(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


there is 2 schools of tot.


1)Both lines just as intense - then its considered OPK positive.

2) Swimmers take 12 hrs to reach egg

3) this OPK sensitivity is suitable for u

1st school of tot:

Then 1st rule is when your OPK is positive - you will ovulate within 12-36 hrs.

2nd school of tot: (usually when 1st fails for u)

you could be ovulating as & when your opk is positive - hormones slow to reach pee to make opk appear positive.

Action required:

1st school of tot once you OPK positive, BD within 12 hrs, then again 2 days later (or 24 hrs later)

when 1st school of tot fails

action required - as maybe you call into category 2. - BD as soon as you get light pink line.

more explaination of 2nd school of tot.

these opks we use - you can tell

OPK clear

Light PINK


Light PINK

OPK clear

Time frame could be 1 day each light, to dark to light over 3 days possible.

so if u fall into general category 1, DAY 2 OPK dark considered OPK positive - Baby dance within 12 hrs & again 24 hrs after 1st BD (baby dance)

if u fall into 2nd category - as soon as u see light pink - BD as soon as possible.

Further studies : (to confuse u even more or if u follow)

If you belong to category 2 - try 1 day before OPK dark for boy. & 2 days before OPK dark for girl. (BBP & I happen to fall into category 2 & we followed this mtd - from our last 2-3 scans - its correct - WORTH a try la)

Yoyoyo...Ur fighting for Zero huh?

Rabbit, I dun fight for zero de...Just remember to give me $1000 when u win Toto Group 3 and above okie? Whahah....:p

blurlet already given coffee right or forgot to ar? Haha so forgetful.

Ok double 0. Previously someone mentioned its possible to 0 twice. One egg each i think from left an right ovary. Its usually within 24 hrs which can prolong the number of days opk possitive and dark pink longer.

This in theory is possible this maybe giving someone

lite pink

dark pink

pink or dark pink

dark pink

lite pink

lite pink or faint pink

over a longer number iof days

Morning hsien bbdust n Vic ma! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning rabbit! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning vic ma! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


whether starlight gg to give birth soon?

as she has lost her mucus plug?

As for kk,

waiting for her to announce good news lor.. :p

btw, Ren Ri Kuai Le! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tigerbb, ohhh.. i must have lost track abt the conversation yesterday.. haha..

i doing some housework and baby stuffs planning.. keke..



yest u too busy with work le.

btw, sians.. has some spotting.

guess this month no chance.

maybe shall take a rest for 1-2mths ba.



ya, short break sounds good, away from the ttc stress hor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello all!!!

Hsien, can understand how u feel? Yesterday morning, Hubby n I tried.. Also feel stressful leh.. Haiz.. But not giving up still 1 more cycle before end of this year..

CD15 twice positive OPK, once noon once night. CD16 temp still low. Today CD17, at 1am, OPK shows a faint line n this morning temp rise by 0.2.. Think ovulated yesterday... Now 2ww?? So sian of BFN...

hi cheri!

now starting for u, so chances are high!

rem to take ur FA daily hor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you!


I just got home.

Doc say no bleeding and contraction is okay.

Scheduled c-sect date is set on 10th March. 18 more days to go.. Baby 2.9kg already. Heh heh


counting down to 18days...

very fast le.

2week + nia.

so for now, enjoy cold drinks since confinement cant have any hor. hee. :p


baby is coming [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] counting down for you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies!

its Sun!


busy cooking in FB

so pop in here. but doubt there's anyone here la. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Letting go my TTC Package, interested PM/EMAIL me

I`ve graduated and striked only using 2 tubes of preseed.. thus im letting go all of these things..

preseed is a lubricant that mimics ur cervical mucus and allows the sperms mobility and makes it last longer, as it comes with 6 tubes, one tube useone time, i striked within 2 tubes and most ppl use within 1-5tubes and strike.

bought preseed at 35.95, and i left 4 tubes, originally 6 tubes , Letting go at $23.90

Brand new clearblue ovulation pack, still in packing and the plastic wrap nv open before.. retail 71.50, Letting Go at $60

One clearblue digital, used one piece.. left one piece.. original 30.45.. letting go at $15

And if u help me clear all i will throw in about 10 or more of all the ovulation strips as well as 1-2 pregnancy strips i left

morning ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

its Mon!

but still CNY..

Yest weigh myself.. sians.. gain 1 kg sia.

got to go exercise to trim off the excess (3kg to trim?)

Else will just keep on piling! :p

morning hsien [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gained 1kg okie wor.. just take it as a new year treat since u have been very disclipined.


but i only had like.. steamboat numerous times?

had not tasted bak kwa much wor.

yes, i'm so disciplined!

guess if i took sugared drinks, i might pile on more!

hee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah loh if u take sugary drinks u will pile on more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u really disciplined leh.. go bkt timah hill during weekends loh.. i m pretty sure can slim down quite fast de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh how's ur checkup yest?


haa.. jus a consultation la.

was thinking did i went for any checkup then i realise u referring to tcm.. :p

same lor.

given med when AF arrives.

so now waiting game... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

guess today ba. hmm...


no worries.. jus try again lor.

jus that, if try now, will be dec bb wor.

hmm.. see how ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


its early dec.. so chance of hitting xmas abit impossible.

unless this mth i dun try.. try the following cycle then maybe? :p

but hor.. see how.

somehow, dun prefer yr end bb.. as feel they might lose out more in terms of learning?

but ya, i think too far, too much le. :p


haa.. those born in same yr but in jan, has 11mth of learning capability as compared to those born in dec?

but then again, such will only be apparent in initial years.

subsequently, will equal out de.

so, ya, i think too much, too far. :p


really ah.. i dont think so lah.. my brother is born last day of dec and he is super in his studies kkeek always get scholarship de ... not true lah


then good, prove my theory not accurate. :p

coz i rem someone mention to me abt this.

but ya.. see how.

quite sians to try?

though the in-laws somehow starts to stress on this?



not ur theory lah keke its other people who told u de... but then i dont think the theory is accurate keke depends on individual bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ur in law starting liao? Oh Oh


indirectly? :p

my fil likes to play with kids.

even though its someone he dun know.

but some parents wont like it ma.

my mil was telling us,

on sat, my mil was telling him off saying not nice to do that, want play with kids/babies, ask ur dil to give birth.

then my fil mentioned she dun want i also cant force her.

either she just recounting to us her day's stuffs, else dropping obvious hint?

but hor, its not i dun wan ma..

Have to see timing.

Also due to some family issue (she shld understand de), i can only really start ttc in Nov? (though on-off try since Sep? )

Nov till now, not very long right?


morn all... not to late to wish everyone here Happy Chinese New Year right? =)

havent been here in a while... been trying to clear work

hsien, dun stress ok... if u r still bothered by what ur inlaws said, try to get ur hubby to talk to them.

