(2011/02) Feb 2011

@Judy: Ya, it's like more topic to talk to your mum right? Hahaha! I'll also ask her about her delivery last time. And she'll keep saying she had a hard time giving birth to me. See, since born I was already a tyrant. Haha! She always tell me when I was a baby I always cry whenever I'm not being carried and therefore she can't sleep at night. Even when I fell asleep when she was carrying me, after putting me on bed I'll start to cry again. Lol~ Then she said my sis who's 5 years older than me will rock me on the 摇篮 whenever she's back from school. She said she hope my baby is not like me. Wahahaha~

So good of your hubby. I think my hubby feels neglected lor. Cos I go back on Saturday and usually before I was preggy we always go shopping on Saturday. So now every Saturday he has to find his own friends to go out with. And he complaint to me once which made me feel so bad. But I really love to eat my mum's cooking leh. And my hubby doesn't want to join me. *sigh* He thinks that Saturday is the only day he can go out, so he doesn't want to be cope at home. Furthermore I'll play mahjong with my family on Saturday and he doesn't gamble. So I think even if he follows me he'll be very bored. Heh.


@felpoo: Which brand of fish oil are you taking? Does it have a fishy taste when you burp? I thought of changing my fishoil and that day I went to take a look in Unity, Guardian & Watsons and I saw soooo many fishoil that I don't know which one to buy!

@charmaine: Sorry I think I asked before but I forgot which fishoil you are taking too. Heee.. Don't mind can you tell me again? Thanks! =)


I was also quite rebel when i was young also, haha. I talked back, went against my mum's will and did many things that hurt her lah. That time i felt that she only loved my sis and brothers loh, and i am like not her own flesh, always got scold. The more she scolded me, the more i rebelled, thus i said i felt no love from her.

Our relationship only started to improve when i went to church. (I must quote Geri's word, i am not trying to preach here, hehe). I started to help with the housework at home, show my parents respect and talk to my mum more. I think she also saw the changes in me and from there our relationship improved. Until today, our relationship is good and she still say that i am the best daughter that she has (but never in front of my sis' face, of course, hehe) cos my sis has bad temper than me and will sometime show my mum black face.

So, Judy, agree with Val that it's never too late. As long as we put effort in amendment the relationship with our parents, there will be improvement one. Especially with the coming of your baby, i think there will be so many opportunities for you to amend your relationship with your mum. Jia you ya


It's okay. I know my mum, she is that traditional type one loh, hehe. Maybe my best friend who is pregnant at the same time with me is having baby boy, hence, she feel pressurized for me also? haha.

My brothers are close with my mum also, but from my observation, guys are really not as considerate as girl sometimes. Can see that they also love and care for my mum and dad, but sometimes they can't be just sensitive enough to take care of parents' feeling. And they are still single and young. Don't know what happen when they are married hor (whether they will still care for family or listen more to wife, etc). That's how i feel lah


Re: Itchy private part

I also experienced that when before preggy. What i did was i didn't put on panty liner and will change my panty instead. It's more troublesome but i found somehow it helped leh. Cos when the private part got infection, panty liner (perfumed or non-perfumed) will make the condition worse. If necessary, i will take one or two day leaves and rest at home, cos i noticed when i moved alot and had stressed, my conditon will become worse, but when i was relaxed, the condition will improve.

felpoo: haha. yah lor. i think i must be the kid from hell that time. my other two sisters very normal leh. very funny, cos i was the most pampered during my younger days. i changed once we shifted house. maybe not used to the change in lifestyle bah. since then i became a delinquent, bad results, bad lifestyle, like an ah lian. but now i am a changed person liao lah. haha..

Val, I am now taking something like "dex..." something which I can't remember the brand. I only know that the required dosage per day is 250mg min. 1 box 30 capsules cost $60.00 over at my gynae and if I get from unity, it's only 180 caps for the same amt.

U know the capsules when swallowed always stuck mid way at the throat and then the covering will melt. the fish oil will start to seep out.. Yucks..

Btw, you are not alone. I felt sorry towards my hubby too. I haven't done that thing with him close to 2 months already. First is the MS and then with my itchiness and tiredness and all, I haven't been fulfilling my wifely duties. I "offered" myself for the past few days but got rejected. Becos he s afraid I will pass my infection to him.

*Sob Sob* I think I will forgot the feeling if I dun do it soon.

@Val: Thanks! Hopefully bb have rested enough and will be awake later!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Felpoo: Maybe change to normal panty liner instead of G-string? Just try lor.. So you already signed the package.. How come they haven’t ask me? Nevermind I will ask Sharon later.. Hehe.. Ya lor, the fish oil so big.. Everyday I also have problem swallowing it.. Will finish them then see whether to change to other brand..

Sigh ... I think the moment, when girls mature, they tend to be able to relate to their mums better and once you will have your own child, you will be so much closer to your parents.

Jolin, since young, I am susceptible to infection around my vaginal area. But during pregnancy, really must wear panty liners. If not, I might need to take at least 3-4 panties with me. Becos the discharge is quite a lot. Most probably, I will have to buy the feminine wash tonite as they have a neutral ph as compared the Dettol I am using now. Hope that helps. The last time, I talked to some of my gfs, one told me that she only uses water and no soap to wash her private areas!

val, bought mine at watson. NeurogainPB at $35 for 30 capsules [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jolin, judy, i came from a single parent family and i'm also not close to my mum as she favours my sis more than me (even till now) I was v rebellious and left home after O levels to stay with frd and only contact my family when i'm getting married which is almost 7yrs later. Previously i never felt wat is "family" after my dad passed away but after i got married and after i had my boy, i really treasure family now coz they are the ones who are still there when you needed them most [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

felpoo, maybe you want to try cleaning the area with water after you go toilet? 1st pg, i also experienced itchiness so i wash the area with water everytime i go toilet and it helps plus the cold water eases the itchiness. I also never ML with hubby for 6mths le. Wondering when will he have the need? hahaha. Btw is your ger sleeping same room with you and hubby? My hubby told me sometimes he dun want to ML coz my son sleeping with us and by the time he's asleep, hubby v tired to ML

Preciousbabi, they will ask you to sign the package after you finished your FA Scan on the same day itself. They should have informed you how much money you are to bring along for your FA Scan during your last visit. And remember to keep your receipt for the package. I remembered the last time that this receipt is Medisave claimable.

U agree with me on the fish oil yeah .. I told Sharon about it and she told me that they only carry this 1 brand. So after the FA Scan, I didn't buy the fish oil at all. When is your FA Scan? 24th right? I think I remembered you mentioned something around the 20+


I see. Did your gynae prescribe you with vaginal washing liquid last time when you visited him? I remember last time when i had this problem, i used this brand "LACTACYD" of feminine wash (hope i spell correctly) and i found it quite good. But my hubby said the smell of this washing liquid is really a big turn off for man. He said so, but i don't know.

Just for your reference

@felpoo: Huh. Got fishy taste and you never thought of changing to another brand? Mine also has fishy taste, sometimes makes me wanna vomit. So I thought of trying the one Charmaine is taking cos she said hers doesn't have the fishy taste.

@charmaine: Thanks charmaine! =D

@Felpoo: My FA scan is today at 3.30pm.. Supposed to be on 24th but changed.. Hehe.. They didn't tell me how much is the scan and nothing on the package until now lor.. That's why I like so blurr.. Haiz.. I make sure I remember to ask my list of questions later.. Haha.. O, this scan is claimable? How to claim?

The pill is real big lor.. Looking at what Val said.. I think I also have this fishy taste when burping but I don't remember at that point of time that it could be from this pill.. So I kept thinking what I ate that causes this fishy taste.. Haha..


My fish oil is Prolacta, if i remember correctly.

Big and soft and... i like the fishy smell when i burp, hahaha...

Charmaine, wow .. you are rather courageous for a 16 yr old girl to venture out on your own and only 7 yrs later, then you contact your mum?! Did she file a missing person report? What did your mum say after you contact her on your wedding plans?

Oh yes, I did wash with water and somemore I use filtered water becos the water in jurong area tend to have more "bacteria". Anyway, I will try the one that Jolin just recommend. It's either the Vagasil or the LACxxxx.

My girl does not sleeps with us. But even she did, we still do but more on the quiet side. Now without her in the room, we can afford to be loud. But don't know why this time round, a lot of angles while doing it, don't sit well with me. Last time, maybe stomach not so huge, more flexible. So yday, I asked my hubby does he has the itch. He said no leh .. So i asked him whether is he reaching male menopause? hehe ..

These few nites, also didn't sleep well. My legs are cramping like nobody business.

Oh thanks Jolin for the recommendation. My gynae didn't prescribe anything for me to wash. Perhaps later I will call the clinic and ask them for recommendations. If I don't get well by this week, and I will need to use bullet already.

Mummies, I'm off to pick hubby from home coz he's off today and then heading to the gynae for the scan.. So excited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Bye bye!!

Preciosbabi, tht s cool. Enjoy ur scan today and Dr Henry's wits! And you will have the DVD to take home today. I do agree on the list which I kept forgetting to make for questions I need to ask him. I better put a reminder in my handphone as I forgot once again to get a letter from him, as the confinement agency needs the letter to apply for the confinement nanny's work permit.

Alright .. going for my lunch now.

@Jolin: I'm having the same too!! Issit yellow in color?? Omg. I cannot stand the fishy taste. =/ Actually I was wondering if I eat fish everyday do I still need to take the fish oil? Hee...


All the best to your scan today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya, yellow liquid in transparent capsul. Quite big but soft. I like the fishy smell leh, don't know why, haha..

In fact, i noticed since this pregnancy, i love to eat fish [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

felpoo: haha, u remind me of what happened when i was younger. i was about 4 years old at that time i think. my parents let me and my 2 year old sister sleep in their air conditioned room as a treat that night, and as it was a weekend i remember challenging myself to stay awake for as long as possible. as a result, i saw my parents doing the deed.

so dont think kids cannot remember or comprehend.. haha.. since then i cannot erase the disturbing image from my mind, till today.


Haha. I think the DHA and omega concentration in the pill is higher than the fish that we eat normally? Plus, maybe we don't get to eat fish everyday also, hence, for the sake of baby, just tahan, hehe..

judy.. sad to hear the news.. i had an office colleague wen i was preggie w the 3rd one.. suddenly passed away while 5 months preggie and the worst part husband and wife just bought a pacifier for the baby 2-3 days ago before she passed away and thus the hubby placed the pacifier in the coffin together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I prefer hime care as as much as i want to expose him / her to good educare but falling sick often is the pitfall [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@judy - oh mine! you can remember wat happened at 4 years old! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! ;p

@idaar - you scared me... i thought someone here's bb passed away at 5 months!

idaarshad: oh dear, thats terrible news.. the husband must be devastated..

pootz: i have very good photographic memory, which is good and bad in many ways.. haha..

pinkyval, charmaine, Idaarshad: Thks for sharing re bottle steriliser and drying rack....guess I will invest in the steriliser but KIV the rack ... and yes, I forgot abt the cleaning detergents too!

Idaarshad: Do you use only disposable diapers or a combination with cloth diapers? I'm wondering if cloth diapers are a better choice? I've heard the horror stories with the mess and everything but it seems more economical ...

baywater: Alamak! I stay in the west! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Never mind, I'll check out the yoga link ....

felpoo: welcome back! I hope you feel better soon..now's the time to really relax and indulge in some me-time to keep those depressing thoughts at bay .... take a few days off work if u have to, go back to the simple things in life, think happy thoughts ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Judy: Your growing up story v inspiring!! I think most of us had a rebellious stage at some point or other, but I think the impt thing is we realise where we went wrong and try to make amendments ... no matter which point in our life [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So I'm very happy to hear you're taking the first steps toward improving the relationship with your mum, and hopefully baby plays a part in that too!!

I think it was Judy who mentioned she hasn't bought anything, not even clothes for bb yet? Well, I'm in a similar situation although I did buy some rompers already (cannot resist). But all the big ticket items like cot, stroller, breast pump, toys etc I've yet to buy or even make my mind up! The few shops/bb fairs I've visited have only served to make me even more confused with the mind-boggling choice...not just the brands but the types of items ... phew!

Much as I'm tempted to go on a big shopping spree, I must remind myself to buy only the necessary for now, and to buy the extras later on, or perhaps friends can contribute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eviangal - all the best for ur scan.. and mummies here mite not know.. she is a shopping queen... always get good deals and end up wem all combine.. buy and buy.. hahaha

precious babi... good luck on ur scan.. cant wait for mine too soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess... no probs.. i only use disposable diapers..... no cloth diapers... really dun wanna waste energy to wash them.....

Princess31: I am using combi of both cloth and disposable diapers. I find it more economical this way. Not too bad though.. Have been using cloth since my gal was 2 months till now.. at 17 months..

Firstly, you need to put a nappy liner to hold the poo. The nappy liner can be thrown away. The rest of the poo stuck on the cloth diaper can be rinsed off first before you soak them. Usually I soak my daughter's cloth diapers with Nappisan (under Vanish line) for a night before throwing into the machine for a thorough wash and they turn out perfectly fine.

P.s: I am talking about the new line of cloth diapers with buttons and snaps kind. Not the traditional kind ya..

I spend about $200 on 9 sets of cloth diapers and their inserts. Quite a hefty sum. I think today, there are some cheaper versions ones. Whatever the case, because of cloth diaper usage, my disposables tend to be slower.

Idaar: Kekee.. Thanks for the shopping queen intro ya..

Judy: Didnt know that kids can be aware of what's going on in the parents' bedroom.. My daughter sleeps with us too.. And we had to do it whilst she is sleeping besides us at times too.. Hmm.. I hope she isnt aware though..

Starhub cable tv channel 425 Home and Health have a lot of programs on regarding pregnancy such as showing delivery at hospital, mothers telling their pregnancy stories, interviews with experts and mothers on pregnancy, health problems with pregnancy and others. It's quite informative and under the basic tier and my wife like it. I have to give up my cartoon network channel to swop with lifestyle group. LOL

princess31: i think choc's list is pretty good.. can refer to that..

OFB: yah yah! i love that channel. but my hubby like not interested leh. he prefers the animax channel. haha. there are lots of programs regarding pregnancy. love the one which shows the family from pregnancy to childbirth. forgot the program title though.

I didn't work today, i just watched the channel and they showing a lady who have no contractions and have reached her EDD. So they have to induce it and how they do it. In the end have to go C-section.

It also say the baby was in breached position but suddenly he turn and was in the right position just at hospital. It's like the baby know he is coming out.. ha ha

Eviangal: How do u decide when to use cloth and when to use disposable? Is it roughly 50-50% usage?

I guess the cloth diapers are a good long-term investment....but they cannot start using it from newborn stage? Must wait till 2 mths, at least?

and where do you buy this new version of cloth diapers with snaps? I've only seen the traditional ones, I think, where u need to insert safety pins. And here's a really silly qn - is there instructions on how to use the cloth diaper??? Must be folded a certain way? How to adjust sizing? One size fits all??

Appreciate the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think I will try a combi of cloth and disposable ...


dun say your face already not v beautiful. arab ladies are gorgeous! I went to kuwait and the women i met were AMAZING. the eyes and the complexion. wow.

boy vs girl

one thing abt having boys is that they come with future DILs! haha... i think son in laws are easier to get along with, most of the time.

one thing that freaks me out more than having 3 boys is having 3 DILs... lol.

val, no prob. Hope this fish oil won't have any aftertaste when you burp. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

preciousbabi, good luck on your scan ya!

felpoo, ya i was v rebellious and every nite will stay overnite at east coast with friends, even the day before my O levels but i managed to pass with 6 credits with eng (si beh heng rite?) I got to know my ex and stayed at his hse for 7yrs. I worked at pub/ktv part-time and supported myself thru commerce school and poly. I only started to treasure family when i later got involved in drugs and the only person who stayed with me is my mum and hubby.

Hope the wash will works for you. I think Vagasil also have powder to keep the area dry and clean.

I also asked my hubby how come he can dun ML for so long. He always replied me saying he's tired till i gave up asking and we will usually end this topic with tiff. Sometimes, i'm wondering if he's gg to be impotent liao and find myself like 活寡妇. I'm wondering if he's affected coz he saw me delivered. He did mentioned to me once that he was v shocked esp when he saw gynae cut my v. Hope after this pg, we can both do something to revive our sex life.

idaarshad, that's very very sad. Did you know what happen to your colleague? I sympathise greatly for the hubby. It was a huge blow for him.

Princess31: I use cloth diapers when I know I will be at home for almost the whole day or for a number of hours. I usually used disposables when outside for convenience sake and of course at night.

Actually, I started only at 2 months because newborns poo and pee very, very frequently. So in the first 2 months, I used cheap disposables for that period. When my dd became more stabilised, I switch to cloth ones. She poo on average once a day after she became stabilised. So its make cleaning easy..

YOu know la.. With the poo and stuff.. its still very yucky to clean. One thing is the new type of cloth diapers comes with inserts, 1 insert usually hold for about 2 to 3 hours then need to change insert liaoz. But the outer cover can still reuse.

So I usually change her insert and liner 2 to 3 hours later. When outside, harder to monitor the hours to change, so I used disposables.

My favourite is Huggies Ultra. But some mummies prefer pampers, mommy poko, drypers,etc. I like Huggies because during exhibitions, you can get it at a discounted price + free gifts upon purchase. In addition, you can keep the points, barcodes and other promotional stamps to exchange for toys.

Most of my toys are from Huggies. And they are toys like Little Tikes, V-Tech, etc.

Here's the link to the cloth diapers I am using now.


And you can refer to this blog for more info on cloth diapers. I bought cloth diapers after reading this lady's blog.


BP selling cloth diapers at $10 each now though.. But not sure isit good due to the low price...


these are better than the ones we used when we ere younger.

Letting go of Medela PIS Advance (Backpack) @ $480

Good condition. Used only a few times.

Warranty included til June 2011

Interested parties, kindly Email me: [email protected]



no wonder i found yr nick so familiar! hee hee.

welcome to the thread and congrats. yay, next time when there's lobang our thread will always know.


yah was thinking of getting home and health but thought it's not basic tier. apparently $4 more a month?

dun watch too much though, cos a preggie colleague was very traumatised when she saw one of those birth programmes. the woman was screaming like she was going to die. sometimes a bit over dramatised. for me, my own pregnancy was like what my friend said. the pain is really bearable one. just tiring.

just a question regarding the detailed scan report. do you get your report on the spot or wait for your next gynae appt? my report is sent to my gynae, but my next appt is in mid oct. is it normal?

Hi hi. Juz woke up hahaha. Dunno why I have been so sleepy. Guess itz good. Working the flu out of my sleeping by resting.

Heh Judy and Jolin,, like U gals I did not have a good r/s with my mum from young. It's sad but I also did the grab the cane and asked if she beat enough yet. She never caned me after that but would pinch me hard and be very sarcastic. Mum never praised me growing up. P1 I saved up to buy her a carnation and she scolded me for wasting money. Heb her bday I made bday card. She scolded me for drawing nonsense. She was also very unapproachable and I was a single child so she had no one else to scold but me. Haha. I felt like a walking target practice. It was always walking on egg shells with her. She used to take my presents to give to my cousins from wealthier families. I still have one Hello Kity that I fiercely hung on to and refused to surrender. Hehe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

In my teen years our r/s got worse becoz she wanted things done her way and was v unreasonable. I had no one to confide in as Dad was flying around a lot. I am closer to my Dad becoz he listens and empathizes. He explains and then scolds. He never hit me just for the sake of hitting me. And so I trusted him and spoke to him most.

I started dating at 13 and I guess I was looking for love and acceptance fm the boys I dated then. The sort I couldn't get from mum. When I was 15, I came close to committing suicide. Divine intervention stopped me just in the nicknof time.

I went overseas to study when I was in my later teens and our r/s got better. Distance helped but stil she made me feel immensely lousy. I wanted ao much to make her proud I studied hard and almost had a mental breakdown.

At 21, I got pregnant out of wedlock. I told my dad first. It was the actual 9/11 day when I found out I was preg. I told Dad first but not before considering abortion which I couldn't brin myself to do after seeing the ultrasound. My mum wanted to disown me. So had to stay with my gal friend's lovely family as her parents helped counsel my mum and dad. It was v mind of them. My mum was very sarcastic and mean to me during pregnancy but she bought cod for her grandson inside me to eat for every meal.

At 22, I gave birth and she pampers my son. I think she is pinning her unfulfilled hopes on my son instead. Our r/s was rocky until I met my hubby and we got married. Then I started attending church after a long hiatus and grew a lot spiritually I guess. I stopped being rude to her or snapping at her when she pressed my buttons. Instead, I would email her letters to explain and if I do snap, I apologise and then explain my POV in the email. She responded well to that and we started doing this email thing when there is an issue we can't talk about face to face coz we'd fight.

I recall how once she was doing housework at my place and I told her to please rest and spend time with Kae. She scolded me and said very angrily if I don't let her do housework she will not come anymore. I was frust. I was trying to be filial bit kenah whacked. I went out to buy bread and I felt God telling me that for my mum who is unable to say she loves me outloud, well doing housework is her way of showing it. Jus let her do it whichever way she wants to. So I emailed her that night to apologized abt being upset with her when she scolded me and explained I ustd she does housewk to show her love and I explained I was showing her same love by asking her to rest. We juz have prob understanding each other's diff ways of showing love.

Over the last year half, we get along better. I tune out when she nags and stop letting it get my goat. I try to be more patient and to talk to her when she snaps at me. And it has had a positive effect on Kae too becoz I know she frust him the same way when he stays over at their plc every weekend. He is learning to be cool and let go together with me. Haha.

As for parents connecting with kids, when everyone professed disdain for my unborn child when I was 21, my friend's mum assured me by saying, "When the baby comes, their hearts will melt. Just bear with them for these 9 months." and it's true.

My r/s with Kae is diff from what I hv with mum coz Iearbed from her mistakes as a parent and also to listen and understand my son. He is a very sensible child. Most ppl say boys this and that- naughty, hard to control , etc- I never had those probs with him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] God is good to bless me with a kid like that. We dont have to become the parents our parents were, and when we finally have kids, we start appreciating and seeing where our parents come from- whatever their parenting style might be. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Judy: Where is your detailed scan conducted at? I remembered during my last detailed scan with my daughter I had all the pictures printed out into a report and passed to me on the spot. I had to bring this report to my gynae for check up on the same day itself.

You do not have a follow up session with your gynae on the same day or a few days after your detailed scan?

Good afternoon all mummies!!

Hope everyone is doing great! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have been so bz!! Glad that the mid-autumn festival is FINALLY here so will get a bit of a breather after tomo!


If I'm not mistaken, we can get the detailed scan report on the spot cos after the scan at TMC, will be going back to c Dr Ang again with the report.

My detailed scan will be on 1st Oct. So looking forward to it!! :D

Oh yes, if doing u're doing the scan at TMC and delivering there as well, don't forget to sign up for the FBI card as u'll get a discount for the scan as well.

Re: feminine washes

I find the SebaMed one not bad.

Hi mummies, just came back from lunch. Went for a quick nap in the canteen as I was feeling so tired.

Oh btw, I think sometimes last week, I was complaining about the pain in my rib cage just between my breast and stomach area. I tried not wearing bra for 2 days and I found out there it didn't help at all. In fact, it was even worse. Now I start to wonder does it have anything to do with my posture?

charmaine, you did drugs before?! Hmm.. I guess everyone has a dark past before. You dun struck to me as those very rebellious type. Always thought you are the homely type who cooks very well. I guess women at a certain stage and going through motherhood changes a lot of things. And just a matter of curiousity here, will you tell your children when they grow up the kind of childhood you had and not even leaving out the dark past? When I was young, I joined those secret society. N luckily, it is the family upbringing and values that made me stepped out within a week after joining. N earlier on, you wrote about the cut that your hubby saw, is it really tht bad? I was still telling my husband to join me in the delivery room as I might want him to experience the birthing stage for the last time, he did tell me that he won't be able to do it with me after he witness the whole scene. So is it really that bad?

Princess31, thanks for the welcome. I do agree with your viewpoint to buy the essential ones only.

Judy, you still can remember! Last year, my girl caught us doing tht too. We were so shocked. She woke up and came up to us while we were making out on the couch and saw us without a stitch of clothing. Then she was asking us, what are we doing and where are our clothes? We didn't realised that she was up. Maybe we were too engrossed. Anyway, that was the last incident. We moved her to another room.

Eviangal,do you really think cloth diapers is more economical? I saw the bumwear putting up the breakdown cost analysis. But what about the water that needed to be used to wash the liner? I think it's either charmaine or choc had used cloth diaper before and they don't think it's really cost savings. Hving said that, I believe in toilet training them early. I hv friends who children stop wearing diapers at the age of 14 mths except at nights. I told my hubby that my girl till now, 5 years hv to wear diapers at night. So we were saying tht we need to make sure she stops that by next year, so that this savings can pass over to buy diapers for the newborn. Then my mil said must continue to let her wear, just in case she pees on the mattress. *Faintz*. Luckily, my hubby is not a mummy boy.

eviangal: Many thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Those modern-day cloth diaper are cute! They come with printed words for deco..but not cheap eh.....About S$40 per piece?? No wonder your capital outlay so high .... so if I do decide to commit to this route, I need to stick to it. Is this the particular one you're using or are you showing me this just as an example of new cloth diapers?

And the liners....are they generic in the sense that all liners can fit all cloth liners? Where do you buy the liners for? Expensive? I guess they look something like sanitary pads but larger?

I'll check out that blog next ... :p


I checked with TMC before, the lady told me to inform them that we will be visiting the gynae so they will give us the report on the spot. Maybe you told them your appointment is weeks later so they send it to the gynae directly?


It's part of basic tier. The basic plan is $21.40, can choose 3 groups. So far nothing too obscene... they probably will be edited out anyway.

felpoo, ya was really a dark past and quitting it was the worst part. It was so terrible that i had nitemares every nite for few months. I'm lucky to have hubby with me during that period. SS also scary coz i heard that once you joined, it's not gonna be easy to get out. Lucky you stepped out fast.

I can tell frm hubby's expression that it really scared him lots. He said the scene is too much for him esp after cutting the v (not appropriate for me to say more coz i'm afraid it will be too much for the rest here) If you want hubby to join you in the delivery room, tell him to look at your face and do inform your gynae also just in case.

Felpoo: Hmm.. Before I bought the cloth diapers, I made a rough calculation. For 2 kids, using for 2 years each child, the average cost per usage is still cheaper than disposables lei..

As for water, I wash my cloth diapers together with all of my daughter's other laundry since I had soaked it prior to washing and rinsed off all the dirt liaoz.. So no extra cost lei..

Princess31: My cloth diapers cost about $20 per set. Bought them from the local supplier - Blog writer of the first thread. But the 3rd link from the BP is selling the cloth diapers at $8 per set only.

YOu prob can consider ba.. Previously when i was buying cloth diapers, the one I bought was the cheapest. Cos the ones like bumwear are very expensive...


@charmaine & felpoo: Ya, me too think it's not very good for hubby to look down there unless he can really take it. My insurance agent told me she has this friend who's very dominant in her r/s with her hubby and she always scold her hubby. Then she insists him follow him into the delivery ward and watch her give birth even though he already said he don't want. Then she even insists him to look at her V area. End up the moment he looked, he fainted. And after that he can't have sex and have to see pyschology for a year. But as my agent's hubby is a policeman so he dare to look. And after that still can have sex.

So I also won't ask my hubby to look down there. I find it quite gross for him to see also. Just look at my facial expression can liao..

