(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hee hee I was greedy during the last secind trimester and now I think I have gained about 10 kg liao .... it is like 1 month I gained about 2kg or 3kg so gynae was like worried since I still have 2 -3 months to go . She even warned me that if the little one is too big then need to c sect. She wishes I go for natural delivery.

I think it is very hard for me to reduce liao only can slow down the intake. Last time supper can be 3 slices of bread but now I just drink 1 cup of cereal and few slices of biscuits or 1 cup of milk...

My gynae prefers me to eat more on for lunch or dinner then snacking.


if itchy try to apply SM cream la at least can relieve abit[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me also eatin n gainin 2-2.5kg each mth[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] gain abt 6.5kg le..


my last checkup also took right after lunch hahah...


but ur tummy so small leh... n now ur weight gain slow down le i will catch up with u v soon haha..


sigh i get hungry easily lately leh...

eat non stop sian~


i tink some of us lost some weight in 1st trim tt y seem little but i add the weight i gain back for the weight lost it will be ard 9-10kg also...

i am usually eating full meals for lunch & dinner.. and with CNY coming, i eating alot of cookies.. try to reduce but hard.. and i love peanuts... i think that one alot of calories ....

vivi, maybe i should rem myself abt baby too big den have to c sect.. den maybe can control abit. haha

piggy, mine is the clarins oil.. somemore dun really like to apply oil.. shouldn have bought it.. i think cream apply better at least wont feel so oily..

piggy, u only gained 6.5kg? wow.. that a good weight gain in guess..

I know lor I also eat non stop just last weekend my dad saw my hubby steaming corn on the cob for me to eat and my dad ask me why I eat non stop....

yeah my weight was maintained or lost 1or 2kg but then now recover liao

piggy, i did not gain weight in 1st tri.. and for my 2nd tri i think i gained at least 2kg every month.. till now like 10kg....

my gynae sure gonna nag me the next visit..


erm peanut cannot eat too much leh may cause allergy to bb leh..

no la cos i lost 3kg in the beginnning mah.. last preg i gain abt 12kg. hope dun exceed this time round..


oh no.. cannot eat too much peanuts? but recently i like those nuts.. haiz.. control control...

i think i will gained abt 15kg bah.. since still got 2 months plus to go... haiz... i heard maybe last mth weight will stablised.. hopefully..

after birth i need to go reduce weight liao... now like a humty dumpty..


hmm the risk is there la so it really up to u..

i also love nuts.. heng only peanuts if not chiam... erm no leh last trim will gain the most... cos bb gain v fast in the last trim too.. ave 200-300g per wk..

my colleague only gained 200g last mth .. from her 7th to 8th mth.. she said due to mood swing she no mood to eat..

den during her wk 32, baby is already 2.4kg.. seems quite big.

yar.. baby gorwing very fast hor.. my baby weight doubled within one month..

I'm back.. Super xian at work too..

All talking about weight gain.. I think I have gained about 10kg already!!


I also gained about 12kg last time but I don't know whether this time can be the same since now I already put on 10kg..only 2 more kg.. and still got about 10+weeks for me!


Hope you are feeling better.. I also don't like the clarins oil so I used the cream.. But I really don't think these products will help prevent SM but it might slow down the spread..


it depend on individual wor.. for me i gain v fast till i pop leh... cos for some Mornin sickness will rtn in the last trim so wil have weight loose or slow down... but some like me appetite v gd will gain gain gain[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


no depend.. mine din slow down...


but now den u grow leh ours grow long long time ago now is heavy!!! sob sob...


sian hor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i was countin everymth if i gain 2.5kg i will gain another 5kg will hit 12kg by then... n i may gain 3kg per mth also.... -_-

Hmm Gerry actually I saw from those pregnancy website. Stretch mark cream only help to moisturize and maybe lessen the marks.

Stretch marks depends on genes and if you have it means you will have it. I am using Palmers Stretch mark cream ....

Now my stretch marks is moving upwards liao last time only at the bottom of the tummy now moving upwards liao... Will these purple lines remain like this after birth or the colour will fade?


hahah i tink compare to ours urs is still

xiao long bao keke...


yes it will fade n form those silver white line..


Why cannot eat rojak?? Not say you will eat it everyday.. Hehe!! Last pregnancy I ate quite a bit of peanut butter sandwich.. Now my little girl also like.. =)


Ya super xian =(... I try not to think about it so long as bb is healthy.. but this time round, I really feel the weight piling up fast and furious..

gerry, yar.. i think stretchmarks cant really prevent leh.. heard is genes.. den maybe own skin problems.. i have bad skin problems..

piggy, i guess i am the one will good appetite so far... unless my bloatedness come back again.

mummies, i gg home already.. nice catching up with u all.. talk to u again..


yes yes bb healthy most impt.. my gynae say this bb may be smaller den #1 dunno how true haha.. but head still big -_-


Haha!! Big head in your hb's gene right.. For me gynae said bb might be bigger.. But I also hope so for this one.. 2.77kg really too small..

I'm also gaining weight in my last trimester.. Same as my #1.. Suddenly very fast! xD My first one total weight gain is 14kg leh.. U all like gain so little wor.. And everyone says fat people should gain lesser.. *shakes head*

So far, I've gained about 8kg liao.. hehe.. Duno will be same as my #1 or not wor.. But I wouldn't worry cos I lost all that 14kg + 2kg after my confinement month.. =X


I think my weight was mostly water ba.. Somemore that period was super stressed for me + I was BF-ing.. xD But I still think most of the weight is water retention cos I swelled like a balloon! xD

U all not gaining that much leh.. And I thought slim ppl would gain more.. =X Boy, so wrong la! haha..


Really ah?? Also same like me ah? Last trimester balloon? Now u gain how much liao? Tummy big and round? xD Mine look like can pop anytime liao! haha..


Ohh.. I haven't been eating more than usual, sometimes much lesser than normal, even till now.. Can feel the evil swell in my hands liao.. And a forming lump below my belly button.. xD That was due to water retention in my #1.. I think same thing this time round ba..

Can't wait to pop leh.. Love my preggy shape and all but it's so xin ku...

Anyone having easy pregnancy here or not? LOL~

Finally KO!!!!!! Officially off for CNY liao.... YEAH!!!!!!

Piggy, ya, for Kyler n maid can only hope they recover super super soon... Nothing much can do also... Y not u bring Kyler for his jab? Maybe 以毒攻毒 can recover Liao????? Lols... I just kidding hor.... Seek ur PD opinion, if PD thinks can shld not a prob... Think the vaccination also impt since he is entering CC soon....

Gerry, ya, cannot buttock itchy change.... Last time stay my mom house at SK I always stick to this hairstylist no matter how busy her schedule is, ever since shift to West, I can't find any until the last 1... But actually I dun quite like her leh... She got the hao lian face, lols...

U all still record ur weigh gain huh!???? I never weigh myself from preggy till now... Lols... So I dunno how much I gain... But I guess gain also at my boobs only lor... Weigh liao more sad.... Kekeke....

Going for check up tomorrow but headache have to bring my son along, I'm sure woody will cut it super short n I dun get the chance to have a proper look at my kitty... Coz my son will be wailing in his room!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha....


wah so gd today ur last day of work ah... mine is tml[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cannot la vacine cannot take when they r sick 1... ya i know impt but cant be help mus wait for him to recover wat to do[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


no leh my HB head not big 1 wor.... dunno how come both my son sama sama head big n round hahah...

Pearly me also have a lump at the belly button but mine is above the belly button. Can feel the pain at the belly button area... that area now very tender to me...

Gerry because got the prawn paste so cannot eat too much hor... but rokjak is nice because the taste is very appetizing to me.

For me I dont think I can shed the weight that easily since I am those kind easily fat but hard to slim down. So for me I hope the post natal massage will help me...


Haha!! Hairstylists must also have pleasant face lor.. Cos as they are cutting our hair, will sure see them in the mirror.. Hehe!! SK a bit far for u now..


Oh ya.. Rojak is quite tasty.. But also shouldn't eat too much cos not very healthy.. I think eat e erything in moderation..

Piggy.. I had jus SMS her again to confirm & she replied.. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink.. Hope u & Ur hubby ok le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 

Wow.. $50 AP ah? My company onli give vouchers one yr as AP which we heard b4 is sponsor by client.. Den last few yr, normally is cny lunch de.. But this yr become Cny dinner.. Which mean we got to go after work.. Haizz

Mrs Chua,

my co got nothing lo.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i totally dun eat rojak lo thou i love it v much:p the shrimp paste i heard is v bad... anyway jus bear abit soon after confinement can eat anything yeah...

Ladies who going for the PS

I've emailed Anne on the pricing for the make up for the PS here's what she quoted me.

"The lowest fee is $70 (face & hair), $60 (face only) by a professional make-up artist. We will liaise with her abt the date & time, and you will have to pay her directly on that day."

She outsource the make up & hair so she still coordinating with the person. So I think it would be nice for those who are interested in taking the make up or hair options to inform her so she can convey to the make up artist

I will be taking the make up & hair package for $70.

Who else wants?


aiyoh everyone talking about weight gain. Even after I minus the 3kg I lost in the first tri, i have put on 9kg! always so hungry leh. and don't forget i am such a shorty. i can already see the increase in fats on my thighs and arms.. hope to lose it all after giving birth. I always remembered thinking to myself when I gave birth to #1, how come i still look 5 mths pregnant after I gave birth the day before! This time round, i think i will still look 6 mths pregnant after giving birth! also, everyone tells me its harder to lose the weight the second time round. jialat. i'm the opposite of pearly.. hate my pregnancy shape. the only thing i like is.. i don't have to suck in my tummy after a full meal!

sigh.. after giving you guys "advice" on maids, i came home to find out that my maid smashed my glass door leading to my bedroom. she must have fell and the door knocked against the wall. the glass is so thick yet able to smash it. Then come back, still found glass pieces on the floor despite cleaning it twice before. by the time we recleaned again, it was way past my gal's bedtime. Then my girl kicked up such a big fuss cause she was so tired and could not sleep without going through the usual routine of brushing teeth, drinking milk, read book etc. by the time we were done, she was like 1 1/2 hour past her bedtime and had to tolerate her crying in between! i so want to scream! not yet in the new year and already got to spend unncessary money. Hope it also does not signify bad things in the new year.

Hi guys, someone gave me a brand new babysafe playpen mattress which i dont need... but my maid opened it and threw away the plastic bag so i cannot exchange it for something else.

The size is 28in X 41in X 1in ( 70cm x 104cm x 2.5cm). It comes with a bed cover (pink and green) also brand new.

I'm trying to let it go at ard $80 (original retail is around double this at kiddy paloace). PM me for more info.

It can be used as a simple mattress on the floor for daytime naps, etc if you are looking for something like that.



How come yours painful de? Mine no leh.. Just a lump cos it's only fluid.. U got check with your gynae?


Hehe.. I love it cos at least now ppl say I preggy, not only fat mah! xD 9kg weight gain abt same as me.. I'm at 8kg gain.. Somemore I'm already so fat to begin with, not good de loh.. *haiz*.. At least u slim gals got more allowance than me.. =X

Aiyo.. Quite a lot of maid horror stories leh.. Thinking back, I'm glad DH & I decided not to hire a maid.. A bit more xinku loh..

Hope everything will turn and go well with the start of this CNY for all of u ba..

morning ladies...


aiyo ur maid so powerful ah... nvm la... u compare urs to us at least not so bad..

most imptly no 1 is hurt in the event....


i hate being preg n havin a big tummy leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


y u sigh~~ how i wish i no need to work today still got many things haven settle ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Morning ladies

Piggy ya lor after you said the rojak no good I stopped eating liao...

Pearly mine is the flesh pain gynae told me because my tummy is expanding so that is why can feel the ache.

How to complain this desperate Veron to the mod, I am going to do that she is freaking irritating?

