(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

thank u bbdust [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh ok but the previous post they say a doc being non chalent is it referring to dr woody? where his clinic? he is ang moh ah?


COngrats on ur increment MUACKS...good things r coming ur way liao... nxt is u are going to have a BFP [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


which one is 15miu and which one is 30miu??

u gave me 2 attachement.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alison - u increase what?? u already finance minister liao lor.... ya..i oso scared there become leng...hmm..next time must ask my gynae to stitch more..make tighter..mwahahaha...

Hahahaha...... it's a surprise lor..... as I dun really expect it due to the econ situation now.... hahahaha....... BIG somemore.... my efforts paid off ..... my dh sure jealous, cos I hvnt tell him yet... I tell u all first.... hahahaha....

Just receive a call from my father, tot what happen, nearly scared me... then he said "happy birthday"... OMG! faint... i told him my birthday is yday lah... he said he know but he forgot yday! pengz....

Angel, I get myself a nice computer bag plus a sandels.....

Hi bebechan, congrats to your BFP too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val: mwhahahaa! sekali stitch till very small hole...wooHoOOo V once again~~!! I still wan increment!!!!!!!!!!!

sian leh...gal u been to golden mile???

GM: y wet!?!??! mwhahahahahhaa!! what we do?? what we say!??!?!

KK: shiok leh...I also wan!! I jealous liao!!! $$ is so much better than promotion mwhahahha!


wa so far.....

argh!!can anyone help me with the gynae part???any good ones near the west or central area? cos i don wan run too far when my tummy becomes big big...very xin ku one...

camden and tanglin shopping centre have leh but duno ex or not??


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wa yr dad so sweet....happy belated birthday! best birthday present u got huh..wat u working as?

posting on behalf for Angel

1st shot


2nd shot


Alison - V???my ass lor...haha.... *shy*... increment ur tao...i oso want increment...must wait until next year...ya..been to golden mile..there got a steamboat place very nice...my dad used to bring me there...that time i went with dh...i cry cos i think abt my dad....


both the pics are the same OPK.. just tat taken at differnt time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but it does looks positive for 30miu also leh..


i actualli use the pics as the background in Poswerpoint cause i wan to add in the miu...

after tat u save as JPG liao then resize it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if i dun add wording normally i use Microsoft Picture Manager.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrat to those BFP! 

However, my mission failed last long cycle. 

Please help to update

Piyo – 21-Jul-09

Vic, I need to replenish my OPK liao.

Val: U knw hor that time I ask dh if he mind my there leng leng after birth...he blur blur look at me with the "u siao" look.

the basement steamboat right!??!?1 the one with chicken rice?? OOoo!! my dad last time also bring me there...but heard not getting ex liao. I only go there during night for steamboat...dun knw where is the supermarket.

Gal...dun cry dun cry...these are good memories...but eat n smile at same time =)

GM; tsk tsk...simi dai ji....what make u excited??? hohohoo! think it is time to call yr dh to take half day leave -P

tubby, okie lar.. dun laugh at u lar.. **giggle behind tubby...**.. make sure ur in grown nail not affected hor.. scarly u really chip the wall off leh.. alamak, so paisei.. ur boss and colleague saw ah.. oh dear..

Sayang sayang... **massage ur toe okie**

shun bian sayang the pantry wall.. hehe..

GM, u suddenly feel HIGH issit? hehe.. thats y wet.. hmm...

KK, congrats..i want increment oso..


I'm luffing at ur lengleng comment leh

I csect for #1 cant comment leng anot

But after deliver liao bd again ..

Feels like a virgin all over


jia you the next cycle... new cycle new hope!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no la.. been like tat for days liao.. maybe i leak urine.. lolz.. but no smell... :p

i not excited leh... but just tired and kept coughing.....

my dh wun take time off for tat one la... :p


I bought the Techno hood, hob n oven..the tempered glass hob got lifetime warranty de..

Val mei,

I saw what u wrote! *bish* u! Dun thnk already! Sure huat de!


Yes, its that pill to be inserted into V de...That time i asked u coz my friend asked n i dunno....u using that now?

ZZ: wahhhh~~~!!! I also wan V feel wor!! wmahahhahaa! I very scared bb will be big...I see my dh 2X my size....scary,,,,

jus reminded dh to take his chinese med & he asked me anything happening tonite? hohoho. my UTI better now taking cranberry juice hopefully can bd.

