(2011/02) Feb 2011

Joodz- hehehe. XD last time in 3rd tri I was so tired I senecio to this guy (who sat on the reserved seat & fake ignorance) and told him, "Excuse me. I think I need this seat more than u do." He guar guai gave up his seat. Or u can hint hint. I carry a book abt pregnancy around with a picture of a baby n the wording is big n bold. Lol. I whip it out & stand in clear view of ppl. Usually gets me a seat v fast. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That is why i am so against getting Maid. You don't know how unlucky you can be. This is today news.

AN INDONESIAN maid who was angry with her employers for locking her out of the flat lied that she had been molested.

She further alleged that she had been previously molested by the victim on three occasions. The victim, a married man, was arrested and placed in the lock-up for close to 11 hours.

She also admitted that she had lied about being molested as she had been angry with the victim.

I just went to the toilet for my daily business and found blood on the toilet paper after wiping!!! It was bright red and quite alot of it, although after wiping abit there wasn't anymore. Is this normal? I've never experienced blood in stools before, whether during the pregnancy or before.

My toilet habits have been very constant - every morning without fail. This applies to pre-pregnancy and during. Now and then I skip a day but have no problems the day after. I've only ever experienced true constipation twice - once many yrs ago during uni exams (!) and once in my first tri where I didn't go to toilet until the 3rd day.

I just went to toilet yesterday morning, after missing out the day before.

Anybody experienced this before? Cause for concern? No blood trickling out or anything but any sight of blood from anywhere makes me worried nowadays!

princess31: happened to me in 1st trimester.. but that was during the constipation period, so i think i tore my skin around the anus.. however i realised my stools are more 'acidic' these days.. after business will have stinging pain.. no blood yet though.. i heard pregnant more susceptible to hemorrhoids.. maybe u can check with ur gynae..

Mummies, I was supposed to have my FA Scan yesterday afternoon.. Went to the clinic so excitedly and the nurse told me I wasn’t booked for the slot.. Damn disappointed.. Coz I changed my appt twice and I believe they got confused and didn’t book me for the finalised date.. End up didn’t see doc coz they say bb gestation haven 19 weeks so scan may not be accurate and also bcoz appointments full.. So my next appointment is next Thursday 30th Sep.. Spoil my whole day yesterday and wasted half a day’s leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. Still feeling sad now coz didn’t get to see bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sianz...

@princess31 - constipation is common.. but blood no! I would check with the clinic if i were you... hope everything's fine!!

joodzjoodz: Thks for the advice..happens that my gynae is out of office every Wed afternoon...and things always seem to happen then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I guess I'll monitor the next couple visits to the toilet and keep my fingers crossed it's a one-off ...was reading up on internet re hemmorrhoids too.

PreciousBabi: aiyoh! That's terrible! You must be feeling really disappointed!! Well, try n be patient and remember..good things come to those who wait ... *hugs*

@Princess31: Really very disappointed lor.. Feel like killing the nurse when she told me that.. Argh!!! No choice but to wait now and hopefully am waiting for good things like what you said.. Thanks!

I remembered in first trim, I had very bad constipation, only do business like once a week.. And every time I can see blood when I clean.. Coz my stool that time was very hard.. So I think the pressure for it to come out makes it bleed (sorry for being disgusting here).. But the blood is like little bit only lor.. Could it be that you are too heaty?? Drink more water.. It will help.. But if it still bleeds at your next business, better consult your gynae..

PreciousBabi: If that appointment mix-up had happened to me, I'd be in a horrible mood for the rest of the day...so do allow urself to be grumpy for awhile....but afterwards, look forward to next Thurs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope you gave the nurse a telling-off...she might not be the one directly responsible but she still represents the company!

Drinking prune juice now..so paranoid now that it's constipation (I don't think so though) or even something worse??!

Joodz / Geri:

Today when I took the train to work, no one gave up their seats for me ..

Even when I stood in front of a young woman who was sitting on the reserved seat ..

In the end, at the next stop, an old man cannot tahan and he insisted that I had to take his seat ..

So paiseh lor ..

So I looked at the young woman and shook my head on purpose ..

But her skin quite thick so no reaction ..


I only got bleeding when I had constipation during the 1st tri ..

But now, I always ensure myself with lots of fruits or salad ..

Though my fren kept asking me to avoid salad coz they are uncooked and may contain bacteria ..

@Princess: My face turned charcoal black on the spot lor.. My hubby also not happy.. Didn't scream at her though.. Just showed her a simply not happy face when confirming next appt date.. Haiz..

Maybe for now, you observe if there's still blood when you go toilet.. If not than it could just be too heaty..

Good afternoon ladies... sigh.. need to take a breather from work.. my colleague is driving me up the wall!!

Princess31 - i also had an instance where there was blood after i poo-ed.. really freaked out cos thought it was from the vagina which would be bad... my hubby put me on an anti-constipation diet thereafter to prevent such scarces in future.. so maybe u also try to up the fibre in your diet?

PreciousBabi - Can imagine the disappointment. I was hoping to do mine during my doctor's visit last wk which was already wk 20, but doc say do next week instead, so my scan is also on 30Sept like you! We count down together?? One more week to go!!

On being given seats on MRT - I'm getting them more frequently now too... heheh, still getting used to it though and trying not to feel too embarassed... but yesterday, i had to give up my seat to a more preggy lady! I was sitting at the corner seat and no one else bothered to give up their seat to her so i thought i wld just let her hv it since she was much bigger than me.. i think my clothes must have been quite baggy yesterday, cos no one gave me their seat after that.. hmmmm...


Decided to upload my belly for the fun of it..

Pic was taken at 20 wks 4 days..

I'm quite worried as I feel it's big and I cant imagine thatI got any 4 months of pregnancy for it to expand!

i am very worried.. my baby has been kicking pretty often these few days, and without fail at work she will kick me almost every hour, especially after lunch. today i didnt feel a single kick from her.. maybe only a slight turning movement in the morning. last night she was quiet too, even after a heavy dinner. i even shouted at her, shook her, and asked my hubby to talk to her but she didnt stir.. so i thought she might be sleeping and will start moving again today. but she is still staying still. should i be worried? has anyone of u experienced this(eg baby very active one day and dont move much the next day)

Thks everyone, for the poop advice :p I will up my fibre intake, drink more water, and monitor v carefully..hopefully it's nothing major!

joodzjoodz: I've been experiencing that too ... lots of activity one day, and then very little the next....but at least will feel something everyday, no matter how little...so I think it's normal...just like us - some days we have lots of energy, and other days not so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anybody bought or looking at breast pumps yet? Medela Freestyle or Avent iq ISIS duo? The latter seems slightly cheaper but not as popular for reasons unknown.


Could it be piles? Do see a doctor if you are concerned. I had piles before too and it was painful and there was bleeding. Hubby has had it before as well and a guy friend has it so frequently he feels like he kenah "period" (which made me lol so hard).


Next time ask her aloud if the person would mind letting you sit as you are pregnant. I am a believer of if u wan it, ask. lol. Hint don't work just ask lor. What to do right? Hugs.

Take cook veges instead of salad. =) If not wrong drinking Orange Juice should help as well, and so does taking oats or high fibre bran that you can find in the supermarket.


Hugs hugs! I feel your disappointment dear girl. Nm nm, cheer up k?


Oh dear. Relax =) Dun get worked up over your colleague. It was nice of you.

I went up to a young man and asked him to give up his seat to this Ah Ma the other day. She looked so frail and no one bothered to give her a second look when she boarded the train at the stop after me. He was damn paiseh but quickly got up. Then I brought the Ah Ma over and asked me to sit instead, but I told her itz ok coz I was getting off at the next stop.

In general, I have been getting more seat offers these days. Certain days if the journey is just 2-3 stops, I wont get too pissed off if I don't get a seat. I just treat as exercise. If I am tired, I might feel a bit sian though.

There was one amusing incident where a couple looked at me, smiled and got up so Kae and I could sit. But this aunty standing next to me held tightly to the handle bar so I could not not walk over to the seat and promptly sat down on the reserved seat. So I calmly walked to sit in the empty seat next to her. The couple looked quite upset. Kae was bemused. I would have appreciated the reserved seat coz with handle bar easier to stand up and steady myself before I walk over the door (Braddell doors are on the opposite side). Hubby was around though, so he came over to offer his arm when it was our station. Hehe. I wish the aunty would not have been so kancheong la. She was in her late 40s, early 50s? I would have asked Kae to let her sit one. =p

i just worry its due to lack of oxygen.. cos i read that sleeping on the left is the best position for baby to get oxygen but i just cant stop myself from sleeping on my right.. and sometimes i wake up finding myself lying on my front. i went to read babycenter.com and they say two scenarios where we should be worried:

1. when u make loud noises and baby dont respond

2. big decrease in baby movement, or gradual decrease over the days

im experiencing both.. have been trying to startle my baby with sound since yesterday and she is not responding.

joodz - I also have this experience over the past week... I read in my pregnancy guidebook that it is normal at this stage cos baby is still small so sometimes it could be that they are facing inwards so we don't feel their movements at the surface of our tummy... it's only in the later stages where we may have to keep track of their movements, like XX times of movement per hour, but even then some doctors think this is not reliable too..

Oh and my book says u could drink some sweet stuff at night, then lie down for a few hrs.. that could stimulate some activity... In any case, try to relax (know it's difficult!!) but if really worried, then pop by your gynae?

Ah Ching-

Nice pic! Hahaha there will be room to expand of coz. =D I promise u. I am at 18 weeks and about as large or maybe larger. =p It can get even larger haha. I had a high tummy with Kae and used my tummy as a book rest. Grins!

Princess and joodz-

Same with me. Two days back, Baby was super active, then yesterday felt a little bit niah. Today, baby has been a little more quiet... but then again I have been napping non-stop. Lol.

I have probs sleeping at night these days coz of my neighbour.

Over the last 2 years, the neighbour upstairs has been dragging furniture and dropping stuff and thumping the floor from 10pm up to around 4am sometimes. Most frustrating. It has become more frequent and noisy in the last 2 weeks or so. I got fed up and at 1.45 am went upstairs to ring door bell and knock on their door. I wanted to implore them to please be considerate. No one opened but the noise stopped after that. This is not the first time I have tried going upstairs to speak nicely to them. They just refuse to open their doors. Can't do nuts about it.

According to my mum, the neighbours upstairs house someone mentally not too well in the master bedroom. Hence all the noise and secrecy. I am understanding- if they cannot restrain the person from moving stuff and all, but at least either pad the floor or apply furniture pads to the bottom of the furniture so they won't screech across the floor at night.

I try to play soft music and sleep but I can't sleep well, then have to wake at 630 to prepare Kae for school, eat breakfast & vitamins, before trying to sleep again... around then, another neighbour then started pounding belachan. Haiz.

kinderbueno: oh.. im glad im not the only one. i started panicking because i have been feeling baby's movement since week 16(must have been lucky. she must be facing the right direction) so when there is suddenly no movement i start worrying.

thanks for your advices..

@princess31 - i experience it in few weeks ago and really scared the wits out of me. I do have pile before in my late teens. But now preggie, and so scared it will harm my bb, so i immediately emailed my gyna and she replied it cause no harm to bb and have to take more fibre food and try to have soft stools. So far, i still clueless on food which will soften stools just faithfully eat more veg and high fibre food. If i dun eat many veg and fruit, i will have no output and even eat alot veg and fruit will only hv very little output...did u have such problem?


Yup we cannot feel baby if baby kicking towards our back. =) A good guide in a couple of weeks time apparently is 10 kicks a day, some say to count 20 though, but a doc told me 10 is a good indicator.


Baby is still very small lah. Dun kancheong. I admit the other day I was kancheong and I went to KKH's 24H clinic on Sunday to check on baby. It cost me $34+

After waiting 1.5 hrs, it was my turn and they used the doppler to try to get baby's heartbeat. I was hoping they'd use the U/sound but hahaha. So the doc on duty was quite young, around our age, maybe not that zai yet. She couldn't find the heart beat, but said she could hear baby moving a lot and asked me if I could feel it. I said no. Then she checked my cervix and it was ok (damn uncomfy coz she inserted that plastic thing to open the vagina up for when u do pap smear). Then she called a senior nurse over and that senior nurse in less than a minute found baby's heartbeat. She told me baby's heart is very strong. 159 beats. The doc came over and she told her the numbers but perhaps the doc paiseh, asked the nurse to let her hear the actual heartbeat, she doesn't care for the figure. =p So the nurse did it again for her.

So yea, they all said baby was very active in me the whole time but I felt nothing... no flutter... zilch.

So mai kancheong. If you are, then go get them to do the doppler or scan to reassure u k? =))

Mrs Ong

Piles won't hurt baby. Just ur backside. Lol.

Drink more fluid also. If you take high fibre but don't drink more water, can also get "stuck".

The piles are apparently caused by our intake of iron supplements that are neccesary for the baby.

AHHHHH!! she just kicked! phewww.. its like she can hear my thoughts.. the kicks are on my right side now. just gave a consecutive 3 kicks like telling me "mama i am alright, dont worry". i am so touched i want to cry now. boohoo.

Geri: We must have the same neighbours, lol!!!

Ever since I moved in here 2+ yrs ago, the neighbours upstairs have driven me totally up the wall. It's taken all my hub's and my self-discipline not to go upstairs and tell them off.

This family is large; I have no idea how many kids they have but I have seen at least 5 different ones, ranging in age from toddler to pri sch. I suspect they don't all belong to the couple..some could be friends' kids, or are they acting as a makeshift childcare centre??! Coupled with an elderly lady as well and that makes for a really cramped and NOISY household.

Daily noises include (and everything tends to start in the evening till past midnight): furniture dragging, kids screaming, feet pounding ... when the kids scream (I think they are playing catching from one room to another), I can actually hear the sounds via the balcony if I'm still in the living room, instead of merely through the ceiling! It's that loud! And it goes on constantly till past midnight, though perhaps not as late as till 4 am ... but aren't u supposed to calm your kids down and tuck them into bed as resttime approaches??? These kids seem to do the opposite - move furniture, play catching, burst into main bedroom (which is directly above my main bedroom where I'm trying to wind down), scream! Sometimes if I listen carefully, I can even hear words amidst their screams .... my gosh, neighbours from hell!!!

And if that's not enough, they maintain a jungle on their balcony ...if u go downstairs and look up at our block's balconies, their's is the only one chock-full of straggly, huge plants, so much so that you cannot look into their living room at all (we all live on quite low levels). What this translates to is a perpetual shower of dead leaves and flowers on my balcony, as well as a daily watering of my balcony!! Really, really annoying. Sigh.


Have u all booked for the pre-natal classes ??

The classes conducted by Ms Wong Boi Boi are so popular ..

Only managed to book the one that starts in late Nov ..

So better book early if u want to attend her classes ..

Mrs. Ong: Is Piles some sort of external growth that we can check form the outside or is it internal? I've never had it before. I generally don't have problem with going to the toilet and my fibre intake is about average, I reckon.

I usually go everyday, in the mornings. Occasionally, I skip a day of visiting the toilet, but follow up with more output during the 2nd day. A "bad" one for me would be not visiting the toilet for more than 48 hrs.

I just went yesterday morning (normal poo) although today's one was quite a big one. Perhaps I tore something on the way out? Sigh. So embarrassing to be talking abt poop ...but not when there's blood involved [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hehehehe. Sayangs. Baby know u kancheong lah. (offers u kleenx tissue) Hahaha.

Mine reacts to the sound of keyboard typing when I am on my mac book. Lol. Felt faint flutters just now but on the right side too and somewhere different from the usual location.


Hahahaha. Wah their family's HUGE! Maybe they are babysitting other people's kids for them (nanny) or they are an extended family living together or caring for their relative's kids.

Call the town council to resolve the issue? I am trying to contact mine about my neighbour too, but am generally sympathetic if their's is coz someone up there isn't well. However, my Dad feels that they have a responsibility to restrain the person better or send the person to a proper facility to care for him/her.

OH MAN about the balcony. That sucks! I hate it when it's like that. When I was staying at my parent's place, these kids threw PEBBLES and a metal biscuit tin and toys down from their balcony. They were being babysat by their Ah Ma and maid who could not control them. It was horrible. I went upstairs to have a talk with their parents, and told them the next time I would call condo management. Kae was playing football in my parent's patio and just came in when that biscuit tin landed outside where he stood. Had it hit him, it would have been horrible!

Sometimes neighbours forget to be considerate but if they were in our shoes, they'd understand how annoying they are. =p


No. I didn't. On one hand, itz coz I have practical experience already haha. On the other hand, hubby (who will benefit the most from such classes) is not around to attend. He is overseas a lot. I am thinking of signing up for online classes so he can watch them online as and when he is free with me. Lol.

BTW does anyone knows evian's bank acc number? I am supposed to transfer cash to her for the band but no word from her yet. =)

@Kinder: Huh, why your gynae don’t let you do last week? Kk, we countdown together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

@Ching: Cool!! You look so fair.. Must go sun tanning abit..Haha… I think mine also about the same size.. If got time, I go back take picture tonight and upload tomorrow.. I think all mummies can do the same so we can compare whether ours is too big or too small.. Haha.. Fun!!

@Joodz: I think your bb must be tired.. Haha.. I only feel bubbly feelings (not confirmed to be bb moving) till now.. So can’t advise you.. Ur bb can really hear you, kicked you to tell you she’s fine.. Haha.. So cute!!

@Geri: I’m feeling better so long as I don’t think about it.. Thinking of it makes my blood boils again.. Haiz..

Noises from neighbours:

I’ve experienced disturbance from neighbours when we shifted into our flat 3 years back.. This particular unit upstairs always have people playing drums early in the morning on weekends!! I endured for a few weeks and couldn’t tahan.. So I ended up calling up the police on a Saturday morning to lodge a complain.. Ever since then, they no longer play the music – not sure if the band got dismissed or stopped bcoz of my complain.. Wahaha.. But now I still have people dragging furnitures or dropping things on the floor everytime.. Don’t understand why they like to shift furnitures at night???? Or why can't they hold things tight in their hands???Haiz...

Ok, that’s all for today.. Packing up and going home.. Bye mummies!!


Check one or 2 pages back. Shd b able to find... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow. Lot of posting today. ;)

feeling very tired today. I've a fright of my life yesterday. My girl fell n hurt her private part n it bleed. Luckily my h is at home yesterday nite. Rush her to Kk hospital.

Waited for abt 2 hrs for her to consult the doc. Luckily no tear or internal bled.

Bb kicking

same, my Bb did not kick me for abt 2 days. So I started talking to her, telling her mummy is worry, n tat can she 'communicate' with me. She so gd girl, starting lots of comms ;)




Yea I know what u mean. Last week I think that neighbour dropped a drawer on the floor. It sounded like a boulder falling on my ceiling and then debris scattering (prob the stuff in the drawer falling out). I had a shock. I was sleeping when it happened. =p


Praise God that she is ok! U must have had such a scare! Hugs!!

Baby's kicking-

Hahaha when i type my baby will kick a bit. Just got a nice flurry of activity after a whole afternoon of no fluttering. Itz comforting, esp when hubby is not around. It's like baby is going "U are not alone, Mummy."

sudden cramps from backside shooting down the legs.

Anyone has ideas on how to relieve this ??

Believe it's baby sitting on a bunch of nerves.

Geri: Got your email. Havent check on payment. Tried to reply to your email but failed. Anyway, its $19.95.. Can you top up $5 more? Will arrange to email seller and tt payment for you tomorrow. Will update you when done.

By the way, yours is the last Swirl L.

Mrs Ong: Yes. Still got Swirl M. Pls tt payment of $19.95 and address to me so that I can help you place order.

Idaar: Sorry, last L size taken. No more designs with L size liaoz. Let me know if you dont mind M okie.

Su: Seller informed that our items are sent liaoz. Let me know if you didnt receive it ya.

Quick Update: Went for detailed scan today everything turn out well. Smooth. Get to see baby's 4D scan at Dr Ang's clinic too. Sad part was.. I actually gained almost 5kg in 1 month!!!! The initial months was only like 3kg lorz for the first 4 months... Now 5kg at 1 go!!! No wonder my stomach looks lke 8 months when I am 5.. Sighz.. I hope it doesnt keep up at this pace manz.. If not, it will be hard to clear after giving birth... =(

morning! yesterday night can't sleep well.. baby was playing kick boxing inside.. yay! Tml can see baby le.. hope everything is well..

Morning mummies

Feeling so tired everyday.. Like no matter how much I sleep also not enough.. Back to the 1st trim tiredness again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Baywater: Thank god she’s fine.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@MamiB: I’m experiencing cramps on my buttocks all the time.. Not so much on the legs.. So I’ll just slap my buttock and massage when it happens.. Good thing mine goes away very fast..

Our first baby: Nope didnt need to pay extra cos my gynae had the machine in his office. But he can only take 4D scans in the morning and he say depends on baby's position too. If can take, he will take, if not, bo bian also..

morning eviangal..any other lobangs for those abodminal binds after birth?

look forward to u jeo-ing us to buy things! i am a shopaholic too


geri...ur that maternity link realli price very steep leh!!

Choc: Hahaa.. The initial one that I reco u guys was call undershirt. Its not an abdominal bind. Its actually a blouse to lengthen our clothes so that we can stick to our current clothes which are growing shorter as our tummy gets bigger. And also to provide a layer effect. Or to help us breastfeed without exposing our backs during breastfeeding.

For other stuff, I will definitely check with you guys as we approaches our EDD.. keke.. Guess too early to get you guys in baby preparation mood now.. If got good lobang will def reco.. Unity = strength ma.. With more orders, we can bargain for more great deals!!

eviangal...yeah yeah..that undershirt i see before...but not so useful for me as i normally dun nurse in public... will find a room if not toilet to feed..hahaa...

my hubby very bad one lar..ask me to start wearing maternity clothing..dont wear normal clothing liao..coz i look out of shape in normal clothings >_<!!

my lobangs mostly in those oversea sprees.. hehee

Hi mummies,

I'm letting go of 2 brand new standard neck bottles 250ml @ $6 each.

1 tin of 400g Similac Stage 2 milk powder, selling at $12 each.

Letting go of Medela PIS Advance (Backpack) @ $460

Good condition. Used only a few times.

Warranty included till June 2011

Interested parties, kindly Email me: [email protected]


hi morning..

just a quick qtns to experienced mummies, is it normal to be getting braxton hicks contractions at our stage of pregnancy.

I've been getting a hardening of the belly feeling, the whole belly type.

is it a contraction?

and my belly button has finally 'popped' yesterday. Now it is inside out!

Ha ha, I can finally clean away all the dirt properly.. ;p


Morning mummies!!

Feeling so sleepy...couldn't sleep last nite...kept tossing n turning...think miss my hub's smell! lol

1st time he's working night shift since we got married [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Thanks! Will keep a lookout for it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will hv to check w dr ang for the 4d scan when I c him again!!

