(2011/02) Feb 2011

@moomoo: Ya, that's what I thought so too. I'm like dragging myself to wake up to work everyday. And every morning when I'm brushing my teeth I'll think "Haiz, now can't sleep as much as I want. Baby come out liao ALSO cannot sleep as much as I want.. =("

What kind of cramps? I also experiencing like gastric cramps for the past few days..

thankS.. ah ching: we can carry heavy things now? my first one also want me to carry but my mum say cannot.. if not later the zi gong will drop or something.. i listen already i scare den dare not carry her.. only hug her.. I feel sad cuz i didn't spend much time to take care of her.. sometimes she see me carry didi she will be jealous.. i hope this confinement can faster get over.. den i can do all the things myself.. just now ask my hubby to bath for my gal he also not happy.. haiz.. he yesterday play game until very late den sleep.. that's why he give attitudes.. really piss off with him already..

moomoo if it is regular... and getting more intense/painful better call up gynae

if irregular and not so painful maybe is just braxton hicks. i had it for an hour then no more on thurs night so i didnt do anything n wnt back sleep...

@moomoo: There's no pain for braxton hicks, I had it quite frequent recently. You have to time it. If it's consistant in an hour think you better go see your gynae. Good luck!! =D

ofb: ur colleague is amazing miracle's husband? hee yeah in fb i think amazing miracle said she is going to hosp le... :> sat night we were just talking about cravings and there was like 78 comments about food!!! hahah... then now her turn...

all mommies yet to pop have u satisfied ur cravings? pls grab soon cos for us it is anytime now.. hee and this week's title for my Dumex newletter at week 38 is "The Waiting Game" heheheh

@MamaYing: Who are the two mums who are going to pop? OMG.. I'm getting nearer too, so nervous..

Then you got use powder on your bb?

@wish_child: Me too, got a feeling that bb is arriving soon. I had been feeling a v heavy pressure at my lower tummy there. Now I really can't walk fast liao.. And sometimes I also felt bb is drilling down, like going to come out like that. So scary..

Got anti-dust powder? Never realize that. Will go racky racky again.

@Val: Ya lor, not only is your tummy getting bigger, your EDD also getting nearer that's why your hubby worry. But let him know that you two will auto have money for bb coz you two will try to scrimp and save when bb arrives. That's what alot of ppl told me.

Erm.. Newborn can use medicated powder?

Mamy Poko size s diapers state it's for 3-7kg. I thought of buying 1 pkt because my house nearby never sell NB diapers. If not then I'll buy at NTUC on wednesday after my gynae appt.

I think it's good to rest more before bb arrives. As for meals, if your mum stays near, can go to her house for nutritious home cook foods, if not can cook simple meals like what MamaYing said. Ask your hubby to accompany you to supermarket to stock up some groceries over the weekend.

RE: Cramps

I also experienced cramps on Friday while I'm sleeping and once in the night, once in the morning before I woke up. I was thinking if that's one of labour sign or not.

Valeria, I think is good to clear ur ML soon. Since ur edd is on sunday. Have good rest and as mamaying said buy some food home to keep and cook a simple meal at hm. =)

MooMoo, i will feel some cramp at mid of night. Our body are learning how to deal with contraction ba. =)

Mamaying, Yap super happy maybe got 3 mommies going popped today. haha. =)

Zanta when baby very young i nv use powder.. i rant rmb when then i start using. but my mom will always say last time she use on us from newborn also nothing wrong with us.. hee i think maybe after 2-3 mth then i will start using ba. cant rmb for my girl when i started... or she had rash then i use the chinese medicated yellow container powder. think is at least after 2-3 mth.

wish child: i only know maybe amazing miracle and idaarshad.. who is no 3? hehehe

Zanta, Same same i also have a feeling my bb keep drilling down on my V part. I so scare out of sudden she will come out. Haha.

Yap have anti dust powder and it very nice smell. It like lotion go and take a look. But better dont go alone and ask someone to acc u.

Valeria, i think u stay very near my friend place. My friend also stay at jalan teck whye. Haha yesterday i just went there to find my friend. The coffeeshop need to walk very far le. Somemore got lot of stair need to climb. Super tired.

@MamaYing: I have yet to satisfy my durian cravings.. If I'm going out later, I'll go search for nice nice durian puffs.. Hehe..

Yup, most of us are in the waiting game now.. Hehe..

@Fiona: Better avoid carrying your girl now, maybe you can try hugging her to sleep instead? You are halfway through your confinement and very fast you can do alot of things already. Cheer up!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: Timing of Contractions

May I know how to time? Yesterday my BH was so frequent that made me so scare. I kept asking bb to relax and don't come out first.

MamaYing, Felpoo ah. She said she have the sign of labour but hope is false alarm. =)

Zanta, U must ask ur girl to hold on until 4feb so can be rabbit bb. =) Go get four season durian puff super nice.. Hmm i have durian puff at home but not very nice.. sian~

SO FAST!!! wah i just saw in fb, seems like there is going to be a surge of babies today ah?? so exciting!

mamaying, how's life at home? shiok ma? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i spent the whole weekend packing and packing nonstop! this weekend will be spent washing all of bb's stuff like clothes, bedsheets and diapers. MIL keep saying don't wash so fast cos again will have dust. so no choice, wait till coming weekend then wash everything. hope can complete in time wahahha.

zanta, me also interested in finding out how to time contractions. feeling more and more nervous.. and i think i don't have BH yet :/ feeling so scared haha

@Zanta: That's what I told him also. He keep saying no money then I said nvm, spend lesser lor. And I'm still working mah. But I think on certain things he wants the best for baby bah. And I think he scared I keep buying clothes for baby. Hahaha!

Can bah. The medicated I think not a lot. And it smells the same as the normal one. So far she use for her baby ok leh.

Hmm.. No Huggies? Maybe you can 1 packet to try out first. If cannot then ask your hubby to buy Huggies?

My mum stays Bt Merah. Maybe I'll go over in the morning, then go back home at night. But like that taxi fare chor lah. Lol~ And I have to carry my hospital bag to and fro everyday.

@Zanta & wish_child: Errr.. I can't cook leh. Hahahahha!

@wish_child: Ya lor, I'd been thinking of four seasons durian puffs or their pancake. If I'm going out later and sees it, I'll buy them and keep them in my fridge. Can eat as and when I got cravings, and also before I go give birth. Haha..

Oh, another 3 mummies going for labour today. Today is my brother's birthday and my mum was telling me if I were to give birth today, then my girl will share the same birthday as my bro. And I jokingly told her good lor, can celebrate together in future. Haha..

Ya lor, these 3 weeks I'd been counting down with my girl. But now I gotta add 1 more day to my countdown to get a rabbit bb liao. Haha.. And it must be after 12.30pm on 4th Feb some more.

@Zanta: Haha! Me too! I think he'll feel confused. Like yesterday told him 12 days more, then today also tell him 12 days more. LOL~ I hope he won't fail his math when he grows up!

@Yaataa: I don't know to time the duration of contraction or the time gap in between. =p

@Val: Take this time to learn to cook simple dishes like porridge? Because you need to cook for your boy when he starts to eat solid. I love to eat the minced pork broccoli porridge which I cook. Haha.. You can also buy cod fish to cook porridge. Very easy de. Then dinner ask ppl to pkt for you lor. But if you're really going to your mum's house, you don't have to lug your hospital bag to and fro, can always ask your hubby to help you take when he is going to visit you.

zanta, i read before that labour is approaching super soon when there there are 2 minutes between each contraction, with each contraction having about 1 minute duration. but i think hit 5 or 10 minutes between each contraction i will call doc liao heh. dunno how accurate also!

@Zanta: I won't be staying over in my mum's house. Only going over everyday from morning till night. I'll still be going home.

Ya! My sil said boy born on 初一 is good. But I want rabbit leh. Then yesterday I miscalculate. I told my baby 11 more days but actually is 12 more days. Then at night I change to 12 days. LOL~

Yaataa n zanta, My fren ask me to moniter myself everyday. She said the contaction come every 10mins once. Our tummy will be super tight and tummy keep squeezing. SHe said the feeling like eat until super full like tummy going to burst. Haha. So funny.

Hmm i going see my gynae tomorrow i will ask him how is the contraction like then update u girls again. =)

Zanta, Haha then u better tell ur girl be good stay until 4feb and be safe stay until 5feb. =) Hehe i told my girl if want come out also come out on the CNY eve then we can go on TV programme and get free hongbao, free 1 years milk supply and 1 year free diaper.. Hahaha.. I am a kaisu mommy.. Hahaha

Valeria, my fren stay at Blk157. Ya lor the nearest must climb at least 2 staircase. Yester we walk to to coffeeshop that near the fairprice. WOw super tired but no choice need to go there tabao food to eat. Haha.

Ya as zanta said u should try learn to cook. So next time can cook for bb to eat and also same time can pratice ur cooking skill.. HEhe.. When im super free at home this 9mths i keep learn baking until i master it le.. So u can do it too. =)

I just delivered in early October 2010 and have following items for sale:

1) Almost new Ameda Lactaline Dual Breast Pump

- Bought when in hospital

- Used very lightly mainly to relieve engorgement

- Almost brand new with original packaging (no warranty as this is purchased from UK)

- BPA free pump kit version of Ameda Lactaline

- All items as come with new purchase (except that there is only 1 extra brand new valve-i.e. 3 valves in all, of which 2 have been used)

Give-away with above:

- 18 glass bottles (similac brand) collected from hospital which can be used to store EBM

- 1 brand new bottle cap with sealer which fits the glass bottles perfectly (NUK brand, never used before, bought as a standby in case i need to store EBM)

Price = S$250

2) Pigeon Disposable Breast Pads

- 36 + 6 free pads in the box (brand new of course)

Price = S$8

3) Philips Baby monitor Model SCD463

- Received this set as a gift in 2008 but never used. Box is opened but contents are all new.

- Digital signal confirmation

- Up to 200m range

- 16 channels

Price = S$100 (neg)

Self Collection = Tampines MRT or Raffles Place MRT

Pls PM me your hp no or email me at [email protected] if interested

yaataa, How many weeks are u now? Hmm when 2mins between each contraction that mean u going delivery soon le. Normally 2mins bewteen each contraction is when the waterbag burst.

Valeria, I thought u going due soon? U going tell ur bb boy to hold on till chu yi?

@wish_child: I'm only staying the next block! So coincident! That's why if I'm home alone I'll order delivery liao. Haha!

Hee hee hee.. Porridge maybe still ok bah.. But for me porridge not filling leh. Haha! That's why my parents said after my mil go back to work after my confinement I won't be able to cope alone. I won't know how to cook, how to shower my boy. I thought so too. Haha! Then my mil said she'll cook for me in the morning before she goes to work cos I have to eat the confinement food for 40 days. Then when I wake up I just have to heat up. And she said after she's back from work she can shower my boy, maybe day time I just wipe his body. =p I think I'll need my mum to "visit" me more often. Haha!

Zanta go for 4 seasons durian pancake hee

yaataa ok la.. sleep bit later but 7 plus wake up le. used to sch hours.. do some housework.. everything at home is in place liao so yes waiting game hee

Sovrana Spa..

nope i have not done any test mention by other mummies here with Dr adrian at all.. not even the most basic blood pressure & weighing..so i dun know wat all that's abt.. maybe he fel that is not nessary that y he nv do it .. he is alway so COOL...


we are staying so near .. i m at CCK.. near to the swimming complex..

ya .. think hubby is more stress than us.. they keep everything to themself n act strong.. when ask r they gan cheong abt bb popping.. but alway say no lah .. normal loh..

Delivery date are getting nearer n nearer..

9 days to CNY.. n after that another 23 days to full term 40mth.. getting more n more nervous.. n BB has been very active till a bit irritate..oopss.. next appt will be only next mon.. hopefully i can go without MC or leave tis week.. JIA YOU mummies..

Valeria, Haha wow so near ah. Haha maybe we can have a meet up if i went visit my friend. Haha.

Hmm learnt how to cook fried rice very easy one.

I think sooner or later u will know how to cook and shower ur boy. Hehe im sure u will learn everything from the scratch to do it once ur boy is out. I also going learn how to take care my girl and also need to learn how to cook food that my hubby likes. Haiz but very difficult as he got a very high expectation. Haha so must learn from my mil. =P


try not to carry heavy thing.. cos it will hurt ur wound.. my SIL also try to carry the basin for BB bathing.. her wound bleed.. so try not to carry heavy thing which we thing is not so heavy.. n also try to sit down while eating..

Valeria, oic. Chu yi still consider early then good. Haha my edd on 19th if my girl come out on CNY eve she will be consider super early. Haha.

But heard most ppls said 1st bb will come out early one. My fren bb come out 8days before the edd. Another one come out 3weeks before the edd.

dadnmum, Jia you u can do it. Soon u can clear ur ML and rest at home le. =)

@dadnmum: Which swimming complex? I only know the small one near Pioneer JC. LOL~

@wish_child: Haha! Ya lor! Too bad the coffeeshop close liao, if not we can eat there together. Hee hee..

Wah fried rice very difficult leh. My rice sure burnt one. Cos my action very slow. Everytime my hubby cooks then I pass him those 调配料 he'll say "faster, burnt liao.". His expectation for food also very high! He always say my mil cooking not nice. LOL~ Then when we eat outside the food that he said nice to me so-so only leh. And when he said not nice I find it not bad leh. LOL~

@wish_child: My sil's both kids also came out early. The first one was 2 weeks early. She already took leave hoping to rest at home first, but who knows the baby was out on her first day of leave. Lol~ Then her 2nd one also out few days early. I hope mine will be late leh. My friend said I could be overdue cos head's very low but not engaged yet. Then My friend told me boys usually will be overdue. So far I know of 3 people who had boys were overdue. Hee hee.. I hope I'll be the 4th one that I know! =p

Afternoon everyone...

Went for my 37 week check up last sat. Already 2cm dilated and the doctor said my cervix is quite short already. She also told me not to dilly dally and go do things like wash my hair before going to the hospital if I feel contractions because she reckons my second baby will be coming out fast! yikes! I keep having dreams about labour the past few nights..


the swimming complex is near to LIM BANG.. ur JALAN TECK WHYE is near to choa chu kang one right.. hee hee..

ha ha . my mum stay in Bt Merah also ..

hi mummies

for mummies who are popping today, good luck..

just came in to share on something.

i've started using Drypers newborn for my gal yesterday.

and today she got a bit of diaper rash

and the elastic ard the thigh make it very red..

did not happen for huggies which hospital gave..

just sharing..

wish_child, me at 35w5d now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] eagerly counting down wahahahaha so nervous and excited man!!

dadnmum, YES dr ww is the most most most cool gynae ever. i also never do any weight check at all. blood pressure he will take... and after doing check up always is take the usual urine strip test lor. i so worried walau. hahahaha he never mention Strep B test also. scary sia. i better remind him especially about the Strep B test at my next visit. will be about 37 weeks by then :p

pinkyval, wow then i better not go by the 2 mins timing one. who knows i busy washing hair and please don't let me deliver in the bathroom! hahaha will be quite a story man.

me also hoping to deliver late. cos so far no BH, and baby is in breech, so totally don't have the head drop down to pelvic position and all also.

mamaying, i know i know. i also the same!! some days so pek chek, really wanna sleep in but just cannot. so i will just take afternoon naps to make up for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fiona: I think carrying our children should be fine. i still carry my son but not for long period.. cos got backache..

of course elder generation give advice is good for us.. but i dont think really will be so serious until uterus prolapse..

anyway, uterus prolapse can be corrected by day surgery.. so not to worry ok.


blk 131... which blk ur mum stay? i will drop by there almost everyday after work..


ya.. cool man.. i dun even have chance to ask him question.. everytime is like done and go.. when ask question he will say is alright or mummble away.. so i also dun bother to ask so much liao.. haha.. use to it liao..

mummies, just a question. i have a medela mini electric pump which was passed to me by my cousin. do you girls think i should get another breast pump? or should just KIV for now?

@Mrs Ong : I see, my back pain could be due to sleeping position or walking around. Seems to have gone away now. haha

@Ah ching: Thanks for sharing. I bought 1 pack of Drypers for my BB, keeping my fingers crossed that it will be OK for him.

RE :Bathing during confinement: Any mummies here planning to do that and if yes, how soon will you start bathing? I was thinking of bathing with herbs for 1st 2 weeks or so before switching to normal shower..

pinkyval: Ya it sounds a lot like my neighbourhood too. HAHA

Mamaying: Yup, i know her husband. Looks like the baby girl can't wait for CNY. Hee

Zanta: I know that product, It's not really anti dust, it's dust free. LOL. Basically it's call lotion powder and i have a sample bottle my wife try it and say its like moisturiser and not really like baby powder at all. Pigeon the only one who sells this. There is $3.90 offer once every couple of months but we didn't buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the technique at using baby powder is to pour it and rub it on your hand before rubbing on the baby. You don't pour directly at the baby, this is to minimise the powder flying all over and baby breathe in.

@yaataa: Hahahha~ Won't be so drama as to giving birth in the toilet de lah. Haha!

I think maybe you kiv first? Since you already have a spare one. If you have a lot of supply for milk then you can consider buying a new one if you want. Or you can just buy spare parts.

@dadnmum: Wah everyday??? Where's your workplace? My parent's staying at Blk 108. Behind the market. Hee hee.. Very convenient hor? That's why that time my mum asked me want to do confinement at her house anot. At least it's easier for her to buy food for me and whatever I want to eat also can buy easily..

@Nian Ci: I think I'll shower every alternate days. Haha! And maybe wash my hair once a week. Depends on how itchy my hair will be. Lol~ And I think I'll stick to the herbs bah. I don't want to "spoil" my health leh. Better follow strictly for a month for my health sake.

@OFB: Hahhaa! I thought only my place is ulu until like that. Sian leh, want to eat out also lazy to walk. =p

Valeria, Ya lor the coffeeshop beside the 7-11 close down or else can meet there and eat zi char. Haha there zi char not bad but eat once then close down le.. Hahaha..

Oh normally bb boy will overdue i 1st time heard that. Hehe but also good if he overdue u can faster get what u want and enjoy romantic time with ur hubby before bb out. Me and my fren chit chat yester she said after gt bb the feeling of love with her hubby like gone. Dont have the pai tok feeling anymore like together is more on responsible to bb.

yaataa, 35weeks 4days. wow very near my edd date too. Hehe. For the pump i feel u just used it 1st if u think 1 pump not enough then u get another 1 after ur confinement. =)


Hi all,

I've a used medela breast pump to let go.. less than 3mths old.. (I'm at nov'10 mummy).. PM me if u r interested.. condition is still very new.. accept for the breast shield I suggest to get a new one for hygiene purpose..


