(2011/02) Feb 2011

Shampoo/Body Wash:

Has anyone tried the brand - BUDS? I was recommended to buy this as they are from organic products.. I also got the nappy rash cream of this brand.. Not sure if they are good as the price is not cheap..

@Choc: You so hiao lor.. Haha.. But if it's cheap I wouldn't mind to buy more coz can change and match our clothes also.. But abit ex leh, so 1 is enough le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I make sure he reads your last sentence if he nags at me.. LOL!!

@Zanta: Pureen maternity pad does not have wings..


Yeah i heard abt BUDS..all organic ..but doesnt seem very popular...

Mustela really so much ex than other mainstream brands..for a small tube..Hmm...any mummies here using J&J? i think the Top to toe range seems quite mild for newborns..thinking of getting that instead.

Actually i was thinking of using those heavy flow pads instead of maternity pads. think more secure with wings..

joanne, i got no constipation but i think i got piles cuz i see some blood in poo almost everyday but i heck care. try to drink more water. if all doesn't helps, ask your gynae for pills.

felpoo, i've actually spoke to my gynae about the placenta consumption when i got my no.1.. he's reaction is like.. why?? he says actually there's a limit to how much our own placaenta can produce. what if after you've consume all? he recommend sheep placenta cuz its the nearest to human placenta. and there's on-going supply.

re:maternity pads

speak about this makes my blood boil. during my first delivery, i went to buy those tie/loop thick pads and bring to hospital. normally after delivery the nurse will help you put on but subsequently you'll have to do it yourself. its not easy to loop 2 pads together and tie yourself. and so i ask for the nurse to help me. who knows the nurse come and say,'since you dunno how to use, why buy this type?' im like... i thought since its called maternity pads, shouldn't it be used now? i've been using those normal ones since i got menses and this tying pad is really such a hassle. plus, its very thick, especially when you load two together, its like putting a plank in between your legs. im sure to buy those comfy stick on 45cm sofy cottony ones this time round!

Joanne, I tried this suggested by a mummy from babycenter.com and it works for me. Mixed chilled prune juice with orange juice (original concoction includes milk as well but I din't add milk) and drink it before u sleep. The colder, the better. Another one tat I dun recommend as it causes me to hv diarrhoea is drinking warm water mixed with fresh lemon juice (half lemon). I used the pump when I'm in my 1st tri and got scolded by my gynae coz he said it will trigger contractions. I also tried stool softener given by my gynae but stopped as I find myself addicted to it after a while.

Pootz, take care and bedrest completely in bed. I was warded for a week at tmc and my bleeding only stopped on the 5th day. On my 3rd day, I find my bleeding has stopped and I sat up (but still in bed) and fresh blood flowed out. So I took my meals lying but bed tilted up. For the lower body aches, u can tell yr gynae to precribe u medication. My whole body was aching frm the 2nd day onwards due to full bedrest. Making things worse, I will hv very bad leg cramps in the middle of the nite and no one ard to help me.. My gynae gv me Daflon tablet (500mg) and the aches/cramps went off. Wriggle yr toes and move yr hands often as it eases the aches too.

Joodz, do update us bout yr condition. Take care.

Oh.... I missed the pupsik promo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my gynae just called to say that he wont be at his clinic.. i guess got last minute delivery or what.. he asked me to go to TMC's labour ward at 2nd floor to do the check.. just wanna find out from those who has to do the check, is a VE painful? what will they do?

joodz, not to scare you, my first VE check, its quite pain. just relax and take a deep breathe. they'll use finger and insert to check if there's any dilation.

Maternity pads

I think don't hv wings one...at least Kotex n Pureen dun hv. Yes agree w Jeanie that it's like putting a plank in between the legs but I'll still use it leh...cos it kinda cushions the wound cos it's so super thick!! 

N TMC has this netted panty that's rubberized so it reali holds the pads in place n no nd use the loops. N cos of the material, it's reali easy to wash n dries very fast.


Pls let me know if u c Mustela sale!! Need to stock up on the baby wash!!

su, it doesn't cushion my wound, in fact, it hurts my wound cuz its hard and thick and i feel quite pain when it rub against. especially when i try to get out of the bed.. perhaps it really dun suits me.. but i do know some mummies who swear by it..

Jeanie, I'm discharged le and full bedrestIng at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joodz, the check will be uncomfortable but fast, within few seconds. Breathe in and out as the nurse check yr cervix. If no dilation, no contraction and bb not in distress, u shd be able to go home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Heh... I really make some of u very kan Cheong hor??? Kekeke.... Weekend is here again so it's yet another chance for us to go and buy the stuff we need.

Felpoo- I going to breast feed for 4-6 mths but if required, I may supplement with formula. My pd didn't recommend any fm for my no 1.. I just used enfalac coz my gf use it for her son. So from the hospital when I supplement with Fm on day one, the nurse ask what fm I want, I just say enfalac lor. Then they also gave me lots of free enfalac milk to bring home.

This weekend

I think I better get off my butt and get the bed. It's been pending for the longest longest time. Hope that I see some newspaper advert having sale for pullout beds tomorrow man... Once the bed arrive, still have to train #1 to sleep on it, adjust the cot back to infant height, arrange the furniture about. Think got get the plastic chest of drawer out from store room to put mei mei's things also. Easier to take compared to cupboard.

Shower gel/lotion

For #1, I used this organic goat milk set from mom essentials. Think each bottle cost $33.. I think I should get the same for mei mei also lah. Sure wouldn't cause any irritations. So that one have to go Suntec to buy.

Ah!! Have to be Destitin and the breast nipple cream lan-something.... Where to buy that ah?? Last time my gf pass to me one.

Maternity pads

Aiya... The normal ones with wings will do.

I going to get my usual whisper. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yup! Diff strokes for diff folks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Take care n hv a gd rest! Jia you! We're almost at the finishing line alr!!

Mami B,

Indeed u make me kan cheong too!!! Feb next year still seems like so far but when think we only hv abt 4-8 weeks left then will panic!! Haha

Need to get a cot mattress...hope Robinsons hv gd discounts for Babysafe items during their sale...

The nipple cream u saying is it Purelan? Yellow tube w white cap right? It's Medela brand so anywhere that carries medela stuff would hv it. 

Hi Charmaine

Phew! lucky i didnt use the pump yet thanks for sharing ! Can we take orange juice? WIll it be too cool for baby?

HI Jeanie

I drink water and take fruits every day leh probably it's due to no exercise when i am in office . Didnt have much chance to walk around ma..

Terrylyn, Ok i give it a try

Many thanks others for the advise... =)

Was so upset today thought My boss actually suspected me to fake my EDD date and wants me to provide prove from Gynea.Any one knows what document will show my EDD date to prove to her i am not faking?

charmain, rest well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamiB, i use medela purelan breast gel for my no.1.. quite good.. can be bought at kiddy palace.

joanne, how bout those documents/scans when you go for your monthly gynae visits? im sure edd will be stated..

re:shower gel

i use California Baby for no.1.. will be using the same for no.2...

joanne - ur boss is really strange! anyway, i think u can ask ur gynae to issue him a memo.. mine has this pre-printed form to certify one's EDD.. i got one from him last wk, cos need to get hubby to defer his reservist... anyone's hubby's reservist clash with EDD b4?? Some of my hubby's friends' request got rejected leh.. so they still hv to go back to camp but they get leave when the wife delivers.. sigh.. would rather not have that leh.. his camp is far far away from home.. what if my contractions come when he is in some forest?

eating placenta - err.. are all the benefits medically proven ah? we saw a pic of a bloody piece of placenta at the childbirth education class last wk and i told my hubby that some pple process that to eat.. hahah.. he was absolutely grossed out.. so i think i'll pass lah..


BEcause my EDD is on the 15th Feb so i am telling her to start my maternity after CNY holidays. And personal leave on 1st and 2nd ma. SHe want me to take maternity from 1st Feb so the CNY holidays will be considered as my maternity leave... SO upset that i have give 100% for the company and this is what was given sign!

@Joanne: How about your u/s pic? My u/s pic before I reach 5 mths all got state my EDD.

@Joodz: I hope you are not ready to go for labour yet. Hope all will be well for you. Do update us again after your checkup ya. Take care..

@choc, @PreciousBabi: Thanks thanks. Wanted to buy them yesterday but it's oos. Never saw it in Watsons or Guardian but I saw Kotex has got one with adhesive. Ae.. How many pkts do we need to standby huh?? First time mum, alot of things also dunno.

@choc: Where to get California Baby products? And what after birth cream are you getting? What is the purpose?

I also like the designs of Pupsik pouch but wanted to save money so never buy.. Hmm..

Su, Jeanie, thanks alot!

Joanne, I'm drinking cartoned sugarless orange juice. Half glass of prune juice with half glass orange juice. I believed it shd be fine though there are sayings may cause bb to hv phglem.

Nipple cream

Medela Purelan is good!! Mummies, pls buy those cream which is safe for bb to consume, ie u dun need to clean it off when u latch or pump. 2nd day of breastfeeding my 1st boy, my nipple cracked badly and I was using a different brand of nipple cream then. And this cream can't be consumed by bb so I hv to wipe off everytime I pump/latch, making my cracks bigger and so painful.

Maternity pads

I'll be using cottony pads like Kotex or Tena. My wound got worse when I used those pads Which have Dri-weave layer and my stitch almost got tangled once.

Joanne, show yr boss the doc with yr Edd stated and have a nice talk with her tat u would like to start yr m.leave nearer to yr Edd so tat u can spend more time with yr bb. Shdn't be a problem if u handover yr stuff nicely to the person covering you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Zanta, do standby more maternity pads. I will be stocking ard 8-90pcs (estimated if we use 2-3pcs per day) 1st pregnancy, i din't stock up enuff and poor hubby got to buy for me. But he couldn't manage to find those cottony pads frm the neighbourhood shops and bought those with dri-weave layer which irritates my wound more. End up, I took a bus to the nearest supermarket to find during 3rd week of my confinement.

Re: baby wash/shampoo/lotion:

- Anyone used Pigeon brand before? Is it good?

Re: Nipple cream:

- I used medela purelan for 2 weeks ago as my nipples were kind of dry and cracked….. after using for a few days, it got much better and stoped  … not sure if other mummies have this prob during 3rd trim ? is there a need to apply nipple cream regualarly during 3rd trim?

@ Joodz/Jeannie: what is VE?

@Jeanie: Need to loop 2 pads together then long enough is it?

@Charmaine: are you better at home now? Rest well. On maternity pads, are 2 -3 pcs/day enough? Cos I read that we may need to change every 3-4hrs?

@Joanne: wa.. your boss really ah… dun be upset with her.. not worth it…


Re: netted panty at TMC: is it sold at the pharmacy or the maternity store?

Re:BabySafe items: there was 20% discount during the early Nov Robinsons sales. According to the saleslady, BabySafe items do not always participate in the storewide 20% discount like other items, so just got to keep a lookout for it during the next sale ba…

I bought most of the bb items at Robinsons/ John Little during their 20% sales … really the best dept store that I like… with the 5% rebates for card members too..

hi girls,

i dunno why but today my bump feel so uncomfortable. i feel so strectch and 'tight'...... it's like i have done 200 sit ups......

is this normal?

when im standing or getting up from seated position... it's like doing 'sit up'

@ Fei-

LOL! Nothing aunty about asking for discounts lah. Hahaha. Let me know what they tell u? I will be going for the encapsulation thing. =)


I like using SUDZY but it is by Amway (a MLM) so I know some people not comfy with that hahaha. I tried J&J on Kae and I hated how dry it made his hair. Also not totally tear free lor. Becoz Amway has policy to refund if u dun like the product (not used more than 20%), I bought to try on myself before I let Kae use it. That was when he was a toddler. And I could apply the foam all over my face and eyes and it did not sting. Hair smelled great. Hair felt great.

It is not as pricey as Mustela and the lot….. altho' more expensive than J&J… but a little goes a long way. =)

Anyway, if u know Amway people u can get from them. We are with Amway but telling u about Sudzy is not me trying to advertise so I can get business… but it is a good product. =)

For Diaper Rash, we used Drapolene for Kae and liked it a lot.


Dun have to buy maternity pads. U can just use NIGHT TIME pads by any brand and it will work fine =)

Maternity pads are uncomfy. I hated loop pads and I dun like the thickness of the others.

My fav brand is Laurier coz it is cottony soft. Whisper makes me itch lol.


I used Purelan too =) It worked great!!

Kae fed wrongly at one point earlier on, so my nipples were a little sore. A friend's mum bought Purelan for me to use. =)

But to be honest, a cheap way is to just express a bit of your breastmilk after feeding and rub it over the nipples.


My hubby just did his reservist so shouldn't clash with EDD but his RT might. T.T


LOL. Oh dear…. Ur hubby must have been quite paiseh about it too.

I have a ton of pads at home stocked up… I usually dun have heavy menses and my menses last like 3.5 days. So I have a lot in stock haha.


VE is vaginal examination. They will use that thing that opens ur vajayjay up when u go for pap smear, to look in and stuff to make sure that ur cervix is not dilated.


Normal. Braxton Hicks. =p

I get that in the night and sometimes in the afternoon. Damn irritating. Lol.

BTW, NTUC having diaper sale.

Drypers NB - $6.95 insead of $7.80

Drypers Wee Wee Dry - S (64), M (56), L (48), XL (40), XXL (32) - $23.75 for 2 packs. Usually it is $27.20.

Pet Pet - M (84), L (72), XL (60) is going for $31.95 for 2 packs. Usually it costs $36.30.


J&J TOP TO TOE WASH (for those of u who like J&J)

- $5.25 for 500 ml (UP $6.50)

KODOMO BABY BATH - $6.45 for 1 ltr


I have this feeling also towards the evening also frequently i think will be ok after a while. Just relax and shd feel better.


Yap i will try to talk to her nicely next week =X wont want to be upset over this too much also..

A quick one before I turn in for the night. Yawn.. Nowadays getting very sleepy. I kept dozing off whenever and wherever I sit down..

Geri, they replied my email, but it looks as if they nvr answer much on my queries. N they dun hv a contact number where we can get in touch. Only a number for us to call when we need them to collect the placenta.

Joanne, U can ask a letter from your Gynae. I asked my Gynae for the letter stating the edd and ur personal particulars. I need that one as the confinement agency need one to submit to MOM

Felpoo I'm interested on to keep the placenta and make it to pills. I took the link from Geri too. Hmm comments are good. If I delivery after 8pm I will ask my hubby bring Home my placenta and freeze it. I also heard my Sis said if bb not feeling well give the bb eat the placenta bb will recover very fast. So I going to give it a try to keep it. Hmm only can keep for 1years. Oh count me in if can get discount. Haha

For the waxing

I'm interested to do it but I'm afraid will be very painful. If can get cheaper price by sharing package I don't mind. But I only want to do it once only. Hehe


Hmmm... I will try emailing them also then.

BTW they are the only one doing it in SG at the moment I think. =p


LOL! Do once then prob must wait til closer to EDD bah? =) If not hair will grow back... but softer and less thick I think?

Geri, Yap I going do it when near to my edd. Haha I'm afraid I dont dare to it another time if it super painful. Hehe. So decide to do it only once. And heard after do waxing the hair takes 2weeks to grow back.

Oh my Fren just give birth a bb girl weight 3.5kg and she delivery 20days before her edd.

kinderbueno, my hubby's reservist clashed with my edd when im going to deliver my no.1 last december and he managed to defer. this time round he inform way beforehand and his reservist is at end march to early april. i hope your hubby is able to defer too.

claire, during the initial few days you'll need to loop 2 pads cuz there'll be alot of lochia. but i guess it depends to individual? i heard that for csect, the lochia will be lesser.

tomorrow im going for my scan! hehe.. alot of mummies are 30+ weeks already. me currently 28weeks nia...

Hello! Today Metro 20% storewide sale wor... Can go take a look if nearby! I going to buy some toys for my #1 as Xmas presents [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey ladies, I remembered I saw someone posting about the ergo carriers going at a relatively cheap buy which is sold online. But now, I can't find the post.

I nvr use slings nor carriers for my first one. I bought 1 sling back then but feel very uncomfortable thus I gave it away. So now thinking of getting a carrier which don't cost much.

Dear Mummies,

Is this the Medela PureLan Nipple Cream which you all are talking about?? Can I get it at Metro or Kiddy Palace?


I was also looking at cloth diapers/napkins that day and was wondering which brand of cloth diapers/napkins is good. Can any mummy recommend? And also the napkin liners, I saw Anakku with the cheapest price tag but wonder if it is good or not. And how many cloth diapers/napkins, and how many box of liners with we get?

@Charmaine: Thanks alot. Wow.. Really need to buy alot of packets coz they're packed in 10pcs/pkt.

Morning mummies,

Went to the labour ward yesterday to be strapped up to check for contractions. I did not even have to do VE.. Heng ah. No contractions everything is fine only given pills for food poisoning(again!) while lying on the bed for an hour I saw women in labour and husbands pacing up and down nervously. My room is just directly outside the labour room.. Haha. Was an eye opener for me cos I am first time mother. I was quite impressed with the friendliness of TMC's nurses but too bad I'm not delivering there..

hi ladies! am discharged finally [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For those who are interested:-

I went to the TMC delivery ward when I suddenly felt gushing of blood whilst seated on my toilet. I spent more than a day in the delivery ward. As long as I had fresh bleeding, they were not willing to let me go to the ward and instead had to stay there to monitor foetal heartbeat. Many mummies came and went, variety of reasons - spotting, date due just wanna get it over with and induce birth, waterbag burst but no contractions etc etc. Mothers groaning when vaginal examination done, when pills was stuffed up the anus to induce pangsai, pills stuffed to induce contractions. I feel so experienced after this. Hahaha!

Went for another round of detailed scan to confirm that it was placenta praevia, but good news is foetus is growing well, albeit small at 1.1kg at 28 weeks, and no tear observed in the placenta.

Confirmed c-sec preferably 1 month bfore edd as dr wants to avoid natural bith which could cause uncontrollable bleeding.

For those goin to TMC, it seems highly difficult to get a 1 bedder. I hear of request for 1 bedder or even premier wards, they are all fully booked. The 2 bedders are smallll, the bed is smallll. I'm less than 1.6m, and my feet is already restricted by the bed rest at the bottom when in a seating position. Very jialat if you're tall.

I was feeling very depressed when my hubby shared online researches done on Placenta Praevia. His friend went into a coma upon delivery due to loss of blood and had to have her uterus removed. The risk to both mother and bb increases drastically. Risk of bb abnormality also. I'm so afraid that something's going to go wrong with the bb, or that this would be our last. Very upset...


If u want to buy pigeon's cloth diapers & inserts, u can get fm taka coz it has additional 10% disc on special sale items..

But for taka cardholders ..

And u get 20% fm metro sale for medela purelan coz mothercare is available at metro paragon..

Hope it helps..

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i just quit my job recently i feel so breathless easily plus i got asthma so scare i will run out of breath when delivery and die. :< omg. i haven got anything done yet !!!!! omg omg omg. i haven convert haven marry :< shit.

Hi all,

I am a Oct mom and have the below items to clear, please PM me if interested.

1) 15 pkts of Da fong Ai (for bathing)- sealed packaging - $1.50 each

2) 2 boxes of 72pcs pigeon breast pad - sealed pack - $13 each

3) 1 box of 50 pcs pigeon breast pad - open box -$8.

Can arrange self collect/meet up at Jurong area.

@Unicorn: Thanks alot!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But how many pcs/pkts of cloth diapers should I get? I got none and hubby said buy new ones more hygienic.

And for the Medela PureLan Nipple Cream, how many tube should I get too?

@Joodz: Glad that you & baby is ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Michelle: What happened? How are you and your bb?


Pootz, Great u have discharge and ur bb is doing fine. Don't worry and think too much u will be fine. Stay positive do help lots in pregnancy.

Win, dont stress up urself too much. Do things one by one. U still can covert after u gave birth. U also can look for another job after give birth. For delivery ward there hve doc and nurse s over there I'm sure they will take care of u. Also have oxygen gas over there don't worry.

Michelle, is Ur bb ok? How is ur bb?

