(2011/02) Feb 2011


If i am not wrong, i think John Little those 20% or 30% off are always not applicable for baby products...

When i checked up more information about Cordblood, it is not always about good things. It appears to me that it is not very scientifically proven yet and the usefulness and benefits are sometime in doubts. How long it can actually be stored is also question marks, thought most will tell you is 15 years. I have also read up some materials that mentioned the cordblood can only help the 2nd child onwards, not the parents and the baby itself. Some reports contradicts it, but my friend also never take up cordblood banking because she only want 1 child. All these cordblood banking is still pretty new i guess, there are not many cases of stories about cordblood banking that saves people. There are but not a lot ... Some also say the very very very small chance of needing cordblood does not make the kind of huge money spent worth while. 15 years of storage can cost you up to $5,000. Parents are always kiasu one so i think most rather believe it then not to believe. Haha

This is all what i have found out, so share with you all. I think i'm more towards to buy side, but i have to really think over.

OFB- Thanks for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Fair enough. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess we did read about success stories on our part hence we decided to go with it. $20 a month. Ok lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Juz to have an option. Price of 2 tickets for a cinema show on the weekend. Haha. We are of coz hoping never to utilize the cord blood though. Hahahaha. Macam like insurance- u buy n u hope to never have to utilize it. XD

Kinder- I agree with momomo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When I am ummm constipated my tum looks bigger and feels harder. Then afterwards, it becomes softer. Baby is still quite small right now- size of a mango or something- so u are fine. My belly looks larger coz I think becoz itz my second kid so tummy muscle and ligaments are looser, and also becoz I put on weight before I got preggers. So don't worry. U are ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ofb...got got...john little 30% off storewide include cot n prams..this is how i got my pram n cot n other stuffs from there..but is not a direct discount..as in they rebate u in voucher form...so can get that voucher to buy a sterilizer or pump lor =)

geri, nice pics esp the peranakan one. Thanks for your kind offer. Actually hubby is quite into photography but it's me who wanted to step in a studio coz will look more pro hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will try out wat you suggest and get hubby to take fotos for me hehehe.. Thanks ya!

OFB, yes there are quite a no of grades available. Depends on your affordability [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] As for the member card, you will get 10% off regular items. How to apply i'm unsure coz it's the SA who offered to get for us. I think if you spend a certain sum shd be able to get the card.

moomoo73, i also have acne breakout recently. I will just leave it alone, apply the med and it will go away in a few days' time.

kinder, if the tummy is constantly hard and you feel v uncomfortable by it, do call up your gynae coz it might be contractions. If it is, you will be given some med to relieve it.


great to see another scrapper! I found that making smaller layouts (8x8 instead of 12x12) is much faster, and uses less bellies and tends to look nicer, cos sometimes I really dunno what to do with all that space.

I have one quickutz but only cos I bought it second hand. not going to buy big shot etc cos the dies are so expensive! and one set of alphas is never enough once you've made the hardware investment hahaha...

I am SFL at MWL so whoever wants can go shopping with me to get better discounts! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OFB: i agree with u regarding the cordblood banking.. not proven, and the benefits are not that much above those who do not have access to their cordblood. thus we have decided to donate and help whoever needs it and hope we will never need to get on the waiting list in future..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kinderbueno: my tummy is harder at the bottom, and from belly button onwards its soft. sometimes the belly button area will bcome hard or soft periodically, though recently suddenly bcom very agar-agar(jelly) feeling. haha. dont knw why also. my belly button is still inwards but looks funny.

trinket: Haha, I have the opposite problem to u, that is - I started out doing smaller layouts to test the waters, and found I often had not enough space for all the photos and words I wanted to include, so I'm now doing more 12x 12s! Which of course, also means more paper and embellishments :p

Oh goody, can go MWL together ... I don't have any proper membership there because my buying is rather sporadic...one period I'd be spending lots there then I'd feel really guilty and stop going there for months..by then, all my collected stamps would've expired [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I actually haven't been back to MWL for many months ever since discovering Papermarket at Raffles City. They're also at PS, I hear, although I haven't seen the shop yet. PS is a really evil place because I can't help popping into Spotlight too...they have some nice Martha Stewart scrapbooking stuff there.

Anybody can explain the necessity of a bottle steriliser to me? Just trying to read up some on baby feeding, and seems like a whole lot of equipment to get. Bottle drying rack??? That's so specialised!!

suffering...... from UTI since last Sat.... Sat to Mon - 40 times... haiz.. went to doc yest and was told its bad... 100++ show in the results... pain and pain

@WishChild: Thanks for the shop name.. Haha.. Will go shopping soon.. Re bb cot, I would prefer to buy a new one.. Thanks for the offer anyway! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@moomoo: My breakout was in 1st trim.. Now getting better (touchwood).. But still dry and peeling around the mouth area.. My back and chest are still full of pimples.. My aunty and gfs commented that I look real ugly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@kinder: My tummy feels hard sometimes and soft sometimes.. Especially hard after meals.. Haha.. I think this is normal ba..

@idaar: Are you ok?? What is UTI??

@Princess31: The bottle steriliser is just for convenient to sterilise the bottles. It'll be good if you are using a lot of bottles. Then you can clean and sterilise all together. And you can sterilise breast pump parts as well. Another alternative is to use boiling water to wash and sterilise which I find that a bit troublesome lah. Heee... I bought 1 during the Taka baby fair that time.

@Idaar: Take the antibiotics provided by the doctor and drink lots of water to pass out the urine. It's painful but you have to pass out all the harmful "toxic". Get well soon!!

Mrs ong - Malay confinement is also very strict.. 44 days... and have to eat all the jamu and having to massage as well. my mum is not so strict so i stick to soupy foods.. but can eat all lah.. chicken...fish.. i am a spicy person - no chilli means constipation.. so i still eat a little till my bb gets used to my breastmilk and no diarrhoea... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my mil is a masseuse.. so i am glad that for my 3rd and 4th having her.... my 1st 2 are from my 1st marriage actually. some older ppl swear by jamu and thus they still look young and strong years on

princess 31 - bottle strelizer makes your life a whiole lot easier so that u dun need to boil ur bottles in a pot - in newborn stages - 6 months - u are recomended to sterilize ur bottles,pumps and all often as newborns are more prone to germs and stuff but i dun really practice that as i feel exposed to a little more germs more practical so their immunity is stronger just like the theory of babies who stay w pets are more non prone to allergies?

bottle drying rack makes u toss ur bottle after washing so that all the excess water is drained out thereafter so easier for u to use after washing

you mite need a bottle washer detergent as well to get rid of the milk stains and all easily.. i recommend pureen.. its good and cheap... i use that since no 3 - my no 1 and 2.. dun have all thses yet

practical as i have over 70 bottles for my breastmilk alone.. so imagine all the washing,,

for baby clothes detergent - i recommend kodomo - a big bottle goes a long wasy as u will use a little each time and the clothes smell great.. am a faithful follower since a decade ago

i am a tester - i have tried many2 kinds of pampers brand.. from pampers to malaysian brands.. so feel free to ask and we can exchange samples wen our babies arrive k... i did that in my old thread so we mummies can save he hassle of having to buy a big pack only to find our baby is allergic to it...prone to rashes

oh god.. am i blabbering....? sorry mums

Morning Everyone

Hi Princess31, I've yet to sign up for any pre-natal yoga as the provider needs to confirm with the instructor. The provider is InspireMum,u can visit their website http://www.inspiremumbaby.com/inspiremumdetails.asp?no=1 for more info. The instructor is staying in the east hence it's more convenience for me. Hopefully, they r able to run a class... Any mummies stay in the east and is interested?

Geri, do keep me posted on the aquarobics, very interested. ">

Mrs Ong, thanks for the invitation, wkn is usually off for me as its family time, hence all my personal activities needs to be in the wkdays. My bb shd be a girl but no confirmation from the gynea yet ">

Idaar, do take care. Drink plenty of water and try to hv some rest whenever possible

precious babi - UTI is urinary Tract Infection - short form is urine infection - we preggie mums tend to get it more often but mine is worst in my 5th one now... almost every month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haizzz...

pinkyval - yup taking medicine and i have to eat first before eating the antibiotics as will cause gastric... and this morning out came all my hashbrown + tea from mcdonalds to the toilet .. feeling horrible as it has been so long since i last vomitted....

for my 3rd.. i was vomitting till the day i gave birth !! phew!!

idaarshad: no problem. the more u write, the more information passed on to first time mums like me. haha. just a qn regarding the diapers.. ive seen those house brand diapers like Giant diapers, which are much cheaper than the branded ones. are they better? or the more expensive the diapers are the better?


I have friends also donated because they only want 1 children. Cordblood only helps the siblings, and up to 75% chance.


Wow 10% have to find friends who have one. That's a lot of savings!

@Idaar: Woah... I salute you again.. You are so strong! Tough pregnancy for you but you still dare to try for more kids. Really hope you'll get well soon and hope that you'll have smooth pregnancy till you give birth. =)

judy.... seriously.. price has no impact on these diapers.. just like pampers.... they are well known and mummies stick to them coz of the big name.. but seriously... i find other much cheaper diapers that work the same - i have tried the pampers(bought form sales at the expos) so it really burns down to our babies... like my babies who have cheapo butts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ... they can use anything... but i do have friends and relatives that have no choice to stick to mamy poko or pampers coz their babies cannot use others.. but i do have also friends whose babies can only use cheapo pampers and not branded.. hahaha.. even the NTUC inhouse brand is good and is a steal when having promos.. only they have size M and above only... so my advice is buy small packs of M diapers, exchange within us.. or even samples from the WTB or WTG sections in this forum to try out.... pray hard our babies are not so choosy so we can save more money coz diapers do really burn a hole in the pocket next to milk powder... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jolin.. thanks babe... haiz i have friends wishing their boys turn into girls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkyval.. diff pregnancies have diff symptoms .. i thank god for my not so long labours.... my 1st lasted abt 5 hrs while my 4th lasted less than half hr.. I was fully dilated already w no pain.. leaking waterbag at 3.05am, gave birth at 0356hrs... took a cab after having a quick shower.. the midwife was urging me to wait as the baby was almost out when i reach hospital .... so i thank god for some easy and difficulties i had [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking about brakouts... tell me about it.. this is my worst.... having pimples since early stages to my already not beautiful face.. hauizzzz

moomoo, charmaine, preciousbabi, geri - tks for ur reassurance.. my tummy not so soft this morning already.. maybe last nite i tested b4 i had dinner, so tummy is emptier

idaarshad - maybe u try some cranberry juice? heard its good for UTI.. btw, u mentioned eating jamu during confinement.. are u referring to the pinkish fruit? it's one of my fav fruits leh.. wld be happy if i can hv that during confinement!

Jolin - ur mum quite cute leh.. how come the pressure to hv boys is from her and not mil?? u tell her girls are good also lah.. and maybe the little boy will come ard the next time?

haha idaarshad: lets hope our babies got no golden backside.. i thought of using cloth diapers but the thought of all the washing really wears me down.

also,(sorry for the deluge of qns today.. haha) after my maternity leave i am going back to work.. my MIL has offered to take care.. but while she and her whole family are quite experienced with babies, i find their environment not very conducive.. what are the pros and cons of infant care, part time nannies and MIL take care?

just heard a piece of sad news today. my friend's friend's baby who is only a few months old was enrolled in infant care center, and then suddenly passed away due to SIDs. makes me quite nervous about going for infant care..

jolin: haha girl cute mah, can play dress up:) ur mom is like my dad. cos 4th mth scan dr says my baby is a baby boy.. then now bcome girl.. my dad got so sad he asked me to ask my gynae to return him the boy.. lol..

kinderbueno.. jamu... is not that.. pinkish fruit is called JAMBU.. hehehehe another word for pretty in Malay..

Jamu are herbs that are amde specially for diff reasons, strength, after birth, vitality, a lot of stuff lah.. it is best if u can drink it.. but i cant so in have to eat those pill forms

Judy, i guess it depends on which is the lesser of all evils... For me, I also abit uncomfortable with certain habits of my in-laws.. e.g. they eat dinner on the coffee-table in front of tv, drink lots of sweetened drinks (i abit ngeow, i think kids shld either take plain water or fresh fruit juice).. But i guess at the end of the day, i think i wld rather deal with these cos i know my kid will hv undivided attention of my in-laws and will do the best for him.. unlike infant care and part-time nannies who are outsiders afterall and may not be able to, or want to wholeheartedly be there for our kids..


Thanks for your replies.

Truely speaking, i have no gender preference. But maybe i come from a traditional family and my growing environment tells me that every family must have at least one baby boy (according to Chinese tradition), hence, i do hope my first one is a boy. However, this kind of thing we can't control one mah and i am glad that my hubby is supportive and so long for baby gal, so i am slowly affected by him and tried not to be pressurized by the "environment".

My mum is those very traditional woman loh, a bit zhong nan qing nv type. My sis gave birth to a son first, then daugther later, so i think she is hoping for the same for me. She doesn't really give me pressure lah, but on and off, she will keep mention about the incident of her friend's daughter who scanned for a baby girl but turned out to be a boy. And when i told her that my baby is a gal, she also said that oh, maybe the scan not accurate lah, wait for a few months to confirm. She is in denial state loh, sigh...

idaarshad. thanks for the clarification.. so pai seh.. hahah, i tot i had an excuse to eat lots of the fruit... so where do u get these jamu herbs or pills? hmm, i suppose they are different from the herbs that the chinese take?

@Idaar: I see.. Take care..

@Jolin: This is very common for elders.. They actually prefer boys.. Haha..

@Judy: So sad to hear about the bb.. The mum must be feeling so sad.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm so excited now coz going for my scan in the afternoon.. Just can't wait!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Jolin: I think I'm like your mum. I'm hoping during my detailed scan my gynae will tell me my boy is actually a girl. Hee hee... But I think it's highly impossible that his gender will "change" lah. Give your mum some time, maybe after the birth of your girl she'll dote on her a lot leh? =)


If i have choice, i would still prefer to let my family (parents or parents in law) to take care of my baby instead of putting my baby at infant care. It's not that i don't believe in the professionalism of those infant care, but i have more faith with "own people".

Just my thought [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks, but i am actually a bit sad over my mum's reaction. I am the eldest in the family, being the eldest (daugther some more), i don't think i got a lot of love from my mum when i was young. So now, she gave me a feeling of rejection of my baby because my baby is a gal. This kind hurts me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Judy, does that happened in the infant care or .. ?

So devastating to hear such news. I don't particularly like to hear tragic news about children. It just makes my day worse.

Hi morning mummies. It has been quite a while since I last posted in the forum. Really no mood. Firstly, it's the damn itchiness in my private area which has not been cured yet and yday was the worst.

Went to do a facial and massage. I think the massage caused nauseousness becos it was only late last week, I went for a massage session. I think the gap is too close.

Sigh.. Women usually ard 2nd trimester enjoy their pregnancy alot. I do not know why I don't.. My first PG, it was rather enjoyable beocs I remembered there was a project which was very challenging to be done. And this time round, my work is very routine and monotonous.

I think I better gotta do something about it, if not I will be going through prenatal depression. I can feel it's coming up.

princess31, the sterilizer is really good. I finally got my sterilizer after i melted 6 bottles and almost burned the hse coz i dozed off while waiting for the water to boil. I din't get a rack dryer. After the bottles are sterilized, i just fling out the excess water and cap back for next use.

idaarshad, can understand how you are feeling coz UTI makes you so uncomfortable. Take care and hope you will get better after taking the med. I'm also a big fan of kodomo bb detergent and their bb powder. Makes bb and their clothes smell sooo nice.

preciousbabi, i'm also waiting for the oct fair to buy a cot. Hope there'll be good deals there. I went to look ard and kiddy palace not much variety. Mothercare got v nice cots but v ex.

OFB, ya 10% is alot if you getting expensive stuff. If their promo for the birdnest is over, can also save alot. Hmm... i did pass a comment and dunno izzit becoz of this comment that the SA gave me the card. I told him i will try out the cheap grade 1st and if it's good i will come back to get more. Maybe you can use this and hint them that you will buy more birdnest if your wife likes it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jolin, tell your mum that as long bb healthy most impt. When i went for detailed scan and the sonagrapher told me my bb is v healthy (and no cleft lip coz i used scissors on bed prev) i was very very happy that i forgot to ask her the gender. Only when my hubby and son came in, she finally ask if we want to know the gender.

Judy, hahaha your father so cute. I think maybe he wanted you to have a son as your 1st child [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But once your bb delivered, everyone will forget about this.

@Jolin: Don't be too sad cos that day when my parents went with me for the scan my dad also doesn't seem quite happy that I have a boy. He keeps thinking that girl is better cos one of my cousin that's of the same age as me is an only child and since young he has been very pampered by his parents. End up till now he also not filial to his parents. Working but never give his parents money and still talk very rudely to his parents. Then my dad kept saying the cons of having a boy. I was also quite upset then cos not every boy is like that! Then I told him my hubby's niece is a girl but also very naughty what. And the same goes for my sis's hubby's niece. It all depends on how you teach the child. And my mum first reaction was also shocked and can tell she's a bit disappointed too that mine is a boy. But all these can't be helped. Me too wanted a girl but it's all beyond my control. Maybe if I plan carefully I might get a girl but since my pregnancy is an accident, I have no choice but to accept it. And now that my sis is pregnant too, I have a feeling hers is a girl and I think maybe my dad will dote on hers more than mine. Hmm.. But overall I think most important is support from own hubby. And like I say, I think very high chance after that birth of your girl your mum will like her a lot cos baby girls seems more adorable. Hehe.. Hope my boy boy don't know I think this way. =p

felpoo: sorry for making u sad with the news.. yah the incident happened in the infant care.. i did not ask which one, but it recently had a wave of hand food mouth disease as well, which probably contributed to the vulnerability of the baby..

charmaine: yah i believe he was joking lah haha. its maybe bcos he is surrounded by girls since young, with his 3 daughters, countless nieces, and i have seven aunties and only one uncle. haha. during the 4th mth he went ahead and boasted to all his friends he is finally getting a grandson, then now he got to clear up his 'mess' and tell them its a princess instead.. lol.. bcos of his influence i initially felt a little sad that i am having a girl, but now that i think about it, both are okay, girls are cute too.. and i can try next time, maybe my daughter can have a little brother..

Jolin, I don't seem to understand your mother's rationale. Pardon me for saying that. If my mum is going to say that to me, I am going to tell her straight in the face, "Anyway, the newborn is not going to carry our family surname but my husband's side. So why does it makes any difference to you then?" Didn't they know that girls are better and sensitive when they come to parents?

Don't think too much about your mother. Do you have any brothers? How are your brothers treating your mother? Nowadays, ppl seldom favour boys over girls. usually, they will like to have girls first then followed by boys.

Most imptly, children should be healthy and that all matters.

pinkyval and jolin: girls have an equal chance of turning out to be 'bad eggs' as boys.. take me as an example.. i was horrible to my mother when i was young. my mom was very small sized and when i reached 12 yrs of age, i began to outgrow my mom. so whenever she used the cane on me i could easily reach out and stop the cane. i regret to say that it escalated to me hitting my mom. i even slapped her. my mom had bruises on her arms she had to cover up, but she never once told on me to outsiders. im surprised she didnt call the police and lock me up. till today i cannot speak to my mom normally, so i usually talk to my dad. im trying to make amendments now and hopefully not too late.

@Val: You’re still thinking that your bb’s gender will change?? Haha..

@Jolin: Don’t be sad.. This is something we cannot change.. They should understand also.. When bb comes, everyone will be so busy that they’ll forget about whether boy or gal.. So doesn’t really matter lah..

@Felpoo: You’re not getting better from the itch?? Could it be the panty liner? Try to change another brand and don’t use those perfumed ones, it may help..

@Felpoo: Since you are here today, can I ask how much you paid for the FA Scan? They never brief me on it.. And have you signed the package? If so, how much and start from when??

Hi mummies, havent logged into this thread for sometime now.. A little difficult to keep track. The thread is moving like an F1 thread.. keke..

Btw, any mummies felt babies movements yet?

I am soo.. Kan cheong.. found out that I am expecting a boy at 16 weeks and already exchanged all my daughter's clothes for boy's clothes liaoz.. Going for detailed scan tomorrow... Hopefully the scan will tell me I am having a bou and not otherwise.

Idaar: Wow, you are getting active here now ya..

Val, Charmaine and mummies

Really thanks for your sharing and replies

I am feeling much better now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually, same as Val, i believe in the way how the child is bringing up. To me, boy or gal both are same. If they are good, then they are good, there is no guarantee that boy or girl is better.

In fact, my mum and dad keep saying that luckily they have me and my sis as elder chilren, cos we've been helping our family alot. Even we're married, we still support our family whenever we can. Of course, we're lucky to get supportive hubby also lah. And our bonding with our parents are closer than my bros. Hence, sometimes i just don't understand why they still having this tradition mindset, haha

But it's not easy to change their thinking. I believe my parents will dote on my daugther lah, just that maybe at this moment, still a bit hard for them to accept the fact (esp my mum, haha) and it's kinda affected me everytime we talked about my baby.

@Judy: Actually I'm not very close to my parents too when I was young. As compared to my sis who'll confide in my mum in everything, excel in studies and being a sensible daughter. I was pampered by my grandma and I always keep everything to myself to the extend that my mum doesn't know what I was thinking. Even when I started flying, I didn't even have home sick. I was ok to be away from the home for 8 days, 10 days and I won't call back home. And when I knew my hubby that time, during my off days I'll also stay over in his place most of the time. Thinking back, I think my mum must be very sad. Cos it's like she has lost a daughter after me knowing my hubby. She ever called me 1 day and cried. Said she's very sad, why I didn't call back and ask about them all those. *sigh* I failed as a daughter. Though she said she won't call me again till I call her, but as time pass by, she still calls me. Hee hee.. And now I also go back home every Saturday for home cooked food. I think my baby not only bond me & my hubby closer, but also me and my family. So I guess daughter is not always better than son? =)

So Judy, it's never too late. You are still young! When I was at your age I still wasn't talking much to my parents. You can slowly start to call her, ask her what is she doing, chit chat with her. And the relationship between the both of you will be better. =)

pinkyval: yah i agree. at least with my recent marriage and arriving baby my mother has been more involved in my life, imparting those motherly pearls of wisdom. haha. my hubby is also very supporting. he will periodically remind me to go back visit my family whenever we are free.

@preciousbabi: Wahahahah~ Ya lor. Cos my hubby also said the photo can't tell is a boy mah. So I'm still having the hope lor. Lol~ Maybe that's the reason why my hubby don't want to start to shop for baby's clothes. Lol~ But I'll still call my baby little prince lah. Hahahha! By the way, good luck for your scan later!! Mine will be 3 more days~

@Jolin: Ya, in general as girls grow up they'll contribute more to the family. Maybe that's why my dad will prefer a girl than a boy. Cos he stereotype all boys as my cousin. Lol~


Aiyoh .. Judy, you very tough man back then. You mean you hit your mum back then?! Anyway, I realized that when we were young, we were so much closer to dad. And when you grow up, alot of things you aren't able to relate to your father, hence will grow closer to mummy. Last time, I also dun hv much common topics with my mum esp. I know how much she dotes on my 2 brothers. But ever since after my elder brother's demise, I realized that no matter what happened, children are always the most precious in their parents' eyes, be it boy or girl. And from there, I will try to understand my mum better.

preciousbabi, I am not using perfumed kind. Using carefree g-string. I didin't pay for the FA Scan as it is together in a package. I paid 650.00 which is already inclusive the FA Scan. Btw, if you don't have any complications Dr Henry will have you sign the package which includes the routine u/s and vits. I didn't take the fish oil this time round. Will be buying off the shelf from Unity pharmacy. Firstly, it s rather ex. n 2ndly, capsules too big for me to swallow.

Hi Geri, the photos you showed us are very natural. Nice and cool. I dun have gifted hands to do all these. Are you a photographer?

