ok with 6 Mar? cos Tweety not free on 5 mar...

huh no deposit require ah... the $200 i am referrin to the post natal massage not the PS..the PS is only $130 per person:p

piggytoh & vivi,

oh don't think really small, gynae estimated ard 2.8kg/3kg at birth..

I don't really like coconut water, but will take if its suppose to be good. :d


den ok mah... y u wan to eat durian to make bb bigger??? oh the coconut juice is jus a myth la dunno wher the logic also... if u dun like can dun take 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy - oh.. Ok ok. I'm still ok for the 6th mar (sun)

So make up & outfits all our own la.

Location of photoshoot le?


i jus PM u le... btw usu maternity shoot is taken after wk 32 cos tummy too small may not look gd cos our tummy is the highlight keke... yes outfit n makeup on our own.. if u wan makeup i tink Anne got provide with a charges u can check with her:p

Gerry.. Look so nice only hb can see. Dun think my hb will notice nice or not lo. Haha!

Piggy.. Ya i think gynae got put something to relieve e pain ard v area. Cant say got help or not.. Mayb if dun put even more painful?

Piggy & Lynn: Ppl say 2 tak coconut juice is 2 clear dirt on bb, so tt bb will hav lesser of those white thing on their body when they come out..other than coconut juice, my colleague say ji hua cha oso can leh..

Morning Ladies...

Little Twin Star,

ya tt wat p say la but dunno how true also keke.. cos i dun find logic in it la as in wat so special abt coconut juice only coconut juice can work?? for me i love to drink so jus an excuse to drink loL~~~~


wah sound v scary leh...

Origins Jamu Massage


i have alread made deposit alr.. so u gals jus have to made the deposit either via her webbie (paypal) or email her for the banks transfer a/c no. if u making payment online after payment the website will direct you to a form u can indicate buddy promotion with me (u gals know my real name rite?) and any preference massage lady or timing she will try her best to arrange if schedule allow in the preference box.. if not u can indicate ur request in the email also...


Morning ladies!!!!

So now we left with kailee to reply...

Piggy, u going to ask Anne for make up bor? I think I need, no make will look like ghost, wahahahahaha....

No time to think about PS, left with few days to chiong CNY stuff 1st, Hahahaha....

Hippopolai - I also enquiring with Anne on the make up. Sent her a PM already. Will let u guys know once she replied.


no i tink i goin to makeup myself cos usu light makeup will do ... actually alot of places provide makeup service for $50-60

ok thanks piggy.. my friend trying their prenantal maassage.. asking if I wan so I was thinking ok la since I longing for massage very long liao.. hehe... wil try Mdm Ida's cousin as she recommend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the cousin told me now no slot, must wait till cny over and massage after cny will be good cos after those visiting, we really need some gd massage hehe

piggy - my hse downstairs i can blow straight my hair. but no make up, means i got to go source the nearest & travel there ... by 32 wks think i will be too heavy to run here & there.

if anne there can settle both at reasonable price i willing to do at her there

For mummies who opt out of epi, can use d laughing gas when gynae is doing d sticthing if d episotomy cut.

I didn't use epi n I still remember for my 1st,when gynae was stitching up I can feel d cold metal pointed fish hook needle n d thread! Lucky gynae reminded me to use d laughing gas.

Mummies who want to try natural birth without epi,please remember to get d nurse to teach ur hubby how to read d monitor that charts ur contraction interval. If ur hubby learn to read, before d peak of each cycle of contraction pain, u can quickly inhale d laughing gas for relief.

However,maybe d laughing gas may not work for everybody.

My sis in law was damn amazing coz she didn't have any pain relief,not even d laughing gas for her deliveries!

Piggy.. Thanks.. I gotten the massage lady contacts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] may I check wat kind of bag u all use to pack as hospital bag? Was telling hubby ytd that left with 8 weeks, den he was like wow.. That is fast hor? Lols 

Elmo.. Which shop u gotten the pjs? Those with front opening right? Shld b houng there after cny to grab some ;)

Gerry.. Hubby say dun need rehearsal de la, furthermore we duno Wat gonna happen in the delivery ward so duno wat to rehearse abt lols. I'm feeling beta le jus that duno y night time blocked nose will come bk.. sianz.. 

Mrs chua,

I using a norm canvas big bag cos prob will ask my HB bring watever extras home first if not headache cos still got a goodie bag n bathtub to bring home..


haha cos usu these PS emphasize on natural la so I din even do anything to my hair since alr straight:p

Mrs chua... ya i bought those front button pjs dress. Easier to wear and bf. Tpy got alot of cheap ones. :) Ya seems like time is ticking v fast now! Need to wash bb clothes soon after cny! But recently always rain leh. Sianz. Think I'll wait till mar then set up bb cot and wash e bottles and pump ba. We gonna be v bz soon! Wonder who will pop 1st?

Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt this thread.

I'm selling my nursing pillow @ $35, bought in Dec 2010, use only 3 times, condition of e pillow is stl new.

Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Pasir Ris/Tampines MRT.

Kindly PM me if u r interested.

Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

Shu Hui


elmo.. ok, will go drop by @ tpy after cny to take a look but now I realy canot walk too much, after a while, I start to feel tired le.. haiz.. as for baby clothing, my mumy and mil will start after cny.. den as for baby cot, the delievry guy wil send on 18 Feb.. so they will os set it up for me.. maybe will wipe it again b4 I pop.. if nt can ask my brother to do it when I pop..

piggy..ok ok.. will have to check my bag whether big enough to out ma.. if nt, den got to check with my sil. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, today I went to kiddy palace to buy the disposable breast pads.. bought pigeon ones.. $8.90 for 30 pcs.. free 6 pcs.. dun wan to buy the biger box cos woried that what if no milk, den waste it.. if not enough, den ask hubby to help me buy more.. hee..

need to check with u.. do u all buy the breast wipes? is there a need to get it to wipe it b4 breast feed our baby??? or we can jus use towel to wipe or water to wash or rinse it b4 feding??

oh ya, where to get comfortable disposables underwear?? ytd I went to spring maternity and kiddy palace.. looking @ the material, wondering is it good.. scare wear le not comfortable... any recommendations??

Mrs Chua,

no need to buy breast wipe usu befor feed/pump i will use hot towel to massage n clean.. oh if u goin to latch hor when u bath remember dun use shower gel or foam to clean nipple leh jus water will do...

for disposable underwear jus buy from NTUC cotton type $3.50 per pack...

sian gain 1kg for the past 2 wk again ... bb weight has slow down only 1.5kg+ at wk 30... gynae compare with #1 say his leg is shorter..... like me-_-"""" but head still round n big[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i rather his leg long but head small... but nvm la healthy most impt..


Me too. I also cannot walk for long nowadays.. My legs getting red and swollen.. Sigh.. And it gets super uncomfortable if I walk or stand for too long..

As for breast wipes, not necessary.. Just use a clean wet towel to wipe can already...


Don't sian.. So long as your baby healthy, it's ok to gain more weight than we hope.. Keeps us motivated to lose it all after birth!! I do find that this time round, I can't really control my weight as well as when I was with #1.. sigh..

Piggy.. Wat abt go out? Can we jus use wet towel to wipe? Think shld be ok hor?ok, will take note nt to use shower gel on my nipple [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ok, will go take a look @ the disposables underwear from ntuc.. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya, I agree that as long as baby healthy will do.. I think my boy bigger le cos I can feel the weight @ tummy.. Feel so tired walking for long distance..

Gerry.. I trying to find for nice & comfy shoes recently but is so hard to find.. Omg.. Saw a pair this noon @ lot 1 but is so exp though after discount for a pair of normal sandals like slippers..

Piggy, how come ur doctor so funny de... Still can tell u bb leg is shorter... Lols... Bb healthy ok liao... Hugs!!!

Mrs. Chua, how about Hush Puppies or Scholl!??? I wear Scholl now... I find it not bad wor... Comfy is more important especially u can feel ur tummy weight... Without a pair of comfy shoes you will more ache at your back n leg wor....

Gerry, ur leg so jialat? Red n swollen?????


wat i meant is dun apply to ur nipple is ok..

Mrs Chua,

ya can my friend jus wet the tissue n wipe nia.. no worries...


my gynae jokin la cos he compare the growth rate with my #1 he say #2 shorter lo like me lol~~~


so far i gain abt 6.5kg le... ya cant control wat to do hope can lose all after pop... ur leg so bad ah.. my case is stand too long the groin area willbe painful:{

Piggy, how come ur doctor so funny de... Still can tell u bb leg is shorter... Lols... Bb healthy ok liao... Hugs!!!

Mrs. Chua, how about Hush Puppies or Scholl!??? I wear Scholl now... I find it not bad wor... Comfy is more important especially u can feel ur tummy weight... Without a pair of comfy shoes you will feel more ache at your back n leg wor....

Gerry, ur leg so jialat? Red n swollen?????

mornig gals

am super super duper sian an no mood liao..at this time near CNY my MAID RUN away..with my hubby $$, HP and a small knife..



Piggy, hippo..

Ya quite bad.. The redness is in my calves and just above my knee.. My hb said my blood is pooling in that area.. My foot not that swollen.. Is the calf area lor.. Sigh.. Towards the end of the day, it will get worse.. I also will have groin pain too.. Aiyah!!


If u walk a lot, it's better to invest in a good pair of shoes.. No need to be too ex cos you might only have to wear it during pregnancy.. I bought 1 pair of sandals in my 3rd trim last time, after birth it was super loose.. Haha!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that was how much my feet swelled


oh dear this is ur new maid rite???

did u report to police??

nowi also headache my maid suddenly alot of health prob lung infection, low red blood cell etc... sigh... n of all time happen now-_-


does massage help?

ST, alamak... Have u report to police??? With small knife summore, so dangerous....

Piggy, think the weather is really bad... So must bring ur mad to hospital???? Heng coming end of tiger year... Look forward to Rabbit year ya!!!! All the good thing awaits u in rabbit year!!!!!!!

Gerry, quick quick~ go massage!

My pocket got a big hole now... Just finish marketing for CNY food... Left with curtains n Terry's bedsheet... Raining day, really dun wish to go out again... But I haven't done with my haircut!!!!!! Lols....


ya new maid some more he is much better than the previous one.. Never tot she is so daring.. Even manage to take all her clothes and bag until no one notice。

reported police on fri night and went to agency yest.

Now can only wait and see if she will return or kana caught but then she knew some one in Singapore so don't know where to find her.

And agency say if can't find her we can't take back the loan too..

Hi mummies & MTBs,

Anyone interested in getting a neck float for your baby?

Comes in 3 designs:

Winnie the Pooh

Disney Princess

Thomas and Friends

Will order only if MOQ is met.

Each at $16, kindly PM me or email me at [email protected].

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hilo Hilo!!!


u cutting ur hair??Ur hair style very nice lei. Make u look cute.

Mrs chua

I saw those open front pj at woodlands pasam malam 1 set is $6.90 look comfy to me mayb u can go c c look look.


woh ur maid is so daring. Now my maid start givin me pattern. She reali cannot make it everyday got to remind her to do things so angry. Spoil my day.


aiyo of all time now got such pro. Haix.

Ur gynae so funny tell u abt bb leg's.

St.. Hope u can find the maid soon so that u can get back the loan.. My sil's nanny's maid few mths ago oso use a knife to say wan to kill herself.. Den even say if the family dun let her go, she will accuse is their son who rap her.. Haizz.. DEn after changing to another maid, still hv prob.. So conclude is the agency gt prob cos everytime change maid need to pay duno how much.. Haizz..

Sandy.. Thanks to meet u up in getting the golf balls.. Can't wait to eat it hehe.. Oh ya, the pasa malam u referring to is @ cwp?

Hippo.. Everything need $$$ de.. Really haizz.. Enjoy the process & hv fun ;)

Piggy.. U got bring maid c doc? How long hv this maid being with u? If jus, she shld pass the medical exam right??


Hippo & Gerry . I know must invest in a pair of gd shoes but can't find leh. .. Maybe now cny period, everywhere I can see are those high heels haizz..

Hippo.. Schrool & hush puppies one got those for office shoes? My office dun allow us wear too simple de..

