(2011/02) Feb 2011

Morning mummies~

@Ah Ching: Wow your belly button pop so fast!! Mine still concave in leh. But can see it's expanding to almost flat. Heee...

Hmm.. I don't have the hardening of belly, but this morning my abdomen suddenly hurts so much that I got a scare! But at least after that I felt the movement of my baby so I guess it's fine?


@Ching: Your belly button pop out liao ah?? How many weeks are you now?? I'm waiting for it to pop coz I don't dare to clean too hard now.. Haha..

@Val: You better now? This morning my abdomen also pain.. But it's bcoz I hold urine too long ba.. So lazy to get up at 5plus so tahan until 7plus.. Haha..

@preciousbabi: Yeah I'm alright now. Thanks! I don't know issit I exert too much force when waking up. Cos I thought I overslept and I was like bounce up from bed and it was so painful. I don't know how to describe the pain. Aiyo, don't hold urine ah.. Preggy very easy to get UTI. After pee-ing you can sleep for 2 hours mah. Haha!

Will be going for my detailed scanning tomorrow morning. So nervous and worried. Hope everything will go well for my baby! *fingers crossed*

@Val: You scared late liao so kan cheong ah.. Haha.. Late late lor, nevermind lah.. Boss will excuse preggies.. Haha..

Normally I don't.. Dunno why I just feel so tired and lazy these few days.. And everytime I wake up pee liao cannot go back sleep.. So damn tired!! Haiz..

Good luck to your scan!! Everything will go smoothly de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

ah ching: my belly went rock hard the night before. lasted for about 5 minutes. but no pain. is that how braxton hicks are?

anyway mummies i had a big scare last night. remember i said yesterday cannot feel baby move? after a heavy dinner and lots of noise(celebrating moon cake festival with relatives) i thought baby will move, but she didnt even stir. when i was lying in bed i started talking to baby and doing all sorts of things like drinking cold water and shaking and banging pots and pans but no movement. i decided to wait till my hubby came home from work cos i heard daddy's voice might help. waited till 5am and when hubby finally come back we tried to rouse her.. tried for about 2 hours, no movement. i actually cried and hubby also started sniffing a little. my mother didnt help much because when i asked her if this was normal she said no, must see doctor cos last time she 6 mths preg also like that no movement then 1 week later she went doctor found out baby suffocated by umbilical cord. freaked me out.

anyway, about 7am my hubby started singing his fav song(daughter by john meyer.. how apt) which he always sings and strum with his guitar, and he kena kick in the face! sooo happy.. i told baby she can kick as much as she want from now on i wont complain but dont play with umbilical cord.

as a result i am very sleepy today but its okay! at least baby is moving. thats all it matters.

sorry for the long post ([IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]:

pinkyval: good luck for your detailed scan!

joodz dont scare urself.. Sometime i also will scare myself when i cant feel my bb movement. But normally my bb will move when it come to night time n i lie down position. Maybe u can try this today. =)

Val, Gd luck for ur scanning.. I need to wait for next mth for my scan. So excited can c bb again.. =)


YEAH!! Glad that all is well w ur baby!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


as wat Val said, don't hold urine lah! I'm also sometimes guilty of that...but hor UTI is reali no fun. Got it once a few years back when I kept holding my pee cos rushing work in the office lor. Super pain and uncomfortable one. And end up will go toilet even more times cos keep getting the urge to pee but when u go it's only a dribble [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Good luck for your scan tomo. dun worry unneccesarily! Talk to bb n ask him to b cooperative and show sonographer whichever part sonographer wanna c! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Menstrual cramp like pains two nights ago. Doc gave me vantolin. He say if continue to cramp, have to call him immediately n be admitted to hospital to be put on vantolin drip. Vantolin is to relax the uterus. The hardened ball we feel is not baby backside but the uterus contraction. In serious cases, the uterus contracts and the cervix starts to dilate. Then pre term labour happens. So do monitor any menstrual cramp like pains. It's not normal for us to have it in second trimester.

So now I have one more pill to add to my arsenal of pills til 38 weeks.... Sigh.

wish_child: usually my baby will be active at night as well but yesterday dont have so i was psyching and scaring myself..

but i forgot to mention that today she is so active. but its a good thing.. i smile everytime she kicks.. its a reminder that i am not alone and she is here with me..

Thank you mummies!! Last night I can feel my baby's movement so frequently. So active! Maybe he knows I can't sleep so trying to entertain me. Hehehe..

@preciousbabi: Hahaha.. Hannor. And cos usually every morning my sil will drive me to work together. But this morning after I off the alarm I went back to sleep and I almost didn't make it to inform her in time that I'll go to work on my own cos I'll like to continue sleeping. Haha!

@joodzjoodz: Glad that everything is fine! Actually I'm also worried when my baby gets bigger he'll "play" with the umbilical cord cos I heard so many scary stories on how baby get entangled by the cord. Maybe I'll ask my gynae tomorrow to see if I can do anything to avoid it. Don't know if it's got to do with our position.

@wish child: Next month when? Very fast one. Now is already end of September, next week is next month already! =D

@su: I also experienced UTI before. It was so painful when pee-ing. And my doctor ever told me before once you get it the frequency of getting it is there. Cos I got it twice in a 2 years interval. *sigh* But they said yoghurt helps to prevent UTI though.

Yeah, mine will be my gynae doing it for me. I've been telling baby to be healthy. And ask him to suck thumb and wave for his daddy to see. Cos the other time when he did that my hubby wasn't there. Hehehe..

Hi Mummies!

Its been a long long time since i post but i have been a silent reader all this while.

Welcome every new mummy onboard!


Drink lots of water and drink cranberry juice.

Re:Yeast infection

Very common during pregnancy. Do not douche or wear liner. stick to cotton undies and keep the area dry. do not use Vagasil too. eating Yogurt, drinking yakult and vitagen will help. Take less sugary food as sugar promotes the cultivation of yeast. Also, take in more garlic as this helps to clear the bad bacteria in our body.

Re: Detailed scanning at 20 weeks

I am in my 20th week now and went for my scanning yday. Everything is good and confirmed to be a boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very happy with the results.

Re: weight gain

I am at 60kg now. have put on 7 kg so far...quite alarming but i guess so long as its gradual should be ok. most imptly, we must eat healthily and have optimal weight gain.


I have signed up for it yday. The goodie bag is pretty heavy with lots of goodies. Personally i think its worth it.

Re: baby kicks

I cant feel my kicks too at this moment. Happy for most of u here who can feel the flutterings and kicks. must be an experience!

Re: antenatal classes

I will be going for my class in mid-Oct, by Mrs Wong Boh Boi..she is popular..

Re: confinment lady

I have also paid my CL her deposit sometime 2 weeks back. Recommendation from a friend. Initally was 2 heads about this issue as its expensive during CNY and my mum did offer to help. But as this is the first baby of the family, we all agreed its better to have a professional so that everyone can rest. Furthurmore, my mother will need to be busy during CNY period.

Re: shopping for baby

I have not bought a single thing yet.. hahahaa...still looking around for hand-me downs. will go to the Expo fair in Oct as well.

Thanks for the previous posts on the list to buy. quite a lot of stuff i reckon.

Sorry for the long post and have a good day everyone!

Thank u mami b for the info. How u feeling gt better? DO take care..

Joodz, Haha great ur bb girl very active today. I also will smile everytime when my bb girl kick me.. I feel very sweet.. haha.. Hmm maybe ur bb yester facing downward for ur womb that why cant feel her movement.. My previous scan my bb facing down n i also cant feel her movement. But the doc say is normal tat i cant feel the movement when bb facing down..

Haha i always like to scare myself that my bb doin well inside? Heard too much bb died in the womb it so scary.. SO sometime i will anyhow think too..

My next checkup i will ask the doc what cause the bb being suffocated by umbilical cord. My sis fren fren also happen to her this indcident when her bb is 8mths. For her is becoz she nv went her regular checkup n also like to wear tight clothes. So her bb have not enough space to turn that why her bb neck will tie by the imbilical cord.

Hi Mummies,

Me didn’t hv a good nite sleep last nite too… just to check with experienced mummies here.. have you been thru periods of extreme stress during your previous pregnancies but ur baby still turn out fine? How did you cope??

I had a huge burst-up with a colleague yesterday and it has escalated quite abit.. think my bosses support my case but it is still causing me a lot of stress.. couldn’t sleep at all last nite and was actually shivering all over… keep trying to tell myself that it’s not worth stressing myself and affecting baby over this but I think it’ll prob take me some time to get over it.. anyone knows how can I minimise the impact on my baby?? I’ve been trying to listen to relaxing music, talking over it with friends and taking deep breaths but still feel very upset.. Hv been apologising to baby and trying to talk up my spirits but still will sink to a low.. also worried that baby will turn out cranky cos of all the bad vibes.. sigh

joodz.... yeah!!happy to hear u feel the movement!! shld be normal ba...coz sometimes they kick in different direction...wun be able to feel one...

mophie...thats sounds serious leh... but if the pill can help...pray hard u wun experienced such pain again

gregda...congrats on having a boy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kinderbueno...stress wise shld be ok... my #1 time i also quite stress with work coz major migration and alot of things to be done before i go on ML...

just keep urself happy...ignore those ridiculous colleague..

now i am telling myself...just works towards 2011 and I will have 16 weeks of ML...end of day, pay cheque in, we get to buy things to pamper for ourselves and baby

this is what matters most... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val: Yap hope the time faster pass. Wanna c my girl soon n carry her.. Hehe.. Val ur bb boy so cute suck his thumb. My girl so far nv saw her suck her thumb at the scan but she like to wave.. Haha..

It will be good that u can ask ur gynae what can avoid for bb being tied by umnilical cord. If possible let getting more information as possible.. So every mommies here will be alert n do the precaution. =)

Hi gregda welcome.. =)

@Joodz: You scared yourself and your hubby.. Haha.. BB must be tired and resting only..

@Su: Haha.. Coz really too tired mah.. Kk, I’ll be good.. Pee when need.. Hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Gregda: Congrats!!

Wish child, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I had slight bleeding last night. Hence rush to see doc this morning n told him abt menstrual like cramp night before. So he scan baby. Gd thing baby is ok. So now specifically no sex and more rest is required.

@wish child: Hehe.. I want to see my boy soon too. Hehehe... Ya, but so far only once leh. During the week 12 scan. He suck thumb and waved. And he was sleeping during the week 16 scan. So hopefully he's awake tomorrow to perform stunts for us to see. Hahaha! =p

MamiB great u are fine. Do take care n rest more if posssible. Dont stress urself too much n try not to walk a lot.. =)

Val, U are underweight for ur height so i think it ok. Dotn worry jus eat as u want. My MIL say eat whatever u wan if not bb come out bb will keep on drip saliva. Haha dont know is it true or not..

kinderbueno, for me i nv go through work stress but past few mth i went through family stress. What i do is cry out loud becoz i know that nobody are there for me except my bb. But after i cried i will feel better n will say sorry to my bb n say mommy no choice need to cry n u cannot cry woh sayang.. =) But my fren say is not gd to cry later bb out will keep crying but if cant control why dont just let it out at one go.

For ur colleague jus ignore he/her. No point get angry n upset becoz of a person that not worth. The more he/she wan make u angry u must be happy n let he/her to c. Haha i used to do that to my colleague. Haha it worked. Sure make the person very angry n pissed.. haha.. =) Cheer Up


seriously, no need to panic. people usually don't track babies' movt till third tri.

when is yr edd?

can't expect to feel baby's movts so regularly at this stage. They are still moving, just that the size, and the volume of aminotic fluid around means that we're not going to feel everything.

mummies, try not to scare yourselves too much. i know sometimes worrying is inevitable, but seriously, a lot of it is unnecessary. SMILE!

@wish child: Haha.. I also heard that before. But sometimes the things that I want to eat cannot be found in Singapore leh. Hahahah! Or rather not that delicious. =p

Val, same here haha i wan to eat some food at ipoh. Miss the ipoh lok lok n white coffee but too bad spore cant get it. haha. What u feel like eating? If can ask ur hubby get for u lor. =)

trinket: my EDD is 1st feb 2010 according to latest scan..

this is my first baby so i am not sure what and when to feel certain stuff.. haha.. i was able to feel baby move every single day so when she didnt yesterday i started worrying. but im happy to knw its okay even if we dont feel the baby move yet.

@wish child: Hahahha! I also miss ipoh food! Cos my mum is from ipoh so I used to go in very frequently. But now that I'm pregnant I can't take the 6 hours bus ride. And airport is kinda far from my uncle's place. *sigh* You can get the Old Town white coffee. The taste is quite similar to those selling in their coffee shop. Hehe.. There's one lok lok stall in aljunied too. The other time me & my hubby happened to see it as we were driving so we went in to eat. But the taste of course not as good as ipoh one. And quite ex too. And I miss Taipei's night market food leh. Hahahha!

Joodz, i also 1st time being mommy.. Haha very excited. DOnt worry as what trinket say at third trimster then we need to track their kicking. =)

Wow ur bb girl will come out n celeb cny wif u n ur family. Ur bb girl can get big hongbao. So good.. I hope my girl will be out on cny but my edd is on 19th feb.

Val, Oh u can take plane to ipoh jus 45mins. Haha if i travel to my hubby ipoh house also need 7hrs ride, if take plane 45min n 1hrs car jouney. Old town white coffee not so nice i feel i perfer the ipoh white coffee cheap n nice.

Val, Past few weeks the news say about clarke quey selling Taipei night market food. All the food there is taste the same as Taipei. But i'm not sure the fair still on or not. Maybe u can go there n try looking for it. But u can try bugis village there have Taiwan food. =)

wish child: haha, actually i prefer my baby to come out after cny.. maybe the first week of cny or something.. cos i dont really want a tiger baby.. i not the pantang sort but fortune teller says i cannot get along with tiger, and it seems like all the tigers ive met dont seem to click with me.. haha. but, if baby want to come out in tiger year no choice, let her come out lor. lol.

@wish child: Haha! Bus is nearer to my uncle's place. And the timing is always just nice. Reach there can eat breakfast. I also love the dim sum and the fried mee there. Have you tried before? You can choose prawns or hum or egg or everything. And the "zhu chang fen" also, the mushroom sauce. And also their like yong tau hu kind one. The noodles is so yummy! And not forgetting my fav bean sprout chicken! OMG! I'm drooling!!! =/

My hubby said those selling in bugis and far east plaza not nice. Haha! I think end already.. Or ending this week. I also can't remember. Hmm...

joodz: i also hope that my baby come out after cny..

cuz i also rabbit year birth one..

i'm so excited for tml..

hope i can slp all the way until tml den wake up..

hope that my baby is well n healthy.. praying hard..

Joodz, If ur bb come out before cny is not tiger le. She will be head of rabbit n tiger butt. haha sound wierd right but it like tat 1. Becoz ur bb already in a rabbit yrs. Heard this type of bb will be very smart. =)

Val, Oh ya i love the dim sum there.. I even wake up at morning 630 to travel a restuarent sellin dim sum. Even i reach there at 7+ the restuarent is pack bt the dim sum is so nice. Fried mee i nv try before. But i love the zhu chang fen is wet 1 n so special. My hubby aunt open a store at ipoh coffeeshop there sell zhu chang fen. The coffeeshop always pack. Haha maybe we both are saying the same coffee shop? I nv eat before the bean sprout chicken.. But i like the Ye Zi Mei bun so nice n big. somemore gt so many egg inside the bun. I love the claypot rice over there gt lot of salted fish n the rice so crispy. I love the pasar malam gt lot of nice food n lok lok store WOW!!! Haha I also drooling le.. Haha..

Hmm maybe u can go try c whether have or not at clarke quey. I like taiwan the cow tonugue biscuit. That cant get in spore. Oh my god my computer desk goin to flood wif my saliva le.. hahahaha....

Ladies have you all experience your baby kick already.My baby so naughty always kick me now and then anytime anyday of the time..but i shld say the feeling was gd when your baby kick you at least you knw your bb is ard with u keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@princess31 – Hemorrhoids can be of two types, classified on the basis of location as either internal or external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids develop at the anal opening and tend to be painful. Internal hemorrhoids occur just inside the anus, at the beginning of the rectum. If serious, will have to go for surgery! So take lot of water, opt for high fibre food and stay active!

@unicorn – how much do u have to pay for the Mrs Wong's classes? If it's too exp, I will go to KKH one…haha

@preciousbb – Agreed! I’ll upload my tummy pix by end of this month.

@baywater – oh…ur poor ger and u must be scared out of ur wits. Luckily she’s all right.

@eviangal – ok but I still thinking whether to buy coz lately spend a lot! Will let u know tml. Cool in 4D scan and it good to hear everything was fine for u!

@pinkval – it normal to put on 2kg monthly as told by my gyna but I dunwan and praying I won’t put on much wt. Good luck in your detailed scan tml and keep us updated ;)

@wishchild – better to cry out than suppressed…just tell bb tat mummy need to let out emotion.

@gregda – welcome board! Me too haven into bb shopping and will start after know my bb gender. Hmm, how much do u paid for CL? I still source around.

Thinking how to cheer my hubby up as lately he feel very stress at work due to threat of staff replacement and politics issues. Maybe buy him a card and chocolate…

Opps Mrs Ong, you reminded me.. Ok, I have just set an alarm to take pic tonite for uploading.. Hehe.. Paiseh, super STM nowadays.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@pyng: Thanks! =D But to my gynae it doesn't seem normal leh. She thinks it's too much. But maybe I'll ask her about my underweight issue.

Has anyone booked maternity photography packages already? I'm actually sourcing for it now.. Haha.. Kancheong spider.. What I saw was $250 - $800 range.. Any advices?? Or if we sign up for both maternity and newborn together, will it be cheaper??

Hi mummies can anyone recommend me which are the hand cream that preg woman can use cos my hand become very dry & itchy. Pls help me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@ mrs ong: I paid $2500 for my CL.. but she can only come on 8th Feb onwards. My EDD is 8th Feb, but if baby comes out earlier, i will get my mum to help out for 1-2 weeks.

Praying hard that my baby will be good and come out ard 8th Feb! hahahaha! though i heard usually is 2 weeks before EDD..

btw, a lot of good CLs are already booked so if you have someone in mind, must be fast..and they are charging $2.8-$3k for CNY season.

If you EDD is after Day 5 of CNY, you can bargain to $2500. If its after CNY, then maybe ard $2000-$2200.

Re: maternity package

my friend, who is a photographer will be helping me with the maternity shoots. i will be taking mine ard 8 months. looking forward to it! i am not sure how much he charge as i have yet to discuss the charges with him. if anyone is interested, you can view his portfolio at www.edmundphoto.com. call for rates and can say its recommended by Linda.

Re: B-wax

just came back from lunch and also had a session of B wax done. its been very long since i do my waxing as i wanted to wait for 20 weeks to stablise the pregnancy.

Luckily, i do find the pain bearable. LOL!

anyone doing theirs or have done it for this pregnancy?

i heard it will be good to do for hygiene and also when we deliver, the nurses will shave that area, which I do not like as shaving casues in-grown and itcheness.

hi all,

Congrats to your pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just attended Mrs Wong Boi Boi's antenatal class early Jan this year, have some of her books to let go. For those who are attending her class, u may want to consider getting these:


Condition of book 9.5/10 almost brandnew with no highlight. RP$12 each, now asking only$8 each incl normal postage or take 2 for $15 (incl normal postage)

** If u buy the books in her class, its sold separately, no bundle price.

PM me if keen.

Congrats once again!

Val & wish child,

OMG!! I jus had lunch not too long ago n both of u r making me drool w all that talk abt food, ESP DIM SUM!!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]~~~~~~~~~

Mrs Ong,

Agree w gregda, mus quickly book a CL alr if u r intending to get one cos it's near CNY period, quite a lot of CL might not wanna work.


I'm also hoping my baby will come out after cny and so will be rabbit like her daddy!

my edd is 13th but cos the 1st one was abt 3 weeks early, I'm praying hard that this time will b near to edd. I wanna enjoy CNY before confinement!!!


hv not done b-wax for this preg yet...hoping to go some time soon after my detailed scan.

@wish child: Hahha! I love their pasar malam too!! And I find their pasar malam quite good cos once a week they'll station at the same place. So easy to find! Unlike Singapore one. Won't know when and where will there be pasar malam. =( And yes, their dim sum restaurant is already very crowded early in the morning. I love their food~~ Omg~~ =/

@su: Hahaha! Their food really very delicious leh. Lol~ Can't find the same taste anywhere in Singapore. Hehehe...

Haha.. I also hope my baby will come out after CNY. My edd is on the 6th. I hope the earliest baby come out will be on the 3rd and not any earlier! I want a rabbit baby! And also of course I want to eat the CNY goodies~ =p

Su, ur 1st bb 3weeks before the edd.. Haha my sis say if my bb out 2 weeks before will be on second of cny. I cant imagined how will i reacted if i goin give birth while i went to house visiting? haha. I think i will be the joke of the rabbit yrs.. =P

@ su: good luck for ur detailed scan!

wah 3 weeks before EDD! in fact, my main worry now is this. if really my baby comes out much earlier, i will have to trouble my mum to do it for me..then by the time the CL comes, i will have recover most of it..assuming my baby comes out 2-3 weeks earlier, then the CL will be redundant..i got no choice but have to risk it...already paid the deposit to my CL to secure her.. now must talk to baby frequently to wait a while later cause mummy also want to eat CNY foodies and want a rabbit!

My B wax was pretty ok today, painful but bearable, considering i did not do it for 6 months. did mine at Strip.

i read somewhere that the best time to do will be ard 5-7pm where our bodies have the highest threshold of pain.

Mrs Ong, that time my hubby was also very stressed at work on many issues.. i drop him a mail saying that not to worry too much and don't care abt pple who are not impt.. "me and baby will be ur greatest fans..we always support you". he said that really lighten up his day and he was very happy abt it.

hope the best for your hubby...or you can cook him a nice meal..or give him suprises...

Val, yap the pasar malam is so much fun.

Haha Val i think u better stay at hm during cny.. =) Or the best is ur bb boy out on 1st day of CNY.. Wow tat will be media interview u n ur bb..

For me i will tel my bb girl at least let mommy eat Bao Yu 1st before u come out. :p


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Please refer to this link http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

for related pics and descriptions. Items include My brest friend nursing pillow, pigeon cooler bag and Dale abdominal binder.

If keen, please PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

PS: just to add, for every purchase for $15 and above, you get 5pcs of Drypers S for free. so for $30, u get 10pcs and so on. while stocks last!

@wish child: Hahaha! I don't really intend to go house visiting leh. Cos I think by then my tummy will be so big and I'll be too tired to walk around. And I also scared later halfway then want to deliver. Then every year CNY my hubby's relatives will make fun of me liao. Haizz... Actually I was hoping so leh. 1st rabbit baby. Then will have presents from the hospital. Hahahaha! I don't really mind about the interview leh. Cos I never make up I don't want to appear in the newspaper and news! Lol~ I want to "lao yu sheng"~ It's always my fav food during CNY. Think during confinement cannot eat right? To be safe I think I better start eating earlier. Haha! Usually they'll have it weeks before CNY?

Val, Haha my hubby still wan me to go house visiting during cny to visit his aunt. Haha i also dont want to be the joke of the yrs. Haha dont worry most of the woman went labour nv make up.

No confinement cannot eat yu sheng. Thats my favourite too.. I love the salmons. But if not wrong cant eat raw vege when pregnant. Think we must wait next yrs to eat yusheng le =(

Re: Cheering up hubby

Coincidentally i also sent a very long 'cheering up' email to my hubby yesterday. told him baby and i will stand by his side and be his light.. haha. i think it works well because i very long never write love notes/communicate romantically to my hubby already..

Re: CNY visiting and goodies

i simply cannot bear not eating pineapple tarts. thats my absolute favourite.. i think when cny comes i will sneak a box and eat in the room cos MIL is sure to stop me.. and a little bit of all the goodies. i will also continue CNY visiting if i am up to it..

btw anyone intend to breastfeed and will be staying with parents in law? i think i will want to buy a mini fridge to put in the bedroom/kitchen bcos i feel abit weird if i have to store the milk tgt with the main fridge.. with a personal fridge i can also store hidden goodies like my pineapple tarts! haha..


oh ya! pineapple tarts! Joodz, you are right! thats like a must-eat! and bah kwa! and so many nice tidbits...and i am a fan of Yu Sheng and also steamboats!

