(2011/04) Apr 2011


yeah! wen i realli cannot tahan and my tummy oready buldging and they know that im preg, i will realli ask. if tired means tired wat rite. seriously i cannot tahan see those people in uniform or guys sitting at the normal seats and those at reserved seats. realli SICK!

at times pretend to be sleeping la play hp la. aiyoh cut the crap la. but seriously i think these reserved seats shouldnt be there. the big sticker is there but people still ignoring those in need of the seat.


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many BB clothings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all in gd cond cos only let my gal wear not more than 3times. lol.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!


sad to say...i think our culture is still not there yet....countries like jap...they really do gif up their seats...

some pple still do...but majority will just act blur loh...


pat pat..i also got mon blues...let's count down to weekend again bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

had insomnia last nite...and a headache...so didnt feel like working todae...

If I can't tahan I will poke the guy & ask him to give up sia ... if he challenge whether I preg I'm going take out my ultrasound scan & shove it in his face !!

got 1 time I stand at the reserve seat area really close to the female student then rub my tummy, put my hand on my back like in pain .. then she auto get up let me sit .. ke ke ke ...

Me too getting clumsy, will bump into pillars/ lamp post/ side walk stands.. its like I expanded in width & can't manouvre as usual


aiyo! thank goodness u're ok... haiz... u poor thing kenna blue black so big. i'm not sure if we can use zam bak [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i googled but no webbies came up... maybe u check with gynae?


those inconsiderate buggers ought to be taught a lesson! they shld fine people for being inconsiderate like this... grrr

i've been having a hard time sleeping again...stomach very bloated and uncomfortable...keep tossing and turning... sianzzz...

Good morning all!


haha mine is big B small C la hahaha but now become big C and nipples v dark. See Liao also sian...


same, I don't feel vain anymore. Like u, I always wear tight fitting clothes but nowadays go out I jus wear tshirt shorts

n slippers... Can't rlly be bothered anymore.. Waistline became so thick I don't even want to camwhore (sth I like o do prior to preggy)..

Sandy ,

jus tell those ppl straight.. We hv e rights.,. Health is impt..

Don't want to curse it but these 2 days my MS really reduce alot ... its like I'm back to normal pre-preg days .. just that feel super tired by 12midnight & must sleep liao.

Hmmm ...

Michelle S,

yah!! same. No mood to go shopping at all, coz everytime I pick up something my friend will say "cannot wear", "cannot wear in 1 month", "u think u can fit into this still?" so demoralizing. Went to maternity shops but no tummy yet, all the mothers shopping around me > 5 months and above... hah. And really, maternity clothes are so exp! One dress almost $100?? I don't wanna spend so much leh I don't wanna wear them a 2nd time...

I was quite stupid went to buy bottoms and I thought maternity clothes must buy bigger size still to fit stomach... so bought L size.. it's so big and loose now... can fit 20 chickens. Sigh


yes i will scold them 1 even when q-ing up I also bth some act blur cut q sure kena from me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


exactly... I went to topshop maternity last Wed n bought a maternity tank top.. When I went to the counter, the cashier said, 'ma'am this one is for maternity... We have normal tank top over thr...' then I said, 'i'm pregnant.' then e cashier said,'omg sorry x5...'

I think u can wear e maternity bottoms in a few mths when e tummy becomes bigger..? I also started buying stretchable leggings... But still lazy to dress up...

Morning everyone! I also Mon blues... feel like taking mc today.. but in the end still drag myself to work. Yest nose block till i whole nite toss n turn din zz well... so tong ku!

I hate the mrt rides too. Recently i come to work earlier.. .then mrt is super crowded! Dun even have a chance to stand in front of the seats... luckily when i finally managed to squeeze in front.. one uncle alighted.. so i got seats.

i still wearing my old bras.. just tt hook outer part only.. I hope my bust wont expand again this time! No prob abt my cups... cos i got v small cups to begin with. lol!

sookie, u must have a scare urself too! ya.. all preggers must be v careful.. dun wear slippery shoes too. I always try to hold on to the railings on stairs or escalator.. cos sometimes i'll feel giddy suddenly.. v dangerous also..

pink , you are right maternity clothes are super ex ... I spent a lot during my #1 , now recyclign back but I find that them still too big to wear , now we are kind of in between .. so a bit difficult to buy clothes , just buy dresses if you need .the babydoll type sure fit ...

pink and michelle,

same here leh...everyday no mood to do much..i go to work hor..also dun care much liao..keep wearing the same clothes again n again...bought a few new clothes b4 i found out abt my pregnancy..but now cannot wear...dunno after gif birth can still wear ornot...all my heels also...damn sad..

this weekend me goin to neighbourhood area to buy those 3 for 10 kinda clothings...all the mothercare etc clothings for mum r so darn exp!!!..prefer to save up for BB things leh...hee..


u gd leh..tummy still not showing...mine is v big leh..den stupid DH keep telling pple my tummy so big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning Mummies,

Bought myself a maternity jeans frm FOX last Sat. I no longer can fit into my normal jeans. Currently just wear the stretchable yoga pants to work. Dont care already if I look funny. Luckily can still fit into my blouses [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sookie > Do take care of yourself ok.


baby doll dresses are mostly sleeveless,my arms so fat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and i stopped wearing cardigans...feel very hot all the time like a walking hot pan... hah...

i am looking for those loose tops i can buy a bigger size to wear... but it's not easy to find too... yes we are in between now~ hard to tell what size i'll be in a few months...


yah me too! bought clothes before i found out also.. that time GSS! everything i bought was XS or S...then that day i made my hubby go through my wardrobe for me to find me something to wear. Everything was "too tight", "no sleeves!!", "figure hugging!!", "uncomfortable!!" =((((

then he said "okok u win, go and buy more clothes pls". First time in our lives i think he 拿我没办法.


tat was funny..but it shows u still normal size mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] didnt know topshop sells maternity clothes leh..


my normal jeans long long time cannot fit liao..FOX also got maternity?can i ask how much r the jeans?i love my jeans but now NONE can wear!!!


i actually afraid of cold leh..instead of feeling hot..cardigan all the way one...

seems i super suaku...but lately dun even haf mood to shop..sibeh the sianz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


good lar ur stomach bigger people won't give u weird look when u go into the maternity shops... not like me and Michelle, wahahah, people give me the "er, what are u doing here?" look.

maybe ur clothes are more fitting. I think first timers like us won't show so early usually... i'm hiding behind bigger tops...

Me too doing a waredrobe clear out of my old clothes that are simply too tight for me to wear already. Then can make way for the maternity clothes I will be wearing till after birth most prob...

Me also can't tahan until tonight I will go uniqlo to buy those long t-shirts & loose loose blouse (def cheaper then maternity clothes) I purchased some bottoms from Old Navy online but its somewhat big but still can wear la ...

Sobz .. I can't even fit into my hubby's LOOSE fit jeans !! now got headache where to store the old clothes till (if ever) i reduce back to pr-preg size.


yes dear FOX has quite a nice maternity section. I bought a dress, and stretchable bottoms. Now got sale. 40% off plus additional 25% if u have membership or OCBC credit card.

i didn't check the price of the jeans.. paiseh coz i don't wear jeans...i find it very hot :p

oh, or u're skinny to begin with, so alittle bit of stomach can see already. Er, I was quite fat before so people are used to seeing me with abit of stomach ;p

kai_lee > I bought the one on offer. Actual price is at $59.90. But only paid $41+ ;) Anyway, got mine at FOX Compasspoint. If possible not getting too many maternity, feels it gonna be so wasteful.

pinkraindrops - So far my MS didn't hinder my sudden love of food .. hahaha.. I feel better each time i eat hence I will keep eating to stop the naseous feeling

Now only crave to eat baked potato jacket with sour cream...


just keep the heels until after giving birth la... Initially I wanted to throw off all my super high heels but after a friend's advice, I decide to jus keep them. Lookin at e heels collection everyday also shiok what hahaha.

And yes there's topshop maternity but only at vivo and ion orchard.. The rest dun hv...


my stomach also abit big. but seriously look like bulging fats la! haha. but i bought this belly belt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nt sure hw much i bought it second hand at $12 or 18 i think. quite good le...save money..can still use old jeans and just put the belly belt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


^5 loh...some i cannot even go thru my upper body!!!quite sad cos i also bought some new clothes from korea...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] totally no chance to wear sia...

but i also no mood to shop for maternity clothes..is there an explanation for this at all huh? PWS???kekeke

kurnia, yah me too. I am trying to buy things that I can still wear post pregnancy and delivery... like those stretchable pants, can still wear to sleep or wear at home..very comfy. then the dress i bought is also quite casual i can wear on normal days...

i don't like the normal maternity clothes.. and alot of them are not for short people like me... most of the dresses are so long [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


How is the top shop selection?

Michelle - I keep finding ways to eat that during weekends .. but didn't fufill my craving .. sob!

Where to find Fox maternity clothes ? I went SK to see their selection so small ...

I did buy bottoms from forum mummies, est $10-15 per pc & its a life saver !! I am now in need of shorts for weekend! Cos weather too hot to wear even 3/4's.

This past weekend I'm like baking while sitting at home


yah don't throw away high heels!! i'm keeping all. hahaha. look forward to the day I can wear them again hehe.


i think u're like me, coz cannot wear alot of the old things that we used to like, so totally no mood. I used to think, so sian, can only wear flats, so anyhow wear something on top also lor. won't look nice anyway.


ur twins are a hungry pair! hehe so cute. good that u can eat. So far... i only eat junk, or very little normal food... sigh. my kid is going to be starved/malnourished/ look like a piece of towgay

I went for my 14 week check up last sat , doctor didnt scan for me , he say cos I jsut did my NT scan during 12th week.. I was hoping can see my babies ! ... now have to wait for another 1 month ! But also good save me another $100 for every scan he does !


i haf no explanation for my big tummy...to me...bigger tummy means more stretched skin...NOT GD ah...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks pink kurnia, i will go n check them out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


definately keep!!!but dunno next time still garang to wear ornot..some r new somemore leh..my frens ask me to leh long...but i said no!!!kekeke

omg JJ...lucky u...i also suddenly like potatoes alot leh..where to get baked potato with sour cream!!!ahhh....kekeke

hi tweety,

welcome back?fun ornot? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jus buy potatoes n bake them! But sour cream, a bit hard to get...


junk food is awesome! Though unhealthy, but jus can't resist! Hahah I jus had ice cream milk tea from koi over e weekends. Weather is seriously too hot these days.


no lar, maybe ur baby is bigger! coz ur hubby is tall! stretched skin, maybe can use the anti stretchmark cream/oil? i got a bottle from my friend who is allergic to it, but i haven't started using. is the oil better or cream?

I know Jack's Place serves baked potato with sour cream+ bacon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah it's really hot, JJ described it right, we are all baking in here. Like in a hot oven. Over the weekends i didn't step out of the house until the sun sets...


it's ok as long as they are healthy. Maybe u'll gain weight later on? I see u're going for check up every 2 weeks? My gynae is only seeing me after a month, so week 12 then week 16... which is ok for me lar. Hubby is running out of leaves to go with me anyway.

