(2011/02) Feb 2011

Geri: your relationship with your mom is somewhat how it is between mine and me. she comes to my house to do housework every weekend, then leaves. she wont say that she misses me and want to come and see me, so i guess that is her way of seeing how i am. she seldom invite me over to her place. recently she called me at 10pm and ask if i wash my clothes already, if not she is coming over to wash my clothes. i find it a little absurd but funny at the same time, and i took the initiative to go over the next day.

felpoo: oh dear, i dont know how i will react if my daughter see me stark naked doing those things. damn paiseh! but never underestimate their memory power.. haha. i never looked at my parents the same way again. i also went through the commiting suicide part and almost lost my life. painful process, and darn stupid act at that time. i believe i will tell my children my dark past, but use them as a lesson instead cos i never want them to walk in my shoes.

re: scan report

i did ask the sonographer if i will be getting my report that same day, and she said i will get it from my gynae. i then told her my appt is a month away, and she still said i will be getting it from my gynae. she told me everything seems okay with the baby though. seems like most people get their report back very soon, so i am starting to wonder if there is anything wrong with baby. but if there is i think the gynae will call me right?

Charmaine, yeah, those were the days. And mind you, even if it's only 1 week and looking at the way how they terrorize ppl and smoke and do those bad things, made me want to go out fast. And luckily, it was only a week. The "punishment" I got was 10 tight slaps and a big punch on the stomach. I went home hours later after the incident becos really can see the finger imprints on my face. My mum kept asking me what happened. Also dun dare to say. But I think she knew and that was the last time I made her worry about me.

I told my hubby this time round, I m opting out for the epidural and he told me not to be foolish. Actually, as mentioned, I don't even need him to be with me. But thinking this will be the last time and it's one of a lifetime, I want him to cut the cord. I think he freaked out. Actually, my main purpose is to let him know that giving birth is not an easy task .. hehe..

Eviangal, when I saw the instructions, everything seemed so confusing to me. And if let's say, I do my laundry a week, how many liners and cloth diapers do I need to buy to stand by? N so if the baby poo poo, I can't reuse the liner, right? Only if baby urines, I can do so? It works like those traditional diaper right?

val, must also rmb to tell hubby dun let his curiosity gets the better of him. My hubby was all along by my side, holding my hands to push but he say tat timing when bb's head was about to come out, the whole atmosphere was so kan cheong and he wanted to know bb's head out oredi or not so he turned his head to see. Aiyah..

@charmaine: Hahahaha! Okay, if I see his head like about to turn I'll turn his head back and ask him don't see. But I think he also not so brave lah. That other day I asked him does he want to cut the baby's umbilical cord he said see how. Hmph.

Re: Entering delivery ward

During my last delivery, the baby came out so fast, both my husband and I were shocked. I even got him to helped me with the video taking process. But his camera was not at the V part la.. After my baby slided out, his focus was on the baby.. Then the cutting of the cord. After that, he was busy videoing and taking pictures of baby having weight, etc taken whilst the gynae stitch me up.

I think it wasnt him who had phobia after that. Having xx... was like giving birth to me.. and when he touched my b... it was like breastfeeding.. Took me some time to get over...

Felpoo: In my case, I bought 9 sets of cloth diapers bcos I had to give some to my mil. On average, I used 1 pc to 2 pcs of outer cover per day unless my bb poo.. The liner is to catch the poo. After bb poo, I will throw away the liner with the poo, rinse off the poo and soak both the diaper and liner in a pail.

If she didnt poo, only urine, I will only change the inserts. As I say, my daughter usually only poo once a day (in the morning) so after she poo, bathe then I let her wear the cloth diaper. When going out or going to sleep, I would change her to disposables.

It works abit like the traditional ones but more lasting. I think traditional ones can barely hold one time of urine. + need to fold and fuss for safety pins. My cloth diapers can last for a few hours.. And usually we only need to change the inserts. We only change the outer when baby poos lei..

I bought 9 pieces partly bcos i wash once a week and need to sep to 2 house. I think if 1 house, once a week, prob about 6 pcs?

my hubby was quite enthu abt cutting the umbilical cord. he was nearer my head when i was pushing so he didn't see the baby crowning i think. but he could see all the blood and tissues pouring down. and the baby falling plop out into the gynae's hands.


wow u joined in sec sch days? not pri sch right? although these days pri sch also quite common to have gangs...

eviangal: so there are 3 parts to the cloth diaper - first, the outer cloth diaper, then the liner for poo, then a liner/insert for pee? Which ones are disposable and which ones are washable/reuseable?

val, he can position his cam with his left hand and ask the nurse to pass him the scissors so he can cut and film at the same time. I had 2 nurses with me when i delivered [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my friend posted a photo of him cutting the cord. he use one hand hold camera, like those 'zi pai'(self take) angles, and another hand hold scissors.

but i heard the cord will be pulsating?? painful to the mother or not?

Princess31: The nappy liner is the disposable ones. 1 box of 100 pieces about $6 i think. Can get it from kiddy palace, etc. Or can during baby fairs see got offer or not. Actually if baby's poo control liaoz, no need put liner also can.

I seldom put liner liaoz unless i think my daughter might poo.

@Judy: From what I learnt before there is a certain distance to keep away from the belly button before cutting. You can't cut it too near the belly button. And the baby won't feel a thing.

Any mummies keen in getting the Blush undershirt? Its at 50% discount off the retail price now. The BP seller initial condition was to offer us at this price if we buy any Sophie products. But she had now agreed to offer it to us at 50% discount if we get 4 pieces.

I have 3 pieces liaoz. 1 more to go.

I used this during my 1st pregnancy, during breastfeeding and even after breastfeeding. It helps to lengthen your blouse like an extra layer. YOu wear it from the bra line. Its good. Very thin and cooling that you dont feel like you are wearing an additional layer. And can help to cover your bump when your blouse gets too short.

Here's the item link. Refer to picture 22 for the available sizes and designs.


Here's the original BP thread:


Plain at $14.95 after discount and Lace and Pattern at $19.95 after discount. Prices are postage inclusive and below cost.

When I first bought my 1st Blush it was at 30% discount with us buying more than 20 pieces (combined). 50% is a steal.

1. eviangal - Swirl (S)

2. eviangal - Swirl (S)

3. eviangal - Pink (S)



Could I trouble u to get a Swirl (M).

Pls let me know the a/c to transfer to.

Tks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Su. No trouble at all! Yeah, we hit our quota.

Can you arrange to tt me your payment to DBS Savings Plus 0331 067739 and pm me your address? I will make payment to the seller and advise her to send us our items from there. Will copy you in the email.

Yeah!! Anymore mummies who wanna join, pls pm me. Thanks. I try to add on your orders whenever possible.

Charmaine and Val, my hubby is afraid to look at blood. Maybe next visit, I will ask my gynae is it possible for the mum to cut the cord herself? And I will get the nurse to help me to take the picture.

But before I go into the delivery room, I will consider putting some makeup .. hehe

@felpoo: Hahahha! You very cute leh. But I think after all the pushing the make up will melt and the whole head will be covered with sweat lor. But I always thought of putting make up when I want to take photos with my baby. Hahahha! But I don't think I'll have the time & energy lah. Cos after that still have to remove make up. Maybe I'll buy a nicer glasses to wear. Lol~

i think women look the most attractive after birth. the 'shaggier' u look, the more heartwarming i feel. haha..

Val, my makeup only consists of blusher and an eyeliner. I dun know how to use foundation. Maybe during delivery, I might use waterproof mascara instead of liner. Later the liner smudged then look like a panda.

In years to come, my boy will ask me, "Mummy, why your eyes so black then when you deliver me?" My girl just told me the other day when she saw my wedding photo which my hubby put up recently. She asked me, "Mummy, last time you looked so small and young, and now you look so big and old.." *sob sob*

@joodzjoodz: Hahaha! I cannot take it leh. I don't want to become an auntie after giving birth. I must still look good.

@felpoo: Hahahha! Kids talk. Then you never pretend to be sad when she made that remark.

jood, I absolutely do not agree with you. I saw my gfs who took photos immediately after birth and/ or during the hospital stay, they looked terrible. Very pale and loss of blood. Last time, I looked like tht and I banned all my photos to the cold palace. Partly, we always see them with makeup, thus the different look. Trust me. it's terrible. Anyway, my gfs also do agree with me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ultimately, the conclusion is that do as much facial as you can before delivery so that you will look radiant.

val, they will clean the baby after cutting the cord. Nurse will clean the baby and use this round thing to suck out the excess fluid from bb's nose. My hubby took video of the cleaning process previously. My boy din't cry when he's out. We record his 1st cry and that's when the lady was doing the sucking from his nose hehehe..

felpoo, hahaha u so funny leh.. but i never take out my contact lens coz i noe hubby will take pics haha. I only took out when i was pushed back to the ward and then KO.

Val, I did and I pretended to cry. Nowadays kid are smart. She told me that's the fact and she cannot lie to me and that's what both me and my hubby have taught her. And then, when I ignored her, she went to complain to my husband, saying that I want her to lie about me looking young and not old.

But I think it's feasible right? To cut the cord ourselves? Btw, have you found out why your hubby was upset with you back then?

Charmaine, at least your hubby is in there to record everything. If my hubby is not going in, I might enlist my gf's help then to go inside with me.

Felpoo: Your daughter is so cute.. The way she talks is so smart... How old is she now? so innocent in her answer yet so smart...

Lol! Sorry reading all the funny posts about the traumatic hubbies hehe and the post birth sex. =)


Their generation is like that one lah. =) Say "sorry" or "i love you" macam can die like that. Grins. Just remember the source of their actions stem from love, no matter how imperfect the "display" is. =)


I did teach baby photography part time at the Sony workshop for 2 years (@ Wisma). I was also a graphic designer (hobby that became a career, that went back to being a hobby haha) although I am now more focused on just writing 'coz I find it less stressful and it is my main passion.


Hehehe. I looked like crap after childbirth lor. I wasn't allowed to shower when I was in hospital (my mum's "law") and I had very short hair, so it kinda all stood up on end like "Dragonball Z". Haiz. Interestingly, my hubby and some mutual friends came to see me when I looked like crap in the hospital. My hubby was from the same Film course so he visited with a group of friends. I didn't really know him at all then. It was also the first time I matched his face to his name. I heard a lot about him (people top student leh), but wasn't sure who our friends were talking about. We had been briefly intro-ed before in school but I have no recollections! He still ribs me about that. Lol. So hmmm I got to be acquainted with my now hubby a few hours after I got acquainted with my son- an interesting coincidence, ya? SO... at least my hubby knows what to expect me to look like after childbirth hahahaha. Altho' I hope to look less Ah Sor this time and a little prettier haha. XD And yea I might put on make up for the camera- just light one will do lor- 2 way powder, blusher and a bit of lip gloss. =) Hiao mah.

@felpoo: I've decided to wear a nice glasses. Haha!

@charmaine: Huh. Only AFTER cutting? Then my hubby will see our baby full of blood when cutting lor. Lol~

Haha.. I won't wear contact lens when I'm delivering. Cos if I wear contact lens I have to put on make up. If not my dark eye rings will be damn obvious. Like kenna punch. =( Unless I was outside when my contraction sets in. Hehehe..

@felpoo: Hahaha! Yes I agree, kids nowadays very smart. And cheeky. My sis told me recently her hubby's nephew keep imitate the Guiness advertisement. Like pretending to hold a glass or sometimes hold his water bottle and said "To Martian~". LOL~ Then keep telling his grandma to go Bioskin to lose weight, keep saying she's very fat. LOL~!!!

But I don't dare to cut leh. Imagine the feel, like cutting intestines. I scared leh. Heee... Oh never leh, and I don't dare to ask. =p But anyway I've signed the $100 policy liao. Cos during the first met up, I brought back both $100 and $200 policies hoping to let him see. Then during the 2nd meet up with my agent she let me signed on her laptop straight away. So that day my hubby saw the 2 policies on the table he asked me why sign already don't keep. Then I said that one is not signed, I signed on her lappy. Then he asked that night I told him she was preparing my policy when he called, he asked me how she prepare. I said she used form to write. I think that night he doesn't believe me bah. I also don't know..

Feipoo - LOL! Cute lah. They are very precocious these days. I asked my son if mummy looks fat. His reply was sweet and funny all at once- "No lah. You're not fat. Gong gong is fat." XD

I used to come back from work exhausted and frustrated when he was a toddler, and at the door, he'd hug me and tell me, "Mummy so beautiful." That was enough to rid me of that "grey cloud" hovering above my head.


Your nephew is so funny! XD

Let him know that the company will send the policy over via mail soon, and if possible, ask the agent if she could send a pdf file of what you signed so you can show him first? =)

Just saw this and went (O.O)""

www. youtube. com/watch?v=h5bm9-B6Ec4&feature=related

Is it possible???? XD

@Geri: Oh, not my nephew. Is my sis's hubby's nephew. But also very noctorious lah. Both the nephew and niece. Cos single parent & their mother don't care about them. But anyway, I still find it very funny. LOL~

Ya the details of the policies are the one that he asked me to keep. I did show him before but he didn't want to read everything. But anyway, now that he knows I've signed it and he didn't say anything so I guess it's all fine. Anyway I'm paying leh. LOL~!

Geri, yeah, I agree with you! Before my girl, I always wondered why my colleagues are always so anxious to get back home to their children. Now I understand why. When my office hours end, the image of my girl fleeting in my mind makes me feel like rushing home and spend time with her. However, after spending time with her and a few hours later, she will tend to get on my nerves with her mischief.

I like the description on your hair. You dun mind me asking you a personal question. I read briefly on your life story and am curious about Kae. Didn't your ex husband come looking for you? Does Kae ask for his biological dad?

Val, ur brother in-law's nephew very cheeky. Eh, are you wearing glasses during delivery or when you need to take photos? If dark rings very obvious, just don a concealer. And really if cannot, buy those make up wipes to hospital. I guess that is the only last resort.

Eviangal, my girl is coming 5 now. I saw in your post that you do have an elder child too right?

Charmaine, can I ask you if we cut the cord, will the blood splash out or in trickles?

@felpoo: Ehhh.. I also don't know leh. If I'm rushing from home should be wear glasses during deliver lor. But can be very irritating lah. When the sweat drips down then my glasses will also slide down. Lol~ But if lots of sweat my concealer will disappear. So I also don't know how. Just in case right after deliver I take photo with my baby in the delivery ward mah. Haha! So no time to make up.

Felpoo: My gal is only 17 months now. Really look forward to the day where she can talk so cheekily like your daughter and Geri's son.. My daughter still in baby talk stage.. Can only manage a word or 2..

For the cord part, I dont think got blood when the cord was cut lei.. Ya.. I wasnt looking at the scene. But I think when I look back at the video, dont see blood lei..

Val, that's what i thot so too. Glasses will slide down leh.. Sigh .. the miseries for being a woman.

Alright, I talk to you tmr.. Now have to move my ass and pick my girl up for her kumon lesson.

Bye bye, mummies

Val: I also want my hubby to cut my bb cord but he scare of blood n say he dont dare to do it. haha i say i will do it.. He say by the time after delivery i sure no strength how to cut it? He say let doc cut it.. If i wan cut it after my confinement he will go market buy those pig intestine let me cut until i happy =_=""...

I also say wanna wear a light make up but my hubby no allow.. he say i cant touch water after delivery how to clean away the make up..

Geri ur boy very cute. Hope my little girl will be the same as ur boy. I also have a very sad past. Last time i used to be very stubborn n nv listen to my parent. Until my parent nearly disown me n throw me out of the house. Becoz i always feel my parent dont love me at all. Everytime only know how to scold me. Whatever i do is all wrong. Haiz so sad. But now i n my parent the relationship getting better maybe becoz i learn now to control my hot-temper n learn from my mistake. =)

Hi mommies anyone E.d.d is on next yrs chinese new year? Mine is on the 19th feb. Heard most of the people say 1st bb will delivery 2weeks earlier. So maybe i will delivery on the 2nd day of chinese new yrs.. I hope my gynea wont give me a black face if i really delivery on the cny. =P

Evian... See.. She start liao w her products... Hahaha.. Weiiii.. I bought one w eunice plain more ex n yes was helpful... I mite want one.. Fortunately i nvr get more tat time...i go hm dig mine to see wats the size.. As usual ah.. Wl collect frm ur sembawang home.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kinder bueno.. Yup jamu like tat also like chinese herbs.. Good for body

Trinket.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ofb... No choice.. Glass bottles given by fellow mummies frm old thread aso take coz keep bm

Kinder bueno.. Yup jamu like tat also like chinese herbs.. Good for body

Trinket.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ofb... No choice.. Glass bottles given by fellow mummies frm old thread aso take coz keep bm


I was never married to my ex. Lol. We broke up. He did sompa to be my kid's dad on the BC so when Ian & I got married, we wrote a letter to ask him to relinquish his parental rights to Ian. He did so but it took him a long while to do so.

After we broke up, I did allow visitations to his place on Saturdays- for the whole day, unsupervised. Most single mums balk at doing such a thing. But I stopped them eventually.

What happened was this- He wanted to pick Kae up at 8am on Saturdays which was ridiculous as it meant we would have to wake him up early at 6.30 to feed, bath, change him and prepare him in general for the visit. I asked him if he could pick Kae up at around 9.30 instead so that boy could sleep in a bit, and he called me draconic?! I suspected he was getting his parents to fetch him to my place before work, which was why he asked to pick Kae up so early. And I was right! He cited transportation problem as a reason. He could have taken the bus or train if he really cared for the well-being of the child. Kae hates taking cars too (motion sickness) and loves taking the bus (no motion sickness for some reason) and train. After that, I stopped all visits and focused on having Kae bond with Ian and his family because this is the man who will play the crucial role of a father in his life. It proved to be the right decision as Kae & Ian are very close to each other now & he gets along very well with my ILs.

Kae is very aware of the relationship I had with his biological Dad as well as what I went through. I didn't have to tell him anything, the kid was just very observant and discerning. I do not put my ex down in front of my son though, as I believe that the probs I had with him were btw him and I. But my son told me he felt that his biological Dad never understood him- he didn't understand what he liked, what he didn't. And during the visits there, his Dad was more busy playing computer games than spending time with him.

Kae last met his biological Dad last year, after the parental rights were relinquished. He was not too keen at first and I asked why- "Because I am still angry that he didn't let me play with his transformers. Daddy (he means Ian) let me play with his and even gave them to me. I only need one Daddy." But I corrected him and told him he is blessed to have his Daddy, his biological Dad and his father in heaven (no offense to ppl of other faiths, just our belief that God is our father in heaven). I felt that no matter how it is btw my ex and I, I should never encourage my son to feel bitter as this will have a psychological and emotional impact later in life.

The good thing, like I said earlier, is that he is very close to Ian and has grown up to be very well-balanced and sensible although we started off in a topsy turvy manner. =) My little niece only just realised recently we were unconventional. "Ah Kim Geri," she asked, "Were you married before? How come you had Kaelen first before you got married?" Lol. I left my SIL to answer her, becoz I believe her parents will want to explain to her the way they think is appropriate. I just said, "Ah Kim Geri will tell you next time, ok?" ^.^"


They have to squeeze the blood out wan and Cordlife uses machines to do it to get an optical amt. I heard Stem Cord uses hand and does it manually & doesn't really extract as much as a result. =p


Tks. Will do the transfer later tonite. M outside w sucky Internet connection n can't seem to get onto the DBS ib site.


Don't worry. Both mummy n baby won't feel any pain when the cord is cut. From wat my hubby said, the cord has a very rubbery texture and it takes quite a bit of effort to cut!

I remembered both the nurses n Dr Ang was shouting to my hub "take the clock!! Take the clock!" asking him to shoot the time of birth once baby popped out! Hub also stunned n took a while to realize then after tt Dr Ang handed him a pair of bloody scissors to cut the cord n next moment, baby was plopped onto my chest!! Everything happened so fast!

Actually I did not perspire during labour at all. Was actually shivering quite badly from the effects of epidural.


I am sure he or she won't be upset lah. =) Have to be professional mah. Kae was not early actually, but late. Lol.

I am sure that your child will be loveable and cute in her own precious way. =D Every child is special in his or her own way. ^.-

My colleague finally downloaded with 1 wxtra day frm edd. Her 1st bb girl weighing 3.65 kg.. Nt bad for a 1st bb... But cnnt challenge my last one.. 4.14kg.. Haiz... Now dear bb... If i can deliver u as easilly as ur elder bro.. I dun mind u to be 4kg plus too ok... But now ur bro is also smaller than those born 3kg plus.. Sumo at birth only... Heee

Idaar -

I didn't take Jamu but I enjoyed my post natal massage from the Malay aunty who came by. =) Are there any good and experienced ones you know to recommend to us?



As long as the child is healthy... that's most important. It is not a bad thing for the kid not to be huge. =) My son isn't either hahaha. Clothes last longer, and he isn't obese. Kae is a little underweight though. Super high metabolic rat lah. XD

