(2011/04) Apr 2011

austin: wah 1.4kg quite heavy but as long as your gynae doesn't feel any cause for concern then nvm la. Your baby is an individual ma, maybe absorb better than others so bigger lo!

austin: sounds like it's ok leh, mine was 1.2kg at 28 weeks.. i think next check up will be much bigger coz I can feel her violent movements more and more distinctly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Around now they will gain alot of weight then slow down closer to EDD...

Hello Pink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hee our date for deforestation is confirmed liao hee hee

Interested in Photoshoot

Anne have confirm with me tt since we only have 5 she can offer us the same thing so which day

you gals prefer huh???

Is 5th March ok with you gals?

30-40pics rtn 45min duration (2-3 outfit)

1.) JJ

2.) hippopolai

3.) kai_lee

4.) piggytoh

5.) tweety


some gynae r v KS so if ur gynae say it big i am sure he would have advice u on other thing??? my gynae say now is still early to tell usu nearer to EDD they will gave u an estimated birth weight..

erm.... talking abt bb's size.. then mine is giant? 1.6kg at less than 29 wks. But i keep asking gynae bb big or not.. he say it's normal. Cos depending on bb's position.. the circle he draw to est the weight buay zun.. so in actual fact will weigh less. Last time he est my #1's weight quite accurate.. he est ard 3.2kg if full term.. then i pop at 37wks.. bb 2.7kg. Ard there ba.

austin, I remember my #1 was 1.8kg at 30week. but mine like bit not accurate. My gynae tested I no GD but my bb was big size.. she just ask me to control my diet.. I deliver 36 week, bb was 3.33kg.. Mayb what I eat, bb all take in..

me too.. i am super sleepy.. somemore the weather makes it sooooo nice to sleep zzzzzzzz

i have been naughty.. eating lots of bak kwa.. can't resist lah cause got craving. hope will kena nagged at my checkup in 2 weeks time.

Agreed Tat it is just an estimation, doc brought forward the Edd coz he feels tat bb could be too big due to my diabetic n need to induce, heard Tat to induce bb out is painful too

piggy, ya loh. I only hope my bb is not too big and not breeched so i can go thro natural delivery.

andrea.. wow ur #1 is big! So did u pop at 36wks naturally or induce or csect?

elmo, I pop naturally.. gynae 36 did v check said cervix very soft, dilated 2cm and can touch bb head le, the next day I pop already..


my gynae nv bring forward my EDD 1 even thou bb big.. actually y mus bring forward? wait bb haven fully develop how? cos for mine my bb is big so i induce at wk 38 if urs is bring forward den further induce earlier den bb lung may not be mature????

hmm induce n norm delivery is same jus tt induce the pill to soften the cervix may bring in contraction earlier...


tml my checkup tink over the 2 wk i gain at least 1 kg[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my bb head down long again... every1 is diff la dun worry so much...


heng u pop early if not wk 40 ur bb will be even bigger wor..

austin, I think the position will keep changing.. I know for not 1st time mothers, gynae will use hands to shift. But for 1st time i not sure..

piggy, ya.. mayb I eat alot.. my ex-collegues feed me very 2-3hrs.. *faint* or mayb I got GD the test was not properly done.. or mayb bb got sudden growth sprout.

Wah.. All talking about labor liao.. I'm also very nervous.. Cos I never experienced contractions for my #1.. Induced + epidural = shiok.. hehe.. But zzz loh.. Scared of baby coming out too fast cos I duno wat's contractions.. LOL~

Hi Mummies to be,

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wat abt ur current bb?? big also??


hahah me sama sama... i only feel abit of contraction nia.. when i dilate 2cm din even know...

Piggy, vivi,

Ok I already confirm not going to work on 7!! Yipperz.. Will meet you guys there.. Hmmzz.. Can 1 of you pass me your hp no so that I can contact you guys.. =)


Your bb so big at 36 weeks!! Wow..


Haha!! When there's so many nice goodies around the house, how not to resist!! Haha!! I have been eating quite a bit of bak kwa too.. Yikes!!

Aiyoh, I today whole afternoon on off keep getting those pulling/ tugging feelings on the abdomen (near hips) area.... Is this what is BH contractions?


I think I dilate until about 3cm or 4cm also never feel anything, just feel like having period loh.. Until my ob/gyn decided to burst my waterbag.. Then get epidural liao.. hehe.. So no chance loh.. How much contractions feel like?

piggy, now he not big le.. run here n there.. very fussy eater.. Before he knows how to walk, his height and weight is always above 75 percent.. there's once his weight is above 90percent..


i mean ur #2 bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my #1 also used to be v big now slim down alot le....


actually initial contraction feel like menses cramp wor... cos i also opt for epi early so dun feel much hahah... cos the nurse told me it will take a while to be fully dilate if i dun take epi the whole nite i will be tossin den morngin not enough rest to push keke...

gerry, I think some where the calculation is wrong..

rene, u how many weeks? mayb is stretching to make some space for bb..

pearly, contractions very very pain period.. but is like up then down up then down, when going up, tht time I feel like scolding people and shouting.. hehe

Ya loh.. I also waited for quite long leh.. About 1day, I think.. From about 8pm to 6pm the next day.. This time is unknown for me cos I think will wait to be admitted based on contractions ba? Hope will be as heng as my #1 loh, got someone to tell me to admit into hospital.. haha..

piggy, orh.. my last checkup 24th week on 13th Jan bb was 750grams. think this will be smaller than his kor kor... I control my food intake now..


Wah.. Ok.. I will take note de.. But cannot imagine leh.. Cos my worst period cramp, I still can walk around normally.. It sounds really really painful.. Think will take epidural again this time round..

Did u have an episiotomy without epidural?

Ask u ladies hor, the hospital bag, what's the right size of bag to bring? I thought of bringing a cabin size luggage but hubby say very

夸张..... If I'm not taking single bedder, got safe place to keep the bag?


hahha cos i admit on 8 Aug nite hope will have 1st bb of national day hahah end up my body no reaction to the pill so waited till morning gynae come n pop my waterbag within 4hr fully dilate. if i know i would ask him to pop in the first place no need to wait so long[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ya i also wan to admit base on contraction this time but if bb too big i may induce again:x


dun worry abt BH in fact i din even go n notice i got BH anot cos not goin to pose any prob mah jus false contraction n tummy hardenin... so even #2 i dunno how it feels or i din bother to know:p

cabin size luggage bag is ok leh cos when u go home many things to bring leh maybe u try packin first see the bag big enough anot den decide?... i stay in the room most of the time n left the bag at my table top wor...

Pearly, I ask for epi when I'm 5cm cos I was there scolding my husband.. when I'm with epi, i'm fully dilated abt 1h 15mins.

rene, u choose which hospital?


When I admit, doc insert pill also.. Twice that night.. I think they can only burst waterbag at a certain measurement? I also duno cos my ob/gyn also waited till next day to burst leh..

Big is how big? 3.8? Kait was 3.12kg also induced de.. Actually, I like the idea of induce.. At least I know when to admit into hospital.. hehe..

I got consider dun take epidural this time but I scared of episiotomy without it leh.. lol!


If your hubby drives, no need such a big bag ba? I had a big bag of stuff for #1.. Ended up not using most of the items.. haha.. Most of the time just lying on bed or latching on baby nia.. Cos when u check out, sure got a lot more added stuff to carry to car and home.. If u allow visitors, they sure give gifts or worse, hampers.. lol!

rene which hosp u going to? For mt a i just put my bag beside my bed loh. Think got those normal beside cabinet ba. But anyway.. 99% of the time i was on the bed.. so always there.


hmm if fully term my boi is est to be 3.7/8kg so i induce at wk 38 3.1kg... i short mah n my boi head v big... i induce partly becos my Hb can only come back for 12 day so i mus gauge zhun zhun also... hmm no leh i was 2cm when i admit den gynae come only 2.5cm after 1 nite so he say nv i pop ur water bag den v fast...

i also scare the sewin but if no epi they will gave u injection at the leg to numb the area also..

andrea, pearly, i find the contraction pain is more painful than episiotomy leh. I dun even rem when gynae cut me. That injection at thigh area i took b4... not sure got any help anot.. cos i can still feel the pain. It just makes my legs weak.. i gotta ask my hb to help hold my legs in that open position.. cos it was totally weak after tt. I think gyane injected something ard or near my v before he did episiotomy.. i'm not too sure also. But the stiching part.. i rely on laughing gas.


i am ok with 6 also but i scare not all can make it on either date den v hard to arrange... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

For my first delivery, I had contractions.. I timed and it was 5 mins apart. And it was a bit painful.. like menstrual cramps. So I went to TMC at around midnight. When I was checked, I was only 0.5cm but strangely, they decided to admit me. and within 2 hours I asked for epi cause I was so scared I could not take the pain. But because I dilated so slowly, the doc came to burst my water bag and some other drug to help with contractions. In all, my whole labour took 21 hours.. at the last min I told the doc, I’m too tired.. could not eat or drink (I was craving for COKE) and I was puking and shivering from the epi. Told him to just cut me up and get the baby out. But when he checked, he said he could feel the baby’s head already so he used the vacuum to vacuum her out. And so, after 21 hours of labour, she arrived on her actual EDD.

This time round, I also hope that baby will decide to come out on his own. Oh yes, I realized be careful, don’t use too much epi cause I was so numb that I did not really know how to push cause I could not feel anything. Maybe that’s why baby took so long to come out.

Rene: I think for my #1, I used those small pull along cabin bag. Cause besides my own things.. my husband had his own things. And its true, bring the necessity and the rest (e.g. like breast pump) can be stored in your hubby’s car first. So happy can start thinking about packing hospital bag soon cause.. it means.. the day is coming soon.


how come? i can still feel n push leh... infact if u cant feel any ting they shd lower the level so u can feel wor..


piggy: cause i think was too numb to feel anything.. so now, i tell myself, when i use epi, i'm going to allow myself to feel some pain so I know when the contractions are coming and when to push. also, i think i pushed wrongly.. instead of pushing from my tummy, i was pushing like I was going to the toilet to do big business.

Andrea: yeah.. i almost died and almost gave up. but in a way, i am glad that my doctor let me progress naturally cause.. at least i did try "naturally" vs being cut up. in fact i was thinking if i have to do C-sect for whatever reason for this one.. i don't know if i should just do GA or half body epi...cause when i watch discovery home and health on SCV about childbirth.. those operation cut up type.. kind of gross me out :p

