(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


hee.. wont la.

guess will ttc at slower pace.

its more of the in-laws?

initially hint that, will only try when new hse here.

she remark saying no need wait so long.

the other time, was commenting current room too small to put baby cot.

she was saying, in the past, 4 of them squeeze into one bed.


she dun understand now and before are different?

yest she was telling my mom, i dun seems to put on weight coz eat so little rice.

but my mom tell her, no la, she put on weight le.. :p

i told my mil even my ahma think so.

think she remark, wah, ur ahma very new-thinking, prefer slim?

i was half-suspecting, she feel i eat so little thus yet preggy? -_-"

ai ~ lao ren jia always got the old mentality.. last time police wear shorts now wear pants leh *faints* and best is they always think we dont want kids???


scare when full-blown will dirty my dress? :p

though usually wont.

ya, guess shall resort to pantyliner later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


*hug* ignore the folks la. they like to tok rubbish all the time.

My mum so smart ask me to get a maid and when I give birth bring baby and maid over -_-". I shut her off say I dun see a pt got get a maid when I only hve ONE baby to manage. I dun hve the $$.

Then ytd, my aunt says she dun mind help me babysit! I think if my mum hear that she will b upset cos her ru yi thinking is being poured with a bucket of cold water...


I very upset over a saga that happened last Friday at work. Really wan to kill that colleague everytime I see her -_-".

Later still got business lunch and she is going. I going to lost my appetite.

Friday I was rushing board papers for a board meeting that is gng to happen tmr.

GCEO wrote a memo saying PAPERS MUST BE CIRCULATED TODAY (that is last fri la).

So the whole team working on making last admendment to the papers. I have to print and sort out in files. Then got this kuku keep saying "I spot another mistake... cn wait I go re-print"...

Then ard 2pm, my senior forwarded an email sent to her by one of my boss at 7am (who was in MEL that day). My boss was helping her boss to firm up meeting for UOB to meet with the Australia big bosses when he is there. He EMAILED my her at 7AM to ASK HER TO CONTACT UOB TO CONFIRM IF THE DATE AND TIME ARE FINE FOR THEM.

In her email, she says, "Liz I have been calling UOB but couldnt get them, please take over..." and she cc my boss.

I was like 0_0! come on u know I know I got Board papers to rush lo.

I called her to tell her I can only work on this after I sent out the board papers (which is work need to be done by another boss of mine).

Then guess wat she said... "Ah ya, I dun know what urgency ur boss has la. must get UOB today... anyway, u call and tell him lo..."

Smart le... ask me to de jiu my the other boss who is helpless alone in MEL...

u tell me... will angry anot? Please bear in mind the time diff btw SIN and MEL is +3hrs le!

Lucky after many tries, I finally got hold of the person in UOB.


I will be serious if I won the next big sweep or toto...

How can not work in SINGAPORE!

I so looking forward to the new budget tonight. Hope the government will give more $$ for mother to be. wahaha


The point is hor somemore can say something so nasty lo.

Anyway, I oso not a nice person to start with la. My boss got call me from MEL then I told him word by word what she said.

My boss was speechless.


Somemore, my boss emailed her at 7am le. She 2pm then forward the email to me...

I not toilet cleaner lo. Clean her shit for her. Bit*h.

Liz, haha.. i also looking forward...

but i find sg news damm slow lor.. now then say tiger yr birth rate drops further.. duhz.. now to end of tiger yr left abt 2 mths.. limited time to increase lor..


FYI - my nose bleed that day somemore!

one colleague knew abt this still can joke n say next time nose bleed go to her seat and show her... make her guilty... wahaha.


I think the gov got to be educated that not NOBODY WAN TO GIVE BIRTH IN YR OF TIGER is that is OUR BODY ABLE TO DO IT ANOT.

So many of us here wan tiger baby but body need time and some needs medicate help to conceive. Where the $$ come from?

Morning all..how the CNY? I personally feel like this year so sian not really got the mood cos i do not need to give ang pao as my grandma passed away still less than a year .Aiyo two more weeks to work and my uniform still so tight.Haiz fat liao...

morning candice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy cny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how's ur CNY?


All in all. I think I have to slow down my working pace. Think when my workload increase I will nose bleed.

Hai. My baby really know how to make my life diffcult.

Anyway, I gog to see baby this Thur again! so happy. Cos 3 weeks no see. I still tell DH I sudden wonder if bb is still inside me... wahaha.

Hello everyone!!

Budget later will start at 330pm.

Hope got good news. I hoping they give more leaves for Husband for maternity. Kekekke

starlight, hahaha! waiting waiting..

we need someone to update us if there is any good news during the budget.. i hope that will get more medisave deductions in hospital bills!

ok... im going to my very sucky lunch.


I am putting on weight cos of all these expensive lunch invite... faint.


keke good mah got exp lunch invite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u put on weight will go to bb de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


its normal to put on weight during pregrancy.But don't eat for two. Just enough bao can liao_Or else very diffcult to lose weight after pregrancy. Haiz i guess during pregrancy i eat too much fried food liao now still 7kg to go even i still breastfeeding.Haiz

bbdust, got.. me around.. hehe.. had your lunch already?

bubbleling, just keep my fingers crossed.. hehe..

hsien, ya.. usually it's the in-laws lo. but during CNY, alot of ppl kept saying should have 2nd one already.. then like you, it's like not that don't want to have, already tried liao but not yet come mah. haiz.

erm.. but sorry to say, i think your mil abit shallow to say that eating little=no baby. i have a friend who is skinny, eats little and had twin boys lo.

but since they are our elders, we just listen and let them be cos most of the time they still rigid and do not understand.

for me, the best way to tell my in-laws something is through my DH lo. if they asked anything or say anything that i do not agree, i won't respond them directly one, i will tell my hubby and if he agrees with me, he will tell his mum/dad(usually mum la). but i guess i'm pretty lucky that my in-laws still not that bad la. once my hubby told them something, they won't say further liao.



now feeling heavy there le.

so consider as cd1! hee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


but u have #1 le. so hack care when they ask for #2 la. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no la. she din say that.

but being trad thinking, she might think n feel eat so little, not healthy, hard to conceive ba.

but i hack care. :p

my in-laws are nice. they dun ask me direct de.


anyway, yes, best let the hub to handle. we jus keep quiet n act blur. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

