(2011/02) Feb 2011

Ah Ching,

congrats on your bb girl!

Im sorry to hear that you are struggling with confinement. I don't know what's the situation between u n hubby but I do think his attitude and behaviour is terribly unacceptable. Pls make him do something about it.

Where is your boy now? Someone helping u with the elder one?


Hi mummies,

sorry to disturb your thread but I have a used Quinny Zapp 3 wheeler stroller(red colour) and a Maxi-cosi Cabrio Fix Infant carrier(red colour) to let go at a lower price either as a set or seperately.

Please PM me if you are interested.

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ah Ching - is your mum or mil helping you? although this is the 2nd one and u are already experienced, u shdnt exert too much also. If u don't take care during this period, your body may deteriorate in future. As for your hubby, was he like that during your first pregnancy? Maybe he thought second one shd be easier and a breeze...

Mamaying - wow.. Your master bedroom is really big! I am struggling with mine - after my king size bed, I only left a just enough space for cot. I can't even put the toyogo drawers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

okok today is a very well-spent day. really did a million things i had been procrastinating over. first i went to work, then FINALLY hubbs say ok we can shun bian buy the bb stuff on the way home.

headed to NTUC and got baby bath materials, nappy liners, diapers, milk formula, etc etc. spent about $250 but what is more important is that hubbs is there to choose the items as well. he carried the stuff home. i feel that must force the fella down to look see the stuff then he will feel excited. so visha, not all hope is lost.

pinkyval, you are right. my hubbs also keep thinking my EDD will be ADD. so he keeps putting off a lot of stuff that we got to do. i am ashamed to admit that we have not starting washing any of bb's clothing. hubbs keep insisting that since is brand new and still in packaging, all will be fine. horrible! i told him when bb gets rash and all, he will feel heart pain.

after buying the items, we had lunch and then picked up a diaper changing station. came home and been packing/cleaning the house all the way till now. feeling very accomplished!

mrs ong, i not on ML yet. still got 1 week plus to go plus i am teaching next week. hope no unnecessary stress and i can tahan till my ML starts on chu xi.

still got to go and get more CNY items and queue up to change new notes! seems like the to-do list never ends!

ah ching, your hubbs very unacceptable. it's very tough on you. can you talk to him when he is in a good mood? i feel so sad for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ah ching... I feel u for u babe... Bt u must get help ok... Coz if nt u xin ku

Mama ying.. If nobody wants... Then cn pass me? I force myslef take milk fr bb... Any mummies wanna give or sell at a low price tell me ok??? I did tat for my last thread... Mummies who cnt tahan take milk pass me....i help them clear....

Wow... Great mummies who bought all stuff... Me too little by little n clearing n put in cupboards

Btw mamaying.... Envvvyyyyyy yr big room!!!

Idaar no prob pass to u. dun waste maybe can fb pm me ur add if I can I go pass to u of I will pass by ur area.

I stay in hdb also just very fortunate to get this flat when we got married [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh yeah my clothes are not in the room, maybe tt's y hee.

Hi mummies, I need to vent out abit..

My hubby have been showing attitudes to me..

My mum this few days was telling him saying that he dun knoe how to take care of me..

Den in the end he show his anger to me n my elder daughter..

U know la.. 2 yrs old dun know about anything ma..

She like to touch things here n there..

Den my hubby will just slap her on her face or leg very hard like hitting a big kid..

I see already I really heart pain lo..

I did tell him nicely not to hit her so hard..

Den he say ok.. But now the same thing come again..

Haiz.. My mum also dun let me bath..

I tahan for 10days already.. Really wan to die Liao..

Think going to go crazy already..

Bm supply also not in.. Pump only 60ml the most from both breast..

Wan to rest but hubby never help to take care of Bb n no. 1..

Haiz.. Really sad.. Cry for few days already..

Hubby say that his head go head wire Liao..

But I think I should be the one go head wire lo..

He at home he only play game n sleep..

I know that he need to rest also because of work..

But at least afternoon let me rest..

This afternoon he sleep from 3 to 6 something..

I didn't have the chance to rest cuz my no. 1 running around the house n nobody take care for me..

Really dun know what to do..

Need to pump, feed Bb n look after the first one..

Really going crazy..

Anyone pls advise what to do..

idaar: hi girl, do u wan a whole tin of similac mum? it's open and i only drunk only like 3 glasses, it's well kept and open like 3 months ago.

let me know ya

Hi fiona,

maybe tell ur mom tt not bathing is affecting ur mood very badly? can bathe in the herbs hot water then blow dry ur hair ba.

As for 2 kids in 1 house i also dunno.. going to face tt soon.. but between lunch till after dinner my girl will go MIL house...

Visha.... Sure can.. Where u stay? I wl take... I nt so pantang.... Take opened also i ok... Thanks2... I pm u my no n u sms me yr no?

Mama ying... I stay pasir ris.... No rush n if i pass by there... I take ok..pm u in a while

Hi congrats to all mummies who have given birth or awaiting to give birth. I have also just gave birth recently but my confinement lady asked why i buy so many rice wine haha, hence I have 6 bottles of extra homemade delicious rice wine to let go as I bought too many. It's made by my friend's Aunty. I bought at $12 each but m ok to let go at $10 each. If take all 6 I m ok to let go at $58.

Collection point is only at SEMBAWANG though, please pm me iff you are keen thanks!

Hi Mummies!

I'm also suffering from timing issues. I had earmarked today to finish the baby prep- have more or less bought everything, and all the clothes and linen is more or less washed, but it's all piled up in the babycot. I wanted to give the cot a good wipe with a wet cloth and dress the cot- put on bedsheet, cot bumper, etc today so I asked hubby to help. My hubby has been wonderfully supportive this pregnancy, never missed a gynae appt, so he gladly chipped in to help. The cot is for daytime use only and is now in the guest room where the maid does the ironing, at night the baby will sleep in a Moses basket in our room. Anyway we wanted to move the cot and place it against the wall. The wall has a picture on it and we asked permission from my in-laws to remove it as we're afraid the picture may fall off the wall onto the baby. My in-laws were shocked that we were making up the cot- they assumed that we would do that after we return from the hospital with the baby! I was like huh? Won't that be too late???

They were also surprised that I asked the maid to wash the cot mattress cover before using it- they thought since it's brand new in packaging, no need to wash. I mean, since the mattress cover is removable and washable, shouldn't it be washed before their newborn granddaughter sleeps on it??

In the end we abandoned the plan to make up the cot cos my FIL said he wants to get the air con in the guest room serviced next week or week after, so will be very dirty and dusty, better to put on the clean bedding only after the aircon is serviced. Err I'm like 37 weeks next week, isn't it cutting it close to get the aircon serviced when I'm in week 38? What if I pop and the room isn't ready yet??

Sigh yes they think EDD is ADD, just because my hubby came out around EDD and my BIL came out a week late, my MIL assumes I won't deliver early. Their timeline to do things is like 2 weeks later than mine. They also went ahead to book and pay deposit for a restaurant for reunion dinner, assuming that I won't have delivered yet and hubby and I will be able to join them. I suggested to them that since I'll be 38+ weeks so there's a chance I'd have delivered already and hubby and I won't be able to go out to restaurant to eat, so why not get maid to cook reunion dinner at home, but my MIL die die want to eat out so went ahead and paid deposit. Sigh. If I really pop my MIL, FIL and BIL will go ahead and eat out at restaurant, hubby and I will eat in with baby. Totally defeats the purpose of reunion dinner right???

Sigh sorry for rant. Just don't understand in laws sometimes.

Hi mummies who had popped,

When will our bf come in? I am in my 3rd and no sign of milk coming in. Am upset coz my boy not getting enough milk and keep crying. Really heartpain to see him cried. In the end I asked the nurse to feed him fm first. How, anyone can share their experience with me?

Mummies who opt for normal delivery,

Pls be relaxed and u will dilate damn fast. My labour was short maybe becoz I am quite relaxed coz I still msn my friend on the contraction pain. The real pain was the time u push ur baby out. I didn't had a good push coz I am real tensed and in great pain. So please relax. Btw, mummies who is not feeling well quickly see dr. I am suffering now as I am down with cough. Very xin ku coz when cough the wound will be painful. Good luck to all.

Hi ladies,

Names: Thanks for all advices given on choosing of names. Hubby and I went through the books again, in hope to get one that we both like.

Mummies who have popped: congrats and well done! Mummies / mtb are truly noble, arent we? Have lots of rest

and enjoy quality time with your new bundle if joy!

Joy07: thanks for the valuable advices! Hope we all can keep that in mind during labour, keep our cool and relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am currently 37weeks and experiencing slight pressure above v area as well as tail of backbone, any ladies here share similar experience?

Hi, anyone wants a tin of open chocolate flavour enfa mum? Still have more than half. I dun like chocolate... Still prefer vanilla. I will be glad if anyone have free sample vanilla flavour to give me. Cos I dun want to waste money buy. Next mth Edd already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] email me if keen [email protected]

Morning mummies! Lately din sleep well duno it due to pregnancy or too many things in my mind which affected my beauty sleep.

Yday paktor with my hubby at Sentosa. We spent half a day strolling and taking pix along casino, universal studio etc. Dropped by Hershey shop and took a couple photo shoot which cost us $40 buck and we got to bring home a giant Hershey piggy bank coin with our photo on it n it’s really cute! Afterthat, popped over to Vivocity makan and watched Shaolin…after bb popped, duno when we'll hv er ren shi jie again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@mamaying – u started drinking coconut? If not, better drink some as I heard many said it easy labour and bb cleaner when popped out…duno how true but no harm drink lor of coz not daily maybe twice a week. Since u finished all ur preparation, take this time to R & R!

@pinkyval – I agreed with mamaying lor, dun stress on regaining ur figure, it takes at least 3months if u hardworking lol…of coz exercise after your confinement as our body need time to heal as mentioned by mamaying.

@Ah Ching – really salute u lor…one woman show!

@yaataa – oh paiseh then ur ML date same as mine coz also start on chi xi…hee nvm very fast one de. Haven start buying cny thingy too and guess what, I hv been so preoccupied tat I forgotten to prepare angmoh new notes. Luckily able to change it with finance if not, hv to go bank and queue super sian task…haha

Hi joy07 thanks dor sharing.. esp about the part tt we need to RELAX :>

Mrs Ong, yeah i started taking at 36 weeks.. once a week. just took another one yesterday :>

Glad u had a good date last night :>

Couldnt sleep last night.. slept at 2am then wake up 8am cant go back to bed le... wanna go for walk but hubby still sleeping.

Morning mommies!! I have added the mommies in facebook Whose pm me ur mail. Mrs Ong i haven get ur pm. =)

Fiona, Jia you I think u should have a shower to relax urself. I know ur mom don't allow u to shower. But as mama Ying said u can shower with herbs or u can wipe ur body.

Haiya guys normally don't help out. My hubby don't even tall to me much nowaday or acc me as he too busy at work and tired. Hmm what to do. Cheer up I know it tough but doing conefinement u need to relax in order to recover ur body. =)

Ah Ching, congrats to your smooth delivery!! Your birth story is so cute! Hows your boy now? Are you able to cope with both? Your hubby dun seems to appreciate that you give him two lovely kids. My heart really goes to you. You jia you ok! You're a great mummy!

Fiona, tell your mum can bathe with herbs? Think your hubby is unhappy that your mum chided him dunno how to take care of you that's why he rather play game. Sometimes my hubby did that too.. Cuz they'll think that whatever they do also wrong so might as well dun do. Ask him dun slap your girl la. Can hit hand or leg but dun hit their face. Kills their dignity.

Joy, is your colostrum in? Cuz once colostrum is in, milk will come in. For my no1, I dunno it works like this. Plus I pump or latch also nothing comes out. No milk or colostrum till day6 when my gynae squeeze my nips till colostrum is out. Damn pain!!! So when I'm back at home, I squeeze myself and managed a teaspoon of colostrum. After that I start to pump and pump, supply slowly builds up. Jia you k!! But in addition, my gynae also gimme pills to build up supply.

Update, went to check up yesterday. Am 35w5d but Bb size is 34w2d estimated to be 2546g. Abit sad cuz no1 was bigger during same time. But gynae assure Bb is not small and is of good size. He say best is when I'm 38w, Bb is 36w size. Hmmm... Seems most gynae is away during cny, mine too! Away from 2-6 feb. Gave me extra pills to stand by in case got contractions and ask me dun move too much on cny. Plus my parents gg oversea from 5-8 feb. Hope Bb is cooperative.. And he's head down already. Not sure consider engaged or not. But can feel drilling effect when he's moving at vaginal area..

Joy: don't fret.. In my 3rd day my supply was almost non existent.. Even colostrum was pathetic and I was ranting in the FB grp.. Continued painful pumping every 2 hrs despite not seeing anything come out and on 4th day ta-da! Suddenly I had something.. That day I rmb I was producing a miserable 10ml.. It's been a week.. Today I'm producing 100+ml per pump.. However my schedule is for exclusive pumping cos baby can't latch.. For direct bfing u can try latching baby on demand.. Soon ur supply will come in., just to share what I do before every session.. Drink 1 glass of warm fluid, massage breasts in circular motion for 5 mins, focusing on lumpy parts, look at baby or imagine baby(thinking of her dimples when she smiles work wonder for me) to facilitate let down.. Then either latch on or if u wanna pump go for lowest suction first.. Good luck!

@mamaying - ya hv a great date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U too have problem sleeping and why slept so late...if possible sleep early.

@nian ci - im 37 wks too and I do suffer slight pain and pressure along my V area but not on tail of my backbone. Will have backache if walk too much lor.

@nm - should help coz everyone drinking when they are on wk 36 onwards...but i also heard other it does not help so guess it depend on individual lor. Buy young coconut...not sure why must young one lol..

@wishchild - i pm u leh..my email is [email protected]

Mrs ong maybe I am too excited and keep thinking when baby will arrive heehee. Slept 2am to 8am... Then couldn't sleep le.

Tml going for date with hubby in afternoon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] simple one ba thinking of buffet lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@mamaying - guess u r lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cool n emjoy ur lunch with ur hubby tml!


I have the following items to let go, pm me if you are keen..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) 2 x BN Anakku One-way Nappy Liner @ $6/box (UP $8.50)

2) 1 x BN Pigeon Disposable Breast Pad 42pc @ $10 (UP $11.50) FOC 13 pcs + 2 x BN Kotex maternity pad

3) Preloved Children Manhattan Deluxe 4-in-1 Convertible @$80


Hi mummies I have some milk sample given by the clinic to give away.. Can arrange to pick up at Tiong bahru MRT..

50g per pkt..

Similac mum 1 pkt

enfa mum A+ 2 pkt

dumex 2pkt

Anmum 4pkt 2chocolate n 2 vailla

hi everyone..

any of ur gynaes did the CTG already? is it a must for everyone? went for my chkup ytd n gynae told me next appt will do CTG but read on some websites tis is not necess for normal pregnancies.. makes me worried n wonder if anything's wrong with mine leh???

HI mummies,

finally find time to come in and read and posts..

just managed to glanced thru some of the posts..

thanks for everyone's concern..

mamaying: still havent pop? I thot we will be popping ard same time lei.

marie: CTG is to monitor whether we have any contractions and also check baby's heartbeat.. near to EDD.

i think it is just good to do, if really anything wrong then gynae will ask u do immediately instead of next week

for mummies who havent pop..

my experience is that pressure at V area is very common for last trimester.

the kinda pressure that indicate labour happening soon is that u feel bruised at the V area kind, not painful type more like dull ache

and the pain does not go away when u change position.

it is also difficult for u to stand from a sitting or lying down position

hi ching,

how're u coping now? am wondering is CTG covered in the package? gynae also asked me if i will opt to induce if still not in labour by EDD... dunno how leh...

fiona: I am totally in the same position as u.

my hubby also scolded and beat my boy yesterday.

when I tried to carry my son from him, he tackled me to the floor.

First time he turned violent towards me and i screamed at him.

he later left home and left both the children alone with me.

ignore baby's cries the whole night and just watched his dvd until 8 in the morning. then went to sleep, leaving the child care to me again.

but he did apologise after that and helped me out after he woke up in the afternoon.

so my situation sorta improved.

if u are depressed or angry, u can come in here and post. I think talking abt it really help to release our emotional stress.

if possible, try to feed baby on demand instead of pumping. I think it'll help a bit cos no need to wash pump or sterilise etc

marie: I guess Im doing fine so far.

it really depends on whether Dr want to charge.

Dr Ang charged me 16 bucks for one CTG but didnt charge for the 2nd CTG.. so I not sure.

if everything is well, just wait for natural birth lor. unless dr advise to induce

hi Everyone.. thanks for the reply.. today is day 12.. my mum let me bath with herbs already.. feel so refresh.. but after awhile sweat again.. cuz i was doing wrapping on my own as today my massage lady is not here.. today my mum is sick.. so i have to do things on my own.. ask my brother go downstair buy food for me n i bath my first one n take care of both baby on my own.. hubby went to work until now still haven't reach home.. afternoon i did take a nap when they both r sleeping.. my milk supply decrease.. so sad about it.. have been pumping n store in freezer.. hope my supply will go up.. coping with two babies is not easy.. but my girl sometimes very good.. will throw didi diaper for me.. feel so happy when i see her growing up to become a caring jie jie already..

re: milk

i'm glad that my milk has come in yesterday afternoon.

colostrum came in on the 2nd day while I was still in hospital.

so far only did 2 pumping. First pump only 1 drop of colostrum.

2nd pump yesterday was 25ml on one side.

my gal has been feeding on demand abt 1.5 hourly.

but if she takes both sides then she can sleep 3 hours.she poops after every feed and I am now on my 2nd packet of Newborn diapers.

i'm getting engorgement. Breast is bigger than a hawaiian papaya.. also very hard.

but cos I feed hourly, still manage to ease the engorgement. if get worse then I must pump liao..

i co-sleep with my gal so I just feed her when she wakes up.. so far it is helping in my supply.

but latching is still very painful.

my nipples are so sore.. i'm latching correctly but baby mouth so small so correct latching also hurting the nipple..

fiona: yes, taking care of 2 babies really difficult.

my son only 19 months old so he also dont really understand. will cry when he sees me carry mei mei.

then he want me to hug him while I'm breastfeeding.

he also wakes up in the middle of the night and want me to sleep with him..

sometimes I torn between 2.

so sometimes I just let mei mei cry a while..

go toilet also no time right?

but this phase will pass..

we can do it.

@yaataa: Haha.. I thought our stomach has the biggest surface area to try out the pump so I tried the breast pump there. In the end kenna kicked my bb.. Haha..

@Grace: Ya lor, 1st time when I did VE there's only light spotting after that. The 2nd time bleed for the whole day but not continuous, like bleed, stop, bleed, stop. Then 2nd day abit of spotting.

@Val: Lol.. Your gynae has a point there.. Haha.. But these few days my discharge seems to have increased, I thought the mucus plug had been irritated and might cause it to drop faster thus early labour. Maybe it's me been paranoid. =p

Actually I think alot of our hubbies are starting to get stress about money now as our babies are arriving soon. I guess your hubby never tell you before that is because he thought there's still alot of time, but now that the time is shorten, they then realise the fact.

@Ah Ching, @Fiona: Sad to hear that both your hubbies are not helping much. But the 2 of you must stay strong and not end up having post-natal depression. Do come in here and rant to "release".

Last but not least, CONGRATULATIONS to those mummies who had popped!! Feel so happy for you all to be able to carry your bundle of joy in your arms. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya, just to update that I just went for my maternity shoot on Friday and had a peek of those photos after that. Can say I'm quite satisfied and had enjoyed myself during the shoot. Now waiting for the photographer to finish editting the photos before I can go collect the CDR.

RE: Diapers

May I know if Mamy Poko size S diapers will be too big for a 3kg+ NB?

RE: Baby Powder

Which brands are you mummies using for your newborn? And which colour Baby Johnson Powder is better? White bottle or pink bottle?

Fiona, I agree with ah Ching. Do come here to rant all ur anger and problem. At least u will feel better after rant. Do take care. I think u too stress that why ur supply drop. I know it very difficult to handle 1 kid and 1 baby at the same time. Jia you u can do it.=)

Ah Ching, great ur milk supply have come in and ur hubby helping u. Sometime really very difficult to understand man thinking. But u are great can handle everything urself. If me I think I long time already under depression le.

=) Do relax and take care woh. Sometime have a cry out or rant all the problem here will helps to release some stress. =)

Zanta, sound very scary u did the VE. Hmm I also scare to do VE but have start doing it yet. Maybe will do it on tomorrow since I already 36weeks+.

Hmm have a feeling that my bb will be out soon don't know why. Maybe the way my tummy drop and she keep pushing on my V part.

For the powder I bought the Johnson baby twin white bottle powder as is cheap and smell very nice. But some mommies don't use powder they scare later the powder fly in the air then bb breath in won't be good for bb lung. So some will buy the kodomo anti dust powder. 1 bottle for $4.50 so far I check most of the place is this price. =)

Mrs Ong, young coconut Ia the white coconut. But heard one mommies said young coconut is heaty le. I'm not very sure but I perfer to drink young coconut than the old coconut. Old coconut is the green coconut. Young coconut is more sweet than old coconut.

Ah chibg: yes I tot I would pop over the weekend.m. But last tues gynae did say there is a lot of fluid and baby is very comfy maybe tt's why he is still inside. Or he wanna let mommy have reunion dinners this coming weekend hehe or at least go pak tok with papa today heehee. So as of now I feel no symptoms only thurs night backache and crampy for 1 hour then no more.

Zanta: when baby just born try not to use powder cos they will breathe in and go to their lungs, if need to there a starch kind but I nv buy la. Or use away from neck so bb dun breathe it is so much.

Morning mummies~

@Zanta: Ya lor, seeing my tummy getting bigger & bigger he has to accept the fact liao. And my edd is next Sunday!! Omg! I'm so scared!! These few days kept thinking about it. I'm so scared... =/ I'll try to relax like what Joy said but I think it'll be very hard.

Anyway these few days I like can feel cramp on my tummy, especially when I walk. But the kind of cramp is not like mensus cramp. It's like gastric cramp that kind. I hope it's not a sign.. Just 11 more days to go to CNY!

I think Mamy Poko size S is still quite big for newborn. Did they state the weight at the packing?

I bought Pigeon medicated powder for my baby, it's recommended by my sil cos she's also using that..

I'm thinking should I start my ML next week... But if I stay at home I'll be alone. No breakfast, no lunch & nobody to help me if I need help. Hmm.. But I'm getting more & more tired everyday.. I just want to sleep till I auto wake up everyday and nap in the afternoon whenever I want. Cos after birth I'll be getting even lesser sleep.. =(

Oooo.. I just heard the radio. They said 4th Feb after 12.30pm then it's consider as rabbit year.. But then again, nobody will take note of that. Lol~

yes yes pinkyval- after 1230pm on 4th feb cos must see the "yang li" or something about the sun and pls take leave.. can go eat at coffee shop downstairs? or pack buy grocery cook simple meals at home? better to rest before pop... 2 more mothers may deliver today! so excited

@MamaYing: The coffee shop at my house downstairs close down liao. Haha! Now I only have a 7-11 at my house downstairs. The nearest coffeeshop have to walk a distance too. So inconvenient. Haiz. My sis was suggesting I go my mum's place. At least she can cook for me and I can sleep there. But the though of ending my ML 2 and a half days earlier make me very reluctant to do so leh. Hee hee.. Seeing more & more mummies popping made me so nervous!! I hope I can fast forward the time to next week.

Pinkyval - I think it's better to take ML one week before ur edd... Have as much rest as possible before The Arrival!

I had very bad cramps this am at 6am... Mummies, do u all experience that?

