(2011/02) Feb 2011

geri.. yah me too... always look out for prices... my hb is always the lazy one.. and ppl always mistaken JB diapers are cheap.. not for the branded ones.. like huggies and drypers.. its cheaper here!!

wah so good got bb shower..c an request for stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Lol. I will prob ask my friend to check out JB prices once in a while. He lives there but he comes here a lot. He is like an Adik to us. =)

BB shower is Noah's Godma's idea hahaha. I was toying around with holding one but she went full steam ahead before I could tell her. Hahaha. No wonder she was my chief bridesmaid and is my best griend/ god sis. Lol. She was hoping for a girl so she could make all sorts of girly stuff for her hahaha. She is now praying for a girl for our future #3. Hehehe.

good for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aneway had the funniest experience ever.. was leaning back... my stomach was vibrating up and down for a good half a min.. really like a pager vibrating..wonder wat bb was doing inside.. this bb ah.. really diff from my 5 other babies.. phsically, mentally and emotionally ...

Clio: Your posting on the cot issue really make my blood boil too.. How can a colleague behave like that!!! When you borrow an item from someone, that person have already done you a favor by helping you save some $$.. Any damages or loss should be beared in full when its not given... How can the colleague borrow already be so irresponsible... Its very nice of you to have lent the cot to them.. Yet, instead of appreciating, they show you this kind of pattern... Too much.. Really too much... + your request for a new cot of $200 is not too much.. Some cots can cost as high as $300 somemore.. On top of that, this cot has sentimental value.. replacing a cot cannot fully recover your loss too...

Cant stand such people.. In my case, I lent my pump and some stuff to my friend. She told me recently 1 of the pump part is spoilt and offered to get a new one for me.. This is what I call responsible..

I sincerely hope your husband is able to nego for a full payment of a new cot from his colleague eventually...

Gathering: Yup.. Offering my place after delivery.. But food wise, I think we can do buffet or pot luck then split the costs.. fairer like that la.. Anyway, can discuss later...

Clio: aiyo! those people are just so 'one kind'. if they are strangers still nevermind. more hurtful cos they are ur friends. chill chill..

Re: Coconut water

Actually ah, i haven't been following much of the pregnancy 'rules' when it comes to food. for one thing i cannot resist and most of the food i love to eat comes under the 'pregnant cannot eat' category.. one of them is coconut.. so i've been drinking coconut juice and eating the 'meat' since 2nd tri(i was pretty guai in 1st tri though, stuck to most of the 'rules'). nothing happen leh except quenching my thirst. my body is more typically towards the heaty side though so maybe they counter react to 'balance' my body.. haha..

Morning Mummies.. hope u have a good working week ahead.. I am feeling so tired today.. Hope I can head back on time & have an early nite.

I bought some baby stuffs & clothes at the JL Sale.. Happy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Also decided on the cot dat hubby really wan so jus need to order & have it sent!

I been really excited & kept talking to my princess dat I cannot wait hold her in my arms..

@Clio: Hey Clio, mebbe u cld remind the colleague dat the promise was dat u LENT her, u did not mention abt GIVING her. Sigh.. why she so thick skin one. I mean even if she had thot u gave her etc, why must she make a big deal abt paying cos I thk $200 is really reasonable cos there are more exp ones ard & the one u had was a vintage!!

joodz: edd is 5th Feb if following the first scan at gynae.

actually I am already feeling the strain of my tummy and feeling so tired that I dont feel like coming to work..


in exactly 1 month, I'll be in the safe zone to deliver, BB at 37 weeks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but I got a feeling that delivery will be 7th Feb.

My intuition was accurate with my elder son, he came on the exact date that I had expected.

Ah Ching: sometimes mother's instincts very accurate..

for me i have been feeling a change in my body. i dont knw exactly what changes.. could be the sudden tiredness overwhelming me, leg not swelling anymore, tailbone hurts like crazy. i got a feeling baby coming earlier. hopefully come earlier also so i wont waste my 1 mth ML.. cant wait for my checkup tonight. hopefully she is head down already..

yeah man.. all of us are counting down

now my no 4 is sick since sat and cannot retain food or liquid much.. went doc no improvement.. haiz.... got hubby to bring him go doc that time - make him do some work!!! now later i will bring him go doc again and if no improvement means kk here we come again?..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Clio, so what does your hubby intend to do with this colleague of his? He definitely can't behave like us women and go up and scold his colleague. I thot she offered to pay for the vintage cot and now she only said that she is willing to pay only half of the $199.00. Well, if I'm you, I will call her straight and let her know that she has to pay the full amount. Aiyoh.. Loss of words on your hubby's colleague.

I agree with what Eviangal said. Last time, my friend lent me her bumbo seat and I just cannot figure out how I misplaced it. Nevertheless, when she needed it back, I bought one to return her. For god's sake, even for clothes, when friends loaned their baby's clothes to me, if the child outgrows, you still must have the courtesy to ask them whether they want it back just in case, they would like to keep for their next child, unless they say otherwise. "Buay zhi dong"

Ah Ching, same here. I'm taking leave on 15 Jan and had already started to feel the strain esp. when I walked. I am getting paranoid having my water bag burst in the office. With the first PG and with prior knowledge on how giving birth is like, I think I am more anxious than the first time. Sigh .. I feel so sleepy.

Eviangal. thanks for your offer. That will be great that if we all can have a gathering. I can also offer my place but at the clubhouse becos I don't think my house can accommodate so many people at one go. There is playground nearby and can bring our kids to swim. By the way, where are you staying? Do you guys have a specific period to hold the gathering?

Sigh .. Sometimes I wonder whether my hubby does listen to me. I told him about our luncheon so many times, until yday I offered to show him our group photo and yet he still can ask me when are you all guys due and which I told him in the month of February. And he was like going very surprised, asking me how is it possible. Really feel like knocking my head on the wall. Told him so many times that I had joined the Feb mummies forum and he still look very blur. I think my resolution for the New Year is to keep my mouth shut and say things one time so that he can remember what I said, instead of him thinking I'm nagging.

Zanta, yeah, we had noticed Valerie not being active. Maybe I will PM her and see how she's doing.

And I think I have to start to buy my hubby's Bday present early in case I deliver early.

A big YAWN..

Felpoo: Your place sounds great too.. Thinking sometime in March/ April since full month will only be over around March..

Perhaps, we can use both your place and my place since we probably going to have more than 1 gathering alone.

Morning mummies! Start of a new week!

Su: Thanks for the pic on the rocker!

Joodz: traditional diapers: ya more convenient… but will cost more.. hehe… well since my hubby is doing the shopping for me now, gotta convince him before he will buy..

Sovrana: confinement lady chg during CNY is usually at least $3K.

Cnicole: Exciting to have twins! Much more effort for the mummy too! Kudos!

Clio: really feel angry for you on ur hubby’s colleague’s unreasonable behaviour! Need to demand at least full payment from her.


Cherry: wow, looks like you have stocked up a lot of bb clothes..

May I ask if we need both socks and booties for newborns? For newborn separates, is it enough for bb to just wear separate top with the diapers in the day time? Ie. No need for separate bottom?


Many items that we were looking for were on sale.. plus there’ll be additional 5% rebate for cardmembers.. so really quite worth it..

Randomly did a few comparisons of a few bb items (eg. pigeon, tollyjoy) between JL and NTUC and realised that the prices were comparable leh.. or in fact the prices after discount at JL are cheaper..


Joodz/wishchild: Haven’t been sleeping too well.. My little fingers of both hands, esp left side, aches… I think may be because of sleeping sideways. Do you experience the same? Will get rather warm in the middle of the night, dunno whether it’s me, or my non-inverter aircon at home. Much interrupted sleep due to my own toilet trips, and “noises” from my hubby when he uses the shower room late at night and when he wake up in the morning.

These few days, bb is feeling very cramped inside me, and has been stretching very much.. both pushing towards my tummy and also downwards… get a little worried sometimes and tell him not to push down so much and he is supposed to be a feb rabbit..  Do you experience the same?


1. 4 tier stocker from NTUC fairpice Xtra at Nex for storing bb’s stuff – wanted hubby to buy a multi color stocker advertised on the newspapers which was going for 48%. Hubby finally made the trip yesterday and to my disappointment, lugged back an “ugly” black stocker, and no more 48% discount liao.. Sigh.. feeling helpless that I can’t choose the designs I want, and I also cannot complain too much to my hubby.. cos he already spent every weekend shopping for the bb stuff himself, based on my “instructions”. He feels that practicality is most impt, but the black stocker just don’t fit into my nursery..  thinking of how I can beautify the black stocker… hmm..

2. Diaper pants for traditional cloth diapers ($10 each) and Netted mittens from Robinsons

- they only have 1 design there, I will need more…. where else to buy good and cheap ones?

3. Fisher price projection mobile from Robinsons – first toy for bb!

I think April will be great! I can book the clubhouse and KTV room together at a go and the kids can go swimming. I think my house will be very cramped to hold so many people at a go. And oh yeah, I saw from your last post. Your house has a playmat for the babies to lie on and roll around. I think if going to hold at the clubhouse, I will have to find something to place on the ground so that the mummies don't need to carry the child all day long.

And oh yeah.. My package from BMOnline is arriving soon.. so excited on the clothings and all. Everyone is telling me how good the material for luvable friends is. And the bill size, with shipping and all, it fetched to 280.00.

And once the package arrives, I can start to wash all baby's clothes at 1 go. I am only left with the baby clothes for the hospital bag and I will be done. I think my hubby is going to faint when he helps me brings the clothes back from the office.

Re: Mittens and Booties..

My experience is that socks are better cos booties will drop off the little feet easily..

For mittens, take note to get those in really small sizes.

I remembered buying several mittens but they were too loose and kept falling off baby's tiny hands.

the only ones that fitted was the free gift from Friso.. and I had only 3 pairs..

not enough time to wash cos need to change the mittens quite often.. i think 1 day need to use at least 3 pairs (1 change during morning bath, 1 change during mid day and 1 at night)

baby will put their hands in the mouth and saliva gets on the mittens.

Netted mittens.. bad idea.. my boy had sharp nails and the nails got through the holes in the mittens and he gets scratches on his face!

however, babies only need to wear mittens for 1 month.. cos after 1 month, they need to learn grasping so also no need to overstock on the mittens.

I think it all depends what card you have. For me, i can get 5% rebates on maybank card payment at ntuc xtra and plus link points. Then i can use the purchase to buy those discounted items on "purchase with purchase" so more worth it for me la.

Anyway maybank now jack up their rebates to 10% at ntuc xtra until 26-Dec. try to buy it if you have the card lor, 10% a lot le.

one more thing, baby always clench their fits so whether netted mittens or not netted also no difference..

most important is that they cant get it off on their own..

baby nails grow very fast.. I had to clip them weekly after the first month!

Ladies, since we are on the topic of cloth diapers, I do have a few questions. Is it really cost saving to wear cloth diaper esp. we are talking about having to wash them and using detergent. Won't it be convenient and cost savings to buy diapers?

And if I am to switch to cloth diapers, esp. like those Bumwear, how many should I buy at one go? And from the post, I gathered that the washing has to be done using normal detergent, right?

And can we wash it together with the adults clothings?

Claire, because now is the festive season, delivery might be slow but I keep emailing them to expedite. +- will be 2-3 weeks. That's also the duration which Eviangal also took. And my purchases was a bit screwed up (that's a long story), mine will take close to 3 weeks to reach Spore upon the 1st order.

Anyway, a point to note. Look carefully on what exactly you are buying. I ended up having 2 separate purchases because didn't look carefully before buying. And I just realised that I missed out the crib sheets. That one is a steal man..

@clio: I feel angry for you too. You are borrowing the cot to her at the beginning and not giving to her. How could she said you should not expect the cot back. I also suspect the cot is still with them but they refuse to return it so find some excuses. Do stand firm to request the compensate from her.

Morning mummies!

Wow, feeling the strain today man, and tailbone is really aching. Good news is, my low placenta has moved up already! yippee... The baby's head is already sitting low down.

felpoo: I know 1 mummy who uses cloth diapers..

I spoke with her helper and she told me actually it is not very troublesome.

jus soak the diapers in the pail overnight and throw into the washing machine to wash the next day.

I think the inserts plus the diaper itself can be 1 wash load already.. or u can accumulate and wash every 2 days.

However, it may become troublesome if it is rainy season (unless u have dryer) or that u do not have help to wash the diapers..

I cant even cope now with just 3 persons daily laundry!

it is definitely cost saving if u use the diapers for a long period of time until baby become toddler.

e.g. I spend abt $50 on disposables every month.. so it will be $600 per year.

Dont think the cost of the diapers plus the detergent and water will cost $600 a year!

u can buy the starter kit if u not sure how many to buy..

but for newborn.. i think should stick with disposables first la.. cause they really poo very often! Ha ha

Cnicole, yr babies are growing and gaining weight well. Must be hard on u now to carry both of u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clio, has there been a miscommunication btw yr hb n his colleague? ie to lent them the cot with agreement to return back to u. I will called her directly if I were u, provided agreed by yr hb to make the call. Since it was agreed that they shd return the cot, and they hv threw away the cot, so they shd pay for the full amt of a similar cot.

Geri, wat happen to Kae? Hope everything's fine.

Idaar, me too! I'll hv vibrations on my tummy too haha! Wondering wat's my bb doing inside hehe

Now listening to 92.4 Symphony. Have yet to start on 胎教. Last time, my hubby still talked to my stomach when I was having my girl and I listened to classical music but for this pregnancy, I think both of us slept through like a log the moment we hit the pillows. I think we must be getting old.

Clarie, My bb also keep do stretching exercise inside my tummy also keep on kick my lower tummy and sometime feel painful. Dont worry i think because bb are growing more and more heavy then our tummy will slighty drop a bit and not so high up like second trimester. =)

The weather in the middle of night also killing me. I sleep with fan facing me. Most of the time when i toss and turn i need to wake up and turn slowly and hold my tummy. Haha tummy too big and heavy to make a turn to left/right. haha. So i dont really sleep well in the night only sleep well in the daytime. Dont know why.

Ah ching, For clip the baby nails need to buy those bb nail clipper or normal nail clipper? Hmm the mittens i only bought 3sets is it enough? I dont know i need to standby how many mittens.

Felpoo, For the cloth diaper i bought moo moo kow brand. The saleperson told me not to use baby detergent to wash the cloth diaper. Using bb detergent will spolit the cloth diaper as inside the cloth diaper have a smooth and wax surface. Hmm the saleperson said jus throw the cloth diaper into the washing machines and wash. For the wax and clear surface i will take a pic to post here or facebook.

Zanta, Yester i recieve a cloth diaper from my fren as a christmas gift. Hmm i will try out how much both cloth diaper can hold how much water then post here. =)

Bigflamingo, Great ur placenta have move up and bb doing good. =)

wish child: must get the baby clippers.. adult ones too big!

I think better buy more mittens.. I would say at least 6 - 8 pairs..

expect to use 3 pairs a day..

Last time I lazy, I wash baby clothes every 2 days in the washing machine.. ha ha..

so when rainy days.. then not enough mittens to use!

@Idaar: I don't have a FB a/c now do can't get to see the items you are selling.

@felpoo: I tried to pm Valerie before but she doesn't accept pm.

So nice of you to offer your place for gathering too. Which part of SG are you staying at?

During the first few months, my hubby also got problem remembering my due date. But I think as more and more friends are asking him this question, he starts to put in effort to remember now. Haha..

@Nashita: Me too!! I had been telling my girl that daddy and mummy can't wait for the day to hold her in our arms and sayang her. And that we wanna take a pic of her face before she's out to this world..

@OFB: Is it all Maybank card can get 10% rebates at all NTUC now?

Ah Ching, so base on what you say. Can I safely assume that cloth diapers can be washed together with the adults clothings? Maybe I will wash the inserts separately. I don't have any helpers to wash the clothes and I rely on washing machine only. I don't think it will be nice if I ask my MIL to wash for me.

I am thinking of toilet training the moment my newborn learns to walk and my target is after he reaches his 1 year of age. But boys seem to be slower when it comes to walking. Sigh .. also have to depend on the caregiver. I don't think my SIL that "gu-la" to potty train my boy. I have to be the one to train my girl and my hubby kept complaining that I nvr toilet train her at all. Was so pissed off back then. He was the one who insisted his sister to look after my girl during the day and the sister had to train during the day and I train during the night. Even for solids, the same.

My SIL started late when my girl passed 1 year of age. And when I voiced it out to her and asked her to prepare rice and soup for her, she said very difficult because she doesn't cook dinner. Don't know why is it so difficult to cook 1 rice and 1 soup. During weekends, my mum can cook twice a day for my girl and it's so simple. And in the end, my hubby blamed it on me for not giving my girl solids early. I told him go and ask the sister.

Sorry about my ranting. Luckily, all these are history but I am afraid of history repeating itself. My mum did ask me to think about staying home full time to look after the kids myself. But the thot of looking at my MIL 24/7 really turns me off. I don't think I can stand the idea of facing her 24 hours, unless I will have to shuttle my kids up and down to my parents' house every day. I don't think this arrangement will sit well with my MIL though.

@bigflamingo: Congrats on your moved up placenta. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@wish_child: I think those traditional ones can only hold 1 time pee and gotta change the cloth nappy after every pee. Are those given by your friend the traditional cloth nappies?

@Ah Ching: Babies nail clippers is scissors look alike ones right? I got 1 from signing up FBI.

felpoo: yes I think can wash with adult clothings.. I dont use cloth diapers FYI..

if u got no helpers.. then maybe just stick to disposables.. otherwise nobody to sun it for u when u go to work..

re:toilet training.. several books mentioned that toilet training should begin after 18 months.. but I do know some babies successfully toilet trained at age 1.

That will depend on each child's development.

My boy can walk at 1 year old.. so not really true boys learn to walk later la.

I can empathise on the SIL taking care situation and hubby blaming u situation.. sigh.

men dont take care of the children but they always complain abt how we take care etc etc

My hubby wants me to put my newborn with my MIL/ SIL during the weekdays and bring home only during weekends..

I am sticking to my guns abt it cos I can forsee the probs that I will face if it really happens!

so what will be the arrangement for your newborn? Put with SIL again?

Ah yo.. how abt employing a nanny?

sometimes paying $$ can help to lessen conflict at home.. and we can have more say in how to care for our children..

wish child: do u intend to swaddle your baby tightly all the time?

my son always struggle and also cos weather was hot when I delivered in June so I left his arms unrestrained..

zanta: yes baby clippers looked like adult clippers..

think it is good to get a grooming set for baby.

They will have the file for nails/ baby scissors/ clippers/ brush (you'll need this if BB got cradle cap)/ etc..

Must also get those baby cotton buds (it's slightly smaller than the normal ones).

I used it to clean my baby's nose.

sometimes when BB vomit milk and it flows to the outter part of the ear and dry up I'll also clean with the cotton bud.

wah, talking abt all these things to get.. I havent got anything since the last time I got the pack of newborn Pampers...

Intend to go shopping in Jan when ML starts!

Not sure whether will be too late.

@Felpoo: Maybe you can consider getting a helper since your MIL is at home most of the time?

@Ah Ching: What is a cradle cap? Last week Pigeon having 20% off at Metro Causeway Point and I bought 2 bottles of cotton buds which should be able to last me for afew months I think. But I never buy cotton wool le, can facial cotton pads be used to clean bb's buttock?? I still has got 2 unopen packets left.

Ah Ching, why don't you start early in case you can't find the things that you want? Play safe a bit. Most probably, I will get the starter pack then. My hubby was telling me to get the cloth diapers which it seems to look so cumbersome. Maybe try out and see how it goes. I also thot of getting helper. Actually the confinement package I signed 3k is enough for me to engage a maid but my MIL doesn't like to have maid. So who's going to look after the maid for me? Well, there's a lot of other considerations. Sigh .. So in the end, I just have to put the newborn with my SIL and goes with the flow.

Zanta, I am staying in the East. What about you? Actually the baby scissors can be used to cut their nails too. This is what I did. I even used it to cut my girl's eyelashes after she reached 4 months old

Wish, let me know is the Moo Moo Cow diaper good? So with this cloth diaper, can wear until toddler, right?

I really cannot keep my eyes open. How I wish I am on leave now. Suddenly feel like going for foot reflexology. Yerternight, got a severe leg cramp but slept through the night. Was really tired after all the house chores and bringing my girl shopping during the weekends

Ah Ching, Yap i intend to swaddle my baby all the time. They said like that bb wont easy get shock. Hmm if my bb dont like then no choice i wont swaddle her lor. Hehe must depend also. I haven even buy the cloth to swaddle her. maybe use those big size t-shirt to swaddle her u think is it possible?

Jan then start shopping wont be late. Dotn worry. Hmm i going buy the rest of the stuff on Jan. My hubby ask me dont be so kancheong want buy so many stuff and stock up. Nvm if i lack of something i will call my hubby go buy during my confinemet.

RE: Nursing Bras

Do we really need to buy 1 cup size bigger than now so that it'll accomodate our breast when they're engorged? But won't it look weird if we're wearing them now because the top part of the cup will naturally open up abit?

Felpoo: Your shipping for bbmall sounds pretty steep.. Was the box fully filled? Or quite empty?

Zanta: Maybank cc discount at NTUC only applicable at Hyperstores.. cos not all NTUCs accept other banks credit card..

@felpoo: I'm staying in the north. Maybe you wanna try talking to your hubby again regarding the helper issue? When the helper is here I think your MIL will talk to her and ask her to do things bah. And if they can "click", your MIL sure will teach her alot of things.

@wish_child: Maybe use towels or traditional cloth nappies to swaddle your girl would be better? T-shirt like v hard to swaddle le.

@Eviangal: Thanks thanks. Is sembawang ones hyperstore? If not then nearest would be AMK Hub for me. Unless got go there if not also not worth it to go there purposely to buy.

Zanta, Will towel very warm for bb? Hehe i thought of buy traditional cloth nappies but i see outside is 1 big pack inside have a lot of pcs. Hmm I dont think i need so many pcs so i dont intend to buy it. Maybe i see online have anyone sell as preloved one or buy from my frens lor. =)

Zanta, I don't know about others. But I used the facial cotton on my girl when young. But I will tear the cotton wool into half and use the middle portion. But this time, I heard some of the mummies buying those big roll of cotton wool for wiping the buttock. So went to buy one roll and will get the confinement nanny to help me roll them into cotton balls.

And as for the cradle cap. I don't know how true it is. The old people said that drinking coconut will rid of cradle cap. Anyway. for my 1st one, no cradle cap.


I would ask that person to pay the full $199, because you LENT her the cot. Can't believe her cheek, compensating only $100 for an antique cot that would have cost a lot more! And not even feeling bad about it.


@bigflamingo: Happy to hear the gd news from ur gynae on ur placenta! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope to hear the same from my gynae during my next visit next week.

@felpoo: Jus to share, a fren of mine had a maid who was "poisoned" by her MIL. The maid "reported" thgs happening at hm, restrictions my fren placed on her child eg. sweet & MIL used against her. So instead of being a bigger help, the maid was giving her more probs.. she didn't have a gd MIL-DIL r/ship as well. Her new maid is much better. Became her "spy" & tell her if her MIL says bad thgs abt her to other pple. Tis time, my fren spent sm time with the new maid to train her etc & also to tell her to not listen to too much of her MIL's gossips/ words.

So, in conclusion, dunno if gettting a helper might cause of u less headache or more... just my 2cents worth..

