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lolz... raging hormones.... keke....

what u mean by cycling without AF.. means i gettin my new set of O but no AF??


tats the tab ah... realli look swee.... so must push in a finger length.. then got give u those cream or what like to wet the V there to push in easier?


mine taken orally [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cos i got spotting then ....but too bad didnt help...

bbdust, hm.... if the V very dry how ah....

purple, your ability to O and have high bbt shows u are fertile. You have lotsa chances to bfp. Dun give up. Just know that everything is in God's time not yours. Maybe in this time of waiting, it is a special time for u to bond and have a closer relationship with ur ds before the next one arrive.


yah loh kekkek...so sweee...wooo...


yah thats the tab loh .. yah must push in one finger length... nope no lub de... just wash hands then put at the lips of the V area, feel feel a bit and push in.. then when its at the top hor, there is a place and it automatically went in... wah seh... so interesting.. 1st time I experienced this..


same pills but taken orally? my doc told me insert effect super fast and more effective.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good good.. at least u are doing well..

问题儿童 got something to ask:

If hor.. dunno that BFP already.. but then need to travel overseas, will affect much mah?


Eh I don't know if V dry how to insert wor.. but i think inside shld be a bit wet de bah... cause mine got CM so easier I think keke.. but the pills itself are sticky and they push themselves up the v area...


@ top will auto go in?

sounds really interesting le.

think insert tat is good, to ensure lining is strong n thick, as well as to prevent LPD too. :D

bbdust: cant remember is it the same. but then the shape look same wor. U scare me lor...1 moment I am thinking...whether i taken wrongly.

KNN contraction again!!!!

bbdust, yeah.. the inserted one has higher dose than the oral one.

gm, yeah. maybe getting that. How about monitoring ur bbt if u get any bbt difference and compared with ur opk results to form a statistic. Anyway good to see gynae to find out y also.....


yah it auto floats up... until I push to the end no where to push then suddenly I don't feel it le... must be stick to somewhere liao hahahaha

Yah it helps to thicken the lining and makes the lining super sticky for implantation and prevent LPD also.


hehe no lah ur doc must have tell u to take orally de.. I know there are different brands one.some can take orally some insert de... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but insert one is faster lah...

Alison - i caught you..mwahahahaha....you xiu my pigu..mwahahaha...

AWBB@24wks (awbb)

Advanced Member

Username: awbb

Post Number: 6061

Registered: 7-2008

Posted on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - 10:09 am:


KNN contraction again!!!!

Val: so funny leh...JP very sensitive to the word 'BD'...for u are all the flowery languages =P

Of cos must KNN la!!! my back hurts even when I sit then plus contractions...winnerz liaoz!


i cannot take BBT one.. cause everytime my alarm ring i will KC.. cause scare wake my dd up.. lolz....

ya... later i callin up KKH le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


er.. wait ur bb know hw to say then u faint ah.


hmm.. wonder if its ok to take anarex for headache?

or stick to normal panadol or panadol strong is ok?

Alison - lun lun lun....tomorrow see gynae liao...ask her why lor....advise is to speak hokkien...tell her which part of ur CB pain..mwahahaha....i think ur ah lao will blur lor.....speaking of JP...how come she today never come in ar???


more bbdust


I will be very busy now so I might be MIA but I am not BFP yet...muhahaha.. Cos yday my aunty hubby just pass away when he was working than my dept is moving to another floor by National Day which is less than 1 mth & I am to do it for 2 depts & I have a conference in Oct.... So I will be supper busy but if I BFP I will sure let u gals know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]}

hsien; mwhahaha hopefully he dun pick up the flowery languages. Aiyah I type nia...he cannot hear shhhh....

Val; dun think she understand hokkien. I think my dh understand better than her lor. wah lau...I hungry again!!! u see...JP gei siao nia...wan ppl to call her then she appear...VIP hor!?! *winkwink*

