(2011/02) Feb 2011

@Claire, @Jeanie: Thanks alot for the info. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will buy 1 tube to standby.

@Charmaine: Sure, will probably buy one packet of Sofy Night pad to try too since it's so super long. Heh..

@wish_child: Last night before I fell asleep, I just told my hubby that I'm sure gonna miss bb's movements when she's out. Then he asked me why, so I told him that the feeling is very assuring and amazing. And it's like bb is telling me I'm not alone especially when I'm alone and feeling bored. Then hubby said I'm silly Hehe..

Hi Ching & gregda...

I am supposed to be due in Feb. But on 25 Nov in office, my water bag broke..though docs gave me plenty of pills to stop contractions..baby is keen to be out so on 27 Nov..my baby Marcus is born...But i have complications..fluids in lungs cos they gave me too much fluids..so i stayed till 3 Dec..Just discharged and baby still in NICU..will chat with all of u again..

Good morning! Weekend passed fast!

Charmaine, Thanks! The Medela nipple cream I bought at $19.30 is the bigger tube..

Re: NLB Online e-books – didn’t know of these resources.. will come in handy in future! Thanks for sharing, Geri.

Wish child/Mami B, Jia you! A number of weeks to go…

Michelle, take care!

Got my hubby to go out shopping on my behalf… he also quite poor thing… work pretty late every weekday and every weekend gotta take “instructions” from me to complete our to-do-list for baby stuff.. and help with some of the chores.. (as I’ve been on bedrest for 2 wks plus)

Bought some more baby items:

- Tollyjoy babyliners (100s x2) promo pack $12.90 and wash cloths (6pcs/pack) $4.70 after 20% discount at John Little

- Short-sleeved rompers (7pcs/pack) at Mothercare at $39.10 after 15% discount for Amex card

- He saw baby swing on promotion at Mothercare.. price at $145 after 15% discount.

Experienced mummies, can I seek your advice whether you use swing or bouncer for your kids and do you find them useful? Which is better? There are also some which are swing convertible to high chair types… I heard from a friend she use the traditional rocker…. Do you know where to buy or how it looks like.. ?


Cotton disposable underwear: there is promo at Watsons too. 3 for $9.99. these are normal disposable underwear, not specially for maternity use, but personally I find them quite fitting and comfortable. (I’m quite small sized though .. hee) It’s free-size , hip 36-40”.

Bought some Laurier (3D Absorb-tif sheets) Heavy night pads as well to standby… any idea where to buy the Pureen adhesive maternity pads?

Ok shall we go for 9 Dec then? Since more ppl can make it on Thurs.

I can PM all the ppl going on the 9th my hp number, and maybe Geri, you can PM them yours too? Cos I need to leave around 1:40pm, and some might be coming later, so better to have two numbers just in case. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

8 Dec (Wednesday) 12:30pm

1. geri

2. rachel

3. c nicole

4. trinket

5. kinderbueno

6. idaar

7. unicorn (only pop by for drink)

8. baywater (if gal recovers)

9. felpoo (maybe)

10. Blue Potatochips

11. Eviangal (if 12.30pm)

9 Dec (Thursday)12:30pm

1. idaar

2. choc

3. kinderbueno

4. rachel

5. wish child

6. c nicole

7. trinket

8. unicorn

9. Eviangal (if 12.30pm)

10. Blue Potatochips

11. baywater (if gal recovers)

12. felpoo (after 2pm)

14. Geri

Felpoo: Sorry, havent logged in for a few days.. I am the one with the cheap ergo contact. Look for Bebe Jac in facebook. Ergo is only at $60. And its brand new. My friend tried it at my place over the weekend and decided to place orders for one too..

What is this placenta encapulation thingy?

Morning Mummies!

Take care michelle..glad that both you & baby are fine.

Mummies, hang in there a while more and Jia You! Only ard 2 months to go! I reckon after the Xmas and New year, time will zoom past!

Claire: Wah, the watsons disposable undies are good price. I bought 2 packs yday at Guardian. $3.95 per pack. Hope 10 pcs enuff. Anyone has any idea how long the menses last after delivery?

I intending to get the Sofy Nightsafe too. Does it have the "net" for those dri-weave? I was using Whisper last time and the "net" irritated my skin..so I hope sofy dun have..imagine the net coming into contact with the stiches and wound. Ouch!

For Pureen maternity pads, i saw in Guardian. You can try ...they shld sell.

Swing and bouncer

I saw one model for Combi. $279. Quite cool and nice. Its a swing and rocker thing. press a button and the thing will rock to and fro...can adjust the height ..and when baby is older, can adjust the back and fold up the back area to use as a feeding chair. hehehe dunno if u can understand my desciption...

I bought the Tollyjoy napkin liners and Tollyjoy cloth diapers too...from Jusco at JB..super cheap! Cause its same price as SG but we benefit from exchange rate.

Claire: Dun worry..just rest first.. let your hubby help out as much as he can... For me, my hubby also work late and even on weekends, so I really dun like to wait for him if not the To-Do list will be always "To-Do".

Thats why on sat, I clean the baby's room, took out the shopping stuff from the bags lying around, move the cot and clean it, pack the room neatly. I even cleared up the storeroom and move the some bulky items and arrange neatly. I think in future, the house will be quite messy with children's toys and stuff...


Sat, we went to Ikea to buy a changing table. Cost $59. It has 2 tiers. The height is around our waist level (I am 1.64m). I intend to use it as a bathing place too. Can put bathtub on the 1st tier and bathe baby. if not in use, can use it to change diapers for baby too...the 2nd tier can be used to put baby's toiletries.

I also have bought the J&J, top to toe wash and drapolene nappy rash cream and the Ru Yi oil..all from Guardian. not on promo though...think more or less completed the Shopping list...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gynae appt is this wed! Cant wait to see the baby again ...31 weeks now.

Articles on consuming Placenta-

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) experts claim the human placenta has been eaten by the Chinese for 2,500 years.

Dr Low Chai Ling, a medical director at the Sloane Clinic, says the Chinese believe it contains "qi"(Chinese for life force) and use it as a remedy for a whole range of problems such as lethargy, rejuvenating ageing skin and promoting breast milk production.

In Singapore, human placenta from China is readily available in a dried form from Chinese medical halls. Professor Xu Yi Jun, a physician from Ngee Ann TCM Centre, prescribes consuming 2g to 3g of powdered placenta daily to increase fertility and blood circulation and to make the body more resistant to disease.


Dr Peter Chew, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Gleneagles Hospital, says that though people have been talking about "frying, drying and eating placentas" for years, his patients rarely ask to keep theirs.

He says: "Placentas are full of hormones, so theoretically, they should improve the complexion, even though there's no medical evidence to support this."

As for the possibility of dangerous side effects from consuming it, he says "there's no harm, seeing it's your own body's organ". But to be on the safe side, he recommends cooking the placenta before consumption.


Debi French was dreading the birth of her fourth child. She wanted the baby, to be sure, but she was terrified of being visited again with the overwhelming despair that came over her in the days and weeks after her last delivery.

French's midwife offered her an unusual remedy: She suggested the expectant mother ingest her own placenta as a means of allaying postpartum depression. The temporary organ was saved, dried and emulsified, then placed in gelatin capsules and taken by the mother in the months after the birth in December 2004.

"Before I actually did it, my friends thought it was weird," says French, 29, of Spokane, Wash., whose fifth child is due in August. "But when they saw how fast I recovered from my birth and they knew my history, they thought it was pretty neat. Now I have a lot of friends planning to do it."

The practice, known as placentophagy, is far from widespread and is received with great skepticism by more traditional medical experts. But among a small but vocal contingent of expectant mothers and proponents, it is strongly believed that the organ created by the woman's body to pass nutrients between mother and fetus and is expelled after birth is rich in chemicals that can help mitigate fluctuations in hormones believed to cause postpartum depression.


hose who advocate placentophagy, the eating of one’s placenta, in humans, mostly in modern America and Europe, Mexico, Hawaii, China, and the Pacific Islands believe that eating the placenta prevents postpartum depression and other pregnancy complications. The most general benefit of placentophagy, according to recent research, is that placenta and amniotic fluid contain a molecule (POEF, Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor) that produces an enhancement of the natural reduction in pain that occurs shortly before and during childbirth.


A testimony:

One of my MWs (MW- midwife) was telling me that she was a doula to a woman who had had to take some medication immediately post-partum. The medication was estrogen or somthing, and it had the foreseeable and immediate effect of causing her milk to completely dry-up, which the mother's obstetrician completely failed to mention to her before she took the medication.

Fortunately, the mother had saved her placenta. So, my MW cooked it for her, and the family ate it for dinner on Day 2 (after birth) with spaghetti noodles. I asked my MW...didn't they hesitate to eat it? She said that the mother knew that it was the only way to get her milk back in and fast. I said.. did it work? She said: Oh, yes. Very well.

Personally, I have difficulty imagining that I could eat my placenta raw because I have no experience with raw red meat, not even to prepare it for cooking. I do however eat cooked red meat... so I think that I could eat my placenta cooked (provided that someone were to cook it for me).

I had my most recent placenta encapsulated (see my post above)... I've been very fortunate to be able to take it. I'm now 3 months postpartum, and I have taken 2-3 capsules daily. This third post-partum period has been my best. I truly believe that the placenta capsules helped me.

See also-



Sofy does not have dry weave. It is cottony soft and nice. Sofy and Laurier are my 2 fav brands. =)


Yes! When the kids come, the house will get messier. U should see the amt of toys Kae has. Lol. He has a huge collection of Transformers (that all my guy friends envy- so many transformers lor), tons of Hot Wheel cars and tracks, loads and loads of Lego... I've told him that he has to keep his toys well so that Noah won't be hurt by them and so that Noah can one day play with them.

Kae never put tiny foreign objects in his mouth, so believing that Noah will also be like him. =)

Like Gregda, my hubby is always working late or overseas... so I have to try to DIY, but this pregnancy really I feel more clumsy in size and being the heaviest I've ever been at more than 80kg, it makes it hard to do some chores that I could do when I was expecting Kae.

I really thank God hubby helped clean the aircons recently coz I can't climb up to get at them. I tend to lose my balance a bit these days- the other day, whilst standing on a downriding escalator, I suddenly pitched forward a little but caught my balance. Made hubby stand in front of me instead of behind me (and on his iphone) because I felt safer with him as a "barricade" before me and the rest of the escalator.

Decided to be less gungho and to wait for hubby to clear and we have cleared quite a bit... just not as fast as when I do it alone coz he has to co-op with me to do things. And we have diff styles of packing hahaha.

Thanks Geri for the info on placenta encapsulation.. Still feel weird about consuming our own placenta lei.. despite reading your posted reports and hearing alot of good feedback on how it improves ones complexion.. Cos I think i saw the thing before.. Quite disgusting.. Cant imagine popping it in...

How many capsules are we provided with?


I think it depends on how big ur placenta is =)

Aiya, having had to gut chicken and fish so I can cook them, the placenta just looks like another uncooked organ to me lor. Lol.

Update: Suffered from gastric attack again on Friday evening.. Vomitted everything i took the entire night (even water...).. Had stomach pains too.. but not contractions.. Thought i going to deliver somemore.. but well just gastric.. Doc say this is common with pregnant ladies.. Cos the baby is fighting for space with the mummy.. hence squeezing the stomach and causing everything to be thrown out.. In worst case scenario, may need to go A&E somemore.. Guess to be put on drip ba.. Luckily i recovered in time..

Packed bb's clothes.. Oh my!! So many.... I have a brand new set of 3 pc recieving blanket (luvable frens) and a crib sheet (luvable frens) too that I like to let go.. Bought too many liaoz.. Now I think better release some.. I even have a set of 5 pc romper pack (luvable frens) for 6 - 9 months that i might like to let go too.. PM me if you are keen. All boy's designs.. Too many clothes and stuff liaoz.. Scared cant finish in time...

Heard from my fren her son already wearing 1 yr old clothes and alot of her clothes wore only once becos he grows too fast.. So scary.. My gal took sometime to outgrow her clothes.. At 9 months, she can still fit her 3 months clothes...


Placenta Encapsulation got 10% Discount with INTHEWOMB. Seems like they are the only ones doing this. A friend of ours recommended because his wife went ahead with it and found it was very good.

@michelle - oh...sorry to hear that and hope u are fine. May i know why ur water bag broke and do u underwent c-sec or natural birth? Take good care and update us when u free.

@eviangal - ya same thots as i feel grossed when thinking of consuming our placenta even in capsules form...

@gregda - changing table at ikea isit bulky?

Anyone has cheap lobang for maternity photoshot?

Zanta, Haha i told my hubby the same thing. I told him i hope bb dont come out too early as i can have more time feel her movement. Haha my hubby said i silly too. He said later i complained pregnant very xinqu cannot go out alone and cannot walk to long as tummy too heavy.. Cannot this and that.. Hahaha..

Gregda, So fast your bb is 31weeks.. Hehe can see ur bb on wed.. I going to see my bb on wed too. Hehe.. SO happy..

Clarie, Thank u.. So fast everybody have start buying all those nipple cream, pads and panties. Oh i still haven start buying anything yet. I also have buy bb shampoo, soap and diaper cream.


Go with the one you will find more convenient to go.

Trust me.

If not waste money... that's what happened to me. Lol.

I've tried Slimming Sanctuary and Expressions before. Expressions was very good.

pureen pad is available at kiddy palace, and i saw it @ tom n stefanie too... its $7.95...

i bought 2 pack from kiddy palace, coz my colleague said thats the best available...

Maternity Pads

- I heard dat Mothercare's one is comfy & also comes with wings. Can chk it out. Tho more pricey than Pureen I guess.

@felpoo: Bjorn Carrier have 2 types of material according to the sales girl at expo parenthood fair. 1 type with thick padding material (more heat) and 1 type with those airy/cooling material. If not mistaken Air Carrier is one with cooling material without thick padding, and without back support. The price from the spree is quite attractive. You might want to visit some shops to take a look on the carrier before buying from the spree.

@eviangal: the Ergo carrier only at $60? May I know is which Ergo carrier? Can we use it to carry infant?

Grace: Think Ergo only got 1 type right? Its the normal ones.. But I think only 4 colours to choose from and they dont sell the infant inserts. So its only suitable from 4 months onwards.

I own an Ergo too.. but not from this seller (that time dont have this lobang).. will prob use a recieving blanket for the extra support in place of the insert.

mummies here seems all well prepared! me still yet to buy anything! only 2 nursing top, some nursing bra and storage bottles for bm. very lazy to start to prep argh.. havent even dig out those nb clothes... havent even decide where my no2 gonna sleep. LOL! this time round really not so excited. feel bit guilty towards him..

i think the Robinsons sale this wed is only a one day event for members. but not so sure on this.

Mrs Ong: Nope the Ikea baby changing diaper table is not too bulky. It is made of light wood. The height is around my waist level (For 1.64m height).the length is slightly longer than a a baby's plastic bathtub.

Nashita: yep, Jusco at JB is really cheap..can go on weekdays to avoid the crowds..I did that and had a good time shopping.

Eviangal: Hope u are feeling better now.. Maybe try to eat small meals...may feel better?

Geri: Thanks! I'll go get Sofy then..Whsiper really causes me to itch badly ..cause of the netting.

hi mrs ong, doc at KK did not give me any advice/explanation why water bag broke.. they say got a lot of reasons... so..i have given birth via natural .. baby already in position and cervix already opened more than 5 cm.. did not use any other means :p

@michelle - glad to hear tt you're well, tt's most impt. how's bb marcus? how heavy? how long are they going to keep him?

michelle: Jiayou! they say BB born when in the 7th month are very intelligent and lucky [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

meantime, are u expressing your BM?

I heard that BB will be healthy if u give them BM and also hold them regularly.

So now u cant do confinement right, since u need to visit BB daily.

no matter what, try not to exert too much cos this time also must take care of yourself

michelle, how is marcus now? he's the first to graduate from here! big bro! i guess marcus just want to come out at that timing..

started moo-ing him already?

Michelle: Glad to know you have delivered bb Marcus and both mother and baby are well. Good in a way too to deliver early. By the time its CNY, both mother and baby can enjoy CNY liaoz.. I am due on CNY itself.. Hence, if bb is born early, late or during, also cant enjoy CNY.

Keep us posted on your progress..

Thanks Gregda. I got better after vomitting for the whole night on Fri.. Sighz.. pity it wasnt a working day.. so no mc..

michelle, Congrats!!! How is marcus and you now? Glad that everything go well and smooth. As ching said 7mth babies are smarter. =) Great you can hold you little boy now. Do take care!!

@gregda - well will go down ikea to take alook...tks!

@michelle - ic well as long as u and bb marcus healthy can liao. Ya u and ur bb can enjoy CNY lol...so u got all ur things prepared beforehand like early confinement, bb items and ur nursing stuff? Guess it best to buy & prepare early as we never know when bb coming out...


Extremely tied up at home this 2 wks n h is flying off to depress this tues.... sigh, Left me with an injure toddler and a messy house....

Nevermid, my turn will come once bb is out. Er saw in the FB that the gathering is confirmed on Thur 9 Dec... Will try to come, mind if a toddler follow?? O I shd be driving, hence anyone stay in bedok I can lobang (i think this is how its spell heehee)

O Robinson hvg sales this Wed?? which outlet, needd to grab milk bottles and diaper rush cream... anyone gg??

gregda, its subjective to individual where mens is concern. U might want to stk up min of 4 wks supply of disposal panties if u decided to follow the traditional advise - no touching of water.... as it a little shy shy to get someone to wash our panties

O Geri, incl me for the

PLACENTA ENCAPSULATION (Group discount - 10% off)

Please fill in your name below if you are interested and PM me your email address so I can send the form to you to fill up. We will prob all indicate in our reply to them that we are from the "Singapore Motherhood February Mummy Group" when we send in the form... OR I will collect all the forms and send it to them together. =)

1) Geri

2) Wish_child

3) felpoo

4) Baywater




Er how shd the payment b made?? will PM u my email address

Hi I'm a new member.. my bb is now going to be 31 weeks tomorrow. Wow I can't believe the interactivity here in this forum!!! Just to ask anyone has intense back pain at the lower left pelvis area? It is actually killing me.. luckily I have hols now cause teacher but I dread when the Jan reopens...

Hey all!

Back from NEX. Walk until leg tired siah. =) Went out with my Dad and Kae for lunch.


Nice that it was a natural birth. Labour was prob not that long right since Marcus is still in his 7th month? =) Just really glad he is healthy! =)

Which hospital is he at?


Got your email! Payment made upon collection to them =) Email u the form in a bit. =)


Hi! =) It could be because you sleep on your left side only? I try to sleep more on left side too but from time to time, I turn to the right side.

Try not to sit or stand too long. =)

When are you able to start taking maternity leave?

alys: not experiencing what u described but guess it is probably got to do with posture and also the ligament pain..

if getting bad, better check with gynae.

Re: pain at belly

Recently i have sharp pains at a small spot of my belly, near the belly button.

the feeling is like something is tearing away from my belly.

I hope it is not serious cos i read that by 3rd tri there could be placenta abruption..

so far no other signs..

anybody know whether it is possible to check our placenta is ok?

i want to go check to buy a peace of mind.

my gynae should be out of town during this period and my next appt is 16 Dec

Hi baywater,

Hope your gal is recovering well! Don't worry too much about messy hse...health more impt lah!

Yes, Robinsons is having a closed door sales for members on Wed. I shd think that it applies to all its outlets but I'll b going to the one at centrept cos I feel that the nursery dept is larger there.

Which brand of diaper cream r u using? I use Desitin and it's actually cheaper to get it from BPs.


Thanks for the info for on Babysafe items. Fingers crossed that they'll be participating in this coming Robinsons sales!!

For the netted panty, it's kinda provided by TMC (included in the bill of cos)!! hehe...

Re: Swing and bouncer

I did not use them for my boy...not useful IMHO and they outgrow it quite fast. Used a rocker instead...we got a Fisher-Price one...let me find the pic and post it later.


Hope u're feeling much much better alr. Take care n do drink more fluids to replace those lost...


Glad that both you and baby are fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have both Babybjorn and Ergo carrier...the babybjorn i have is the Synergy and Ergo is the normal one. If compare the shoulder strap padding, the ergo one is more padded and overall more comfy to use. But I find that the babybjorn more 'liang' for baby...and mayb cos we've been using the babybjorn for a longer time, my boy seems to prefer the babybjorn to the ergo.

Hi Su

thanks for the comfort. Then I might head down to robinson too. haha

as for the diaper cream, I've no idea as my first one is using the cream used by my SIL's bb (they r together during working hrs) so I did not buy any then haha


I didn't use swing, rocker or bouncer with Kae. I didn't want him to get used to these. If not when u go people's house or on holidays & can't take it along with u, sibeh ley chey. XD

Ah Ching-

I think it is still round ligament pain. Basically muscle is stretching and sometimes, tears a bit, so it will hurt. Hugs. Dun worry k?

Placental Abruption usually comes with bleeding, rapid contractions, uterine tenderness as well... so mai kancheong. This sounds like it is still round ligament pain... =)

If you really want to check, go KKH, Level 2. =)

Haha Ah Ching, i was just googling on that as well cos I am also experiencing the same thing and had the same worry as you, then came into the forum and saw that you posted the exact same thing i wanted to ask. haha. mine is a bruised feeling very near to belly button(area around it) and feels like got blue black. i think its the skin stretching..

Elise, I cant found you at facebook. Why dont u add me at facebook [email protected]. So i can add u in the FB MTB Feb11. =)

Geri, wow u went to NEX shopping centre. Heard there a lot of people and my hubby dont allow me to go. He said over there the crowds just like the whole orchard road people are there.

Baywater, DO take care and we are welcome u bring ur girl along too.. =)


Not that bad lah. Lol. But maybe coz we went in the day. The shopping centre is quite spacious. I think it is THAT crowded on weekends niah =)


Bring your girl along =) I might bring Kae, see how? =)


hi everyone,

are some folks still keen on sharing a b wax package? I called strip and they said cannot share. So next to check out is Honeypot.


did honeypot confirm that the package can be shared? if not yet, I could try calling them tmw... there are some Mar 2011 mums that are interested too, one of them PM-ed me, so we might be able to make up the numbers.

