(2011/02) Feb 2011

@yaataa: I think 2min apart is too late for shower le? Because my gynae told me to call him or admit to hospital when it's 5min apart. So I assume we time the time gap instead of the contraction duration?

@wish_child: Actually I also told me girl if she wanna come out early, the earliest is midnight on 3rd Feb'11 so that we can get ang bao and pay for our hospital bills. Then get free diaper sponsorship to help papa save money. Haha.. But is it true that first few CNY bb will have all these?

@Val: Hope our bb won't get confused by us and come out on the date we want. Hehe..

@Ah Ching: TMC gave Huggies diapers now instead of Pampers?

@MamaYing: I thought I can go walk walk and buy four seasons durian pancake and puffs today but it seems like there's no chance today as my hubby last min needs to work late.

@Nian Ci: Sad to say, my mum already told me not to shower for the first 12days of my confnement. After that must boil the herbal water to bath.

@OFB: I bought the powder puff together with the container to put powder which I think will cause the powder to fly all over. I'll see if I can try not to use it for the 1st 1-2 mths or not.

@Bigflamingo: That means you will be the next few.. I hope I don't dilate further, or rather, don't have constant contractions during my appointment on this coming Wednesday. If not I think my gynae will ask me to admit to hospital liao. I'm feeling so scare and nervous now.. I told my hubby yesterday then he asked me to defer my appointment. Haha..

I think my mum is feeling nervous too as she told me last sat during our dinner that she dreamt of my girl. She said my girl looks rosy and is very playful, keeps following her. Haha..

@wish_child: Oooo I LOVE the zi char! Before the coffeeshop close down last time the zi char also here. Then coffeeshop closed down, open again they came back. They saw me from I just got married till I got pregnant. Haha! Too bad cannot see my baby. Heee.. I heard from my hubby that they have another branch somewhere.

Hmm.. I also heard a lot of people saying that leh. Like their focus is more on their kids which I don't want to be like that. I want my hubby to get involved together. Hehe..

zanta, i think kiasu a bit, less than 10 mins apart is a good time to start calling liao hehehe.

pinkyval, yes i agree must get hubbs involved la. i already planned i will make hubbs bring the baby to all the things he likes, like go see fish at fish farm, fly kite etc. hopefully will have family bonding time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wish_child, yes we very close leh!! where u delivering? i am at Mt A [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and thanks for the advice! yes i think don't waste the $$ first. see how well the mini serves me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am thinking if baby will still moves alot when we're having the real contractions? Or when we're going to give birth?

mummies who are delivering at Mt A

have you bought the ladies' card? Wondering whether I should just sign up after I admit, haha... shouldn't be too late right?


ooh... really sounds like yours could be a Jan baby too! plus yr first delivery was so quick and smooth right? all the best! and keep us updated!

yaataa: use tt pump first but do change the parts like the tubing, bottles and valves + valves membrane.check if motor is working. if working fine just keep to tt.

Zanta: maybe tml ba or ask hubby pack home hee.. or who can buy durians for u.

Zanta, Yap is true that if bb out on the CNY eve will get sponser of free 1yrs diaper, 1 yrs milk powder and Hongbao. Wahaha i want her come out on the CNY eve so can help me and my hubby save money.. Haha.

Valeria, Oh ya lor i love the zi char there too. Haha i go to the coffeeshop beside the bakery shop the zi char there ta bao food need take super long time. I waited for 1/2hrs+ for my beef hor fun. Haiz not nice lor.. My beef taste like mock meat. Sian~

yaataa, I delivery at Parkway East hospital. Hehe must save money. Now bb coming out soon sure everything is $$$$$$.. Haiz sian~

@ Zatarina and @ Trinket:

I'm not so concerned about the 2cm dilation, because I was 3cm dilated for weeks with number 1.

It's the surprise in my doctor's voice when she said my cervix is quite short already that makes me nervous.

Anyone know more about cervix shortening?

@MamaYing: No one to help me buy durians liao because my FIL is now like me, gotta stay home most of the time because he injured his feet at work. Called hubby just now to help me buy durians he said now not in season not nice and x so I told him nvm, buy me four seasons durian puffs and pancakes instead, then he said see how.. Hmm.. If he is not working tomorrow, I'll ask him to bring me go AMK Hub. I think the nearest mall which sells four seasons pancakes and puffs for us is at AMK right?

How was your date with hubby today?

@Bigflamingo: Oh, dilated 3cm for weeks? Wow.. Actually do you feel the dilation? My hubby asked me how come dilate liao I also don't know and I don't know how to answer him. Haha..

@wish_child: Both of us are kiasu mummies. Haha.. Want our babies to help us save money.


jus opp.. ya so convenient there.. n so many thing to eat.. not like CCK got to take feeder out.. my office is at alexandra.. so going back there nearer and faster.. then wait for my hubby to fetch me after his appt.. if not i will reach CCK nearly 8pm liao.. so tired..


I've heard of cervix thinning but not so much shortening. unless it means the same thing?

tods - well, mine seems to, cos she talks quite positively abt mei mei, comes on her own accord to hug meimei almost every day, speaks to her in a high squeaky voice... she says she will be a good jie jie, when baby cries she will 'carry and sing rock a bye baby'. talks abt mummy go hospital to give birth to beth... but i think when mei mei is out and she can't get the attn she wants when she desperately needs it, then the winds might change... reality will start to bite. :p

Zanta: yes amk hub nearest... aw2w now i feel like having too heehee... north point has a shop but not fourseasons.. also durian pancake. outside cold storage. Ok la went buffet lunch with hubby at Oscar's at Conrad Centennial... got to eat my waffle ice cream :>

dadnmum: gynae will check dilation insert finger in.

Hmm.. Mummies, I'm having tummyache/cramp leh. It's not on-off though. It's lasting quite a while.. Maybe I should go toilet and try see if it's natural call hor? But someone's in the toilet. =/

Hi Sister, is anyone order from Little Dreamer before eg Warming Body Wash and Shampoo or other items? just want to ask for your comment. Thnks

Hihi, went to see my gynae just now. The cramps could be due to walking &/or braxton hicks.. Just got to be more careful in future. At 35 wks, bb is now 2.1 to 2.2 kg. Hee.. i think she will be close to 3kg since there are 5 more wks to go.

Bigflamingo - is it the distance between baby's head to the cervix.

Yaataa - you better check if the pump is working. A friend also passed on a medela electric swing to me but when i tested it.. it's not working at all. The suction is pretty bad. Just a caution before you go and buy all the parts.

ru...i used littledreamer body wash n shampoo before... hmmm not bad lar..but very very small bottle...

this round i using their post birth tummy cream nia... then be bathing with herbs and shampoo using normal one ba...=X

@wish_child: Ya lor, Babies things are really x.. So if can get sponsorship for even a year is good enough.

I nearly forgot about the BP which choc introed. If by wednesday I still haven't get to eat and did not asked to admit to hospital by my gynae, I'll order from them. Must bribe bb asking her not to come out so early. Whahaha..

@MamaYing: Haha.. I like very bad hor, keep talking about durians and made you all drool. Btw, is the one at northpoint nice?

Wow.. You went for buffet!! I also went for buffet dinner with my family on last sat but I can't eat as much as before now although I'm pregnant. Nowadays I'll feel breathless if I eat too full. And I pity my bb for not having enough space to move about.

@First Mum: Which means Petpet NB will be even smaller? Then babies around 3kg+ can use Petpet size S?

@Val: Has your cramp subside?

RE: Baby Cot

My baby cot just arrived and it looks huge!! Now my room really looks small and cramp liao.. But luckily it can be pushed outta my bedroom, and the height can be adjusted to around the same height as my bed. Next time can just turn around and latch on baby during breastfeeding. Happy..!!

Zanta: no la it is ok.. hee i havent tried the northpoint one.. baby also not much space to move liao.. but very action packed nowadays. i always unsure.. i think i dunno whether i have contractions.... and last ngith my but and thigh and groin like bit crampy.. weird. tml i have check up will check with dr .

my mom already ask me not to take durian. she say scared baby jaundice but i think gt nothing to do with tt la.

oooh for four seasons durian items, there is an outlet at NEX too. level 3, right outside NTUC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamaying and moomoo, yes i checked liao! everything seems to be working just fine, but the mini electric hor, the motor is super super loud. machiam like using a super old model and powerful vibrator like that lol. dunno how i will use it at work next time :p

there is also this pillow thing call my brest friend. my cousin used and said very comfy to use with newborns. maybe can consider? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

trinket, Mt A got discount with ladies card ah?? any other UOB card got same promotion? ahhhh i didn't even know about it!

Zanta and mama ying, Haha i ove durian too. But too bad goodwood durian no more selling the durian puff and cakes le.. The season over.. Sian~

Valeria, U better take care and need to check every of the contraction le

@Zanta & wish_child: After going to toilet the pain now "travels" from left to right. Lol~ I don't think it's contraction bah.. Cos it's somewhere above the tummy. And the feeling is like gastric pain that kind. Don't know issit cos of the carrotcake I ate in the afternoon too oily or what. Hmmm...

@Val: Luckily.. Try not to eat too oily food if your stomach is not so good.

@wish_child: I never try goodwood durian stuffs before, only their mooncakes but I don't like le.

@MamaYing: Ya lor, bb's movements feels like jerking at times, and sometimes I feel that she's like playing see saw. Haha..

@Zanta: Haha! I didn't know it'll be so oily also. When I saw it I so shock. I hope it's not contraction. I told my hubby then he said his friend's wife ever false alarm once then the dr laughed at her. Lol~ He told her the pain will be 10 times so once she experience that then go back to him again. Then my hubby asked me to take a deep breathe slowely & anything SMS him. Scare me for the whole afternoon. Haiz.. I very scared leh. Lol~

Long time never login to this forum, here is the little updates after my 37 wks checkup:-

bb weight now at 3.4kgs, gynae said very big, tentatively will go for induce on 5 feb, very scare can't wait till 5 feb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all, jus found out that I'm preg on sat. Today went to poly and was told to be est 5-6 weeks preg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I saw a thread selling Palmer cocoa stretch mark cream the other time now can't find, anyone has the link?

I am a civil servant if go Kk got 60% subsidy but I heard of so many scary stories. Am considering dr Adrian. Wat do u all advise?

It's my first time I'm clueless super happy but also worried

Nice to meet u guys !

Hi all, jus found out that I'm preg on sat. Today went to poly and was told to be est 5-6 weeks preg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I saw a thread selling Palmer cocoa stretch mark cream the other time now can't find, anyone has the link?

I am a civil servant if go Kk got 60% subsidy but I heard of so many scary stories. Am considering dr Adrian. Wat do u all advise?

It's my first time I'm clueless super happy but also worried

Nice to meet u guys !

jac: wow your bb really big!!!!!!!!!! mine's only 2.3KG @ 35 weeks


Hi mummies

My bb is estimated to be 2.9kg at 37 wks. He was 2.5 - 2.7 kg at 35 weeks too. Doctor is saying my bb too big as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Visha, ya i also surprise that this bb grow so fast, my gynae asked me to cut down on food and watch out, but i dint eat alot these few mths, dunno why.... maybe this is my 2nd bb so will be big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now very scared if above 3.5kgs sure got to give birth by next wk.

Jacqueline Chan (beetle_bug):

Maybe u try to cut down on food that is high in carbo & sugar.

My bb 36 weeks, 2.3 kg. Gynae say not a big baby


ya I think i got to cut down on sugar, maybe recently drink bubble tea too often [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] really hope that can last for 2 more wks, sigh.....

@Val: Next time don't buy from that stall liao.

@Yaataa: The lady's card which trinket is talking about is not the UOB credit card, it's MAH's membership card for mummies just like TMC's FBI/SBI card.

RE: New Baby Bedding Set

Did you mummies wash the new pillow and bolsters too? I'm washing the pillow and bolster case but don't know to wash the pillow and bolster or not.

my baby at 37 week 3 days was 3.2kg.. tml 38 week 3 days check.. haha and my mom is funny.. she asked me.. u still dun wanna deliver ah? then i told her, it is up to baby when he wanna come out hahaha... maybe he is too comfy inside. then she laughed!

@Jacqueline: My bb during 36 weeks scan was estimated to be 3.4kg, then 37 weeks scan estimated to be 3.1kg. I'm hoping my bb won't turn out too big and can wait too..

@ Zantarina: wow how come within 1 wk can drop by 0.3 kg? if based on my bb current growth rate, I estimate will be ard 3.6 to 3.7kgs when I give birth next Sunday.... Sigh.... now scared in the end got to go for c-sect.

@Jacqueline: I'm also very scare gotta end up c-sect.. My gynae did told me if bb's weight hit 4kg, he'll advise me to go for c-sect. But my gynae also told me this weight is just an estimation, plus minus dunno how many percent. How heavy was your first when born?

Zantarina, my 1st one came out at 3.03kgs, although avg side, but when I gave birth to my 1st one, i almost end up c-sect cos no strength to push plus my bb head still too high up.... so now this 2nd one if too big, will end up same situation again.

Sigh, now seems like got contractions but not very sure is real or not, very confused when to go hospital, scared later false alarm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] got to monitor for 1 hr more see how [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

jus woke up from sleep... Felt a tight cramp-like feel n tot was contraction 2hrs ago but dun tink so now cos noting else after dat.. Getting quite nervous as day nearing n not exactly sure how contractions r like... Now can't sleep cos gal gal moving ard so actively inside...

Pinkval, ur hb in shipping line? Mind to share which co? Mayb I'll happen to Noe him.. :)

@ Marie: me also having slight contraction feeling now, not very pain but feel like the tummy is harden, it almost 5 mins apart.... me also confused now whether to go hospital or not....


y not call n ask for advice instead of waiting... Dun let it get too close... Mine has stopped now so shd b false alarm...

Jiayou k!

Hi all,

wanna ask if ur have booked d malay lady for massage? Any recommendations? I read a thread on Charlies angels Massage service sometime back n book tis lady but thread is now missing n I kinda having 2nd tots....


Marie, thanks for the advise, think got to call my gynae to check...

btw i have engaged a jamu massage lady from the co called Origins, they have website at www.originsjamumassage.com, my neigbour who had just gave birth early this mth has started the massage session, she said very gd. u can go to the website to have a look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

