(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


dun tell him outright hor.

keep him in suspense.

Hmm.. can always mms him a photo of u, in a seductive way? :p

build up on his imagination, then all the more he look forward to tonight.

dun show face hor. for "safety" reason. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


GM: wah...then u better drink more water n less heaty food.

Vio; where got early morning...lunch time liao lor. Ok..I make u drool more...today gonna make grilled stuffed sotong thai style mwhahahahaa n also spring rolls for dh lunch tmr...drool more??

angel, try seducing him ah...as wat tigga said, send him a mms during lunch.. den u send him a sms later booking him for a hot date with a hot babe... when he about to off work u send him another mms.. Like tat he sure ^^"

me back from lunchie.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah i m using that pill now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


He think u gila nvm.. what matters is must tempt him.. make him imagine u are right in front of him now..

but then.. hope ur DH clever lar.. cos my DH so sotong until have to tell him directly one. Hinting to him and he will go like "can explain what u send ah? I dun understand leh".


Gosh....when u said sotong, my saliva rush up leh....u are so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, got gd increment! Like the gals said, u will have gd news on BFP soon too!


Sayang...dun cry ok? Ur turn will come soon de. We will all support u....*hugz*


Yeah, i saw ur previous posts liao. Its insert V de right?


wan to feedback on ur 10miu... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me and telly conclude tat the 10miu something not right... when our 15miu tested very positive, 10miu should be even more positive.. but its opposite... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RC/ BEBECHAN/others who striked i might have missed out please fill in your own sweet time


Can the graduates PLEASE help the rest of us by filling in the info according to this:




TTC #Months:

Previous #M/Cs if any:

Alternate Day BD: Y/N

Lift Butt after BD: Y/N

Used Preseed: Y/N

Did HSG: Y/N

Tracked BBT: Y/N

Used OPK: Y/N

Visited TCM: Y/N (If yes, who?)

Ate Multi Vitamins: Y/N

Angel sorry i was offline!

for sashamam updates



Gender: huh?? simi I female lah!

TTC #Months: 4

Previous #M/Cs if any: 0

Alternate Day BD: Y?

Lift Butt after BD: N

Used Preseed: N

Did HSG: N (I oso not sure wats that)

Tracked BBT: N

Used OPK: N

Visited TCM: N

Ate Multi Vitamins: N

gm saw your posts. oh my doesnt look very good le.

its weird cos this who ar - CL posted one 15miu & 10miu about the same.

task task task

angel ya i saw was busy la jsut now.

Vio: cannot make sotong liao la...tonight got invitation to makan seafood with foreign friends. wah lau...my back can die lor.

any seafood restaurant recommend?? No signboard?!?!?

AH HUAT PTE LTD – opks & Hpts

Regulars pm me for special repurchase prices


280 opk (20 miu)

0 hpt (10miu) see Hope PAcks

10 pcs - $7.50 no mixing

20cps - 13.70 can mix

30 pcs - $18.70 can mix

50 pcs - $30 can mix

opk (10 miu) includes postage expected 1st week August 2009 should be able to post out on 5th Aug if no delays from vendor.

5 pcs - $6.50

10 pcs - $11.50 (order & pay by this week free 1 HPT strip)

20 pcs - $20.70 (2 HPT free)

30pcs - $28.50 (3 HPT free)

FOC HPT strips for this week order only.

For 50 pcs or more pm me.

Hope PACKS $3.80 – 7 available

5 hpts


Mini HUAT PACKS $13.70

15 20miu opks

5 10miu hpts

Mini SUPER HUAT PACKS (for extra sensitivity opks) 15.95 (available from 5th Aug)

10 20miu opk

5 10miu opks

5 10miu hpts

HUAT PACKS 18.50 – 6 available

25 opks

5 hpts

SUPER HUAT PACKS 20.50 – 1 available (50/60cents)

20 opks

5 15miu opks (will be replaced with 10miu in future, 15miu discontinued)

5 hpts

new SUPER HUAT PACKS 20.50 available 5th Aug09

20 opks

5 10miu opks

5 hpts

*opks - Ovulation strips.

hpts-Home Pregnancy test strips.

Where not mentioned Opks are 20 miu = High sensitivity opks. Hpts are 10 miu ultra high sensitivity.

Prices include local postage within Singapore.

Those transferring from non POSB/DBS banks please contact me earlier as the interbank transfer will take longer – I do prefer to mail out only upon receipt of payment unless you are a regular.

1 basal thermometer $1 (postage/envelope only) FOC why FOC its in Fahrenheit not Degrees celcius a conversion table will be emailed to you. Left 1 pcs.

1 basal thermometer $10.40 (postage/envelope) Pigeon brand $9.90 from certain department stores - some said they cannot find it so i bot 2 for your convenience. 1 left.

I had seafood at demsey...dunno which one....not fantastic. Jumbo?? nice ah?? simi nice?? pepper or chilli crab??

Xiao hong lou..I heard of it wor...my friend say nice...ambience nice also??

the one I went is at east coast, open concept one not restaurant type. can sit outside one. robertson quay think is restaurant type never go.


Haha.. yah.. think most DH oso wanna straight to the point.. they dunno how to answer to hints de. Like that they will be more high.. Just like i tell my DH, "Oei, tonight sleep early hor"... he will ask me "Y sleep early?", right in front of my MIL somemore and my MIL ask "y need to sleep early? u not feeling well ah?".. WTH lor..

spoil all moods liao

Tubby, haha.. y bish me? **littlepiggy one eye blue black liao**..

Where is xiao hong lou?

no signboard not nice ah!?!!?!? thought their white pepper crab is super nice!??!!?!?

actually I dun feel like going cos back very pain...but bo pian...!!!!


Hahaha...we recommended the same Xiao Hong Lou...


I used to always go Long Beach to eat..their bamboo clams hor, wah piang, best! Oh!!! Or u can try Turf City? Weekdays got 50% de leh! I dunno now still have anot, u can call to ask. One of the restaurant is Ah Yat Abalone? Quite worth lor!

ladies, sorry just now, suddenly disappear cos need to go lunch, and my coll is waiting....

Via, thank you, yes, we will all BFP soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBChan, my main role in Finance, but I need to do various roles too.... ;P


one at east coast, the latest one think at robertson quay.


heard no sign board ex lor. never try b4 heard from dh.


ya ya xiao hong lou. I tried the one at turf city also. think promotion still on but check 1st. ah yat & owen think they same co. one.


I want to go house of seafood lay. u tried b4? what is nice?

I think I went to long beach the last time...not sooooooooo amazing. dunno why leh.

Turf city...hmmnn wait I go google..

turf city abit boring for froeigners cos nothing to see only a Giant supermarket. lousy view. I still supprt the marina & east coast areas better for visitors to SG.

angel: no diff. I have to take cab to dh's office at central to meet him. I told him liao..I will lunz...if I cry when I come back...he will get &^&^( frm me.

vic ma,

two branches, one @ AMK (main), one @ TYP Lor 8. :D

Opp AMK Melben, is uncle Leong.

Heard not bad too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

