(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


aiya I cant remember. cutie said crab meat bee hoon is nice & pepper crab but dun know which dish is for which, melben or uncle leong.

hi Ladies,

how are u all doing? :)

was reading the archives..

CONGRATS to all BFPs!! july is a lucky month :)

can i request for lots of babydusts :) hehehe

my AF reported yesterday 21 Jul but the funnie thing is is only a few drops of blood but have the AF cramps though...

does it count as AF?

ladies, i have been missing for sometime...

My AF is late for 2 months,tested 3 times all negative, last menses was on 18May and went to see my gynae then took a medi (cant rem the name) for 7 days and wait for another 5 days for my AF to arrive, Finally arrive today...

Anyone have such delayed menses after taking clomid? that was the first clomid i took and quite disheartened that hv such long and delayed cycle.

My dr say maybe i am not producing much progesterone or something. he will hv me supplements for my next clomid.


AMK melben has very nic crab bee hoon and butter crab!

*drooling, @ the thought of it!*

but the queue was quite horrible la. not sure weekday as bad anot thou. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am not sure abt the one at east coast leh cause we only go to the geylang one wor.. but my friend told me the rest not nice only geylang one ie best liao... there is another one at esplandae also.

Hello bb Koh and Taregal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbkoh: I read abt this before on women who have regular Af then take clomid , after that delay.

ZZ: heh?? u 9 mths no BD??


the other day i email u also wor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

then how is the flow today?? still little??? it finally came on CD what???

mine not here yet still and last nite i got super dark OPK on 15miu... lolz... :p


u mean u took clomid liao and AF still delay??

tot clomid supposed to regulate mense?


hi taragal, bbkoh!


Few drops ah?

Maybe wait and see tmr full-blown anot?


Eh why don't u wait for a few more days to see if its spotting or really AF. for mine 1st day also only a few drops of blood then CD2 or 3 then full force de.

awbb, i also read that the AF will be regular after taking clomid but mine is very unusual even my gynae also say so.

So worrying, will try clomid another cycle if still no strike then i wanna change don wanna try clomid liao


I got the around $9.90 2 pcs patalong loose powder one beige one lavandar.

its around 10g each not too bad very small easy to carry around!

I found out Kose 35g

laneige 30g

MAC 8 g

no wonder i felt MAC's loose powder like quite cheap lor cos SO LITTLE!

bbdust, i will try for the 2nd time lo. will consult my gynae and see which one to do next after clomid.

But i am kinda dreadful when taking clomid cos i have quite bad side effects. increased heartbeat, grouchy and mood swings

Hi everyone,

I am new here.

Can I check with you ladies, I just started using the OPK strips. There are two lines and the second line became progressively darker.

Does it mean I am ovulating now?

How long will the double line last for?

Thank you in advance for your response....

Have a good day ahead...

bbdust, my gynae say clomid works for me cos tat time scan got mature egg but my body is not producing enough prostrogen thats why delayed menses so he will give me some prostrogen supplements and see how lo


I tried both before.. but i find that the Bedok one taste nicer, but the service at YCK is better.. hehe.. but need to reserve seats cos always full de.

Yeah.. Melben has nice butter crabs.. but what i dun like is the queue lor..

AW, u can oso try this if u want ambience.


Its at Marine Parade.

Welcome Nisa to our big family...

the second line u are referrin to is nearer to the green portion or the towards the dip....

it will take abt 2-3 days for the dark line to go off..if day 1 and day 2 u get ur dark line, and day 3 the dark line goes off means u O on the day 3.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I got spotting last time

seldom BD so anyhow long time din BD so will tight leh

Ask those who deliver before will tell u same thing

Hi Nisa....welcome.....

if the dark line gets lighter tomorrow or fades off completely means u already ovulated...and would be best to BD...

Hi taregal, hi bbkoh, hi nisa..

bbkoh, few years ago i oso had the same problem as u. Doc oso gave me Prostrogen supplements to induce my menses.

Nisa, let those big sisters explain to u.. hehe they are more experts.

Angel - nope...i dare not..my UTI is very jia lat kind...will have blood clot coming out from my pee hole and that is (*^*^%^%&(*^ pain...everytime i pee i will cry...no joke...so i won't BD until 1-2 weeks after UTI...why leh???


cos I think I got UTI yday. then I took the citraeffervance(cant spell) powder & cranberry juice. now better liao so wondering can bd tonite or not. today crucial day.


Long Beach not nice meh? I always bring my parents go eat, not bad leh! Otherwise, go Geylang no signboard ba....can see cha bor! Kekeke..

Vio: ermm the one at dempsy not fantastic. ehehehe! Ok decide to go no signboard...but then hor...which branch?? east coast got air con?? vivocity?? or esplanade??

angel, i ask doc before can bd if got UTI, he said no problem one. Just need to make sure it is clean after bd. U need to take that drink for afew days to make sure ur uti gone bah.


i went to the esplanade one before.. not bad for enviroment.. after eatin still can go and walk walk ard... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


cannot be leh.. i only did IUI yesterday leh.. how can be preggie so fast de wor... not even implanted yet... I think maybe my HCG shot is not out of my system yet that is why still +ve OPK.


hmmm could be tat also wor... keep testing... :p


food wise i tink so so.. so far i still like the one at stadium... lolz...

i ate at the Crab house before... wow... their 1.5kg crab 'kong' is damn power... hehe.. they are famous for the black pepper crab... :p

