(2011/04) Apr 2011

Piggytoh / DZ

haha I like confinement food now or when I'm not preggy but when doing confinement I hate it cos very Heath some more cannot eat normal food.

During confinement I cried n cried still remember I ran out of Hse in the middle of nite aft scolded by CL.



my fren boss is ang mo...dunno from which country also try to get rid of her but unsucessful.


yes, sometimes i also feel guilty during my #1...cos is really become pregnant is a hassle.

lucky my boss understanding.

sandy dee,

sounds horrible! how can your CL scold u. omg. this whole confinement business sounds like a nightmare to me. Hah. And i keep having people tell me how "important" it is. (=_=) Isn't it more important that the mother does what makes her happy? If it's my body and i want to suffer body aches next time it's my freaking business.


huh ur CL scold u??? how can she scold u? u r her employer leh... irritating... ya if eat once in the while ok if everyday sianzzz....


i tink luck n organisation also bah... whatever it is we r always at their mercy.. even we got the 4mth paid ML in long term we still lugi unless our HB paid can support the whole family..


it partially setup but tt time i ask which option u gals prefer most say go with majority n some ok with #1 n 2 so i dunno which 1 to chose yet..


the prob is most say go with majority but not many say exactly which option:p most ok with 1 & 2 haha maybe i shall jus pick 2? we have some privacy n yet if pp wan to join can join?

who else voluteer to be the administrator???


okie i will add u as 1 of the administrator so u can approve those who wan to join as well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw the group is created n i have sent invites to all of u who is in my f/b[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] those who r not in can go n search the group "SG April 2011 MTB" n join[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gers - after eating my bfast finish my MS feeling intensify till I can't tahan & taking PM leave to go hm & sleep.

The feeling of the food wanting to come out is so strong ...nvr felt it so strong before .. feel horrible now


maybe u r in ur peak now.. plus urs is twin... i only till wk 15+ den i feel slightly better 1 jiayou k[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

omg..this morn is shitty...tummy so pain go LS again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I wanna join the FB too!how to join?


what's PM leave?

sometimes it feels better to vomit it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

and fatigue will cause the MS to worsen. maybe after you rest u'll feel better. *hugs*

I also LS 3 times already and vomited once. Better to go down down there then upwards...


i also wish i can take leave and go home rest leh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my afternoon packed with meetings...sigh..

keep telling myself it's thurs liao...

kai lee,

me too... sucky morning as usual...

don't eat will feel stomach acid... eat already too full want to LS or vomit... this 9 months will be the worst in my life ever

Rene tried to PM you but you did not switch on the option.

I just called MOM and made an appointment on next Wednesday. The thing is that they ask me not to resign first because it means automatically withdrawing my maternity benefits. However for my side they are pressing me for the letter. Sigh I am really having a headache now.

Pinkraindrops - PM Leave is afternoon leave (1/2 day) = P

Piggy - huh .. i told since 11wks liao its going to get better .. suddenly peak again ... sian ... then in the morning somemore .. last time at night at least I can get work done then go home at night & lie down.. how to get work done like this


u have twins! i think if my MS doubles, i will straightaway surrender and bang my head against the wall liao.

Have a good rest at home...

pink , yah this will be my last pregnancy ! My first one experience not so bad as I have wonderful colleagues and less stresful job . Now it sucks !

JJ , be careful of the food u eat ... don eat too much or too greasy thinking u are better ..I was greedy and got gastric flu .. don get into it .. sucks .. rest well .

piggy , I am also proceeding with my leave to Japan .. my boss wasnt happy .. who cares ! Off I will fly and enjoy with my #1 esle it will be another 1 year before I can fly ..

vivi - forgot to reply u.. mine is fraternal twins. 2 seperate sacs, so possible for 1boy 1girl!! hahaah

dz - ya .. think i'll still to porriage & soupy stuff now ...


I went to drink coke!!! some people say it makes them feel better!! but i became very bloated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i also tried to eat roti prata coz i thought i was better... ended up spending the night with my beloved best friend the toilet bowl... so you're right. still cannot eat greasy food and drink gassy drinks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wah...if one boy one ger u can close shop afters?one time finish all..gd leh...i dun mind...haha..but i only haf one la...and tat one already given me enuff "problems" liao

thanks kailee, i added u as friend first

i can't invite people to the group coz i don't have the rights too~~~ must wait for piggy to appoint administrators...


*lovesick* so gotta spam.. LOL.. Amuse my hubby when he comes home to read my FB.. hehe..

Yay~ Later got chong pang nasi lemak to eat!!!


i yay for u also...my hubby also back liao...happy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah..i wan also..but i worry merlion later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i added u liao :D


Oh.. Your hubby was also away ah? hehe.. Happy for both of us! xD

My appetite still not very stable yet.. But recently getting a lot better le.. Hope no more carsickness for me.. haiz.. That's the tough part.. =X Nvm, will pass sooner or later de! Jia you!

Rene I pmed you liao now I am really at a dead end. Dont know how to proceed.



ya loh..now he's finaly back liao...but everyday jet lag..make me jet lag also!maybe tats y my MS got worse...haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gd to know yours MS improved! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] waiting for mine to come.....


Where he went? Work? hehe..

Ya.. Just hope my carsickness won't be back.. Zzz.. =X I think that's much worse than MS cos in the car, I still gotta entertain my girl.. *haiz*


he went to germany for work....so bopianz..haf to takecare of myself..clean up my puke all the time...now he help me clean up..haha..finally understand the agony i go thru!heee....

wah..carsick ah...temp only?


Germany! So far! My hubby go outfield nia.. 3 days 3 nights.. hehe..

I have MS but not as bad as some mummies here.. My carsickness is during this pregnancy nia.. And it's VERY BAD.. Wanna puke, regardless of got food or not, headache, giddyness.. All within that car ride nia.. I never used to have before de.. My hubby was so worried that it was his driving but heng, it's not la.. xD


she is not a gd CL. but oso my fault la Tat time my gal was admitted to hospital of cos s 1st time parent will kan cheong Ma den me don reali wan her to take care den she get angry wif me lo scolded me I can't take it n wanna escape frm her Ma so open door n ran off


usu MS will only go off after wk 16 for most... but u havin twin not sure if tt applies to u:p


yes we muc gave permission be4 u can join... u jus click to join i will aprrove u:p


ya jus go ahead she not happi sack u den u still get ur maternity benefir:p


u din received my invites?? but if u can join means i got invite wor otherwise will need my permission wor....


gd la ur HB is back... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


v soon ur Hb be back too endure[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today got no appetite for lunch.. super xianz..

now work also xianz.. Stomach just don't feel right.. like super bloated not queasy but cannot stomach food!! Argh..

I miss my 1st pregnancy!!

