(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Alison - i eating honey stars with milk now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yummy.... dun gey siao...type nia????? you sure???? when ur with me you knn, cb all very loud one leh......


Ladies.. just to inform u gals tat i have secure an appt w John Tee.... its like next sat.... :p

tis coming Monday have but dh on course the whole week....

JP: sense wor!!! so shen qi ah!~~ dun gei gei la...u read quietly right...hehehe!

Val: u buay sian ah...write so small~ strain my eyes tsk tsk!

ZZ ..it depends on yr comfort lvl with dr woody...some of us dun like his chop chop pattern but some of us like cos he's sharp n short..so its really up to indiv pref..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

Tubby...i ordered walnut cake (small 500g) fm rich & good cake shop ..half the ht of a whole walnut cake fm bengawan solo...diameter abt the same.

sorry the pic a bit blur.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/2718038.jpg] - OPK15miu

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/2718039.jpg] - OPK30miu

does tat mean I suitable for both miu? is this consider Oing?

Meow - me gonna go buy this Friday...they open at 8am..then after that go fetch dh from work...

Alison - ORH!!!!!!! like that write BIG BIG can ma???? hehehee...

tell u all something u all sure laugh till pengz one...just now i go my pantry take milk from fridge...i turn left too early..i walked straight into the wall...bang my hand....kicked my toe...sibei pain... )*&(*&(*&^*.... must be laugh at GM too much about her pantry... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

GM i can see what u type lor...

XZZ - i got ingrown toe nails one..then my office machiam my house like tt...wear slippers and walk around...sibei tia lor....pain until high man.... u (*&(&&&*%&*^ say i break the wall... *bish*

............... GM & Val.......u gals type small small....

Val: y so blur...what u thinking wor?? sianz tmr go see movie with dh's colleagues whom I dun like. the GF stick to the guy like glue...then the guy abit hao lian...see liao buay tahan.

hsien - yao si....laugh until in bold some more... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]now i waiting for that good friend of mine to laugh lor..she sure laugh one...she got no compassion towards this pitiful friend of hers...

Alison - i dunno...cos i was looking at the honey star box got ice age 3 toy...then i very happy...then i just turn and walk into the wall...

Val: I didnt read properly...u can pain until HIGH one ah!?!?! ehahahahahaa! ehh if I also can bang until high hor...I think u can see me bang wall everyday leh...

tubby ...u so fani ...u alone in pantry when u langa? at least no one see u 'throw face'..mwahahah ....yr toe tia huh? better check if gt blue black bo later.

blurlet: sigh...he book gold class for me cos say can lay down. waste $$!!!! sigh...he agreed w/o telling me lor...that idiot!

Tubby ..pain until HIGH??? u sure bo?? Sounds like SM leh ..:p ...hehe the more painful the harder the more high the feeling...mwahah

Alison - i said HIGH..not CLIMAX... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] *bish* ur wall bang spoil liao i lend u my house wall to bang k..mwahahaha....eh...u got think before or not ar???after u give birth hor...the gynae will stitch up ur below ma...sure pain de...u got think how long after childbirth are u gng to BD???

meow - got...the wall directly facing meeting room...boss saw...colleague heard my fork drop then turn around and see... i wanted to dig hole and hide inside...no blue black..just damn pain cos of the in grown...

bb dust - hai hao you got liang xing to sayang me....


tks tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats!!! u how many weeks le? decide on yr gynae already?

me headache leh seems like no gynae ard my area one haiz

Val: actually I never thought of the duration...I only think abt the "leng leng" of my precious area. Sekali not shiok liao how!?!!?


I using Dr Woody 1st see how

I week 4 now

Surprised can test so early.

Maybe my #1 cycle abt 32-35days.

Now is 28-30days

Only can see him next Tue

