(2011/02) Feb 2011

Michelle: ur EDD is 22 feb right? so your baby is only about 27 weeks now? hope your boy is doing fine.. are u still at parkway east or have transferred to KKH? i heard NICU at KKH is healthier for your pockets.. i hope baby is fine.

Wini: i have asthma too. no worries lah the best place to have an asthma attack is in a hospital.. haha.. dont worry about conversion or marriage yet.. u can still get baby bonus if u marry after your delivery.. :)


@Pootz: Glad that you're discharged. Don't worry so much, I'm sure you and your bb will be fine. Have you decided on a date for the op? Did your hubby's friend deliver naturally or via c-sect?

wini.. you always crack me up with your post...LOL!!!!! you must be a very optimistic and happy go lucky gal =) Can feel it in your postings.

Pootz, your experience in the labour ward is so interesting. so many women go in and out with all the different problems and treatments LOL! speak to your doctor on your PP problem.. maybe it isnt as bad as you read in the websites.

Aiyah... today never buy the single bed AGAIN.... so one day wasted. betting that tomorrow we also slack, never buy.... blame it on the rain etc whahaha....

But I did cook a nice prawn noodle soup for my hubby and son today. feeling very good about it. =)

Thanks Geri and Jeannie.

@Zantarina: I bought the Medela PureLan Nipple Cream at Robinson/ John Little 20% sale..

@Michelle: how are u and bb?

i lost count man.... i not sure i am 29weeks or 30weeks now -_- i keep pressing my belly button hope it doesnt pop outwards -____- right side of my tummy hurts ... when she move my bladder hurts .... when i cough or laugh too much my urine leak out abit... -_____- so jialat the body now :'(

whn u all walk got feel like baby going drop out?? i feel that..... i walk with stress now ... need to walk and kiap tightly ... -__-

Mami B, speaking of prawn noodles I have a crave for it. Hehe. Mami b I very slatue u can stay at home for this few months. I have been stay at home during my pregnancy too.

Lot of my friends said I'm having good life staying at home. But I don't feel that way. I felt so boring and restricted. Some times I break down and feel very sad. I can't go out enjoy like last time I'm used to be and cant even go for gathering. Haiz.

Like today is my friend bday gathering I can't go as my hubby too tired to sent me to meet my friends and my parent 不放心 let me go out alone to meet my friends. Haiz sian ah~

@Claire: How much is it before discount?

@Wini: You v funny le, kept pressing your belly button will help meh? Mine is almost flat now, like wanna pop but didn't pop out. And it's dark in colour now. Tried cleaning it with baby oil but it doesn't help.

Try to go toilet when you got the urge and wear poise pantyliner so that you won't wet your bottoms.

@mami B: I also blame the rain for making me feel so lazy and no mood to go Metro buy my things. Haha..

I realized I still got alot of things haven't buy yet. Feeling do kan chio g now..

Wini, maybe u try sleep on ur left side. I sleep on my right side past few days and felt my right waist very pain. So I change to sleep on left. The pain after few days have gone.

Ur belly button if popped out also no choice. It very normal belly butt popped out and it will go back after few month u delivery.

Maybe ur bb too heavy that why when u laugh or cough urine tend to leak. Maybe u can wear liner. This problem don't think can pervent it. Don't worry too much whether ur bb is 29 weeks or 30 weeks. When u go checkup ur gyna will tell u

Zanta, my belly button also popped out. Haha Also flat flat. Hmm I just left it and never clean or do anything with it. Haha can't be bother. As I scare later clean my belly button tummy will get wind so I better don't touch it. Hehe because my tummy always very bloated by air all the time since I'm bb time. =)


Hugs. Adoi. Mai Kancheong. Do up a list and slowly get through it. And belly button will pop out later one. If it does, no mat of pushing it in will stick it back in. Lol. It will pop back in after u deliver so dun worry- not permanent. XD Just bear with the discomforts and know you are not alone.

I agree with the other mummies- go buy Poise liner. It will help u. Do Kegel exercises as well to strengthen your muscles that control urinary incontinence.


HUGS! Itz ok we are more concerned about u and the baby. =) How is ur little one doing? Believing you are doing fine as well.


Hey, dun let the things u read online get u down. For every negative report, there are those that are positive. Do read on the positive ones and stay positive yourself too! Huggles!


I read somewhere baby will prob have 12 odd changes of diapers a day when NB.. So wash and wear, u will prob wanna get 24pcs. The darkness is basically pigmentation caused by pregnancy. My armpits are darker in shade too because of the pigmentation… but it is not permanent….


Hugs! Dun be sad. After baby come out, can bring baby out for walks and to meet us k? =)


Sleeping on the left side is, from what I was told, more optimal than sleeping on the right side. I do switch sides to relieve the pressure placed on the pelvis, but I do sleep more on my left than the right. Sleeping on the left is better is due to the placement of our organs and optimal flow of nutrients to the baby.

Thanks for all the tips on sharing the baby bath wash and barrier cream (nappy rash cream)

I think end of day, depends on baby skin and how they react to the different brands. Perhaps, I will buy a small bottle of J&J (Top to Toe) wash and the Drapolene cream. if baby cant be adjusted to these brands, then I will go buy Mustela. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for the info on Medela purelan cream too. I'll put that in on my shopping list as well.

@ Pootz: Hugs hug! I like your sharing on the hospital sightings. Yah, TMC is always short of beds. I really hope I can get my 1 bedded ward!

@ Michelle: How are you? what happened? Pray that you & your little one are both good and fine.

Yeah what Geri share on sleeping on left side is true.

Nesting instinct

Anyone? I think I have that now. From 11am till 7pm today, I packed the BB's room, clean the cot, pack my old clothes and clean my wardrobe, clear the study room, the old mails and tidy up the whole house. If not for the rain, I'll wash the baby's clothes too. Nonetheless, i feel so good now after doing all this. I even packed a under utilized bench into the storeroom and pack the storeroom!

Gina Ford Book

I bought it yesterday.There's a lot of titles, but I bought "The Contended Baby's First Year".

Think the best selller was The Contended Little Baby Book, but I didnt see that..

Thank u Geri for ur comfort. Yap can't wait for our gathering. =)

Hehe i always try to comfort myself and tell my bb nvm at least I got her to accompany me. =) nvm another few more months to go. Must Jia you.

Oh are we going have a gathering on 7dec or 8dec?

@wish_child: Its just afew more weeks before we pop so, just "ren".. Haha..

Btw, if I don't clean my belly button, I'm afraid it'll become darker.. Though I always got alot of wind in my stomach too..

@Geri: Am glad to hear that it's not permanent if not next

time can't wear bikini liao.. But I feel rather pai seh when letting my gynae see the dark dark belly button during scanning. Haha..

@gregda: My hubby's SIL said J&J is dry le. But I forgot which brand she recommend already. IIRC, it's Kodomo.

Zanta: it's 19.30 before discount at robinsons.

All: drapolene n desitin is nappy rash cream to reduce nappy rash right ? What abt barrier cream to prevent nappy rash - Wat brands r gd?

Joanne - I heard some companies' policy is that u can't take annual leave right before maternity leave.. dunno what's the logic but perhaps u want to run a check? maybe ur boss also bo bian... so dun get too upset first?

Jeannie - Did ur hubby have to write long story to request for the deferment? I very scared my hubby's request get turned down leh.. his friend's request got turned down twice! one for his 2nd kid and one for his 4th.. hopefully they hv more pity for us cos it's our first baby.. sigh.. so sian to hv to grapple wif such things..

Joodz - Great to hear that you are fine =) so it was food poisoning again??

pootz - Cheer up.. dun read all those depressing stories! U are in the last lap liao.. so hv faith that you and ur baby will turn out well!!

michelle - Hope u and ur baby are fine!

Joodz, great to hear everything is fine.

Pootz, get more rest k! Glad to hear you've discharged.

Michelle, wad happen? Dun worry, I'm sure everything will be fine for you!

Wini, your posts are so straightforward and cute! Very funny too. Normally at third trimester, will feel baby pressing down. I'll also leak a bit when sneeze or cough.

Zantarina, one tube of purelan cream is enough..

Wish child, just another 2 months to go! Jia you k! Come here chat chat if bored.

All mummies, pls stay positive! It's Xmas season, to be jolly and happy! Really really important to stay happy k? Happy mum=happy baby.

I went for check up today and realize I'm already 28w5d.. I still thought I'm 28w only. Baby is ok, avg size at 1.3kg. Bit smaller compared to my no1..

oh btw, just to share that i finally made the pilgrimage to kaki bukit today.. Service at Baby Hypermart was terrible.. they were understaffed and didn't bother entertaining us. Went off to baby kingdom after that and they were just as crowded but the service was so much better! the staff somehow managed to provide quite personalised attention and followed thru with us throughout.. even though they got distracted by others, they will get someone else to handle us first and come back to us right after that...

Anyway, we finally bought our baby cot, some baby clothes, cloth diapers, mattress protector and other random stuff... phew.. feel more settled now... hope my nesting instinct will kick in soon so i can set everything in order - they are all still lying in the bag in the room :p

Kinderbueno, no long story needed. Just inform his superior only. Maybe because he's SPF and doing those office stuffs only so they ok with it? But seriously if they reject I'll be sure to go down and make noise :p

Thank u Jeanie and Zanta for ur concern. Thanks a lot I will Jia you. Haiz afraid after bb born will have more stress and problem coming up. But very happy see baby moving and kicking everyday. Hehe

We must enjoy the feeling now when bb moving inside our tummy. Once bb is out we will miss it. Haha that's what my friend said. Haha she going try other one bb. Haha.

Today bought the Medela Purelan Nipple Cream at OG. It is also $19.30 and also having 20% discount. But they give additional 5% with Maybank credit card so i got 20%+5% discount. Not much difference haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@ Claire

I used Drapolene as barrier cream as well lol. I had Mothercare brand barrier cream but it wasn't effective leh.

@ Gregda

I have been having Nesting instinct for a long frustrating while but everything I need to get at and clear and throw etc are in heavy boxes or are hard to reach. Needed to wait for hubby to be free to help. He took 2 days leave but I think we need more days and we need to be more on the ball. We lost the first day becoz we had to run errands, meet his parents, deal with our respective clients/work still… then we slept 'til a bit late on second day as I was tired and he has been needing rest for a loooong time. So we pack until late at night, then today woke up late and packing until late at night again… but tmrw we've got to pick kae up and go for church service, so I dunno how also. =p

We had a slight disagreement on painting the room. Hubby hates painting walls (I like but I cannot) and he felt that baby will not know the walls look ugly anyway. BUT THE WALLS ARE SO ARGH. My mum basically painted them halfway halfway then left it that way for the tenant lor. It's like not yellow (new colour- that doesn't go with the blue/pink/white theme of the built in wardrobe), not white (base coat), not blue (old colour that I liked).

But I looked really downcast and fed up, so he relented later. Thank God he decided not to fight me on this. I understand our time constraints lah… and really, if no choice then baby just has to deal with the ugly wall colour. =p BUT… I didn't need him opposing me now coz I think I get more emo these days. Lol.

@ Wish-

YES! We will miss it. Something sweet and special about that bonding we have when we feel the baby dance about in us. I missed it soooooooo much for years after Kae popped out so I was very happy when I started experiencing the kicks again with Noah. =D

Geri, u having spring cleaning for ur house? Oh I love painting it so fun and new colour for the house. Hehe take ur time to do spring cleaning. Don't work too hard on urself. Do take care.

Oh I love my girl dancing in my tummy so fun and cute. Yes will miss it soon after she born. Hehe. Hope will get another 1 more bb boy another 2 years later. Hehe hope this time my confinement won't be on hot weather hehe.

Claire, do standby more pads coz sm hv their flow lessen in the 3rd week whereas sm still hv it after confinement. So play safe to stock up more. Btw, the nipple cream u bought is it the small or big tube?

Zanta, no prob. Since need to stock up so many pads, u may also want to mix other brands as well instead of getting the whole lot of the same brand, just in case if it dun suits u.

Joodz, glad tat u are okie. Did yr gynae mention tat yr spotting is due to the food poisoning? Rmb u mentioned tat u are experiencing stomachache at nite, so it's due to food poisoning?

Michelle, hope u and bb is doing fine. Rest well

Pootz, glad tat u r discharged. Has yr bleeding stopped?

Wish_child, I can fully understand how u feel now coz I'm hving the same feeling of bored n restrictions. Confined to bedresting, I feel so pek chek when I can't even go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I'm cooped in the room 24/7. And I'm feeling soooo sorry to my son. It's sch holidays now and he's also cooped in the room with me everyday due to v limited help.. My mum will buy food for us so during mealtime, he'll sit on a chair beside my bed so tat I can feed him. Bath time at noon, I can only spongebath him n hubby shower him after his work. Can only play with him in my bedroom. I feel so sad tat I can't bring him out, not even to the playground below. So when u feel moody, go for a stroll or nearby mall to feel better.


I dunno whether we will have time to paint the room also... lol. But hoping too. Anyway, we are moving in 2012 so might just try to tahan the ugly walls for a year odd. We can make the boys' rooms look nicer in the new place.


Hugs. Dun worry, u will be able to do all those stuff with ur boy soon.

Maybe for now try reading with him? NLB has a lot of great ONLINE E BOOKS for kids- they are animated and narrated. Kae used to love them as a kid (he still does hahaha).

Go to:http://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/browse.aspx?browse_by=For%20Children

Log in with your library details. You can register here: http://is.gd/icvVp

Check out "TumbleReadables : your online large print library" for the kids books =D


Sighs... packing the house halfway and it looks like WWIII in our house. So many things to sift through, throw, pack, sort, wash, keep. =p

Overwhelming siah.

Now I am thinking of asking my Dad to pls keep Kae with them for the week or have Kae here but for my Dad to stay away for a week... coz I can do without my Mum's caustic comments on how messy the house is right now. And trust you me, she can be really mean about it. Why Dad has to keep away is because if Dad is here, she will come here after work... and that is when she picks on me.

anyone know where to buy cheap giftsets or baby clothes??? cos i got budget for baby items =( i saw a bee babygym ppl sell online so cute :D i always wonder now what my baby doing :D digging nose? so cute:D

Geri, I just told my boy tat I'll make up to him after I delivered, though he din't really understand wat I'm mumbling.. Xmas has always been his fav festival coz tat's when I'll bring him to pick a toy for his Xmas pressie. Thanks for the link! Though he's not into reading but I'll try to cultivate this habit tmr :D

Wini, go giant supermarket. I bot $1.99 per romper.

Super cheap. Also check the forum under the free items to give away section. Some people put WTG baby ger clothes. U can get from them for free or small token. Most of the time, the clothes are still in good condition so they can't bear to throw and try to give away to someone who needs it.

Wish child, u are like me?? Stay home since preggy??? Yah... It's totally unbearable in the first 5 months when everyday I wake up wondering if heartbeat still there not. Then as time passes (like by 6-7th month) I got used to staying home doing nothing.

I also hve right waist pain when I sleep on my right these few nights!! So I have to sit up, and turn to sleep on my left. Cannot turn to left while lying down. Pain!!!

Not sure why. Sleep left side no waist pain.

Plus I have been farting n burning all day long.... Very stinko but feels better to let it all out. So so much gas. I think can power a car LOL!

Another problem is insomnia. 2-5 am some times I wake up and find it hard to sleep again until it's 5-6am.

Baby Emma is kicking and elbowing me every day so I am happy since it's a good indication that she's alive n kicking!!! ;). Super want her out!!!! Can hug her n tell her how much I love her n how much I sacrificed just to have her. I.e three years of trying n miscarriages and finally a baby that survived past 7-8 weeks!!!

I need to buy CNY clothes and one month old clothes for Emma. My friend bot from petit bateau some dress rompers. It's super lovely but very very expensive. Contempating.

Also bot a black convertible dress online at Reebonz. One dress can wear many ways. Was at a lost of wat size to order as I intend to wear after delivery. Maybe on the one month old day. It's stretchable. So I order M size. Hope it fits!

Charmaine, yes, do try to cultivate a love for reading with ur children. It's not easy as they wonder off to take toys instead while we try to be patient and read to them.

So now I make up stories and tell it to my boy on the bed. I make funny noises, speak like a man or mouse or wicked witch just to keep it interesting, ask him questions about what he thinks is going to happen, whether what the character is doing is right or wrong. He cannot sit thru a book but he can sit thru a story telling session without the book.

Maybe can start from there. Once he loves stories, tell them there are more stories in books and we can read It to them.

Hopefully, by then, they love stories enuf to sit through the book.

I just bot $30 plus of art materials yesterday for my three yr old son. Finger printing pads n guide book, crepe paper, construction paper, strings, vanguard sheet, oil pastel. I was inspired by some art schools in singapore and realised that we can do so much for our three yr olds by spending time with them doing crafts. They become more creative (not everything buy buy buy), more patient, and grow up to be problem silvers, inventors, etc etc. So have been searching online for crafts. We made a jelly fish yesterday. Am waiting for mil to buy eggs so that we will have the paper cartons. Can make spider, bumble bee, tulips etc from the paper egg crate.

Think I am going to have different boxes for different materials like in the schools. Will label the boxes : coloured paper, strings, buttons, crayons, markers, crepe, wobbly eyes, cards, misc..... Etc. As u can see I am very inspired Whahaha!!

Geri maybe u can let kae to stay with u n kae to help up to clean and tidy Noah room? For the wall maybe u can buy some nice wallpaper and stick on the wall to make it more beautiful? Or can ask kae to do some drawing for Noah too as welcome him to this family. All the drawing and wallpaper hope can cover up the ugly wall. =)

Charmaine, thank u for encouragement and advise. Maybe u can buy some handcrafted stuff like MamiB said to do with ur son? Or u can do some art work with ur son using Mashmellow. But not sure u leave ur bed or not.

If can buy some white Mashmellow, icing sugar and coloring.

100g Mashmellow add 1 tablespoon of water and melt it in a simming water in a pot or cover it and microwave it . When it melted stir it until turn sticky and smooth. Add around 200g or 300g of icing sugar and stir it until become a dough. Put some vegetable oil or icing sugar on ur hand if it too sticky. Add some coloring. Let ur son create any thing with the icing dough just like playing playduo. But this can be eaten and won't cause any harm to kids. Will be very fun as I doing this to entertain myself when I at Hm. Hehe. I'm sure ur boy will love it too.

Don't worry I'm sure Ur son will understand why u can't bring him go shopping or playground. But soon he going have a playmate after 2 more month and it forever playmate. Ur son also will be more than happy enough that have ur company everyday too.

MamiB, great Emma is doing well everyday and happily dancing inside ur tummy. My pearlyn also dancing happily everyday. I cope myself at home because I just grad and nobody want empoly a pregnant lady. Haha everyday cope at Hm because don't want to squeeze with the crowd outside. So normally I will go out only when my hubby free or go out walk walk during daytime weekday. Travel by car will be more easy for me. Everyday stay at Hm very boring and all life have change so sudden. Hmm have a bb is a joyful and happy thing but my life change so sudden sometime really cannot take it. My hubby said pregnant is like that no choice need to stay at home and rest and don't anyhow think.

I tell my hubby bb will be first and last and I don't wan to pregnant anymore. He said cannot. Hmpft sad can't imagine need to go through everything again.

Oh any mommies here left ur child to ur mil or nanny to take care and only see ur child every weekend only? Will your child still every close to u even only meet on weekend? My hubby intend to left our bb to let my mil to take care and only bring her back on weekend. My mil stay in west n we stay in east. Now thinking of solution what can I do that I can see my girl everyday and same time no need travel here and there. I'm afraid if only can see my girl on weekend not everyday she she won't recognize me. Hmm I also want to see her everyday too.

Hi Mummies!

Wish child, I plan to leave my girl with an infant care centre after my 4 months of maternity leave is over. It's not the ideal solution but after weighing the pros and cons, it is the best solution for us. My parents live in Upper Thomson, my in laws in Bukit Timah, and we live near little India, off Lavender street. It would be a 20 min drive each way if we were to drop our girl off at one of out parents' homes everyday, and our workplaces are near to our own home, so really not practical. My mother did offer to take her on weekdays like your hubby intends your MIL to do, and we drive up after work to spend time with her before going back to our own home to sleep, but I cannot bear to, especially since I intend to breastfeed her as long as possible. Infantcare has its share of horror stories and babies there often get sick, but on the other hand we feel the interaction and stimulation by several teachers that our girl will get would be superior than the attention of a single caregiver.

I'm still in KL, flying home at 5pm. These 4 days I have felt like a tai tai- enjoy breakfast at hotel, shop and laze around while hubby is at his conference, spent afternoons soaking in the humongous hotel bathtub, go out for dinner at night. So shiok. I could get used to this! Unfortunately I have to crash back down to reality and head in for work tomorrow morning, how depressing.

I realised that while I shopped till I dropped here in KL, practically everything was baby stuff! Other than Christmas presents for my parents, some cosmetic stuff for me and a pair of leather office shoes for the hubby, everything else I bought was for the baby- 13 pcs of clothes, 5 receiving blankets, 12 breastmilk storage bottles, 1 nursing pillow and extra case, 1 infant neck pillow, 1 beansprout pillow and extra case, 8 washable breastpads, 4 nursing bras. Incredible! The most amazing thing it that each of these buys brought me as much pleasure as buying clothes and shoes for myself would have. A year ago, I wouldn't have thought it possible to feel this exciting about buying baby things. Impending motherhood truly changes a person [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Time to spend my last few hours in the KLCC mall before we head for home. Happy Sunday mummies!

Mami_b, I hv been reading stories to my boy since he's a newborn to cultivate him but it doesn't seems to interest him. So I'll talk to him and tell him made-up stories of who I met n wat I did while at work. He likes to role play too but when it comes to sitting down to read a book, he'll run off the moment I flap open the book.

Wow, u really bought lots of craft work. My boy loves painting and craftwork too but it's gg to be difficult for me to do these with him on bed. Oh, btw how long can u engage yr boy to doing the crafts? My boy is a hyperactive (hv totally stopped him frm eating candy) n has low concentration level so I'll need to change a new activity every 15mins

wish_child, yr baking session sounds fun too! Will keep yr receipe till I'm able to come out of bed. Realized I hv grew a huge interest in cooking after hving my boy, plus the recent cupcake craze, I hv been so desperate to try out baking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My boy wasn't really looking fwd to seeing his didi initially but now he is! And he can tell me tat he'll pat n carry didi if didi cry while mimicking the action of carrying a bb haha



Kae's been helping around but the thing is it gets VERY dusty when we clean and a lot of the stuff are too heavy.

He can help me later on but right now the spring cleaning bit, I really need to work on it alone with Ian. =)

About reading-

I started reading to Kae from the womb =) I read to him all the way even when he was a baby. I sat him down and I read to him - voice acting as I read. He really loved it. But every child is different. Just be patient. What books have u been getting him? =) What are his interests? =)

Art and Craft-

Yea. Did A LOT of art and craft with Kae. U should see all the artwork plastered in both my place and my parent's place. He has moved on to making collages on his own with pop up elements. Very creative kid.

I haven't done as much art and craft lately as I have in the past. Lol. Promised him we would this hols, so trying to find time. Also promised to teach him how to cook and to bake cookies together. =) He has a keen interest in culinary arts- he reads all my recipe books and researches on spices. =p



I emailed the folks who do it last night, and they replied me this morning:

Hi Geraldine,

We do have a group discount, ie if you have 5 or more mummies signing up together. Each mummy will get a 10% off. However, this discount is only applicable to the capsules package which will come to $270 in total excluding weekend/public holiday surcharge (if applicable).

There are 2 different pricing. (Geri: These are the prices before discount. Note only capsules are discounted. Powder form isn't. More worth it to go with capsules imho. Easier to consume anyway.)

Powder - $270

Capsules - $300

(Both prices include picking up of placenta, processing and delivery of powder/pills)

We will be glad to collect the placenta(subjected to availability) for processing over weekends/PH at an additional cost of $60.

Be advised that there will be no collection after 8pm for all days.

There is no guarantee of immediate service but we will collect the placenta as soon as we can. Your husband or any of your family members just need to give Alvin a call @ 97666783 after your delivery to arrange pick up of the placenta. To maintain the quality of the placenta, it is advisable to prepare a cooler bag and ice pack to keep the placenta chill prior to collection. In case, we are unable to collect the placenta immediately, the placenta will have to be brought back home(unless you have a fridge in your room) to store in the fridge(for less than 4 days), in the normal freezer(for 4 days or more) and we can arrange to collect the placenta either from your home or hospital.

When the powder/capsule is done, we will give you a call to confirm the place that is convenient for you and would like us to deliver it to.

Payment(cash preferred) will be upon delivery of powder/capsules back to you.

If you are interested in engaging our services, kindly fill up the attached customer particulars form and email it back to us. Please inform your gynecologist that you wish to keep the placenta. If you are opting for caesarean, please inform us the date and time of delivery as soon as you can and we'll try our best to keep that day available.

Do ask us if you have more questions. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

======== SO...

Who else is interested? I spoke to hubby last night again to confirm if we are doing it and he said YUP.

PLACENTA ENCAPSULATION (Group discount - 10% off)

Please fill in your name below if you are interested and PM me your email address so I can send the form to you to fill up. We will prob all indicate in our reply to them that we are from the "Singapore Motherhood February Mummy Group" when we send in the form... OR I will collect all the forms and send it to them together. =)

1) Geri







@charmaine - bleeding stopped, but now i got phobia going toilet. coz twice that's where i get the bad news. :p dun dare to poo too hard. hahah! though the dr gave me fibogel, it's not working! hv to do controlled pooing, haha!

baking - for the past few xmas i had been baking gingerbreadmen n xmas fruitcake for my frens n family. this year i was all set to try macaroons! but now, all cannot liao!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Since Bulk Laxative (that's what Fibregel is... and honestly it is cheaper to buy the Psyllium husk directly from Mustafa in a box so can add to soup also... no flavour. Fibregel is basically Psyllium husk plus orange flavouring) is not working for you, have u tried the stool softeners KKH recommends for pregger women? U can ask ur doc if it is ok for u to consume them? =)

- Agarol (stool softener, "lubricant" for the gut)

- Duphalac (osmotic laxative- draws in water to soften stools)

KKH says it is ok to take Senokot (stimulant laxative) as well- faster effect but it may cause cramping in the tummy (not womb) and tummy pain.

Check in with ur doc?

Geri, my boy loves cars! So I will get him books with pictures of cars/planes/automobiles. Even got him flipup books. But whenever I tried to read the story frm the book, he'll get bored n run off. So now, instead of reading frm the book, I'll act and make up a story relating to the pictures on the book. With this, I'll get his attention for 10min max. My boy's an outdoor person, loves running ard alot. When he's home, he'll be playing with his cars, painting or watching tv. Recently, he's really hooked on watching the cartoon Peppa Pig on YouTube and can watch for 2hrs quietly.

Pootz, I also got this phobia when I discharged initially coz I will start to bleed if I exert too much force. Did u spoke to yr gynae bout this? Being KS, I took stool softener frm my gynae just in case I need it. Just take it for the time being, most impt is u can control the bleeding 1st.

PLACENTA ENCAPSULATION (Group discount - 10% off)

Please fill in your name below if you are interested and PM me your email address so I can send the form to you to fill up. We will prob all indicate in our reply to them that we are from the "Singapore Motherhood February Mummy Group" when we send in the form... OR I will collect all the forms and send it to them together. =)

1) Geri

2) Wish_child






Pootz,oh I super like to bake all the goodies stuff. Hehe soon will do some Chinese new year goodies. Hehe. Maybe we can share reciepe together. =)

Charmine, I also love to do cupcakes and do some decoration on it. Hmm my friend said my cupcakes need to be softer will taste better. Hehe hmm I must improve my skill. Haha once u can do cupcakes I can sent u the reciepe and you can try it out. =)

Geri, I'm interested on the placenta encapsulation. Hmm must pray hard my bb come out on weekdays and before 8pm. Hehe so can collect it immediately. Hehe.

charmaine: my gynae didnt even come and see me at the labour ward actually. he just spoke to the nurses over the phone cos i think he is delivering elsewhere. he diagnosed over the phone since i had no frequent contractions. he didnt tell me much about my spotting except that the quantity of the spotting is still safe cos very little and its not bright red. under the dianosis he put me as food poisoning.

Wow.. I keep logging into the FB SMH Feb and almost forgot about checking the threads. That was quite a handful of postings from the last time I checked.

WishChild: Same here. I wish I can give birth before 8pm. The thing here is that the next visit to the gynae, I need to check whether will the hospital allows us to store the placenta in their premises during our stay. I don't think my husband can stomach the idea of bringing back the placenta back home and I think my MIL will crack down if I am going to bring back a bloody piece of "meat"? back home. That will create a WW3.

Not bad uh.. You can cook and bake. I am a disaster when it comes to cooking.

Geri, I think Vicki will be interested. She wrote in the FB. I will drop her a note that you are gathering the names.

PLACENTA ENCAPSULATION (Group discount - 10% off)

Please fill in your name below if you are interested and PM me your email address so I can send the form to you to fill up. We will prob all indicate in our reply to them that we are from the "Singapore Motherhood February Mummy Group" when we send in the form... OR I will collect all the forms and send it to them together. =)

1) Geri

2) Wish_child

3) felpoo





Oh and I think I had decided to get Bjorn Air Carrier after all and it's a new one. After all the spree is selling at 130-140. But is it all the Bjorn carrier shoulder straps the same? Air carrier doesn't seem to have padding. And it looks pretty filmsy. Maybe I should go to the shop which you and Pootz had recommended.

And btw, the lunch is confirmed on the 9th right? I will be able to make it only around 2 pm as I had just received the notification from the desired choice of primary school which I am applying for Parent Volunteer for my girl's P1 enrollment. After lunch, where will you guys be going? And can someone leave their phone number so that I can contact if I happen to reach the venue late?

I had a quick shopping at DFS today. Bought some new year clothes for my boy at polo Ralph. Now they are having 30% discount! Saw Burberry are having discount too!

hey mummies,i know this is abit out of point now, but just wondering which slimming centre is good?

my hubby promised to sponsor my slimming treatments after giving birth coz i feel so fat and close factory after bb comesout... I stay in Seng kang,so Expressions at Compasspoint seems to be the most convenient--given the fact that i prob haveto be consistent to follow up on the treatments regularly.

But lookingat those adverts by Royal Body Perfect--this ex Mediacorp actress Joey Swee really slimmed down after giving birth to herboy! But the nearest Royal Body Perfect is at Toa Payoh, quite far leh. I dun want to signa package then never go or finish up the treatments.

I know thissounds very frivolous, but at this stage really feel very fat and ugly with visible cellulite and flabby arms. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]


Hehe. Kae loved trucks when he was little. He would watch the garbage truck drive around the estate from the balcony and my bedroom window (locked shut). He could identify different trucks and cranes and all those construction vehicles.


Hehehe. Yea. Or Thurs/ Friday is good. Hahaha. Still weekday but almost weekend. =D


HUGS! Yea. If spotting is minimal and not fresh red colour, it is not serious. Hugs. I am glad you are fine. Rest well and get better soon!


Huggles. Adoi. Ur MIL. Sighs. I am going to believe with you that a miracle will happen and your r/s with her will improve. Hugs! Yup good idea to check in with the hospital. Should be able to. Thanks for informing Vicki =D


Tell the hospital. They will keep your placenta properly and label it for you. =) Which hospital are u delivering at? ^.^

haha ok sounds a bit weird to me though, but am interested... delivering at TMC... Will that medical hall mixed up the placentas? I cannot swallow the thought that i will end up consuming one that is not mine.. =S


Nope. They won't.

The Placentas are all labelled clearly and professionally & is not really a Medical Hall (not yao cai dian).

Also, the Hospitals should label clearly too.

