(2011/02) Feb 2011

gregda: oh yes! i am trying not to think of yusheng.. cos i dont think can eat during confinement.. my other weakness is salmon sashimi. if i can make it through confinement without sneaking a few pieces, i would have gone about one year without sashimi. i can do it


Joodz, u so sweet to ur hubby. haha i nv write any love letter to my hubby before.

For the cny goodies, u can eat pineapply tart but not a lot. i ever ask my gyne whether can eat pineapple he say yes but not a lot becoz pineapply have a lot of acid will cause gastic pain. Hmm i think u eat 2 or 3 tart shld be ok.

I also tot of buyin a mini fridge to store the breastmilk. It more hygiene n also can store longer if the fridge dont contain other food..

@wish child: Hahaha! I never really discuss with my hubby about house visiting. But usually the 1st day all his relatives will come to our house and at night his friends will come over for steamboat. So I always "rehearse" me in contractions and going to give birth while eating steamboat. Wahahaha~ I think I'm going to start eating yu sheng the moment they have it. I don't really mind about the raw fish but I like the rest of the veg especially pomelo. Hehehe...

@joodz: Me me! I'm going to breastfeed and am staying with my PIL. Haha! Never thought of buying a mini fridge leh. Maybe my mil by then will empty a level for me to store bah. Though a level is too big for me lah. I might not have so much milk. =p

wish child and pinkyval: my PIL house mainly guys.. i think they will be uncomfortable seeing bottles of breastmilk stored in their fridge. plus their fridge is always bursting with goodies one. i intend to go on full bf if i can help it so thought of buying mini fridge. thought of it after reading idaarshad's 70 milk bottles. haha. but i doubt i will need that much.

my other worry is how to express the milk when working. i only have experience with one colleague who gave birth last year. she pump milk at one corner every 2-3 hours and her husband will drive to wherever she is to pick up her b/milk and go home feed baby. but i dont think this will work in my case as my hubby will complain. haha.

Val, It quite difficult for me to let off the raw salmon. Haha i love to eat raw sashimi. I love the sauce n cracker of the yu sheng. But my hubby sure will stop me eat it. Hmpft. sad~

Joodz, u can store the breastmilk in a breastmilk bag n keep it at hm. when ur bb wan to drink milk jus take the milk n warm it. Hmm if at office u can express out the milk n store in a breastmilk bag n keep in ur office fridge. Before u goin home remember to take it. haha i'm jus afraid ppls will thought is packet soya milk n drink it.. =p

wishchild: eww, soya milk! i very paiseh leh, my office only has 2 girls, me included. the rest are males. haha. but thanks for your suggestions. now i have some ideas what to do..

@gregda – ya I know it hard to source esp ard CNY. Initially I have one but she last min turned down my offer. She also offered me @$2500 due to fren’s recommendation. I also pray hard my bb will out after CNY hopefully at my EDD. Cool and thanks. That’s very sweet of you to pass such nice note to your hubby

@wishchild – haha I can’t stop laughing at ur post…Bao Yu is ur fav huh haha. I thot more on bak kwa, pineapple tart and cookies etc.

@pinkval – I like yu sheng too but cannot eat the raw fish. Dun think will go house visiting too but no ang pao for bb liao…greedy mummy wahaha

@joodz – I love raw salmon too but totally avoid now. If I have craving, I will eat the cooked type.

Thanks mummies for giving me suggestion on cheering up my hubby. Will do it tonight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@joodz: Maybe you can store the breast milk in those storage bag and put in a plastic container and write a note outside "男人勿碰". Hehehe...

@wish child: Hahhaa.. I only like those Japanese Salmon sashimi. I find the yu sheng one taste differently leh. Maybe cos they sliced it too thin le.

Ewww.. Lucky it's not a man that nearly open up to drink! I think more disgusting lor. Hahaha!

@pyng: I also want ang pao for my baby. Hahaha! But I think relatives will still give lah. Can take it as wish the mummy smooth delivery. Hee hee hee...

Very busy today to catch up on the posts.

Saw some posts on the following:

Maternity Photoshoot: Here's what I did during my last pregnancy. There was this make up promo whereby you only pay $30 (full redeemable for products) and you get to enjoy a full make up, simple hairstyling and a A4 photo printout. You can even use their costumes to add on the photo effect. Well.. Money well spent.

Not exactly as many pictures or shots as you would from a studio.. But good for a simple momento. Will keep out for such lobang again next time.

Wrote about it in my blog last time. No time to update after that.


CNY: My EDD is brought forward from 7 Feb to 3 Feb.. (right on the 1st day of CNY).. Hopefully baby comes only during the rabbit year.. no mood to think of CNY as a result of that.

Mummies who are like after CNY that's good for you. =)

Chocz: I do sprees too.. Looking at babymallonline later this year.

Mrs Ong: Sure, let me know then.

Eviangal, Ur PS is nice. And it cost for $30.

Mrs Ong, yap i love bao yu more. haha maybe because i will only eat it on CNY. Haha Yu sheng is my second fav. Hmm other cny goodies still with/without it. haha. =P


IF your baby decides to come out n celebrate cny, mayb u could arrange w ur CL to come 1st then let her go back for a few days for CNY?

My friend who gave birth b4 CNY 09 did this arrangement w the CL.


what i did then was I used the Medela cooler bag to store the ebm after each pump. But besides the ice block that came w the bag, I will also bring along another 2 more icepacks (bot from Daiso). When I reach office, I will keep the ice block and ice packs in the office freezer.

After each pump, I will store the ebm into the cooler bag w the ice block and 1 ice pack. After the 2nd pump then I'll add in the 2nd ice pack. That was good enough the keep the ebm cool till i reach home. But the ebm will hv to be consumed the next day. Cannot freeze them again.

because i only pump twice a day in the office, that supply is enough for his next day's feed so not much problem with excess. Those that I pump at home either in the morn or night then I will freeze.

good morning mummies....

went for my detailed scan yest.. a bit dissapointed coz my insticts were wrong.. i m expecting another boy.. but he is all healthy and of a good size and weight... I m just sad coz my hubby(my 2nd one..) didnt get a daughter.. but well sure god had his reasons... i will save money... my boys clothes are all of good condition and still kept nicely...

things have been shitty (of coz not my baby boy) i am just praying when will this all end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw.. Eviangal mummy.. no worries lor... where i small size.. cannot fit M lah sayang... .. btw hor.. u organize one babymall online spree lah for all of us.... i dun mind helping collating but i no credit card..

for first time mummies and mummies who dunno babymallonline.. check this webby out.. babymallonline.com ... their shrits / rompers are cute and great pricing... same stuff at SG .. sold at KK or expos.. sells like 5x more the price!!! i am a firm believer of their stuff till the bottles.... i have joined numerous spress.. bt was just thinking.. that definitely mummies here would be cmbining more than USD200 ...hehehehe

Morning mummies! I've been busy the past few weeks and hence haven't caught up with everyone's well-being. How's everyone?

I have also done my detailed scan. Confirmed girl! Hehe... all's well with my girl, just that I have low-lying placenta. Gynae said it may move up in the 3rd trimester. Since I didn't have any bleeding, I don't have to be confined to bed rest, just have to be careful, and no exercise, no squatting and no intercourse.

By the way, has anyone signed up pre-natal class? Is it necessary? I should be delivering at Mt Alvernia so if I go for pre-natal class, it'll be at Mt A. Anyone has reviews of it?

Cham, I haven't found a CL yet haha!

Faithnhope: Congrats on your baby gal.. Pls take care.

Idaar: Congrats on your baby boy! I thought you had a girl too? How many boys and girls do you have?

For babymall online sprees, will def arrange.. keke.. but isit too early for us to have one now?

Also wanna check if anyone keen in getting beansprout pillows? I wana try to fight for 25% discount - Its for the personalised kind.

Wish_ Child: Thanks. Ya.. and $30 can be used to redeem for make up products. So as good as free.

Morning mummies

I was too tired and lazy last night, so didn't have time to take pic of my stomach to post again.. Haiz.. Will definitely do it during the weekend!

@Gregda: Thanks for the recommendation. Will check on the website later..

@Evian: You look great!! Anymore of this offer?? Haha.. I don’t mind the few shots only since it cost only $30 include free make up + costume somemore.. Haha..

@Idaar: Congrats!! So long as bb is healthy, doesn’t matter boy or gal lah..

@Faithnhope: Congrats to your bb gal!!

wish child, choc - Thks for ur encouragement.. yes, a job is just a job.. not worth it to get mad over some unreasonable people. Anyway, TGIF!!

faithnhope - I just signed up for the pre-natal class at Mt A cos I'm delivering there too. I took the wk-end class and the earliest available one starts in Nov. So if u are interested, maybe call soon to book? We are first-time parents so we thought may be good to see what tips we can pick up.. As for CL, I'm near giving up liao... those that come wif gd recommendations are either booked or not keen to do over CNY (my EDD on 5 Feb). Back-up plan is for mum and MIL to help..

evian.. just organize this now.. no rush.. so slowly when mummies all made payments.. slowly order.. hehehehe

i ahve 2 gerls and 2 boys dear.. but 2 girls was from previous marriage...

btw yest.. sonographer commented my boy was smiling to the screen.. cover his face and had to juggle my stomach so can see his face.. shy to show face.. but his legs were wide open... not shy leh .. hahaha

yup i m ok lah.. but miss liao getting all those cutey girl stuff.... and wanted my hubby to have doter lor.. but god's wish and i save more money lah.. can recycle all stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@kinderbueno - have you tried the confinement agencies? I just booked mine.. hopefully my bb would guai guai come out after 15 days of CNY, else it would be more expensive. Currently my CL quoted me $2.2K...

Pre-natal class - I'm attending Mdm Wong Boh Boi's class mid-Oct. Her class is very popular, I could only get a weekday 7-9pm class. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

congrats to all mummies who found out the gender!

idaarshad: hope everything is well with u.. take care!

faithnhope: i am delivering in mt A too.. but am looking at mdm wong's class cos heard alot of good reviews about her.. but i heard she only teaches at TMC?

pootz: for mdm wong's class are they conducted in TMC? do u knw if she conducts them in Mt A or other places as well? how much did u pay for her class? i will be going alone cos my hubby cannot make it,. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@joodz - yeh, i think she only does it in TMC. I think her class is around $200+, I think I'm paying around $180+ as I have the TMC FBI discount. You can just call the Thomson ParentCraft at 6251 4090 to check out the class timings with them. They have weekends class as well, hubby is complimentary, he cannot make it at anytime at all?

pootz: the thomson parentcraft hotline forever busy leh. been trying to contact them the whole day the woman says she is on another line will call me back. she never did even though i called them several times. -_-

u mentioned only weekday classes left? hubby is working 7 days a week till dec so i dont think he will be able to make it..

congrats to the mummies who found out gender!

time for shopping!

yah pootz is right. the class is around $180+ after discount for FBI memebers at TMC. this is for weekday. weekend is ard $200+, after the 10% discount. I am going for Mid-oct , tue night 7-9pm classes as well. but may call to change it to Mid Nov as I am thinking of going for a holiday in early nov..dun want to miss any class. hahaha.. it will be a 6 week course.

Su: i checked with my CL too but unfortunately she is not available in Jan...she has another assignment till late Jan all the way till eve of CNY.. thanks for the suggestion!!

eviangal: can count me in for the beansprouts pillow? i am interested.. do you know how much it cost after discount?

Precious Babi: Thanks! Actually such makeup promo, I realised Langeie have it quite frequently, like once every 4 months or so. I will keep you guys posted if I come to know of anything like this when we are close to our delivery okie?

Idaar: Hmm.. Okie. But I would like to wait awhole cos sometimes babymall have 25% discount code for luvable friends. Came across before but that was before I was preggie. Will wait till Nov and see how. Will def organise a spree if I receive a good promo code.

Gregda: Sure. I bought from this store at around $14.30 with postage inclusive - after 15% discount. Combined orders with other mummies that time. Will be trying for 20% now.

Will be checking with the seller on the min order quantity. Anymore mummies keen? I will be getting 2. Need to get 1 more for my daughter again..


@gregda - You're enrolled in the same class as me! hehe!! I didn't know the weekday and weekend rates are different. Keke, unknowingly saved $$ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@joodz - They still had a sunday 7-9pm class for Mdm Wong, as of last sat.. yeh, their hotline super hot! I almost gave up till, someone suddenly picked up on saturday around 11am. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joodz / Pootz:

I din register for Wong Boi Boi classes in mid oct coz they are evening classes on weekday slots ..

So I ended up with the dec schedule which we prefer to attend on weekends ..

Her classes are held at AMK hub, not at TMC ..

Try calling TMC main line to transfer to Parentcraft which I got thru easily ..

FBI member will enjoy disc .. i think 10% ..

Hope it helps ..


One more day to the detailed scan ..

Both me and my hubby cant wait to see the bb again ..

Btw, is anyone going for the CordBlood seminar tomorrow ?

hi Pootz!

oh u took Tue 7-9pm too? start mid Oct right? ok if my travel dates dun clash , i prolly will see you in the class! looking forward to the lessons..


good luck on ur detailed scan tmr!

eviangal: thanks, keep me informed.

thanks also to Idaar on the babymall online recommendation. will go and check it out!

have a good lunch mummies!

hihi mummies, i've disappeared for a while cuz i had the worst morning sickness. i wish all mummies are doing well!

hi choc, can add me into the list?

Name: Jeanie

EDD: 21/2/2011

Gynae: Dr CW Fong, Gleneagles


Baby #2


I saw the gender at 15w5d. going for detail scan in two weeks time. i've already felt movement and kicks. lost 6kg due to MS but managed to gain back 3kg already..

have a nice day mummies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Geri,Precious Babi and Mrs Ong. Yap,luckily by girl is fine.. if not I'll be in a loss in wat to do.

faithnhope,idaarshad and mummies who know the bb's gender congra ">

Val, joodz no need to be embaress over putting the breastmilk in the office fridge. I did that over a yr in my previous job and the male: female ratio 10:1 haha.

They will respect your decision to BF ur bb as not a lot of mummies can and is willing to do it.

If u r really uncomfortable with it, after expression, just put the bottle in the cooler bag and put them into the fridge together.

Excess BF

I'm label as NZ cow during that period as I've too much BF for my first one. Hence, I'll store the excess in the breastmilk bag and put in the freeze. Remember to label each bag the date and time of expression and always practices First in First out,if not the BF will be wasted as due to our weather, BF can only be stored in Freezer for 3mths (recommended by TMC parentcraft)

Pre-natal class at TMC

joodz, if ur hubby is not able to accompany u to the class, try to get your friends to accompany to the days where ur hubby is not able to make it. As there are some excerise where u need to hv 2 to perform and with the company u will feel better. (My hubby is unable to attend with me too during my first pregnany and I've to attend it alone. I've to miss some activities as I've no partner. During the sessions, seeing everyone has their hubbies, really make me miss hvg my hubby there too)

re: mdm wong's class

i just confirmed my class for saturday 7-9pm slot.. the woman says i am the 2nd last one for the slot.. weekdays are fully booked as well. so still got space for one last couple. better move fast if want to book her class..

for those of u who are taking dec slot, wont the class be ending in jan? so near to your edds.. i cannot cos my edd 1st feb, i scared come out mid jan.. then cannot get to finish the class. haha.

Hi mummies~

I'm back from my detailed scanning!! My baby is healthy! No cleft lips, 10 fingers and everything is normal. Placenta not low. And my gynae said my baby is a exhibist. Hahahaha! Keep showing his pte part and whatever she want to see. And therefore she did 1 3d scan and let me see my baby's face. He's so cute!! 1 hand covering his ear, the other at his mouth like want to suck thumb like that. Hehehe.. And she said my baby is very active, keep kicking. =p And she said her 3d scan charges is $150 which will include a CD. But now baby still too small to do. I want to do!! Hehehe.. $150 doesn't seems too ex to me... And my baby is 351gram. She said he's skinny. Hee hee...

Anyway I asked her about the umbilical cord thingy. She said it cannot be prevented but now is still too early so she asked me don't worry. And cos now baby still very small, she said don't have to monitor the movement yet. Next visit then she'll tell me how many kicks should I monitor each day.

And she mentioned about my weight gained again. Hahhaa! Argh. I've gained like 3kg! *sigh* But she said luckily I'm slimmed to start off with. But still, have to monitor. She said don't eat too much junk food. =p And an average of 2kg a month is ok for me. Bleh. She asked me don't drink milk cos that will contribute to lots of weight gained. But I also don't drink milk in the first place. Lol~ She asked me to swim if I'm a swimmer (which I'm not!) or walk. She asked my hubby to bring me go shopping, as a form of exercise. Hahhaa! And guess what, she said week 36 is labour and I've only 16 weeks to go! But I calculate the date will be before CNY! I hope my baby will come out only after CNY. Hmm...

My next visit will be on 29th October. So long! Supposed to be 22nd that week but she's on leave. =( Help~~ I can't wait~~

And oh, my baby is still a boy. Hahahahahaha~ =p

pinkyval: your detail scan sounds so exciting! my sonographer did not engage in much talk with me and the only thing she said was baby looks fine. never offer 3d scan or anything like that. $150 for 3d scan sounds okay, though sometimes im torn between wanting to know baby's face and not wanting to know. haha. want it to be a surprise.

you've gain 3kg since pre-pregnancy? sounds okay what. ive gained 5kgs to date.

baby want to take angbao.. hee..

@joodzjoodz: Haha! Cos she sees my baby today keep exhibit so she let me see a 3d scan of him. She said if my baby facing down then she also won't do cos can't see anything. But too bad she didn't print out a photo. I think by seeing my baby's face in a 3d scan and seeing him after he's born will still look different bah.

Oh no, I'll be very happy if I only gain 3kg since pre-preg. I gained 3kg in a month! And to date I've gained like 8kg already! Average of 2kg a month. *sigh* I don't want to be fat. =(

Hahahha! But I want to eat the CNY food! I hope he don't be too excited to come out. Hehe..

Hi Gals

U all did the 3d scan with yr gynea or other hospital?

From that 'detailed scan' we are able to tell if baby is healthy and oK?

I am with Glen eagles and i have a detail scan at NUH not sure if that is the one u all are refering too?

@Joanne: I'm with gleneagles too but I did my detailed scanning in my gynae's clinic. She did it for me. Just like normal scanning but more detailed. Can scan for the heart, lungs, stomach, blood vessels, brain, eyes, nose, mouth, hands, legs, fingers, placenta, umbilical cord all those. Why are you doing yours in NUH?

Hi mummies...

Been a silent reader and not much postings from me...haha so lazy =X

congrats to all the mummies who already had detailed scans with good results...i'm still waiting for mine to come on the 4Oct, which is next next week...argh so long!

Haven't manage to confirm the gender yet though gynae said most likely a gal, but i prepare myself in case my gal turns out to be a boy... =P

dun wan to pin too much high hopes.

pootz/joodz - i have attended Mrs Wong's class before when i had my #1. Her classes are conducted at AMK then, not sure whether there is any change of venue now...she tends to speak abit fast (or mayb i'm slow) though, but i can say she's v experienced and i did learn something though i totally throw everything back to her (breathing exercises) when i was in labour =P

Ida - hey there, i'm from the Mar09 thread too...hee, purchased the nursing poncho from u b4... =)

Re: breastfeeding

For those mummies who are concerned abt storage of milk in the office or work, might want to consider purchasing the fridge-to-go bag. Used to have a spree for this. It acts like a mini fridge and can last for 4 to 6 hours depending on the cooling panels u use. Its pretty good i feel....the coolness is more lasting then normal chiller bags. If paisei to put bottles of milk in the fridge, can always put them in cooler bag then put in the fridge, which sometimes i use to do...hahaha...but ok la, my office is female environment so i jus store in the fridge openly =P

Val your gynae expects your bb to be out by 36 weeks?

Shouldn't be right... I know 36 weeks is considered full term and by then it's pretty safe if the bb comes out, but usually by natural delivery it still tends to be near EDD?

mine was 4 days b4 EDD... but I know there were some people who had to do C-section earlier cos their kids were exceeding 4kg way before EDD...

yr bb is still quite small sized right? so don't worry, hopefully will come out nearer EDD.

any other second time mummies had first bb come out way before EDD? around 36 weeks?

@trinket: I also don't know leh. I only heard her say something like week 36 is labour. Maybe what she meant was full term bah.. I hope he'll be out only after CNY leh. Week 36 is only Jan!


NOpe, Mine was out one day before EDD, 40 weeks.

36 weeks is when its considered "safe" to deliver I guess, but prob better to bake our buns a little longer!


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Please refer to this link http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

for related pics and descriptions. Items include BN Avent Light Moisturizing oil @ $15, My brest friend nursing pillow, and Dale abdominal binder.

If keen, please PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

SOLD items will be deleted in the album, so it won’t be confusing.

PS: just to add, for every purchase for $15 and above, you get 5pcs of Drypers S for free. so for $30, u get 10pcs and so on. while stocks last!

trinket - think 36 weeks abit early though considered full term. Best is still after 38weeks.

For my case, was induced on week38. Gynae gave me the option of delivering or waiting for another week for bb to come naturally, i.e. if by week39 my bb still show no signs of coming out gynae will then induce. But i don't want to wait already cos bb did not grow much for the past one week so i thought better to deliver and pump him instead of staying in the womb for another week.

@Val: Congrats!! Your boy sounds so mischievous.. Haha.. I also want my bb like that during the scan.. Can pose for the recording.. Hehe.. So you've no chance to hope for the change in gender already.. Lol!! Your next visit is on my birthday.. Haha!!

Did your hub accompany you today?

@preciousbabi: Hahahha! Hannor! Hope when he grows up don't be too naughty. Hehehe... My hubby said he was sleeping but I don't think so leh. He kept moving. Hands and legs keep move put in different position. Yeah, he did. Cos I kept emphasize to him that I'm doing detailed scanning. Lol~ Don't have high hope of him accompanying me for my next visit though. Wahhh.. My cousin's birthday is one day after yours! Hahaha!


hi mummies, am still down with running & flamy cough.. tat why hardly log in. need to rest.

need to recall my memories. undertsand currently we cant take ginseng (ren sheng) & dang gui now rite? but is dang shen & dang gui is 2 different thing rite?

