(2011/02) Feb 2011

Jolin, Trinket-

Sorry leh taking so long to type up the stuff. Lol. Giving Kae Chinese spelling at the moment and going HAIZ lol. To be fair, his Chinese is within the 80 something to 90 something range... but practical wise, it is very obvious his command of Mandarin is rote. He can't understand the sentence structure (which is diff from English).

I recommend u have a look at this website though, whilst I type up the stuff from my books =)


I found them very uplifting and encouraging. ^.^


Geri i felt u very strong. Can go through so much high n low. N can solve everything by urself. Haha for me i'm not so strong as u. =) I just got ROM for past 1yrs+ ago n wanna get my tradition wedding this yrs but my hubby going work at oversea so need to postpone our wedding to next yrs. Shocking news is my girl arrival too sudden. N go through lot of ppls pointing finger on me n agruement. Haha on my 1st trimster my mom kept on saying my hubby bluff me n make big my stomach. Haha.. N my MIL insist to have weddin dinner in this yrs but my family object. Worse is my hubby not wif me when i go through all this thing. Haha facing a lot problem but glad that everything have calm down. Haha luckily i nv went into depression. =)

Yes i hope my girl wont like me break my parent heart. Hope my girl will be like elder sister. She understanding n always have her ways to communicate with my parent n my parent dote her a lot.. =)


HUGS! What doesn't kill u can only make u stronger, dear. It was quite the rollercoaster ride for me and I just hung on for dear life. Perhaps, having faith helped me (...and I mean in general, although I am a Christian and am firm in my belief, I respect people who pursue other beliefs.)

I guess that is why my hubs insisted we ROM and have our wedding dinner at the same time, to avoid such misunderstandings. I had wanted an ROM first initially, but I respected his wishes and waited for him to "pop" the question and give his signal. Lol.

Seems to be quite a conundrum that you guys are in. Were there ROM pics and pics of you getting your cert? Well, when you hold the traditional wedding, remember to have a photo of it with the captions "Our ROM on (insert date here)". Lol. It will dispel those ugly shot gun marriage rumours.

You got married first then had baby, so don't need to feel bad. Hold your head up high and let them say what they want to say. As long as your conscience is okay, dont have to worry ya? I can see you have inner strength too as you aren't depressed about it. Grins.

And hey, when you get married, you can have baby be the flower girl. =) We had Kae as our ring bearer and it was so meaningful for us as a result. =) She will look very cute too.

Why are your parents disallowing the wedding dinner? Is it because tummy big le? Suggest that ROM thing like I did, and if u have to scan the ROM cert and show big big hahahahaha. Remind your parents that you are marrying into their family, and it is important that you start off on the right foot with your in-laws. They have nothing to worry about as if they look at the dates, that you were a tang tang zhen zhen de lao puo when you conceived. So as long as they stand with u on the matter, who is going to make noise?

Alternatively, have your hubby ask them nicely. Take them out for dinner, and have him sincerely put it to them that he only wants the best for you and for your marriage as well as the child, and that you hope that they can acede to this request.

I am sure your girl will be a wonderful child. Speak over her. Tell her how you hope she will be like. I did that with Kae. He turned out just the way I hoped he would- cheeky and precocious like Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes". XD


That's nice! How is your relationship with her? It must be good to have someone in the family being good at such things. =)

As the Chinese saying goes, having an elder in the family is like having a treasure.

Yup my 4 all natural wout epidural... 4.14 w correct techniques... Not even a stitch was needed

Geri... My this mil is great... My ex mil was also ok.... I can communjcate better w her than own mum... Well life has nt been easy for me too.... Family and marriage probs... Wat is life wout them... Sigh

Geri yap I did a small Rom lunch at peony jade n invited my family members, my hubby members n our close frens. But only open 4tables. Yes I did engage a PG for our ROM. My

Parent don't allow me have tradition wedding becoz my Sis just get married this yrs n my mom say cannot married 2 daughter within 1yrs. So no choice I need to wait for 1yrs later then can hold my wedding. Oh I also hope my bb girl will be flower girl but my mom say on my wedding day I don't carry my girl let other ppl carry my girl. So it won't that other ppls won't pointing finger on me. But I don't care!! Thats my girl n im sure carry her around even I wearing wedding gown. Haha maybe Im too stubborn but I feel tat me n my hubby bb why can't we Carry her n show our relative that my child? Further more they will know it sooner or later.

Must wait for my hubby come back n talk to my parent. Further more I can't stop ppl point finger at me. But starting of my pregnancy I felt very sad n most of the time I nearly say out wanna end my pregnancy. But I know I do not have this courage to end a little life. Haha but I feel very happy to have my girl. =) oops sorry for the long post


Hehe. Hugs. Just take everything one day at a time and dun let it overwhelm u. Nice to have good MILs. I am also blessed with a super nice one. =) I didnt have epi with Kae as well and I dun intend to for this one. =D


We had our first dinner at Peony Jade too! Was it the Clark Quay branch? =D Our Ceremony was at NLB Courtyard though kekeke. XD

OH! Itz a traditional thing. I didn't know of such a tradition until now. =) Well, guess bor bian lor. Your mum seems to be quite sensitive. Lol. U all can work it into the script about the Chinese tradition. It will be quite interesting actually. Then ppl will understand. =D

Just carry her la. There is nothing wrong with your child- not unwed mum like i was. =) Tell ur mum that if u guys don't come out and do it, people will think it is precisely a shot gun marriage. Lol.

All in all, just exercise patience and yea let hubby handle them if u feel worked up about it. Try to find a compromise ya?

Hugs! Itz ok let it out of ur system. I am this owl that cannot sleep at night anyway hahaha.

Geri: You are very strong to go through all those. I am glad you found Ian a very good and understanding husband who loved both Kae and you very much.

Oops, forgot got cordblood horz.. Ya.. I donated mine somemore and I forgot got blood.. haha..

Su: Sure. Let me know after you tt.

YOu are under Dr Ang too? Yeah.. haha.. I think he told my hubby to take the clock too. Cos we had the time in the video.

Idaar: I think got no more White lace lei.. For lace only left Brown. But for L size designs only left Swirl. You want to get Swirl instead?

Let me know after you tt ok? By the way, postage is included, you want to collect from me or I arrange for them to post to you?


I was told by our pastor's wife (she had 3- all not painful)... the contractions are like this (take ur hand squeeze ur arm). it doesn't hurt right? But when we feel afraid and we expect pain, we tense our muscles and that's what causes the contraction to feel painful. So important to relax, breathe and don't feel fearful. I had Kae without epidural too and was fully dilated in around 30-40mins if not wrong and Kae was out in 15 mins... lol. I did feel pain coz my then gynae induced (refused to go back to him le), and then it hurt as a result. But delivery was fast. Speak over ur body (and baby) and ask ur body (and baby) to co-operate. Grins. =)

eviangal- Yup. I am very blessed to have a hubby like him. He really loves us both so much. He always says, "I prayed and asked God to bless me with a wife and a family one day. He blessed me doubly with both a wife and a child together." Hehe.

Lol. Aiya, I have also forgotten bits and pieces of my previous birth experience, some memories just started coming back recently. =)

Hehehe the take the clock thing is so funny!

Geri: Thats so sweet of your husband.. So happy for you.

Okie, gota log off now. Wanna spend time with daughter liaoz.

Mummies who are ordering the Blush undershirt, pls pm me your payment details and address after you have tt. I will check and place orders for you by tomorrow. Limited sizes and designs ya.

I think left only plain pink, blue, brown lace, Neon and Swirl. Do check on the left over sizes in picture 22 of the album link i posted earlier.

Geri yap I held the lunch at peony jade Clarke quay. Yap thanks Geri for advice. Hehe I got better n my parent already accept my little girl.

The contraction really just pressing my hand on my arms? My fren it so painful until I'm scare. She say when the doc put his hand in her V, pull n cut the water bag. She say that's horrible pain. She say she have a hard time to push the bb out becoz she have not enough strength n the nurse keep pressing her stomach. I heard her story n watch her delivery video it look very scary for me. Haha. Hope everything will go smoothly for me.

Geri when is ur edd?


Most mummies have said that they experience pain, but I was told that this is becoz we expect the pain, and also because we tense our muscles up. This is what some doctors say.

In an Eg. given to me by our pastor's wife- when we carry a small bag of groceries, sometimes we dun feel that tired carrying it even after a long while. But when these same people carry a baby who is much lighter and because they feel tense whilst carrying the baby, they can actually feel very tired after a short moment. Arms can shiver and all lol.

So basically, when we tense our muscles, it causes the contractions to hurt.

My pastor's wife actually slept through her contractions without epidural lol. The nurses had to wake her up as she was fully dilated and ready to deliver. She didn't feel a thing and was blissfully snoring away. She had 3 kids w/o epidural. She said u feel the muscle tighten and stuff, as u would when u do a sit up for eg, but the pain only happens if u tense up and tighten the muscle further. U know how before injection, the nurse tells u to breath and relax so when the needles goes in, it won't hurt as bad as if u are tensed up? I guess itz a similar theory. ^.^"

Best u dun scare urself watching other ppl's delivery. Everyone has a different experience during childbirth. Some ppl even have orgasms leh! Lol. Serious! Saw the news (actual abc channel news in USA) where they covered it. I posted the youtube link earlier... I wun mind orgasm over pain too hahaha.

My EDD is 21/2/2011 (2 days b4 wedding anniversary) grins.


Mind over matter perhaps? See this extract:

"This birth was not only painless, but very pleasurable. We had never read about this aspect, and it took us by surprise. As the baby crowned, I knew from Jean's look and sounds that she was having an explosive orgasm, which rolled on and on. What a long way from the pain and agony of conventional myth! Years later we asked a sympathetic doctor about this. 'Yes,' he said, 'I've seen it a few times. It may even be that many women have orgasms during birth, but interpret them as pain because the sensations are more intense than anything previously experienced and because women are conditioned to expect pain.'"

-From The Home School Challenge, by Donn Reed

"Birth has much in common with orgasm; the hormone oxytocin is released, there are uterine contractions, nipple erection, and under the best circumstances for birth, an orgasmic feeling."

-From In Labor, by Barbara K. Rothman

Who knew right??? =) I am beginning to hope for a new and interesting experience, along with a safe, fast and painless natural delivery.

From a Doula called Mia on HOW TO HANDLE PAIN DURING CHILDBIRTH (very interesting read!!)-

Forget your fears. There is a connection between fear and pain. The efficiency of the magnificent uterine muscle depends upon your hormonal, circulatory, and nervous systems all working together. Fear upsets the balance of these three systems. Fear and anxiety cause your body to produce excess stress hormones that counteract the helpful hormones your body produces to enhance the labor process and relieve discomfort. This results in increased pain and a longer labor. Fear also causes physiologic reactions that reduce blood flow and thus oxygen supply to the uterus. An oxygen-deprived muscle tires quickly, and a tired muscle is a hurting muscle.

Women can easily be taken by surprise at the intensity of labor. Some decide they do not like it one bit and wind up resisting the forces when fear takes hold.

Understand the importance of releasing and surrendering to your body during labor. Are you determined to assume whatever position works for you rather than tensing up, resisting the labor process, or becoming a passive patient and spending a lot of time in the horizontal position?

Learn to relax your birthing muscles. Relax is more than just an empty word for helpless bystanders to throw at a mother who is experiencing the most intense physical work of her life. But relax is what you must do to help the work progress.

Relaxing all of your other muscles while only your uterus contracts eases the discomfort and speeds the progress of labor.

If there is tension anywhere in your body, especially in your face and neck, this tension will spread to the pelvic muscles that need to stay loose during a contraction.

Tense muscles hurt more than relaxed ones and they tire sooner. Chemical changes within an exhausted, tense muscle actually lowers the muscle's pain threshold, and you hurt more than if the muscle were working unopposed. When tight muscles resist the relentless, involuntary contractions of your uterus, the result is pain. Exhausted muscles soon lead to an exhausted mind, increasing your awareness of pain and decreasing your ability to cope with it.

Learn to relax to balance your hormones for birth. Two sets of hormones help you labor efficiently. Adrenal hormones (also called stress hormones) give your body the extra power it needs in situations that call for tremendous effort, like labor and birth.

These hormones are often referred to as the "fight or flight" hormones, and are there for the body's protection. During labor your body needs enough of these stress hormones to help you work hard, but not so many that your body becomes anxious and distressed, causing your mind and muscles to work inefficiently. Stress hormones may even divert blood from the hardworking uterus to the vital organs of the brain, heart, and kidney.

Relax to boost endorphins- Another kind of hormone also works for you during labor – natural pain-relieving hormones, known as endorphins. (The word comes from endogenous, meaning produced in the body, and morphine, a chemical that blocks pain). These are your body's natural narcotics, helping to relax you when you're stressed and relieving pain when you're hurt. These physiologic labor assistants are produced in the nerve cells. They attach to pain receptor sites on the nerve cell, where they blunt the sensation of pain. Strenuous exercise increases endorphin levels, and endorphins enter your system automatically during the strenuous exercise of labor, as long as you don't do anything to block them. (Tensing up blocks endorphin release. )

Levels are highest in the second stage of labor (pushing) when contractions are most intense. Relaxing will allow these natural pain- relievers to work for you. Fear and anxiety can increase your levels of stress hormones and counteract the relaxing effects of endorphins.

Endorphins stimulate the secretion of prolactin, the relaxing and "mothering" hormone that regulates milk production and gives you a psychological boost toward enjoyment of mothering. Studies have shown that endorphin levels are increased by laughter.

Evian... I already have white lace... I tot of getting neon as the othrr time nvr get.. No more? Either neon or swirls la.. Njce or nt swirls??

Geri... Yup... Aneway ur px u so thin... U gettng L.. U sure ahh ?

Wish child.... I m sure u can.... Try wout epidural.. Pain but short time n no after effects of epidural in ur life


Payment made to you alr. have PMed u details and my add.

Yup, I'm also under Dr Ang. Most convenient for me as his clinic is jus a stone's throw from my place. And he also happens to b my BIL's senior from med sch!


Yea! =D Kae was delivered on Mother's Day for his year (2002). It meant a lot for me as I had him as a single mom and he is such a precious gift despite the circumstances surrounding his birth.


Hahahaha... I am not that thin la. Really. In my wedding pics I looked thin but I've put on a lot of weight since then. I was 57 kg in those pics but right now I am about 78kg!! Lol. And my boobs and tummy are larger than I expected them to be too. The aunty looked at my boob and adviced me to buy 40E. During first tri, I already looked like I was in 2nd tri!! Hahaha. I hope to use the band all the way til 3rd Tri as well. Itz ok if it is larger. If I need to "shrink" it, my aunt who is a good seamstress will prob be able to figure out a solution for me. XD


Hope I can do w/o epi this time round. Was really trying to tahan w/o epi for my boy. But after being in pain for almost 16hrs and only dilated abt 3cm, I caved in and went for epi. Breaking point came when Dr Ang came ard noon to check my dilation and said "we shd b able to deliver this evening!"

Almost tak boleh tahan liao and still mus wait till evening?? So asked for epi. Once epi was administered, dilation was really fast and my boy was delivered within 3hrs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ok I did not do this when I delivered Kae, coz I was not very well-informed then and prob very misinformed by my mum about some stuff hahaha... but I found this to be quite a helpful exercise.


I have made mine already and shared with the hubby.

Added a few additional clauses

1) I would like to have the umbillical cord to be cut only after I deliver the placenta. I would like to deliver the placenta whilst holding the baby.

2) Unless the baby is suffering from muconim aspiration, I would prefer that no suction of the baby's mouth and the nose is done.

I watched a docu online where experienced ob-gyns adviced the 1st, and they adviced the 2nd becoz some hospitals do it unnceesarily and it can distress the baby. If the Apgar score is good and baby is alert and healthy, they should not have to do the suction.

Just sharing... of coz not saying u must follow suit lah. =) We all have our own preferences afterall. ^.^


When my then doc said at 8am that he will deliver my baby at 8.30pm or so, I also BTH! I looked at stomach and told Kae, "You better come out now!" Maybe the body can hear our instructions, I went from not dilated to fully dilated in 30-40mins time and delivered him in 15 mins.

I was very adamnant about not having epidural hahaha so my way of not dealing with the pain was to "command" the body to pls make it fast. XD

Info I found about the benefits of waiting for the placenta to be delivered first before cord is cut/clamped:

The World Health Organization states (Care in Normal Birth: A Practical Guide) "Late clamping (or not clamping at all) is the physiological way of treating the cord, and early clamping is an intervention that needs justification."

Dr. M. Jeffrey Maisels says "If the cord is not clamped, the placenta gives the infant the equivalent of 20 cc of blood per kilogram of body weight within these first 3 minutes. This placental transfusion in the normal infant is equivalent to the amount of blood given to an infant in profound shock. When cords are not clamped early, the third stage of labor is one-third shorter and the total mean blood loss after delivery is substantially less than when cords are clamped early. This might be because when cords are not clamped, the placenta is allowed to give up its volume of blood. It thereby contracts and separates more easily from the uterine wall."

Newborns whose umbilical cords are clamped one minute after pulsation stops have much higher hematocrit levels than infants whose cords are clamped immediately after delivery. Dr. Rafaela Perez-Escamilla reported that 88% of infants with immediately clamped cords had hematocrit levels below 33 at the age of two months. In comparison, only 42% of infants whose cords were clamped after the one-minute delay exhibited iron deficiency anemia at two months of age.


Yup this time round mus 'command' baby n body to cooperate to come out quickly and cause me as little pain as possible!!

Mayb cos my boy was induced n wasn't quite ready to come out tt's y the long pain n suffering? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway, now looking at how far our little ones has come makes everything all worth it isn't it? ;)


Probably. Induced contractions are more painful.

Kae was induced also and I compared my contractions with my friend who delivered naturally and without being induced 2 weeks later... I had more acute and faster contractions than she did apparently. I cannot recall the exact numbers and what not already.

And yes! Having a child is definitely worth it all. =) And I know that this one is gonna be painless... declaring it now. (Amen!) Believing the same for u and the other mummmies =)

Geri so sweet that kae was born on mother day. Hope my girl will born on cny ever If possible. Haha but the best is let her choose the timing for herself. Geri I feel that is it ur body more relax u will delivery faster?

mummies.. wont be in too much today.. feeling extremely down.. some shit just happened again and i really am at a loss... just need some time out... take care mummies.

Idaar and Geri: Only Swirl left L size. Can tt me your payment and your add when done?

Su: Got your add and payment. Hey, we are just 1 road across from one another lei.. Keke.. next time can share postage costs to buy things liaoz.. keke..

I am also doc Ang. Have emailed selled your orders and cc you liaoz.

wish child,

There is nothing wrong. Who cares about what others say, you don't live for them. Go on and bring your baby along, be proud of the moment.

Last evening so active?


yr first delivery sounds like mine! also waited forever to dilate. after so long only 3cm, so when i realised i still had at least 7 hours more to go, I opted for epi. it was great. no pain, just contractions and dilation.


I read abt the chance of orgasmic birth before my first delivery but for me it was totally not. haha. also had a sort of birth plan, and gave my hubby a copy, but in the end preferred to let my gynae make the calls, since she's experienced and would know best.

morning mummies.

idaarshad: hope everything is well on your end.. take care!

i had a terrible sleep last night.. bad headache due to sleeping posture the whole night and managed to fall aslp only at 7am thus overslept and just reach work. my head is still pounding..

@geri – wow orgasm during birth I want it too! Haha

@idaar – oh…take care ya.

@Eviangal – is swirl M still available?

Regards to bb movement, I think I feel it and in fact I got it last wkend just not confirmed whether that was bb kicked or moved [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just want to share the below as provided by my SIL:

Descriptions / Brand

Baby Bath / Sebamed PH 5.5

Baby wipes / Pigeon

Bottle Brush / Pigeon

Breast Pump / Medela

Diaper Cream / Desitin (Blue) Creamy

Diapers / Pampers

Disposable breast/ Pigeon / Tollyjoy


Food Warmer /Avent

Milk Bottles /Avent

Nail Cutter /Pigeon

Nipple Cream /Avent

Sterilizer /Avent

Thermometer Ear /Braun

Waterproof mat /Tollyjoy (PVC type)

Going for my lunch now!

wish_child- I think more relax u get urself, less painful. And I have heard (frm various other mummies) that not taking epidural, so u feel ur body's contractions, makes the birth faster. Epidural numbs lower half of body so ppl hv to tell u to push. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Trinket- my current birth plan insists I get to carry baby moment baby's delivered & carry baby as I deliver the placenta. My prev gynae completely ignored all my requests so I decided to make a birth plan detailing what I hope for this time- eg music, dimmed down lights, no artificial induction... I think SF is do much nicer a doc than my prev gynae. The last one I think saw me no up as I was a single mum so he was quite one kind to me. And ya I trust God to tk care of us in the delivery ward ;)

Eviangal- pm me details of how to pay u? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will do it at lunch.

Idaar as joodz- Hugs!!!!!!!!

Mrs Ong- Yes. Same here. Lol. Juz gonna remind myself to be more relaxed. I think knowing what it's like since I delivered once makes me less fearfulthia time around. Making sure hubby doesn't panic by feeding him more info and talking about what it is like. But my hubs should b quite cool and a calming presence. He is not the kancheong spider sort.


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many new items. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

btw.. yesterday was the first time someone gave up the seat on the bus to me.. it was quite an embarrassing experience..

i was with my hubby and the bus was so crowded.. so hubby raised his voice and sarcastically said, "nowadays people see pregnant ladies all pretend to sleep wan hor?" i so paiseh lah.. but end up got a lady gave up her seat to me.

OFB: haha, he is like that one. tactless.. if u are fat and u are blocking the way he will call u fat pig dont stand there block the whole world. haha.



Thanks again! Yup, got good lobang do let me know!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes, once epidural was administered, it was a great relief!! will try to do w/o this time round. hope i can!! hee...

