(2011/02) Feb 2011

kinderbueno: somehow i dont think urs is food poisoning leh cos food poisoning usually present its symptoms(diarrhea, vomitting, etc) within a day. most of the time they go away by themselves, just need to hydrate urself.. i would know.. kena 2 food poisoning episodes for this pregnancy.. haha. i also dont knw if i should pay my gynae a visit but abit inconvenient plus the stomach ache doesnt affect me other than morning and night when i am home.. but if worried i think u better go see doc..

Tango -

Yup =) I am going close to evening - 4.35pm.


Thanks for the recommendation! =)


Yep. Cranberry juice works and basically upping the acidity of ur pee.

Apparently if one has yeast infection, should cut down on sugar. Sugar encourages the yeast infection to get worse. =p


Good idea to do group waxing package. =) Realised I ga-bra… mong cha cha.

Ian is leaving on the 10th. He took leave yesterday and today. Supposed to clean house but yesterday had to run so many errands, we lost one day. Then this morning my client asked for some changes to be made to some work… so lost the morning. HAIZ!

So I am now ok for both 8th and 9th Dec lol.

Yea, Xiuqi is really wonderful.


Trim is ok as well but IMHO, waxing more comfy plus hair grows out soft.

Trim and shave…. I tend to itch. When u trim the tip of the P hair is kinda sharp/coarse so can be pokey… =p

Ah Ching-

Honestly, no one else but hubby sees lol. I asked my hub le he say if i wanna wax, go ahead. Whichever is more comfy.

I think no hair = more hygienic later on… plus coz I shaved before, even when hair grows back not so soft. Sometimes uncomfy… have been thinking of waxing to get it soft again lol…

Moomoo and pingping-

U both waxed le, itchy ah?? eeks.

Mmm… ok lah. Shave le later also itchy. Same.

Difference is waxed le growth not coarse like stubble. =p


I just wanna go get diapers etc at Malaysia. Price diff is quite substantial.

My MIL said I can ask my SIL's MIL to help me coz she drives in to Msia a lot. =) That will help. Won't have to drive in and out…


I didn't even have a last flight before birth lor T.T

=) But itz ok lah… other times fly also can. Lol.

My MIL was quite sweet and did some shopping for me in Malacca recently. =)


ARGH. Ur MIL ah… thank goodness that ur hubby is not one of those Mother's boy kind. Phew. I know what u mean.

My mum used to trigger me a lot because she usually has nothing nice to say… these days getting better after I exercised A HECK LOT of control not talking back and letting comments slide. Last time, she say only I shoot back. Damn jialak. But coz my Dad has hypertension, I have to try to control myself.

After we have a tense time, I email her and tell her my honest feelings but also apologize if I was rude (even though she triggered it). It is hard because I also can be quite stubborn so I really put a lot of effort into learning to let things slide. They often quarrel until threaten to divorce- this was esp so when I said I didn't want to marry my ex and my Mum insisted I should marry the father of my child whether I will be happy or not. My Aunt said it is their issue, not my fault. When I was a teen I used to feel so bad that my parents fought over me, I used to think if I removed myself from the picture, they'd be happier. I struggled with depression and suicide for years until I had Kae. Then his happiness and being there for him became more important than suicide.


Now cannot douche leh. Like Fei says, rinse and dry with tissue paper. And yea those feminine washes help too. They have spray on and wipe sort and wet tissues that are meant for the vajayjay. =)


Ok… STRIP sounds good. Might go there. If we are all getting the package together, count me in! =)

choc: oh no.. they have end of year sale? i just bought 3 items from pupsik at their usual price.. should have waited a bit more.. heart pain..

Hi Gals

Need help any one have any idea how to solve constipation =(

Tried Prune Juice , Banana, Papaya Juice all dont work .. I havent clear for 4-5days le i think it's really scary !

Can we use the 'pump'? i suspect it's harden inside.

hi there from TMC hospital. Am admitted AGAIN for bleeding. Confirmed Placenta Praevia, low lying placenta. So c-sec is confirmed, probably going to be a month earlier than EDD, so I'll be a Jan Mum instead! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So I'm joining Charmaine n Mami B on bed rest till full term. Only problem is the aching hips from lying down too much!! A real torture!

Sorry to miss out on the gathering! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just came back from the toilet.. was surprised to see a line of light brown spotting.. i smsed my doctor waiting for his reply.. hopefully everything is okay.. i never had spotting for this pregnancy before..

Hi Mummies,

Haven't been logged in for some times. Busy + tired + sick (flu) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Normally water and fruit work for me, but i would suggest you to check with your gynae first. I supposed you are in your 30weeks+ also, right? Better not use pump as we don't know if it might lead to contraction.

My opinion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Pootz,

Please take care


I experiened what you mentioned sometimes, but not very often. It happened normally in the morning when i just wake up. It's like stomach-ache (like you are going to have diarrhea) but after a few seconds, it's fine. I don't think it's BH either. Maybe some stomach wind?

joodz - oh dear, could the spot hv resulted from all the straining to poo recently? In any case, hope ur doc would be able to provide some answers.. take care!

Bigflamingo: I have been going for foot reflexology from the 5th month onwards and I am doing once every fortnightly. I think those therapists should know what they are doing. Perhaps I will minimize the visits.

Joanne: Can't help you much though. Because when I didn't poo, I don't force it at all. I am afraid I will get piles. I think I didn't poo for 5 days and today morning, I had 1 big load.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Perhaps the best solution is not to do anything?

I do agree with Geri. Waxing tends to have the hair to come out more softer and finer. If you guys are afraid of itchiness, maybe do it during the last few days or a week before EDD. Tht's what I am thinking of doing. Or if you are really paranoid about itchiness, just do a simple bikini wax and you can ask them to trim it nicely for you.

Jood: I am not so sure about the sensation that you have. I do have stomach cramps like these few days. But each time when I went to the washroom, I will just break wind.. Hehe ..

Hi mums, just to share with you all now guardian having offer for cotton underwear buy 2 get 1 free, 1 pack cost $3.95 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Jolin: Hope you have taken sometime to rest and recovering.

@ Joanne:For me, sufficient fluids and fruits everyday and going to the toilet and regular timing everyday helps. Heard prune juice is really quite effective, but i agree with Jolin, should check with gynae.

@pootz: do rest well! does ur bed rest so far help in the condition?

@joodz: for any spotting in 3rd trim, likely that ur gynae will ask u to be admitted to hospital for checkup...so you may want to get ready... at least that's what happened for me.. do have someone to accompany you...

Hello Mummies, yesterday I went to Causeway Point to walk walk alone and saw the Avent Single Electronic Breast Pump bundle at Kiddy Palace so I quickly grab it before it's gone. Finally bought it after so much consideration.. Haha.. While walking and shopping, I felt contractions which will last for afew minutes for afew times. Though not painful but I felt uncomfortable and heavier which made me worry. The contraction continues to strike till night time from time to time but luckily today only felt once. What could trigger my contractions? Is it I walk too much? I never carry heavy things though. I told my baby last night that she better don't come out during these 2 weeks as my gynae is not in town..

joodz...pupsik having those mystery sale lor... u wun noe wat it is until that time lor...the offer normally not bad one..

pootz take care... u be fine..u be one of the first few to see the precious lor!!

zanta...u bought the electric pump liao...yeah.... contraction so fast kick in meh? maybe is that braxton contraction... fake one?

at first i thought it might have come for my anus.. but the spotting mark is more in front.. quite obvious come from my vagina..

my gynae just got back to me. i need to go down to his clinic for checkup tonight. oh my, so far away at sengkang. i am a patient of his choa chu kang branch but he doesnt go there on fridays.

@choc: How to place an order with them? Must register in their website before we can order an item?

@Joanne: Have you tried Quackers oats? It does helps me to go toilet easier but I don't eat them everyday coz I do get sick and tired of them. Hehe.. Yogurt and yakult does helps too. And in the earlier threads, some mummies mentioned eating sweet potato leaves/veg does helps too. You may wanna try them.

@Elise: Did the sales starts today? Yesterday I also went to Guardian but did not see the offer.

@Joodz: Did you experience discomfort on your stomach?

@pootz: Do take care. Did your gynae say when can you be discharge?

@Jolin: Drink more water and rest well over the weekend.

@Elise: thanks for sharing on the sale !

@all: anyone tried both watsons n guardian cotton disp panties n which is better?

@experienced mums: for maternity pads, which r e brands with wings n gd absorption too?

@choc: I'm not v sure le, but it's painless, just felt v uncomfortable and tight and heavy. Do you all think it's the BH contraction? But the frequency is v near, like every half an hour to 1 hour will get it. So scare my water bag will break lor. Luckily today I'm fine. Wonder if I walked too much yesterday.

Yup, finally bought the breast pump!! Haha.. So happy now coz another big ticket item bought.

Oh btw, does the Pureen brand maternity pad comes with wing? Wanted to buy them yesterday but oos.

zantarina: hmm, i think only feel slight menstrual like cramps.. like how i will feel when i getting my period. but its very slight because i dont really get those jialat menstrual cramps.

eviangal: NOW i really heartpain.. yesterday i was contemplating buying the reversible one but when i saw the price i decided to go for the normal ones instead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I bought the NTUC at $3.50 per pack. each pack consists of 5 pcs and it's cotton. I bought the M size and it fits pretty nicely with the sanitary pads.

By the way, do anyone thought of keeping their placenta for consumption?


do take care!! bed rest is important for our case so just rest at home whenever possible yah.

think the first one to two weeks from the bleeding, better stick to complete bed rest. later if no more bleeding, can go out for meals but avoid long shopping trips.

Non-first time mummies

Actually, i realise we still have alot to do leh...

i have to buy a booster seat for my boy so the ger ger can take over the car seat..thinking of getting the Graco $139.. cheaper than Britax highliner.. but Britax looks safer.. hm.... then have to put the car seat to back facing again, put back the plush snuggler seat cushion for infant..

i have to buy a single bed for my boy so the ger ger can take over the cot.. i intend to get a single bed with a pull out the the bottom

take out the combi rocker which my son dont use already as high chair. we bot him another high chair that can be used til he is big (adult even)

hm... bring out the steriliser

test the breast pump, bring out all the storage bottles

buy the milk powder for stage one

buy the diapers for NB size

get a new pillow for ger ger

wash all the clothes, bedsheets, wraps

prepare hospital bag

OMG....is there anything i miss out ah???

going to reuse the elder one's clothes,towels, bedding for the younger one. was about to buy totally new sets when my gd fren who is expecting her third kid says no need. can recycle!

Mambi B: hahaa.. I totally agree with you.. We need to do alot of prep work for B2.. But lesser purchases now..

I got new towels for B2 though.. since my elder still using hers.. And new beddings too.. Tot it will be nice to have new beddings for the child so that when he return home his bed is new.. + my old bedsheets are pink..

I need to readjust the room setting and cuppboard organisation too.. But I am doing things so slowly.. I scared if bb born early.. not in time..

1 more thing to do.. sterilise and clean all the toys again...

Choc: Thank you for the pupsik lobang.. Very tempted to get the teething bling but even with discount still ex lei..

Not getting the pouch since I got a carrier liaoz.. Can breastfeed with my Ergo too.. Just that need a nursing cover.

eviangal...i was so shocked to see that particular one on sale!! hahaaa...so i quickly grab and settle lor... coz just tis morning i was looking thru the design and tinking which one to grab if got sale...so "qiao" the one i aiming got that hourly special...so CHEONG!

u nursing with ur ergo ah! wah.... get a chio chio cover lar!

mami b...same lar..i also got to get a brand new booster seat and new bed for #1... just lesser items to buy nia

Mami B, you don't intend to breastfeed full time? U wait till when baby comes out then you buy FM. The PD will recommend you the suitable one for your newborn. It might not be the same as your boy the first time.

Booster seat: I have yet to buy anything on the car seat as I think I will be carrying the newborn on my hand.

Single bed: we went ikea the other day and I told my husband to buy earlier for my girl to be used to the new bed. Then there is this placement problem which we have yet to settle.

Breast pump: New Avent single electric bought at 150 in the UK with the courtesy from my gf. They were having sales a month back. I have yet to buy the milk bottles.

Diapers: Bought 2 packs Nepia and the rest will call their office for delivery.

Pillow: My first one never buy pillow. She only started on sleeping the pillow this year.

Laundry: Gather all clothes and then wash at one go in the machine.

Hospital Bag: Still haven't prepared. My newly purchased nursing bras are still at the spree organiser and my baby stuffs from BabyMallOnline had yet to arrive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

You made me very nervous leh!!

hahaha...very nervous now hor? come to tink..some are close to delivering in 4-8 weeks time!!!

i also need to go grab more maternity pads and disposable panties liao!!!

hahahaa...i agree..i am also starting to get anxious.

i only finished half of my shopping list this week. still have toiletries and some other small items yet to buy. car-seat, pram, all not bought yet also.

in fact, my cot just only arrive today. the baby room is very messy now with bags of New born stuff..all unwashed, unpacked..

my hospital bag, needless to say, unpacked.

i really hope i can make it in time!

i am in my 30th week now. approaching 31 weeks next Tue..

Am i over relaxed? oh no!

thanks for the info on Guardian disposable panties. I'll go get it later...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maternity pads

I saw only 1-2 brands selling such pads and they do not come with "wings". There's a loop attached. Experienced mummies, can we wear normal pads instead? can we wear those heavy usage pads with wings or night use pads? i think they look more comfy.

Hospital Bag - i have not packed either, but guess i still have time cos my edd is 28 feb..but yes, i am also getting nervous!

Guardian disposable panties - i bought one and realised that it's too small and low waist. So, i am going to try Watson's instead..


If eating more fibre, fruits, etc not working…. According to KKH's antenatal class notes, you can try stool softeners like Agarol or Osmotic Laxative like Lactulose (brand is Duphalac). Check with the Pharmacist on dosage etc.

Agarol is a kind of Liquid paraffin that will soften the stool. The only side effect is that excessive use can lead to poor absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Basically, use as the Pharmacist directs you to and only for the period of constipation… dun use long term =)


Keep us in touch about how goes? Light brown is not so bad. Could be just some light staining? Fresh red spotting is the one that is of great concern.


HUGS! Gambatte! Baby wants to collect ang baos faster. XD


If the contractions are off and on, and not consistent, it should be BH.

Real contractions will persist and get more constant. This sounds like Braxton Hicks (BH).


I am thinking of because there is benefits to it. I listed it down here before and there was a website for a company that turns them into pills for easier consumption.

A friend of ours had his wife's placenta made into pills to ingest after she had their kid earlier this year. Apparently her bleeding stopped very fast, her uterus shrank fast too and it sped up her overall recovery. He was telling us about it. I checked out the website and found it most interesting.

I recall ur telling me some of ur friends are also expecting. U could share the website with them.


I know this sounds odd but if you, like me, have grown a larger butt and thighs over the months... instead of buying cloth disposable female undies, try buying the cloth disposable male undies. Lol.

I kop-ed the hubby's new pack to wear. MORE COMFY!


On Preparations

- I will be MIA a lot in a bit coz we are packing the house as much as we can today...

- Have not painted the room for baby as tenant just moved out a week ago and Ian's busy. Lol. Might have to ask friends to help us out again.

- Preparing for baby shower... need to set up FB event and all. Noah's Godma is bugging me to hurry do it up. She is hosting it with her cousin for us.

- Haven't packed hospital bag yet either hahaha.

- Haven't done A LOT of things!!! ARGH! But bought/collected most of the baby's items le. =)

oh no time seems to be running really low. but i am sure we can still make it in time.. i did a timeline and hope i can achieve it.. but yeah, its nervous when you realise that all the things are not done up yet.

dun worry, mummies... i myself have not even bought much things yet.

btw, can i ask? what brand of shampoo / body wash do you all use to bathe newborns? i heard Mustela is real good but its so expensive!

can we use Johnson n Johnson top to toe wash? or how about this Pureen Brand?

how abt diaper cream? which one did u all buy? Drapolene?

Mami B: Yeah.. just bot a new stroller for #01. took out the old clothes.. got milk stain leh.. HB ask me to close both eyes.. gg to ask the PT cleaner to help me wash.. just found out where i keep the breast pump.. yet to take a look if it is still in good condition..

Eviangal: yeah.. a bit lazy abt the toy part as i took 1 day to clear my #01 wardrode so can put her mei mei one n took out her NB clothes. I think i will do it only after giving birth..

I still need to clean the carrier n stroller for the baby.. like mami B, we have yet to get a bed for jie jie. Jie Jie nowadays only sleep on my bed n my poor HB has to sleep on floor.

HI All

Thanks for the advise i will try .

Hopefully will be able to poo very fast =(

Ya i dont dare to force it too scare baby will be affected =( I am in my 29th Weeks coming to 30 le.. Tried to call the gynea but the nurse told me to eat alot of fruits and water Doc is on leave =(

Hi Geri Agarol or Osmotic Laxative like Lactulose (brand is Duphalac)is safe for Pregg mums? I will visit the phamacy .

Sign i am begining to worry if i will have sufficient force for natural birth to deliver baby ma..

Many Thanks to all!


preciousbabi... "poison" must share together! hahaa... wah...now in super happy mood...coz i save 34%! hehee...

gregda... shampoo /body wash - california baby...

Mustela is good too..if robinson got sale i let u know k...

J&J also can,..but try not to get too many bottles at a go..coz u never noe whether is ur baby sensitive to that...

diaper cream i using desitin creamy ...so far never fail to clear up rash ....

Geri, yes. During my 1st PG I told my mum about this placenta thing and asked her to help me "peng-gan" it dry and her face was all scrunched up and said I was disgusting. Hehe ..

I know of medical halls do grind those tonics, like ginseng into powder and provides the encapsulation. But don't know are they comfortable to prepare the placenta for us.

Oh, I just drop by the link. Thks goodness, they have one in Spore.. I go and explore first.

@Choc: Really kana your poison lor.. I already have one passed down from my gf.. Didn't intend to buy.. Only went to the website see see look look.. But I see the pattern like nicer so bought one lor.. LOL!! Will return that to my gf.. HB sure nag at me if he knows this.. Spend money again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Haiz..

Geri, I'd checked their services. I think the rates are pretty good. But now the question here is their timing of placenta collection. If I deliver after 8pm, I was wondering can I get the hospital to freeze the placenta for me first..

Hehe .. while typing this post, my baby boy is moving his limbs from one end of my stomach to the other end in a straight line motion.

I will be using Johnson T-T. I think they are the most mildest and gentlest compared to others. Choc, is mustela good for newborns?

felpoo...mustela very popular among mummies leh... but i prefer the smell of california baby....but mustela is good lar... u buy 1 bottle to try lar...

i also waiting for mustela sale..then go grab some afterbirth cream!hahaaaa...hiao hor

preciousbabi... hehehee... u duno how excited i was just now.. hahaa... their pattern very nice!! imagine i got 3 same brand pouch but diff color..i still go buy another one! hahahaaa...

dun care hubby will nag bo lar.. ehhee... its our "Entitlement"

@choc: I wanted to share the "poison" too but that day my mum bought me sarong which is used as a pouch to carry my bb. Although it's in batik printing, I got no choice but to use them coz she already bought le.. What other thing is a must buy from Pupsik? And can we use a shawl, pin it up and use it like a nursing cover?

Btw, does the Pureen Brand maternity pad comes with wings?

Hi Joanne,

If i feel that I am gonna have constipation, I will take 1/2 a small cup of prune juice in the morning b4 breakfast and then lunch time take the Lactulose (i got it from clinic). So far still works for me. =)

Mustela, I nvr tried before. I don't really like the smell.. You are right. CB is so much better.

Dun know why I keep having this thinking that all these brands are more for children to use above 6 months of age?

I did use CB on my girl since the ago of 2+ and I do like this product, their oil drops. I got quite a few bottles and my favourite is the cold and flu drops. Each time, when my girl seems to come down with cold and flu, I will add the drops in a hot bath and soak her for a few minutes. Her cold and flu always clear up after the drops.

I think they are holding a spree on CB. Maybe I should go and take a look before I go back home.

Geri, are you going to sign for the placenta encapsulation or without? I think I will go for the encapsulation package. I just dropped them an email. Would you like to ask them any questions? Any ladies out there thinking of keeping their placenta? Maybe I can ask them can give discount. Somehow I feel I am becoming very auntie. Everything all ask for discounts.. Hehe


zanta.... hehee... haiya...wasted..didnt managed to poison u.... pupsik must buy ah... maybe the taggies bean sprout pillow lor...if not is the nursing shawl..this morning also browsing the shawl look so nice...

if u using shawl and pin up..can act as nursing cover lar...see how comfortable u are nursing in public lor..and try to ensure will not "expose" urself when baby kick...

Pureen brand maternity no wings... is those adhesive type...stick on the panty..

kotex brand i know is the use string tie one..

