(2011/04) Apr 2011


r u in my f/b??? cos i only invite those in my f/b wor... unless i miss out...


i make u the administrator liao not sure if u can confirm the member anot.. can u check?? i not v sure how it works also keke..


no la even so she shd not scold u..


i joined the FB group le :D


i thk our 1st preg must be the same, u also no MS in the whole preg journey, rite?

me too loh.. but this #2 jiu got altot not as others so bad but still puking & nauseus


did u check ur email for the invite??

anyway u see if u can confirm the member i saw some pendin for confirmation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u got saw my invites????


u miss me out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ?? i din see yr invite ler :p

anyway, i joined w/o invited le


ya tt me.. hmm tt means i got invite u.. not sure y u din saw my invites... u got check email? cos invite is sent thru email to notify u..


Ya checked already.. Dun have.. so I looked for the group like what pink said.. and now waiting for confirmation.. Maybe you missed me...


Ya my 1st pregnancy was very good.. No.MS, puking, food cravings, food aversion.. Like as if life went on as normal only I was getting bigger!! Hehe!!

But this time round... Queasy, gasy, bloated, puking and funny tasting mouth.. Alot of food don't taste the same anymore!! So sad..Not as bad as some of the mothers here but enough to cause discomfort..Argh...


is it? ehmm didnt receive any notice/email

anyway, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


really ah cos i go in n check all in order leh.. hmm nvm at least the gals here tt i have invite can join directly...

so u able to confirm those pendin request?? i confirm KL alr i tink it Kailee..


ya maybe i miss u out too many le...


me too. my 1st preg also very good

last night joking my hb. i ask him why u look more caring to me during 2nd preg huh? 1st preg u not so helpful so caring ler LOLX

then he said bcoz #2 preg i gotta take care of #1 too so more tiring for me so gotta help me as much as possible.

I oso wanna join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but I can't find lei can add me???

[email protected]

sandy Dee is my name [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


weird i jus check u were in my invites leh..


i got invite u liao... u mus go n join not sure y no email notification sent out maybe it takes time... u go to group den search for "SG April 2011 MTB".


Haha!! Ya my hubby also definitely more helpful and caring now.. but I guess cos back then no need to take care of me.. Now he is super helpful.. He'll put the little one to sleep almost every night unless he is on call.. So let me rest.. Weekends he will bathe her and let me sleep in.. I sometimes see also very poor thing cos he is already very stressed out at work and super tired if he has too many night duties.. But he is truly doing his best to make me feel comfortable.. =)

I've put in a pending FB request as well, not yet approved. please don't type my real name here. any questions, just PM me.

back home liao ... decided to eat porriage for lunch then dinner will ask hubby to tabao beef horfun ...

now feeling better when home make I'm allergy to work !


i tink f/b abit laggin..


tt y i find weird cos if i invite u when u click join no need pendin can join direct cos quite a few of the gal alr join direct dunno y urs need to request.. f/b ki siao liao hahah...

wah...go for awhile only thread so fast???


yar loh bery far...time zone also v diff..super sianz for tat 6 weeks!


yes..bery bery happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ah lim is me la..but it's karrin not karen :p

ok, i haf pink n pearly in my FB liao...

pending invite into the grp leh...

still got who who? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just had macs for lunch...but feeling pukish..got..ta try.. to dis...tract myselfff.........

karrin lim i know it's you lar.. i added you before that... wahahaha

but i'm still trying to ID karen lim... haha... who is this pretty mummy? very mysterious? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha the bb pic u put 1 so cute... maybe shd appt more admin so no need to wait for the 2 of us to confirm if we not ard keke...


i jus add u:p

hmm den who is the other KL?


hee..paiseh la...alot of pple always mis spell or mispronounce my name...xi guan liaoz..:p

piggy u r miss ke hor..u haf a v nice family pic leh...so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


shld be approved already.


yes sure, more admins will be good! the baby pic is cute rite! super chubby and those eyes are to die for!


Yup, Mt A cheaper than TMC (by 100-200 i think). Cos we wanted to take pic once bb is out mah so when say cun take I sian already.

Seems mummies are getting stress over work 'heartless' company... Luckily my boss is understanding since she has 4 kids herself plus she say aft I give birth, 18 mths later my kid will end up in her childcare centre..hehe.

Whatever it is, do not tender resignation yourself, if com think your performance, get them to sack you lor. They must have valid reasons to do that. However, on the other hand, you must be prepared that life may not be easy there after since that you are 'going against' the com...

Just had my lunch, feels bloated as usual..sigh. how to get rid of bloatness!!!


hahah last time i put many bb pic like this as my wall picture v cute:p


pink alr confirm u quite some time le..

who else wan to be admin???? no obligation 1 la jus tt who ever not ard help to confirm request no worries..

Vivi, hope to hear from u soon... quite serious, we'll discuss off-line.

Anyway, just take note NOT to hand in your resignation letter. Insist on not submitting it and tell them if they insist it's a performance issue, they have to prove it 2 things:

No. 1 - expectations/ targets for you were clearly specified and laid out in black and white which you have acknowledged and signed for.

No. 2 - they have to 'show cause' that you indeed did not perform up to clearly defined (as per pt 1) expectations and targets

I'm sure they can't fulfill both of the above, from what you said.

Let's discuss further, you've got a genuine case.


the other time i go against the co they ask me to leave on the spot which is even better for me hahah..


ya i agree with Rene dun worry so much:p


Yah, it's good if can force them to sack you at least still can fight for benefit. If they get warning fr MOM & continue to employ then hope com personnel will be generous enough to let thing go & dun bear grudges.. Being preggy already stressful, work stress is the last thing we want to add on.


Ur hb so good. My #1 hb more excited, #2 not so. He still help but feels not as caring as b4. Maybe hormones make me sensitive. At least for now he will accompany for every checks..

Going to have a glass of ice peach tea now...


ya lo... but some co they cannot accept staff go complaint them 1 so they ask me leave so no bad records also anyway no turnin back for me in my situation tt time...


gd finally got 1 person can see my invites keke i tink really f/b laggin... lol~~

oh i tink hor unless they go to ur profile n see they wun know u join this group...

dear mummies, can we drink those ice tea etc? thought they contain caffeinex?coke as well is it? actually i love all this nonsen drinks my self...muaha...

oops! pink and piggy.. im the mysterious other "KL".. Sorry i didnt identify myself earlier as i have been a silent reader on this forum.. hehe.. please add me to the list:

EDD: 20 April 2011, Dr KT Tan, KKH, 1st child



Maybe the hormones making you more sensitive.. but at least he is helping out at home.. Maybe now also now very busy taking care of your #1, that's why you don't feel it as strongly as before.. Ya my hubby cannot follow me to check-up.. Would be nice but his work wouldn't let him anyhow go off.. When he is taking leaving, must book 6 months in advance one.. Unless like super emergency like when my #1 got kawasaki disease.. then he take leave to take care of things..


beta to avoid drinks with caffeine tho...i haf a caffeine free mug root beer in the pantry...super tempted...but i am super bloated now..feel like i'm going to puke anytime [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hi mummies,

cool! i will join the facebook group when i go home. I'm sure you will be able to identify me based on my nick.

Pinkraindrops: i wanted to tell you, dont overeat when you can eat. u must eat moderately but constant. i used to eat a bit more when I was not puking but end up, heartburn, bloated and puked again. the trick is to not to eat too full each time. for example, wake up, eat, 10am, 12pm, 3pm, 5pm, dinner time all eat.. even come say like 3pm and you are not very hungry yet, just munch on fruits or biscuits so that your stomach will never be empty. cause somehow, when stomach is empty, it does not give much warning and you could be very hungry immediately. cant let that happen.

just had yummy beef noodles (the one from toa payoh) for lunch. soo good! now i feel my stomach is going to explode.

Ask you gals.. is it ok to use those squatting type of toilets?

